| Full Review | Ratings (4277) |
Give your Rating |
5.0 classic | MyRamona | June 27th 06 | Weezers self-titled debut is a true alternative masterpiece. Euphoric upbeat punk songs such as 'surf wax america' and 'no one else' give a direct punch to the listener with fast catchy powerchord progressions. 'Buddy Holly' and 'My name is Jonas' prove to be the bounciest rock-outs of all time, with the softer tracks such as 'The world has turned' and 'In the garage' add to the nerd rock/ originality and alternativeness of the album. 'Say it ain't so' and 'the sweater song' are true weezer masterpieces, complete with clangy clean guitars and fabulous memorable solos. Blue can even boast the 7 minute epic 'only in dreams' as a closer. The Blue album is the essential album.
8 Bumps | Bump |
3.0 good | Zmev | October 12th 06 | "My Name is Overhyped Average CD With Some Alright Songs That Get Old After Awhile and That Don't Have A lot of Replay Value" is more like it!
7 Bumps | Bump |
4.0 excellent | gmang | July 5th 13 | Amazes me to no end that this has no ratings of 1 or 1.5, even none from trolls, and it truly deserves it.
3 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | Ficus | June 21st 06 | When one describes a perfect album, many words come to mind. Amazing. Emotional. Moving. Weezer's eponymous debut album (dubbed the Blue Album by fans) fits all these criteria and more. From the pounding opener ("My Name is Jonas"") to the dreamy closer ("Only in Dreams"), the album is fantastic from start to finish. In between there are crunchy pop songs ("Buddy Holly"), emotionally fueled gems ("Say It Ain't So"), and songs about just living a care-free life, surfing ("Surf Wax America"). And who could forget the ode to dungeons and dragons and nerdiness in general ("In the Garage"). Influenced heavily by the Pixies and the Cars (hell, the Cars' Ric Ocasek produced the album), Rivers & company created a masterpiece that would carve Weezer a significant niche in the world of alternative rock. If only their post-Pinkerton work could say the same.
2 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | Chromatic | November 8th 14 | This album was the first Weezer album I had ever listened to, and it remains one of my favorite albums to date. The Blue Album's brilliant blend of grunge, alternative, and pop makes this for an excellent listen. The choruses are catchy, and the guitars shred. Highly recommended listen for anyone.
1 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | chicagowillbeours | December 22nd 11 | This album is, in my opinion, Weezer's magnum opus. You can't not enjoy "Buddy Holly", you can't not finish "No One Else", you can't not shout "LET'S GO" at the end of "Surf Wax America"... Words just cannot express... It's a great ride from start to finish.
1 Bumps | Bump |
5.0 classic | Crymsonblaze | July 14th 11 | This might be the catchiest album of all time. Complete with Beach Boys harmonies and Rivers' least direct lyrics of his whole career, this album is impossible not to love.
1 Bumps | Bump |
3.5 great | YeahYeahYeah | March 2nd 11 | Let’s face it, 1994 was a perplexing year in music. With Generation X still obsessing over the ever-nearing self-destruction of grunge, while narrowly worshiping their unofficial spokesperson Kurt Cobain and his growing, even if not entirely intended popularity in the music community. We rejoiced in his ruinous disheartenment and anger, clamoring to him like seagulls in a trash yard, as if we knew it wouldn’t last.
And last it did not. With Cobain’s untimely death on April 8, the devastation of which spelled an almost certain doom over the music industry trying desperately to replace the idol of a generation.
Reluctant to take on another basket case like Cobain, the music industry began to heavily promote alternative music. Bands like Green Day and The Offspring offered a punk/alternative fusion where The Smashing Pumpkins made epic layers of guitars and raging solos. Despite their differences, all of these bands still had one thing in common; they were still holding on to the thematic direction of grunge, anguish. Then along came Weezer.
Signed to Nirvana’s same label, David Geffen Records, Weezer released their eponymous first album -the first of three, this one being code named “Blue”- in May of 94 and offered a very different idea of alternative music. Whereas other alternative acts looked and sounded like Rock Stars, Weezer looked like nerds, but that rare variety of nerds; happy ones.
From the first seconds of the opening track, “My Name is Jonas” Weezer was a different album from its competitors by beginning with an acoustic guitar. Recorded by Cars producer, Ric Ocasek, much of the album has the same thick Butch Vigg-wall-of-guitar sound that Nevermind and Siamese Dream featured, but without the screeching vocals, and in its place, beautifully piled harmonies or singer and chief songwriter Rivers Cuomo’s sweet, almost brittle croon.
Given its guitar-driven production style, Weezer was sonically similar to many bands of the time, yet it was with Cuomo’s lyrics that they were separable. Where other bands lyrically recalled nostalgia with a despairing dagger, Cuomo reminisced with a homesick adoration and an extended hand. In the more melancholy arrangements such as “The World Has Turned and Left Me Here” and “Say it Ain’t So,” the messages are of love, an unwillingness to let go of his golden-age, even though she might have split his heart in two.
What differentiated Weezer most from their depressive alternative counterparts was their unabashed geekiness. Trivial songs such as “Surf Wax America” and “Buddy Holly” with its practically inane chorus almost chanting, “I look just like Buddy Holly, and you’re Mary Tyler Moore” make it difficult not to want to smile and hug Cuomo for being so damn endearing.
1 Bumps | Bump |
0.0 | ToneMisfit932 | April 26th 21 | It is a good album, but giving it a 5 is maybe too much. It could use some improvements here and there.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Introu1 | August 19th 20 | After my second listen, i can finnally say that this album is a masterpiece all the way threw. Each song is a bangner, it finish on a superb song, Only in Dreams. Its insane how the manage to have this album compare to the rest of their discographie 4,8/5
Bump |
4.0 excellent | charlopiano | July 14th 20 | It's so easy to understand how much of a classic this album has become. It might be one of the finest debut albums ever.
