
Reviews 1
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 10
News Articles 1
Band Edits + Tags 4
Album Edits 8

Album Ratings 1597
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 07-14-22 9:06 am
Joined 12-17-13

Review Comments 652

musical taste

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  • pizzamachine Damn that sucks, oh well, probably cant hurt to look
    August 9 01:29 PM
  • pizzamachine Storm{O} is an instant 5 man, thanks
    August 7 07:06 PM
  • Jom You should be all set, cheers! You may need to log out, clear the site's cookies/cache, and then let our servers refresh before Trane makes its way to the reviews site. The change is instantaneous on the forums. All best wishes!
    July 14 06:16 PM
  • CugnoBrasso Wow, so good to hear that I turned you into a Picchio dal pozzo fanboy! Sputnik votes sometimes have this weird tendency to converge into some random center of gravity, but we can break the curse!
    May 9 10:49 AM
  • Pikazilla Sounds like old school melodeath, pretty cool!
    January 26 02:41 AM

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