Mateo Ottie

Reviews 32
Soundoffs 35
Album Ratings 907
Objectivity 83%

Last Active 10-20-22 6:28 am
Joined 09-19-19

Review Comments 165

musical taste

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Sowing fantasy draft 6pm EST today
    August 28 12:08 PM
  • Sowing Hello! Congrats on the promotion. Please shoutbox me an email address that I can send your contributor forum invitation to (I'll remove the shout once I send the email). Thank you!
    February 3 07:11 PM
  • Manatea If I applied for trib you better too. Far more deserved.
    January 26 08:05 AM
  • Lichtmensch Hello there
    January 19 03:09 PM
  • Lucman Yeah man, it's absolutely fantastic! I always get excited about a new Switchfoot record, despite Native Tongue being a huge letdown for me, but this one blew away expectations.
    August 20 08:15 AM

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