
Reviews 95
Approval 99%

Soundoffs 108
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 334
Album Edits 409

Album Ratings 251
Objectivity 60%

Last Active 10-08-21 11:02 pm
Joined 05-22-12

Review Comments 6,594

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Sniff Don't forget to check new Visit Kalvhaga
    February 25 09:53 PM
  • MarsKid For real? That's amazing news! Congratulations dude, that's such a massive moment for you. I hope it all goes well! I'm up and down these days myself.
    December 4 08:40 PM
  • MarsKid Miss ya, Archie. Hope you've been well my man.
    December 4 07:26 PM
  • normaloctagon you have the best review site avatar on sput rn, did you make it yourself
    November 16 11:29 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Oh wow congratulations man! Life?s been good for me too, I have an amazing partner now and all in all I?ve been having a great time (:
    October 25 08:02 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Hey Arche (: How have you been man? It has been a while haha
    October 13 11:52 PM
  • TheSpirit Hey buddy hope you?re doing well
    October 9 02:42 AM
  • Aberf Arche with the weekly rating wipe!!
    October 6 07:54 PM
  • Aberf my boi with the submerge re-listen. OWNS!!!
    October 4 11:07 PM
  • Aberf Hell yeah, dude. Will welcome u every time here. Meanwhile, my job is still shopkeeping a phone repair place which leads me with a lot of breathing room. We can listen to stuff together if you have the time.
    September 19 06:34 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell ok phew, you are my bannister - and nooo, all ****s are good ****s!! it's not like half the folks voting (inc me) have comprehensive knowledge of all artists involved
    September 19 05:56 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell wow i have a sudden fervent desire to make you TOAST !! rerate gaza and hasegawa hakushi so i can find your account if there's a blizzard pretty please
    September 19 05:38 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell o wow new ratings QT!!!
    September 19 05:26 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell royale vote !!!
    September 19 05:26 PM
  • Aberf Aaron mdude, hyd
    September 19 05:25 PM
  • TheSpirit Hey my friend! Happy to see you pop in! I?m doing well and I hope you are as well. And yes! The Sallow Moth side is fantastic! Garry is such a sick composer! As for the other band, it took me awhile to get into them, but once it clicked, I found them to be just as good as Sallow Moth! I?m glad you?re enjoying it and hope we talk again soon!
    September 11 05:43 AM
  • Pon Ay bro is it true your discord acc was compromised?
    April 19 01:19 AM
  • Divaman Say Archy, have you perhaps got a song rec for us this month? The theme is celestial bodies - songs about the moon, stars, planets, etc.
    November 12 12:02 AM
  • Aberf Arche-kun, I have turned from weeaboo to koreaboo, please check my latest list ty.
    October 13 11:28 PM
  • dedex thank you dear sir, you're a sweetheart
    October 10 04:06 PM
  • Aberf I was commenting on your ratings lol
    October 10 05:06 AM
  • Aberf deftones binge inbound
    October 4 06:06 PM
  • TheSonomaDude when do y'all jam? is there a link?
    September 19 10:46 PM
  • Pon Warms my heart to see dearest Arch posting again ;u;
    September 10 06:55 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell oh YEAH mr?!?! well in that case i'd like to see u rate the ****in FIST OF JUSTICE that's gonna come crashing down on you and your scampy kind damn cant believe u thought you'd get away with this !!
    September 6 01:20 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell you need to slow down this is your final warning
    September 6 01:13 PM
  • romulanrancor Dude it?s been forever haha, I?m good man just vibing in quarantine
    May 14 03:48 PM
  • L4titudes Indeed. However, I seem to be busier than ever lol. I work as a butcher so people are going crazy buying their meats. Doin 3 to 4 times our normal business daily! Good times. Hope you're well brother.
    April 30 11:36 PM
  • L4titudes :) What up dude!! I'm hangin tough how about you?
    April 16 05:17 AM
  • Aberf check my Korean Artists reviews too pls Mr Arche.
    April 11 05:22 PM
  • parksungjoon best user ever made yea
    April 10 04:06 PM
  • Jay78 Dear Arch,Would you have some time for a review of the E.P. of my friends: in advance!Best tropical regards!
    April 7 08:18 AM
  • Divaman Hey Arch, have you got a song for us this month? The theme is "Winter"?
