Soundoffs 3 Album Ratings 717 Objectivity 81%
Last Active 02-19-20 12:55 pm Joined 01-12-16
Review Comments 73
The Unguided, Eluveitie, Kvelertak, Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, Ulver, Borknagar, Ramones, Death, Triptykon, Kings of Leon, Regina Spektor, Fiddler's Green,
 | Agonba I think its even with LAL, it has some really great songs (Deaths Sting, Legendary). But the new singer isn't on the same level as Roland was. Or maybe i have to give him some time to prove himself. anyway, im really looking forward to see the guys live on saturday
 | Stargazer777 Sweeeet ;) So would you say that it's better than their previous album lust and loathing?
 | Agonba my record store already got it last friday
 | Stargazer777 Omg how did u listen to the new unguided cd so early?