
Soundoffs 32
Album Ratings 845
Objectivity 80%

Last Active 09-19-19 8:43 pm
Joined 09-18-19

Review Comments 43

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  • kildare I'm happy to keep talking on the Onslaught, but you're last comment might/probably will encourage readers to check out the album even more than my actual review, so I wanted to give you the last word. Not blowing you off, tho
    July 26 09:24 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki no therion it has a big snekky snek
    July 16 05:17 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki listening to leviathan rn its actually p good
    July 16 02:35 PM
  • rockarollacola schleem
    July 16 07:18 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki hmm hmm u ever listen to latter therion? they goin full opera and its kind of mid but may also bedazzle ur jimmies listenin to sitra ahra atm
    July 16 02:50 AM

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