Bump |
3.5 great | MisterDoe | May 5th 20 | Although the awkward guy with no girlfriend routine has been done to death, it has never been done this well or with this much self-awareness and quotability.
Bump |
5.0 classic | IsildursBane44 | April 2nd 20 | One of the most important albums of my life. Every song is amazing. I think ranking this album's songs would be so tough.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Deadwing2112 | January 22nd 20 | Rivers Cuomo arrives on the 90s alt rock scene and introduces a little melodic fun and geek paranoia into his casual surf pop rock sound. This was extremely refreshing at a time of surplus overtly serious grunge bands. Buddy Holly and The Sweater Song are instant classics and still relevant to this day however the closer Only in Dreams is the silent killer on the record.
Bump |
3.5 great | Aidan McIntosh | October 1st 19 | I don't really like this, but it's okay and doesn't reach many bad territories that would warrant a genuinely bad rating. "Buddy Holly" is still delightful, "Say It Ain't So" is basically their peak at trying to really reach for emotions without sounding bad, "My Name is Jonas" is enjoyable, etc. Lyrics aren't good but it's alright.
Bump |
5.0 classic | Nicksput | November 12th 17 | It's really hard not to just gush over this record. Weezer was a breath of fresh air in the mid-90's, seemingly coming out of nowhere to release this amazing record. There is a great mix of clean and heavy guitars, soaring melodies, plus thoughtful and silly subject matter. The middle of this record features 4 classic tracks (Buddy Holly, The Sweater Song, Surf Wax America and the mind blowing Say It Ain't So), but the opening and closing sections prove to be just as effective, as there is not a wasted note on this album. Stunning debut.
Bump |
5.0 classic | sugarcubes | May 3rd 16 | Absolutely stunningly perfect irresistible deep soothing danceable wonderful incredible unexplainable power pop? I'll take it
Bump |
4.0 excellent | Corde64 | March 29th 16 | Awesome and unique album, I love every song and it never gets old even though I have listened it more than a hundred times.
Bump |
5.0 classic | BeatlesandOasis | January 6th 16 | Classic 90s record. One of my favorites of all time.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Zergonoid | September 12th 15 | An extremely pleasant, upbeat and playful album. Other than one or two silly melodies and the guitars sounding a little bland, Weezer's debut is amazing. Strongest Points: My Name Is Jonas, Buddy Holly, Undone - The Sweater Song, Surf Wax America, Say it Ain't So. Weakest Points: No One Else.
Bump |
5.0 classic | MS2k | December 19th 14 | Now this is rock music. It's loud, stupid, silly, free from pretentions with nothing to prove, and you can tell the guys are having fun. Always a good listen.
Bump |
5.0 classic | sublimefan1991 | May 12th 14 | just an unbelievable debut. wonderfully-mixed, simple, yet rewarding. plus, i truly think that "only in dreams" is one of the greatest, most emotional songs i'll EVER hear. EVER.
Bump |
4.5 superb | MAGNIFICENT | October 16th 13 | 1994. Blue was the new Pink. And Pink was the new Black. And Black was the new Blue. And girls had eyeballs on the back of their heads.
Bump |
4.5 superb | lz41 | October 12th 13 | The masters of awkward. The jerky transition between strummed acoustic and thudding electric guitars perfectly compliments the way Rivers Coumo conjurs up endearing, honest lyrics that express much in a handful of words. The band was ultimately proven cursed by spending the rest of its career trying to live up to such a good debut.
Bump |
5.0 classic | flamescranes5870 | January 25th 13 | You can't skip a single track on this album. It's absolutely stunning for just a debut album and just about a perfect album with Pinkerton coming in a VERY close 2nd.
Bump |
5.0 classic | eloimayano | January 22nd 13 | There's some album that you need to know by heart, whatever your musical taste is. This is one of these albums.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Mookid | January 18th 13 | To this date, this remains one of the most catchiest albums I've come across. Every track has hooks all over the place (twinkly-esque guitars, simple yet effective drumming, and fun lyrics). For Weezer's side, I think this is their most honorable album they've recorded. There's not a single bad song on this album, they are all positive and warm.
Bump |
4.5 superb | larrytheslug | November 15th 12 | One of the few albums from my childhood that has actually retained both nostalgia and quality of musicianship. Blue album still holds a special place in my heart. Sorry Linkin Park...
Bump |
5.0 classic | happyfunball | October 30th 12 | This is more than the soundtrack for dorky kids who fall in love and get the "lets just be friends" line. It is equal parts 50s doo-wop nostalgia and 90s alternative rock that features incredible songwriting. This could be the best debut album in the history of time. Everyone who likes rock music seems to love this album no matter their age, attitude, or image. Weezer's "Blue Album" is the only album I know that can bring frat boy jocks and Comic-Con attendees together with such ease. That is saying something in itself.
Bump |
5.0 classic | Trebor. EMERITUS | May 12th 11 | Undone (The Sweater Song) is pure genius, and this album deserves a 5 just for that song.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | thejon93rd | November 23rd 10 | Richly entertaining nerd music that never gets old; "Buddy Holly" is a masterstroke.
Bump |
5.0 classic | mgmtkid | July 23rd 10 | cult album, cult songs, cult style, cult guitars, cult voice, cult drums, cult tunes, cult begin and cult end
Bump |
5.0 classic | AFI084 | February 27th 09 | This cd is a fucking masterpiece and contains some of the catchiest and most timeless songs ever written. Done.
