Soundoffs 15 Album Ratings 7094 Objectivity 48%
Last Active 07-05-16 9:51 pm Joined 01-08-13
Review Comments 412
 | Havey hmm they're like the wu tang but even better? rec me an album or song by them
 | unclereich
 | unclereich bitch gave me a smoothie but i dont even like smoothies ?
 | Havey Haa!! I winder how my old classmates would react to this and all I can think is ''OMG!Turn this s*** off! You can't even understand what he's saying! OMG, so long tracks, I'm bored!It's just noise...'' *Sigh*
 | Hep Kat you rock GPAS3K. Don't ever change. Only...I mean that. -hep kat
 | Verm Sorry, I dislike homosexuals, I love just hot chicks with big boobs, lovely faces and big booties, besides I want to see all those chicks with short tight dresses, high heels and lots of makeup
 | Verm Gramps, you smoke too much weed, still is funny to see you listening blue, Im blue da ba dee da da da ba dee da da bad dee da da
 | mandan Gramps, I'm sure you're a reasonable guy, so let's forget the whole copyright thing.
 | mandan's the link for our club. Enjoy.
 | MisterTornado [i think your message got cut off... or it was just a gs3k-ism]
 | MisterTornado current or all time? probably not slim but i loved the guerilla warfare mixtape. smokey's production peaked there (sampling DKC2 ~ are u kidding meee ~) and i love that old lo-fi memphis sound (via early three six mafia / tommy wright iii).
 | ArsMoriendi My favorite is Animals. I think the concept is cool and all 5 songs are interesting throughout. Especially "Pigs (Three Different Ones)." The guitar line on there is pretty sick. What's yours?
 | mandan I'll see what I can do man.
 | mandan Maybe I can start a forum thread dude. If you wish, you can invite other users to join in.
 | Phlegm why do you bump every oltnabrick soundoff, are you his best friend or something?
 | sixdegrees no youre cool gramps you've been around awhile
 | ItchyButthole421 Grandpa you were my first lover Grandpa you said there was no other
 | Keyblade Shyt, never thought about that. Aight, just keep it in mind :D
 | Havey the people need to hear to the truth
 | mandan Dunno man (I have no official club per se). For the time being, we can back each other up on album discussions.
 | Judio! That means a lot Gramps, Daddy still sad I was a mistake.-J!
 | ArsMoriendi Someone who doesn't give a damn what people who don't like me think? Nah I'm lying, a few users on here have gotten me mad, but still...
 | ArsMoriendi Eh not really. I've made a bunch of lists people have liked (as well as one's people have not, but hey I'm hit or miss.) I'm really only annoying to people who are so sure that their opinion is factually correct (which is ludicrous.) As for the exact same taste thing, that's really vague, plus the majority of this place is obsessed with death metal and ambient, two genres I don't register with much.So to reiterate, I"m not leaving anytime soon.
 | ArsMoriendi Oh, I'll be around for a long time. You can be sure of that.
 | ethos dude i wanna hear it!! im gonna jam it tonight i love rick ross
 | Havey explain basedworld paradise to me
 | ethos why do you laugh at me :" )
 | OmairSh Beyonce? You horny old bastard you
 | Havey tell me about how you celebrated christmas in the good old days
 | ethos ....**** you old man
 | unclereich i hope you dont mind small breasted asian women i have a lot under my bed
 | ethos tell me a war story