Reviews 5 Approval 94%
Soundoffs 4 Album Ratings 641 Objectivity 76%
Last Active 11-14-22 11:53 pm Joined 11-14-12
Review Comments 2,747
 | fr33convict don't mind me, just admiring the dw kit in your profile picture.
 | Emyay its all good bro i saw you responded. i'm very sporadic with my sput usage, so i just wanted to make sure my true intentions got through. i know you weren't really pissed or anything
 | tempest-- Quickly whipped this up, it doesn't really sit right, but it's almost 4:30 in the morning. If you want a better one, just shoutbox me again, I'll do it tomorrow :-]
 | OmairSh Yo you might enjoy my latest list