
Reviews 64
Approval 83%

Soundoffs 55
News Articles 24
Band Edits + Tags 9
Album Edits 39

Album Ratings 2069
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 06-30-16 7:24 pm
Joined 05-13-08

Review Comments 8,079

musical taste

Currently Digging:
The Hope Conspiracy

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  • Satellite i'm alright. i'm working from home and so deprived of human interaction that i came back here.
    May 18 06:20 PM
  • Satellite hey man! haven't seen you around these parts in a while. hope all is well down there.
    May 18 03:58 PM
  • mynameischan ok i suppose, i'm an essential worker so i'm still goin' out. also in my last semester of school. sounds like your FL quarantine might soon be over lol
    April 22 10:06 PM
  • mynameischan Same, bud. You still in Florida?
    April 22 02:25 PM
  • Xenophanes Glad to hear you?re well, bud. For me, Post-Facebook life has been really good tbh?new job, got married last weekend. Honestly Mezz is the only thing I miss from Facebook, so if you?re still part of that send my regards
    October 22 01:55 PM

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