Bump |
5.0 classic | mozartv | July 17th 07 | This sounds cliche, but words can't describe how good the Blue Album. Between this and Pinkerton, I would have to say that Pinkerton shows greater musical talent, but the Blue Album still kicks some serious ass. Say It Ain't So is the best song of the 90's, hands down. your money would be well spent on this.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | Enigmabassist | December 28th 06 | there are some great songs on here and this album is near the top of weezer's best. the only track that is the least bit apathetic to me is "the world has turned and left me here". not even that bad of a song it just sounds too similar some of the other songs. other than that nearly every song is special in its own way. the songs don't get too old over time and it's a great album to blow the dust off of.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | AnyColour74 | October 20th 06 | The first and probably best album of Weezer's. The musicianship on the cd is great, and most of the songs are pretty good, even though some aren't that great. The songs on here range from slow and emotional songs to fast, upbeat songs. The best Weezer album imo, it sucks their others don't match up to the awesomeness of this one.
Bump |
4.5 superb | Angmar | August 8th 06 | Well what do I have to say. This album rules and just about every track is great I cannot really find too much to complain about when it comes to this album thier best for sure.
Bump |
4.0 excellent | Zakusz | August 9th 24 |
4.0 excellent | Glovoc | June 19th 24 |
2.0 poor | doofy | January 8th 24 |
5.0 classic | JuriHan | September 27th 23 |
5.0 classic | RadTwi | September 24th 23 |
4.0 excellent | j008 | September 3rd 23 |
3.5 great | Maxx | August 9th 23 |
4.5 superb | s0nicx | July 19th 23 |
5.0 classic | c66490 | July 1st 23 |
4.0 excellent | Rufus | June 10th 23 |
5.0 classic | Bren80 | April 21st 23 |
3.5 great | remi | March 20th 23 |
5.0 classic | Gimbi | March 19th 23 |
4.5 superb | Rick64 | March 15th 23 |
4.0 excellent | tinytim | March 14th 23 |
5.0 classic | Vexy | February 9th 23 |
4.5 superb | platttt | January 25th 23 |
4.5 superb | Gegery | September 12th 22 |
4.5 superb | KManoc1 | September 11th 22 |
4.0 excellent | br1an | July 22nd 22 |
5.0 classic | Dwap | July 4th 22 |
3.5 great | Zac124 | June 22nd 22 |
4.0 excellent | brian | June 21st 22 |
4.0 excellent | AGC | June 21st 22 |
4.0 excellent | Matty CONTRIBUTOR | June 13th 22 |
4.0 excellent | Thibs | June 2nd 22 |
4.5 superb | CRX | April 17th 22 |
5.0 classic | Zalr | April 1st 22 |
4.5 superb | Atari STAFF | March 24th 22 |
4.0 excellent | altfunk | March 5th 22 |
4.0 excellent | Dubboop | March 1st 22 |
3.5 great | Get Low | February 17th 22 |
4.5 superb | Above | January 27th 22 |
4.0 excellent | SvenAKG | December 31st 21 |
4.0 excellent | Piglet | December 23rd 21 |
5.0 classic | gschwen | November 24th 21 |
2.5 average | Roidv | November 17th 21 |
5.0 classic | Paint | November 5th 21 |
4.0 excellent | nilsson | October 3rd 21 |
5.0 classic | blubbo | October 1st 21 |
4.0 excellent | Medonie | September 27th 21 |
4.0 excellent | Harff7 | September 16th 21 |
3.5 great | wham49 | September 15th 21 |
4.5 superb | Gillie | September 14th 21 |
4.5 superb | chwe | September 13th 21 |
5.0 classic | 5am | May 8th 21 |
3.5 great | Elias | April 29th 21 |
4.5 superb | Luna | April 2nd 21 |
5.0 classic | kroglor | February 12th 21 |
5.0 classic | Brett W | February 5th 21 |
5.0 classic | bSmith | February 1st 21 |
4.0 excellent | Kantala | January 30th 21 |
5.0 classic | kodama | January 30th 21 |
5.0 classic | branm25 | January 29th 21 |
4.0 excellent | stanz | January 14th 21 |
5.0 classic | eureka | January 8th 21 |
5.0 classic | samsid | December 25th 20 |
3.0 good | 2ool | December 11th 20 |
2.5 average | DashBoi | November 21st 20 |
5.0 classic | Scryxer | November 11th 20 |
3.0 good | remi | October 28th 20 |
5.0 classic | haps125 | October 4th 20 |
3.5 great | gorp | September 29th 20 |
4.5 superb | Wj2006 | September 27th 20 |
3.5 great | fog CONTRIBUTOR | September 23rd 20 |
5.0 classic | nebbo | September 14th 20 |
5.0 classic | KingJ96 | September 8th 20 |
3.5 great | Fathm | September 5th 20 |
4.5 superb | uefest | August 19th 20 |
4.0 excellent | Murat | July 26th 20 |
4.5 superb | Suyan | July 1st 20 |
5.0 classic | Mike01 | June 11th 20 |
4.5 superb | Sowing STAFF | May 11th 20 |
5.0 classic | chris. | May 7th 20 |
4.0 excellent | afcolt | May 2nd 20 |
4.5 superb | peahat | April 23rd 20 |
4.5 superb | bsker1 | April 21st 20 |
4.0 excellent | YRI | April 14th 20 |
4.0 excellent | Votex | March 31st 20 |
