Freddy Thomas

Reviews 6
Approval 77%

Soundoffs 45
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 12
Album Edits 27

Album Ratings 735
Objectivity 89%

Last Active 12-10-19 1:11 am
Joined 02-22-08

Review Comments 733

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  • AnotherBrick add The Mayan Factor to that list of yours. They are similar to those on the list. You'll love them.
    August 8 06:06 PM
  • tiesthatbind Aha, nice. I love that album, it's become a recent favorite of mine. Glad to see you enjoyed it as well.
    April 7 06:44 PM
  • motocross 13 is a good album, you just have s*** taste in music
    April 5 04:00 PM
  • tiesthatbind Oh yeah, I suppose if you want the physical albums they would be tough to find, especially since they never really hit it too big. I just figured they would fit your tastes, cause although you listen to a lot more stuff we seem to have similar tastes as far as hard rock goes. And Blackbird is my personal favorite album.
    February 14 09:45 PM
  • tiesthatbind I got a rec for you, if you're big on Shinedown and Alter Bridge, you should check out Ra if you haven't. From One is their best album. You should like the style of their singer if you like Brent Smith and Myles Kennedy.
    February 14 08:23 PM

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