
Reviews 28
Approval 90%

Soundoffs 546
News Articles 33
Band Edits + Tags 197
Album Edits 289

Album Ratings 3567
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 07-29-22 5:45 pm
Joined 05-04-12

Review Comments 6,180

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  • chemicalmarriage A personal comp between all that other stuff you have goin is incredibly generous. You are the type of dude I hope succeeds in music to be able to support yourself and your people. Keep me posted
    May 17 01:33 AM
  • chemicalmarriage Your output is insane man! Just dropping in to request a comp of your favorites from the span of your discog. Thought it would be a cool release. If not no worries and keep creating!
    May 16 04:44 PM
  • bighubbabuddha you have some of the best taste on sput, heres a cookie
    October 30 05:23 PM
  • CaptainDooRight Yo! Good! Chillin! Hbu?? Yeah I peeped it. I gotta get a few more watches in but I?m for a loss of words. It feels very unique from anything I?ve seen. Super cool vibes and dare I say it had some matrix vibes too? Tbh I?m still processing what I?ve just witnessed
    August 31 07:26 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell yo AOA finally have a sput page!
    February 23 02:18 AM

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