
Soundoffs 46
Album Ratings 4973
Objectivity 82%

Last Active 05-16-14 3:23 pm
Joined 02-07-14

Review Comments 832

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  • SlothcoreSam New Stomach book is great
    March 3 12:18 AM
  • Mort. no problem fam glad you enjoy it
    July 16 05:21 PM
  • iamSeraph I love you. Thx. Cu )
    May 10 09:21 PM
  • Hospital Yes mate! The entire album! Are you of age? We should have a drink man
    November 13 02:04 PM
  • stuck_in_decades Was going to comment on your last list, but saw it was a couple weeks old and didn't feel like bumping an old list so I'll just say it here; great taste man.
    September 23 06:30 PM

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