Sputnik\'s Go-To Doom/Stoner/Sludge Guy

Reviews 13
Approval 94%

Soundoffs 12
Album Ratings 2091
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 07-28-20 11:12 pm
Joined 09-11-17

Review Comments 1,079

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smók up bitches gimme the blâze,

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  • ToSmokMuzyki ha and HA
    April 16 07:06 AM
  • rellik009 yo man you good?
    December 15 11:22 PM
  • xxm Thank you for that Psychosexual review.
    August 5 05:08 PM
  • Darius The Imposter It's ok man. No worries
    November 16 12:54 AM
  • Darius The Imposter Was that a joke lol, i srsly don't remember that but I wouldn't put it past myself to actually post it, some of my older posts are yikes man
    November 16 12:35 AM

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