Miloslaw Archibald Rugallini

Reviews 54
Soundoffs 21
Album Ratings 2518
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 01-19-23 9:21 pm
Joined 06-19-19

Review Comments 3,073

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  • ArsMoriendi Check Funkentelechy Vs. the Placebo Syndrome maybe
    July 23 03:38 AM
  • AsleepInTheBack Unless you still have 50 albums hidden under that blouse of yours I am GAINING you better be worried sun son sonne
    June 8 07:35 PM
  • AsleepInTheBack Deal! Though f uck I?m in danger lol in sitting on zero fresh albums that I haven?t rated
    April 23 06:02 AM
  • AsleepInTheBack Race to 3k buckeroo?
    April 21 11:58 AM
  • anat submit
    April 5 03:04 PM

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