
Reviews 8
Approval 89%

Soundoffs 117
News Articles 5
Band Edits + Tags 19
Album Edits 133

Album Ratings 1128
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 05-12-17 8:43 pm
Joined 08-05-12

Review Comments 3,612

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  • Sevengill ayyy I went on an Enslaved kick earlier this year. didn't hit ALL the albums, but definitely got a better feel for their evolution and highlights. Frost and Axioma are my faves.
    July 18 08:31 PM
  • Sevengill fam I'm in a creative rut and feeling pretty depresso but a big Summoning binge is keeping me functional, how about you?
    July 18 01:33 PM
  • bellovddd if it doesn't sound like Hawthorne Heights - I'm out.
    June 16 11:30 PM
  • bellovddd cant say i've heard too much post-techdeath lol
    June 16 11:23 PM
  • Flugmorph wait im not interested in joining any discords lol
    June 14 08:26 PM

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