5.0 classic | Gazo | March 15th 20 |
4.0 excellent | ayew | March 2nd 20 |
4.0 excellent | Sly4evr | February 29th 20 |
4.5 superb | degina | February 29th 20 |
4.0 excellent | RobotE | February 6th 20 |
4.0 excellent | Jerbzz | January 19th 20 |
5.0 classic | Turns13 | November 1st 19 |
4.5 superb | cruzz17 | October 29th 19 |
4.0 excellent | capes | October 22nd 19 |
5.0 classic | Zeuzo | October 20th 19 |
4.5 superb | Mser94 | October 4th 19 |
4.0 excellent | Slowdiiv | September 12th 19 |
4.5 superb | Teo | September 12th 19 |
4.0 excellent | Moge | September 11th 19 |
4.5 superb | Sam C. | August 29th 19 |
5.0 classic | shazzyy | August 27th 19 |
5.0 classic | ian b | August 27th 19 |
4.5 superb | LRS94 | August 9th 19 |
4.5 superb | Ben | July 16th 19 |
4.5 superb | Fate | July 12th 19 |
3.5 great | JNeu | July 3rd 19 |
5.0 classic | Brabiz | June 26th 19 |
5.0 classic | Benjii | June 11th 19 |
5.0 classic | coined | June 6th 19 |
5.0 classic | Azen | May 28th 19 |
2.5 average | HeXa | April 8th 19 |
4.5 superb | elch21 | April 3rd 19 |
4.0 excellent | Lanteri | March 26th 19 |
5.0 classic | Kosko | March 12th 19 |
5.0 classic | BoiBoi | March 10th 19 |
4.5 superb | bnest | March 9th 19 |
5.0 classic | domber | March 1st 19 |
3.5 great | furpa | March 1st 19 |
4.5 superb | Wyder | February 22nd 19 |
4.5 superb | Spudjam | February 21st 19 |
4.0 excellent | Spluger | February 17th 19 |
4.5 superb | Risodo | February 13th 19 |
4.0 excellent | P0laris | January 27th 19 |
5.0 classic | Krelkin | January 25th 19 |
4.0 excellent | Erwann S. STAFF | January 23rd 19 |
4.0 excellent | Simon K. STAFF | January 6th 19 |
4.5 superb | Ewgads | January 2nd 19 |
5.0 classic | Oof | December 30th 18 |
4.5 superb | AndyK12 | December 18th 18 |
4.5 superb | CGayda | October 29th 18 |
3.5 great | xuewen | October 14th 18 |
5.0 classic | dlbk03 | October 13th 18 |
5.0 classic | squiled | October 4th 18 |
3.5 great | Illume | October 3rd 18 |
5.0 classic | Drbebop | October 2nd 18 |
5.0 classic | Alexxx | October 1st 18 |
4.0 excellent | Lacking | October 1st 18 |
4.5 superb | dunnope | September 15th 18 |
4.5 superb | BRB | September 8th 18 |
5.0 classic | V12 | August 20th 18 |
4.5 superb | Nap | August 6th 18 |
4.0 excellent | David | August 4th 18 |
5.0 classic | Savage | July 26th 18 |
4.0 excellent | Galumpa | June 17th 18 |
5.0 classic | Juca89 | June 16th 18 |
5.0 classic | Juanpa | June 13th 18 |
5.0 classic | Stkyle | May 29th 18 |
5.0 classic | W1NG00 | May 15th 18 |
2.5 average | goy | April 22nd 18 |
4.5 superb | aew100 | April 17th 18 |
5.0 classic | hipo88 | April 5th 18 |
5.0 classic | Sarah | March 29th 18 |
5.0 classic | Spokid | March 17th 18 |
5.0 classic | misha | March 2nd 18 |
4.5 superb | bbgames | February 27th 18 |
3.5 great | eiramjs | February 22nd 18 |
5.0 classic | Josh | February 20th 18 |
5.0 classic | Nastril | February 7th 18 |
4.5 superb | Lucman | January 28th 18 |
4.5 superb | ArvidL | January 26th 18 |
4.5 superb | TJ | January 16th 18 |
4.5 superb | pmellis | January 13th 18 |
4.5 superb | Javier | January 3rd 18 |
5.0 classic | Spudski | December 10th 17 |
3.0 good | Rdv | December 3rd 17 |
4.5 superb | ElSomni | November 30th 17 |
4.0 excellent | SinNanna | November 24th 17 |
5.0 classic | Jan555 | November 19th 17 |
5.0 classic | ian b. | November 8th 17 |
5.0 classic | THFYH | November 7th 17 |
3.5 great | greg17 | November 5th 17 |
5.0 classic | gnombyX | October 22nd 17 |
4.5 superb | Evz | October 14th 17 |
3.5 great | wg98 | October 9th 17 |
4.5 superb | Flomink | September 18th 17 |
5.0 classic | amanda | September 10th 17 |
4.5 superb | tlatla | August 25th 17 |
4.5 superb | brunch | August 13th 17 |
4.0 excellent | bentl | July 31st 17 |
4.0 excellent | Josh F. | July 26th 17 |
4.0 excellent | Honza | July 9th 17 |
4.0 excellent | gilly | July 3rd 17 |
4.0 excellent | matteok | June 26th 17 |
4.0 excellent | Pangea | June 5th 17 |
4.0 excellent | bharry | June 3rd 17 |
4.5 superb | ab1897 | June 1st 17 |
4.0 excellent | Ankit | May 16th 17 |
5.0 classic | NickyP | May 2nd 17 |
4.0 excellent | Drageri | April 19th 17 |
4.5 superb | omne | April 9th 17 |
5.0 classic | Wepeel | March 26th 17 |
5.0 classic | Bakin | March 23rd 17 |
3.0 good | p4p | March 19th 17 |
5.0 classic | cbjeeby | February 26th 17 |
4.0 excellent | Corney | February 16th 17 |
4.5 superb | Luisito | February 10th 17 |
4.0 excellent | papudo | January 19th 17 |
5.0 classic | Jankus | January 16th 17 |
4.5 superb | Limbo | January 1st 17 |
5.0 classic | Marxman | December 29th 16 |
3.5 great | ktmq | December 17th 16 |
4.5 superb | bobby72 | December 9th 16 |
