ToSmokMuzyki laughing dumbass September 10 01:31 PM
DePlazz Hey man, dunno. Ratings aren't primarily/necessarily about objective value, there's plenty of irrationality involved. With me as with many other users here, it's about how much you enjoy an album. I simply don't enjoy By Inheritance as much as some other users do. Hell it gets even worse if you check my Heathen ratings lol. But I often reassess things as well so my ratings evolve and fluctuate over time, so there is hope... January 28 03:17 PM
Spaten Hey, I only just saw your message. My tag is Spaten#2484, although I hardly ever play August 10 09:57 AM
Valkoor952 18, v sputnik nqma momicheta taka che :dV Sofiq. November 22 10:50 AM
Valkoor952 Za drugi ne znam, chudeh se za misho87 ama taka i ne mi otgovori. A otnosno muzikata ne slusham mnogo mnogo BG muzika taka che tam ne znam ;D November 20 11:19 PM