Noam Chomsky

Reviews 4
Approval 83%

Soundoffs 9
Album Ratings 1788
Objectivity 64%

Last Active 10-05-21 12:08 pm
Joined 02-25-16

Review Comments 1,115

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  • budgie *farts on u
    June 5 11:49 PM
  • Dedes My dude you ever jam new Sulphur Aeon
    October 18 01:31 AM
  • Dedes yo jam Tomarum you'd prolly dig them. Meloblack meets Fallujah meets something slightly dissonant. Also ive prolly mentioned this before but ur name rules.
    July 13 04:35 AM
  • BookoftheFallen 2. Copyright
    April 18 12:16 AM
  • normaloctagon sounds hot tbh
    June 22 09:20 PM

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