4.5 superb | maxer | December 7th 16 |
2.5 average | FakeOne | December 6th 16 |
5.0 classic | ramoncd | December 6th 16 |
4.5 superb | Eminor | December 5th 16 |
4.5 superb | elioto | December 3rd 16 |
4.0 excellent | tellah | December 1st 16 |
5.0 classic | lupot | November 27th 16 |
3.5 great | Atomz | November 9th 16 |
4.5 superb | Jake E. | November 2nd 16 |
4.5 superb | Brandon | October 22nd 16 |
4.0 excellent | dav4550 | October 19th 16 |
4.5 superb | Gozpot | October 19th 16 |
4.5 superb | Emo | October 16th 16 |
5.0 classic | tamski | October 12th 16 |
4.0 excellent | jackled | October 11th 16 |
4.5 superb | dust | October 6th 16 |
5.0 classic | kiz1988 | October 6th 16 |
5.0 classic | lumucc | October 4th 16 |
5.0 classic | jsounnd | October 1st 16 |
4.5 superb | fejoob | October 1st 16 |
5.0 classic | KMassam | September 30th 16 |
5.0 classic | Gueero | September 1st 16 |
4.5 superb | old | August 30th 16 |
4.0 excellent | md5 | August 22nd 16 |
5.0 classic | ben94 | July 27th 16 |
5.0 classic | Saul | July 27th 16 |
5.0 classic | Lanas | July 24th 16 |
4.5 superb | Drifts | July 21st 16 |
5.0 classic | rob1n | July 9th 16 |
5.0 classic | PaabL | July 6th 16 |
2.5 average | Smelty | June 22nd 16 |
4.5 superb | ArtBox | June 12th 16 |
5.0 classic | tadeoc | May 24th 16 |
4.5 superb | almond | May 23rd 16 |
4.5 superb | SB129 | May 16th 16 |
4.0 excellent | aresx | May 12th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Mojito | May 4th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Baehr52 | April 24th 16 |
5.0 classic | helti | April 22nd 16 |
5.0 classic | yad00d | April 19th 16 |
5.0 classic | xor92 | April 16th 16 |
4.5 superb | tricky | April 16th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Djang0 | April 15th 16 |
3.0 good | slagun | April 11th 16 |
5.0 classic | otomok | April 10th 16 |
5.0 classic | HipPop | April 9th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Zantera | April 8th 16 |
3.5 great | Denis | April 5th 16 |
3.5 great | WK999 | April 4th 16 |
4.0 excellent | ellagos | April 4th 16 |
4.5 superb | Dmax28 | April 3rd 16 |
4.0 excellent | Oddsy | April 2nd 16 |
4.5 superb | jesper STAFF | April 2nd 16 |
5.0 classic | Ebola | March 29th 16 |
4.0 excellent | ZeCham0 | March 28th 16 |
4.0 excellent | MH18 | March 16th 16 |
5.0 classic | CWBrown | February 20th 16 |
4.0 excellent | HurtBoa | February 13th 16 |
4.5 superb | oz0972 | January 27th 16 |
5.0 classic | BHAR | January 24th 16 |
4.0 excellent | Asunder | January 24th 16 |
4.5 superb | Henry | January 13th 16 |
4.5 superb | Khattak | December 29th 15 |
5.0 classic | tofue | December 27th 15 |
2.0 poor | AWOL3 | December 26th 15 |
3.0 good | wwf | December 26th 15 |
4.0 excellent | Atrophy | December 13th 15 |
5.0 classic | NateMa | December 7th 15 |
5.0 classic | jgagz | December 4th 15 |
5.0 classic | KeyOfZ | December 1st 15 |
4.5 superb | Abraxas | November 25th 15 |
2.5 average | PHolmCA | November 15th 15 |
4.5 superb | Ribwich | November 8th 15 |
4.5 superb | 709baj | November 6th 15 |
4.5 superb | peanut | November 4th 15 |
3.5 great | sheep | October 28th 15 |
4.0 excellent | ciregno | October 27th 15 |
5.0 classic | OvTrvth | October 12th 15 |
5.0 classic | Wilrus | October 2nd 15 |
5.0 classic | Drexel | October 1st 15 |
5.0 classic | hordan | September 29th 15 |
5.0 classic | XiuXiu | September 25th 15 |
5.0 classic | Tom R. CONTRIBUTOR | September 21st 15 |
5.0 classic | camdc27 | September 15th 15 |
5.0 classic | Afrofox | September 9th 15 |
4.5 superb | Sleeves | September 5th 15 |
4.0 excellent | Jucy | September 1st 15 |
4.0 excellent | Lassie | August 30th 15 |
4.0 excellent | manu8a | August 9th 15 |
3.5 great | JKnott | August 4th 15 |
5.0 classic | aoz007 | July 30th 15 |
4.5 superb | jfirak | July 8th 15 |
4.0 excellent | Ledgy | June 28th 15 |
4.5 superb | Xhoven | June 26th 15 |
4.5 superb | boab92 | June 22nd 15 |
4.5 superb | Kronzo | June 13th 15 |
4.5 superb | elry2k | June 8th 15 |
5.0 classic | swoen | May 17th 15 |
4.5 superb | Bosomx | April 30th 15 |
4.0 excellent | Lowgain | April 25th 15 |
3.5 great | Titan | April 14th 15 |
5.0 classic | Kohta | April 14th 15 |
4.5 superb | MattTD | April 11th 15 |
5.0 classic | ESKIN | April 6th 15 |
4.5 superb | Tb1114 | March 24th 15 |
3.5 great | taroo | February 22nd 15 |
4.5 superb | Geefawl | February 16th 15 |
5.0 classic | mdrive | February 15th 15 |
4.0 excellent | jsaf7 | February 13th 15 |
4.5 superb | Respawn | February 7th 15 |
4.5 superb | djc208 | January 29th 15 |
4.5 superb | guy | January 23rd 15 |
4.5 superb | Nigtwig | January 17th 15 |
4.5 superb | Crezbi | December 31st 14 |
