
Reviews 6
Approval 93%

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Album Edits 6

Album Ratings 2080
Objectivity 70%

Last Active 05-07-21 1:32 pm
Joined 09-22-09

Review Comments 14,963

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  • ToSmokMuzyki u a birb
    July 14 12:42 AM
  • Sowing Will do! I've gotten a bit behind but plan on revisiting the list soon. Hope you're doing well.
    April 9 10:27 PM
  • YoYoMancuso i think i just found your post rock playlist lol
    February 5 04:29 PM
  • Sowing Oh hell naw. I've been listening to Jet and Wolfmother since I was in high school, I just forgot to rate them. I know they're both derivative acts but they're too much fun not to rate highly.
    January 21 01:36 PM
  • Sowing Thanks, that means a lot. My whole family is ok so far (knock on wood), hope you can say the same and that your health remains intact!
    April 20 06:27 PM

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