fuck yea new wind recordings

Soundoffs 5
Album Ratings 0
Last Active 11-05-19 3:24 am
Joined 06-06-19

Review Comments 829

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DSBM-era Aerosmith,

MELONADE13 has not rated any albums yet

shoutbox » all posts 
  • SoySeason Hey hi hello
    December 1 02:16 AM
  • botb Torn Apart were p solid. Baltimore had so many cool bands for so long idk what happened to them over the past couple years
    November 8 02:28 PM
  • unclereich Back when you still had your foreskin
    November 7 01:10 PM
  • unclereich
    November 7 01:06 PM
  • ian b honestly i fully understand and respect that take, i'm just a ****ed up and lethargic insane person and i essentially i dug it for all of those reasons and more lmfao
    November 6 08:37 PM

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