5.0 classic | Krimea | December 25th 14 |
4.0 excellent | slaps | December 18th 14 |
4.5 superb | Kalhur | December 16th 14 |
4.0 excellent | kuzronk | December 16th 14 |
5.0 classic | zoso33 | December 13th 14 |
5.0 classic | ajc1956 | December 12th 14 |
4.5 superb | Crimea | December 8th 14 |
4.0 excellent | mc83 | December 4th 14 |
4.5 superb | NoSons | November 29th 14 |
4.0 excellent | EWBAITE | November 25th 14 |
4.5 superb | tyler | November 21st 14 |
4.0 excellent | ADV123 | November 19th 14 |
4.5 superb | "Tab" | November 16th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Fundi791 | November 15th 14 |
2.5 average | Walt | November 9th 14 |
3.0 good | Runeii | November 9th 14 |
4.5 superb | JoeLoco | November 9th 14 |
3.5 great | tenny | November 8th 14 |
4.5 superb | behappy | November 5th 14 |
4.5 superb | Morina | October 30th 14 |
5.0 classic | Corinth | October 25th 14 |
3.0 good | Eegore | October 24th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Kurai | October 23rd 14 |
3.5 great | Wadlez | October 21st 14 |
4.5 superb | tancrni | October 19th 14 |
3.5 great | SeiGor | October 16th 14 |
4.5 superb | TurntUp | October 15th 14 |
5.0 classic | yorda | October 15th 14 |
5.0 classic | Kryne7 | October 10th 14 |
5.0 classic | Rowan5215 EMERITUS | October 8th 14 |
3.0 good | ariich | October 7th 14 |
5.0 classic | Lullaby | October 7th 14 |
4.5 superb | forall | October 3rd 14 |
4.0 excellent | Alastor | October 1st 14 |
5.0 classic | spur55 | October 1st 14 |
5.0 classic | Surtur | September 29th 14 |
4.5 superb | leejs33 | September 29th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Mr Snrub | September 27th 14 |
3.5 great | kenneh | September 21st 14 |
3.0 good | KevinKC | September 10th 14 |
3.5 great | Linx | September 3rd 14 |
5.0 classic | Xar | September 1st 14 |
3.5 great | tene | August 23rd 14 |
4.5 superb | pbass0 | August 15th 14 |
5.0 classic | bd007h | August 5th 14 |
5.0 classic | sje45 | August 5th 14 |
5.0 classic | trap | July 28th 14 |
4.0 excellent | ALC2431 | July 26th 14 |
4.0 excellent | mhart8 | July 25th 14 |
4.0 excellent | dre517 | July 22nd 14 |
4.0 excellent | Dan H. EMERITUS | July 20th 14 |
5.0 classic | CJH94 | July 15th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Aaron18 | June 30th 14 |
3.5 great | artine | June 28th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Forfeit | June 25th 14 |
5.0 classic | Hotrod | June 12th 14 |
5.0 classic | Schni | May 29th 14 |
5.0 classic | hoox | May 26th 14 |
4.5 superb | joaoSA | May 24th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Syne | May 22nd 14 |
4.5 superb | JJOMan | May 19th 14 |
5.0 classic | Liiiam | May 5th 14 |
4.5 superb | djc20 | April 7th 14 |
5.0 classic | DoReMe | March 26th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Joejk3 | March 25th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Zeneren | February 27th 14 |
3.5 great | Skoj | February 27th 14 |
5.0 classic | Lagoped | February 19th 14 |
5.0 classic | Ringo00 | February 14th 14 |
4.0 excellent | akimbo | February 12th 14 |
5.0 classic | kizza96 | February 11th 14 |
5.0 classic | Runade | February 9th 14 |
5.0 classic | Prole | January 27th 14 |
4.5 superb | MaggieG | January 19th 14 |
3.5 great | adr | January 13th 14 |
2.0 poor | Gtzk | January 5th 14 |
4.0 excellent | Wreck | January 2nd 14 |
4.5 superb | rigooz | December 29th 13 |
4.0 excellent | imsopunk | December 20th 13 |
5.0 classic | brollin | December 19th 13 |
4.0 excellent | zjb25 | December 18th 13 |
5.0 classic | msm008 | December 8th 13 |
4.5 superb | zakalwe | December 4th 13 |
4.5 superb | Alaska | December 2nd 13 |
3.5 great | Haiti | December 1st 13 |
4.0 excellent | jtswope | November 28th 13 |
2.5 average | JBull | November 21st 13 |
5.0 classic | olliess | November 14th 13 |
5.0 classic | Parkway | November 13th 13 |
5.0 classic | Doibhin | November 7th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Greem | November 5th 13 |
5.0 classic | Kiyo | October 31st 13 |
5.0 classic | Pingwin | October 31st 13 |
4.5 superb | JBro | October 21st 13 |
4.5 superb | narvain | October 16th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Suddy | October 16th 13 |
5.0 classic | Pieo72 | October 14th 13 |
5.0 classic | JoeFred | October 14th 13 |
4.0 excellent | CJandM | October 4th 13 |
4.5 superb | zchay | September 27th 13 |
4.5 superb | cb123 | September 11th 13 |
4.5 superb | MuNk3y | September 5th 13 |
5.0 classic | Boozby | September 4th 13 |
5.0 classic | Vodash | August 10th 13 |
4.0 excellent | joomisy | August 3rd 13 |
5.0 classic | SMUD | July 18th 13 |
4.0 excellent | nomwein | July 16th 13 |
