
Reviews 47
Approval 79%

Soundoffs 529
News Articles 8
Band Edits + Tags 6
Album Edits 21

Album Ratings 1389
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 12-13-16 4:55 am
Joined 06-07-09

Review Comments 5,098

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o u no teh skramz n stuff, nickelback, brokencyde, millionaires, attack attack!,

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  • zaruyache pijn, like the bird.
    June 27 03:36 AM
  • Blaidd What?
    May 27 07:31 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki lol its neither here nor there to me but its pretty funny agreed
    April 20 05:05 AM
  • StonedManatee Hey, I am sorry. That was really immature of me. I would love to smoke a bowl with you if you wanted? I do love Electric Wizard. I was being a major ****ing ****.
    April 9 08:37 PM
  • Hawks Thanks buddy!!
    March 14 06:20 PM

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