gabba Yeah I was serious, thanks for the rec! Honestly I haven't heard of them until very recently, and there seems to be some controversy around them, hence I asked. Will check soon! December 6 08:44 AM
Sowing I really appreciate that. I'm doing well overall... thanks for reading and I'm excited to see how your list shapes up! December 3 07:36 PM
LucretiaMyReflection Will do! We do most of our social media stuff on Instagram but I?ll make sure to post something here when we hit the road a little more next year December 1 11:04 PM
LucretiaMyReflection Hey thank you for checking us out and really happy you enjoy it. We?ve played Chicago twice and both times were fantastic. We did a little tour in Spring 2023 and played at Savemore Lounge and then earlier this year at Tivoli Bowl in Downer?s Grove. We would love to come back up to Chicago. We?ve made a lot of friends at those 2 shows! December 1 07:42 PM
Pikazilla Believe it or not, it's a sput user album! December 1 06:06 PM