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Last Active 09-10-22 3:20 pm
Joined 03-31-13

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  • Jurtz Based Brat rating
    June 19 12:16 PM
  • DaveyMonsoon Yeah, it was pretty rad! Really love that style of melodeath. Thanks for reminding me to get to it ah ha.
    March 12 01:08 AM
  • DaveyMonsoon Oh man, good to see you gave it a shot at least! Seems like you still got something out of it. I still have to check that Centinex album you reminded me of soon. I've been meaning to get to it sometime!
    January 24 03:52 AM
  • DaveyMonsoon Oh yeah, I vaguely remember skimming over it while going through things to listen to. I'll definitely be sure to check it!
    December 23 08:28 AM
  • DaveyMonsoon Hey Kusangii! I found something on my meloblack binge you would probably dig. Check Evanescent Soul's Observatory from Tyrannical Ages. It's gothic-tinged symphonic prog meloblack/death. Fairly obscure too, thankfully I managed to find a single upload of it on YouTube. Definitely look into it if it sounds interesting to you!
    December 22 09:21 PM

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