
Reviews 10
Approval 79%

Soundoffs 25
Album Ratings 561
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 11-25-15 2:30 pm
Joined 10-14-08

Review Comments 4,651

musical taste

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Smashing Pumpkins, Weezer (blue album),

shoutbox » all posts 
  • FearThyEvil I actually found the clip. Very interesting
    October 22 08:28 PM
  • FearThyEvil I saw your post on Lateralus about the sample that The Faceless use as well. It's from a guy calling a new's network explaining everything you hear. There's a clip of it somewhere on youtube but I don't remember where I saw it. Pretty interesting and somewhat disturbing clip.
    October 20 05:12 AM
  • theBlackWidow You are the only person I know of that likes you know anything on the band? Like any projects after or anything?
    December 4 04:05 AM
  • seedofnothing she is the definition of beauty, back in the days when beautiful women actually existed
    November 28 05:32 AM
  • seedofnothing love ur avatar bro
    November 27 03:40 AM

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