Soundoffs 15 Album Ratings 7094 Objectivity 48%
Last Active 07-05-16 9:51 pm Joined 01-08-13
Review Comments 412
06.20.24 | RIP, so sad ):
- gs3k | TheSonomaDude
06.20.24 | RIP, iconic performance.
troll 2 is actually not as awful as stuff it gets compared too, legitimately freaky in sections, I prefer it to the first one | Avagantamos
06.20.24 | RIP. I thought part of the gimmick of troll 2 was that there was no troll 1, or am I remembering this wrong? | CugnoBrasso
06.20.24 | RIP to a Nilbogian legend | YoYoMancuso
06.20.24 | This is their keengdom! | unclereich
06.21.24 | congrats! | Spag
06.22.24 | RIP. Amazing movie. |