4.5 superb | Ulshad | July 3rd 13 |
3.5 great | tlhk | June 21st 13 |
5.0 classic | DrSexy | June 10th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Bab | June 7th 13 |
4.5 superb | Dakson | May 27th 13 |
4.5 superb | Kess | May 27th 13 |
5.0 classic | bmou | May 15th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Glokta | April 16th 13 |
4.0 excellent | BeeRyan | April 16th 13 |
5.0 classic | Damus | April 15th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Warabou | April 5th 13 |
4.0 excellent | declanl | April 2nd 13 |
5.0 classic | Scala | March 29th 13 |
5.0 classic | bol90 | March 24th 13 |
4.0 excellent | codhead | March 22nd 13 |
4.5 superb | perlox | March 22nd 13 |
4.0 excellent | dan2309 | March 15th 13 |
4.5 superb | Drpibb | March 7th 13 |
5.0 classic | Pwoper | March 5th 13 |
4.5 superb | robkore | February 26th 13 |
5.0 classic | amkunz | February 25th 13 |
4.0 excellent | jcaloras | February 23rd 13 |
5.0 classic | heck | February 21st 13 |
4.0 excellent | PunkMoon | February 18th 13 |
5.0 classic | tnd | February 16th 13 |
4.0 excellent | SamPJ93 | February 15th 13 |
5.0 classic | 1554699 | February 10th 13 |
4.0 excellent | Cuso47 | February 9th 13 |
4.5 superb | kb36 | January 22nd 13 |
4.5 superb | Hughw7 | January 13th 13 |
4.5 superb | J | January 10th 13 |
3.5 great | Lenix | December 31st 12 |
4.0 excellent | Zeg | December 30th 12 |
4.0 excellent | rjk | December 29th 12 |
4.5 superb | BrentV | December 26th 12 |
4.5 superb | dmp3131 | December 20th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Shimana | December 19th 12 |
4.5 superb | urzadek | December 17th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Derek521 | December 17th 12 |
4.5 superb | juninja | December 14th 12 |
5.0 classic | Minus. | December 14th 12 |
4.5 superb | quelus | December 3rd 12 |
4.5 superb | bharr | December 1st 12 |
4.5 superb | Damone | November 28th 12 |
4.0 excellent | dwejkk | November 21st 12 |
4.0 excellent | eOut | November 20th 12 |
4.5 superb | CSmoker | November 17th 12 |
4.0 excellent | menawati | November 13th 12 |
5.0 classic | AdamE | November 8th 12 |
3.0 good | Eko | November 5th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Klamdog | October 21st 12 |
4.0 excellent | markii | October 18th 12 |
4.0 excellent | ala | October 16th 12 |
5.0 classic | ZGP1992 | October 13th 12 |
5.0 classic | Peluca | October 7th 12 |
4.5 superb | icrush | October 6th 12 |
4.0 excellent | plato66 | October 4th 12 |
5.0 classic | H2okot | September 29th 12 |
3.5 great | axc1080 | September 25th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Tulten | September 17th 12 |
4.0 excellent | erdi | September 14th 12 |
4.0 excellent | ejb | September 13th 12 |
5.0 classic | JP4Hire | September 12th 12 |
5.0 classic | foxxxy | September 12th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Dunnus | September 9th 12 |
5.0 classic | Fleeba | September 7th 12 |
4.0 excellent | kabster | September 4th 12 |
4.5 superb | cjo | September 3rd 12 |
5.0 classic | ryanX | August 29th 12 |
4.5 superb | jpratm | August 28th 12 |
4.0 excellent | j1myz | August 26th 12 |
4.5 superb | bmp329 | August 20th 12 |
4.5 superb | bleath | August 13th 12 |
3.5 great | TY2810 | August 11th 12 |
4.5 superb | John L | August 9th 12 |
5.0 classic | Joebob | August 6th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Xav | August 3rd 12 |
5.0 classic | Roose | August 3rd 12 |
4.5 superb | GenBK | August 1st 12 |
4.0 excellent | mac8936 | July 31st 12 |
5.0 classic | random | July 22nd 12 |
4.5 superb | JoshTh | July 15th 12 |
4.0 excellent | RobH | July 11th 12 |
4.5 superb | xevman | July 9th 12 |
5.0 classic | ANJ45 | June 21st 12 |
4.0 excellent | HipFish | June 13th 12 |
5.0 classic | CJ410 | June 12th 12 |
4.5 superb | Yakman | May 10th 12 |
3.0 good | Acorn | May 7th 12 |
4.5 superb | foxxxy | April 27th 12 |
2.5 average | Thor | April 24th 12 |
4.0 excellent | 9MgTar | April 17th 12 |
2.5 average | Lucido | April 12th 12 |
4.0 excellent | KotoFtw | March 22nd 12 |
3.0 good | Eons | March 21st 12 |
4.0 excellent | Reid | March 21st 12 |
5.0 classic | afox13 | March 19th 12 |
4.0 excellent | vinceG | March 12th 12 |
4.0 excellent | boleyn2 | March 3rd 12 |
3.0 good | virpi | February 27th 12 |
4.0 excellent | iglu | February 26th 12 |
4.0 excellent | boogs | February 25th 12 |
4.5 superb | Opaque | February 23rd 12 |
4.0 excellent | Onetwo12 | February 21st 12 |
5.0 classic | Shismo | February 18th 12 |
5.0 classic | Spacey | February 10th 12 |
5.0 classic | chayka | February 8th 12 |
3.0 good | mttgry | January 19th 12 |
5.0 classic | Prag | January 8th 12 |
