
Reviews 2
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Soundoffs 36
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Band Edits + Tags 5
Album Edits 17

Album Ratings 204
Objectivity 57%

Last Active 07-07-13 10:49 pm
Joined 12-01-12

Review Comments 3,123

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  • luci torrent off private tracker :x it should be circulating rn
    April 29 06:08 PM
  • granitenotebook i'm sorry that's happening to you. i wish you the best.
    January 29 10:43 PM
  • granitenotebook hey i saw your comment on my julien baker review. i know this is months later, but are you doing better? pibolar made a good comment saying what I would say, but in case you've forgotten by now, you are important and it gets better, i promise.
    January 7 01:59 AM
  • Toondude10 figured you would be interested in this https://www.goldenmp3.ru/the-mercury-tree/permutations
    July 23 12:09 PM
  • onionbubs Thanks man! Yeah, the one thing i knew about this record when it was announced was that it wouldn't be on the same level as the first, but i wouldn't hold that against the album. How could they recapture that magic all this time later? That being said. I liked the two songs released (especially give me the gun), so i'm pretty excited to hear it. I'm going into it with the mindset i did going into mbv, the first my bloody valentine since 1991
    October 1 01:43 PM

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