
Reviews 9
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 12
News Articles 12
Band Edits + Tags 5
Album Edits 6

Album Ratings 294
Objectivity 61%

Last Active 11-02-21 10:14 pm
Joined 09-16-05

Review Comments 6,283

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  • ANJ45 liked your sonata review! Also, kickass icon. XD
    March 17 07:54 PM
  • Ire Ire Write Syns Not Tragedies
    August 26 08:27 AM
  • ipunchscenekids Oh hey musical neighbor / commentor
    July 26 12:52 AM
  • maidenpmcc I'm seeing Maiden for the 3rd time this summer in Dublin, can't bloody wait man. Heaven and Hell were supposed to be special guests but you already know about Dio dying. It still hasn't been announced yet who's gonna be filling in, Dream Theater can't because they are going to be with Maiden on the american leg of the tour and not the european leg. Any predictions?
    May 27 11:01 PM
  • ShadowRemains yay listening to Damage Inc. right now, win
    May 18 04:56 AM

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