
Reviews 3
Approval 60%

Soundoffs 96
Album Ratings 84
Objectivity 88%

Last Active 07-24-22 5:17 pm
Joined 04-05-10

Review Comments 2,584

musical taste

shoutbox » all posts 
  • GiaNXGX indian women are sexy if you?re an indian girl lets drink some peach vodka
    May 30 06:42 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell i cannot pierre menard my way to koto level unfort hmm alternative strategies?
    May 19 12:59 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell i need one new song for my album and it must be high tempo what should i do will u rate my tracklist (of track names!!)
    May 19 12:51 PM
  • bighubbabuddha aww what a qyoot bunny rabb--ARGH! GAAAAAH, NOOOOO [2]
    May 19 12:00 PM
  • GiaNXGX Why did u turn off the rym shoutbox! :(
    May 6 01:30 AM

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