
Reviews 12
Approval 71%

Soundoffs 13
Album Ratings 556
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 10-15-19 8:48 pm
Joined 05-15-14

Review Comments 205

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  • zakalwe Did you add Shack to the database? Cool.
    March 5 11:52 AM
  • SAPoodle I'll be the guy to come out and say that I really don't think your Mount Eerie review is all that bad. Certainly not deserving of the 23 downvotes it's gotten
    March 28 11:32 AM
  • Deathconscious one of the worst reviews ive seen in a long time, congrats.
    March 25 08:50 PM
  • manosg If you want your review to bed, go to the forums and ask for it. Just paste the link of the review and ask to bed. Here's the link of the forums:
    March 14 06:29 PM

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