Reviews 12 Approval 97%
Soundoffs 1 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 21 Album Edits 6
Album Ratings 4414 Objectivity 95%
Last Active 11-05-19 3:07 pm Joined 02-10-13
Review Comments 582
 | Britch2tiger Hey stranger, I viewed your ratings for jazz. Considering you've listed so many, I was wondering if you can aid me in answering this question:What are some qualities of "good" jazz albums?
 | DirtyDan Hey man. Didn't mean to steal your name or anything so hopefully no hard feelings. Btw you have a pretty good taste in music
 | Necrotica Hey man, I think it's great that you decided to join this site. We need more strong writers like you to come to the fold, so keep up the good work :)
 | demigod! hmm, dont really know what to say other than there were a few run-on sentences that could've easily been either shortened or seperated into others with the same effect. i've only written 5 reviews in the three years i've been here, so i'm probably not that helpful, sorry. I'd ask one of the contributing reviewers.
 | Gnocchi Yeah I got one coming, as well as BMTH, and the bulk of this list: