Reviews 7 Approval 83%
Soundoffs 14 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 22 Album Edits 30
Album Ratings 490 Objectivity 68%
Last Active 07-09-20 5:16 pm Joined 05-13-13
Review Comments 2,544
| Feather Didn?t mean to come at your DGD opinions bud! We actually have real similar music taste in a lot of areas. I just can?t get behind dgds last couple nearly as much as everything prior. I still enjoy it though
| Dewinged Hey dude. I'll add your brother's album in my weekly list if you want. Is he releasing by himself or label?
| Conmaniac her vox are def better live, they come off as weird sometimes on that album. still glad ya dug all that
| Conmaniac ayy glad to see that 4.5 for Alter :Dalso thx for checking Shady Bug
| Sunnyvale Yeah, I've heard of Pedro The Lion before, never listened to them though. May have to change that. And yeah, synths generally aren't really my thing but they work so well on that album.