4.0 excellent | Troggy | January 4th 12 |
4.5 superb | uman32 | January 4th 12 |
5.0 classic | eusless | January 4th 12 |
4.0 excellent | cyalily | December 31st 11 |
4.0 excellent | iSkane | December 30th 11 |
4.5 superb | JPaller | December 28th 11 |
4.5 superb | Mac | December 27th 11 |
4.0 excellent | JD13 | December 24th 11 |
4.5 superb | jrg777 | December 22nd 11 |
4.0 excellent | Headband | December 19th 11 |
4.5 superb | BroFro | December 13th 11 |
4.5 superb | Naps | December 7th 11 |
4.5 superb | Jackus | November 22nd 11 |
3.5 great | gosk8n | November 20th 11 |
5.0 classic | WBalls | November 20th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Jerbz | November 13th 11 |
4.0 excellent | 20eyes | November 13th 11 |
5.0 classic | whynot | November 7th 11 |
4.0 excellent | MrChuck | October 28th 11 |
2.5 average | Knave | October 28th 11 |
5.0 classic | Hens | October 24th 11 |
3.5 great | bnard | October 24th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Pugnax | October 21st 11 |
5.0 classic | stooge | October 11th 11 |
5.0 classic | winman | October 5th 11 |
4.5 superb | divoz | October 4th 11 |
4.5 superb | Bfd | September 24th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Aids | September 12th 11 |
4.5 superb | Riptide | September 11th 11 |
4.5 superb | Bossie | September 11th 11 |
4.5 superb | Uranium | September 10th 11 |
4.0 excellent | aguzman | September 10th 11 |
4.0 excellent | freakout | September 3rd 11 |
5.0 classic | thawey | September 2nd 11 |
5.0 classic | Lolages | August 31st 11 |
3.5 great | BiOZed | August 26th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Splint | August 26th 11 |
4.5 superb | Styten | August 18th 11 |
5.0 classic | bry11 | August 16th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Fallout | August 10th 11 |
5.0 classic | TT | August 1st 11 |
4.0 excellent | RBL001 | July 28th 11 |
5.0 classic | cessna | July 18th 11 |
4.0 excellent | Jones | July 15th 11 |
4.0 excellent | jmafia | July 7th 11 |
4.0 excellent | NoFro | June 2nd 11 |
4.0 excellent | Rowdy | May 30th 11 |
3.0 good | geng | May 27th 11 |
4.5 superb | Muzix | May 25th 11 |
5.0 classic | RATM46 | May 4th 11 |
5.0 classic | Jarryd | May 1st 11 |
4.5 superb | DinoX | April 29th 11 |
5.0 classic | Abide | April 13th 11 |
5.0 classic | Apollo | April 11th 11 |
5.0 classic | Kewpie | April 10th 11 |
5.0 classic | Hocmat | April 5th 11 |
4.0 excellent | lynit | March 20th 11 |
5.0 classic | rumpus | March 5th 11 |
4.0 excellent | tehaj1 | March 2nd 11 |
4.0 excellent | Blaizend | February 25th 11 |
4.0 excellent | lucho | February 25th 11 |
4.5 superb | mmadden | February 20th 11 |
5.0 classic | bigkirk | February 19th 11 |
3.5 great | Remer17 | February 18th 11 |
4.0 excellent | MMC425 | February 8th 11 |
4.5 superb | Nytro | January 26th 11 |
4.0 excellent | JViney EMERITUS | January 18th 11 |
5.0 classic | sidjmt | January 18th 11 |
4.5 superb | Plank | January 16th 11 |
4.5 superb | mallen- | January 15th 11 |
5.0 classic | bab808 | January 13th 11 |
4.5 superb | Scoot | January 11th 11 |
4.0 excellent | zackseb | January 7th 11 |
5.0 classic | MrAlec | January 4th 11 |
4.5 superb | toxin. | January 3rd 11 |
4.5 superb | r3dpunk | December 19th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Pillbox | December 18th 10 |
4.5 superb | c0ffee | December 16th 10 |
4.0 excellent | crank | December 15th 10 |
4.5 superb | A28 | December 15th 10 |
4.5 superb | Akhet | December 14th 10 |
3.5 great | Antics | December 14th 10 |
4.0 excellent | thib2703 | December 12th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Maggot54 | December 10th 10 |
4.5 superb | 43burnt | December 8th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Curse. | December 2nd 10 |
4.0 excellent | DGTLPRTY | November 30th 10 |
5.0 classic | Manic_ | November 27th 10 |
4.5 superb | sorvian | November 24th 10 |
4.0 excellent | Epic | November 21st 10 |
5.0 classic | Jezzami | November 20th 10 |
4.0 excellent | ZBJE | November 14th 10 |
5.0 classic | crabman | November 13th 10 |
5.0 classic | zyzil | November 11th 10 |
4.0 excellent | kfresha | November 9th 10 |
5.0 classic | docmot | November 8th 10 |
5.0 classic | LOL poo | November 6th 10 |
5.0 classic | Bezerk | November 2nd 10 |
4.0 excellent | wibble | October 31st 10 |
4.5 superb | Leyland | October 30th 10 |
4.5 superb | funzel | October 25th 10 |
4.0 excellent | mace485 | October 24th 10 |
3.5 great | FlameZ | October 24th 10 |
4.0 excellent | golnar | October 22nd 10 |
5.0 classic | Centre | October 22nd 10 |
4.5 superb | Thane | October 16th 10 |
3.5 great | Oafdog | October 13th 10 |