    March 9 10:02 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell YAY
    February 19 07:56 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell I could have sworn I shoutboxed you about this a while back but in a scandalous turn of events our history says OTHERWISE!!! - is there a good reason you aren't in my discord server and if no, wanna hop aboard?
    February 17 11:30 PM
  • parksungjoon marry me
    February 17 11:21 PM
  • parksungjoon bro i hate models is the best s*** ever made. i keep smashing that mf pos button but it refuses to budge rip
    January 23 08:37 AM
  • Divaman Hi Arch. Have you got a SOTD for us? This month's theme is your top song of the 2010's.
    January 8 01:23 PM
  • Bedex Haha cheers man that's v much appreciated! Couldn't believe it wasn't in the db. Had a busy week so still stuck at 499 soundoffs but that should get fixed soon. Probably with that Vi Som... album, nice 5 on that by the way
    December 8 10:42 PM
  • 50iL Yeah man, it's been a while. Been intense lately for me; lots of work, lots of changes. Falling in love, going through a toxic relationship, and ending it was particularly rough. It's also been rough to constantly drift from my family and most of my friends. Regardless, I've learned a lot and feel like I've become a better human being. Camus has helped a lot, haha. Yourself?
    December 5 03:41 PM
  • CaptainDooRight They should have given you Emeritus! :]]
    December 4 09:19 PM
  • 50iL haha, thanks! Glad to hear from you, Arche. Oh yeah, the new Liturgy album is genuinely excellent, and surprisingly so. The music is basically not gimmicky anymore, but actually interesting. I'd certainly recommend it.
    December 4 06:19 PM
  • CaptainDooRight 91 reviews, never neg?d once. That?s definitely a feat. How are you not a contributor already?
    December 4 06:25 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Oh hek!! ok imma check this in the soon !
    December 4 01:26 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell You drop Vi Som 5 oh my, dis good?
    December 4 01:23 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD give your viiiibes on the Esoteric
    November 22 05:07 PM
  • zaruyache that new Yorushika stuff rules so much uwu
    November 16 07:08 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell !!
    November 15 03:51 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Ok lol I started, haven't had this much fun reviewing an album since Split End ;]
    November 15 12:04 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Oh this is cool!! If you've got any words lined up, take it away but I can definitely think of several good angles on this
    November 14 10:12 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Mr. Arche! Haven't listened to Hasegawa before but looks like this is hot off the press - sounds good, I'll have a listen and let you know how I feel after! Thanks for pushing it my way :]
    November 14 06:00 PM
  • Trifolium Nice! Thanks for the rec, curious for it, I've added it to the list.
    November 4 09:32 PM
  • Trifolium Hi! The new Song Of The day thread is opened and you haven't participated yet. Care to join again this month? We would be happy with the recs!
    November 4 07:11 PM
  • Dedes Anyways looks like me and you are in a similar boat right now even though I presumably have lesser ways of coping with it
    November 4 01:29 AM
  • Dedes Wanting to review thrash? This is new....
    November 4 01:28 AM
  • Dedes Yo hows life my man never see you anymore:(
    November 3 09:54 PM
  • Divaman Great. Thanks again. As always, I appreciate the help.
    October 10 06:27 PM
  • Divaman Hi Arch. Sorry to keep bugging you on this, but the vote counts on the spreadsheet are all wrong. Not sure if it's screwing up the averages or not. Could you possibly take a look at it? Thanks.
    October 9 10:22 PM
  • wacknizzle The review is fantastic, thank you so much! Nice to have some feedback on how we could improve the songwriting on the next album, which we are already working on!
    October 4 01:36 AM
  • Divaman Absolutely. Thanks for the assist.
    October 1 07:12 PM
  • Divaman Hi Arch. I'm sorry, could I trouble you to look at the spreadsheet for October? The first song isn't averaging correctly. I've screwed it up somehow, and while those three scores should be averaging to 3.5, they're averaging to 3.3. (I don't think they're taking the last two scores into account, although the vote count is correct.) Thanks.
    October 1 05:43 AM
  • wacknizzle No rush, I really appreciate you doing a review for us. I know what a pain in the butt doing a review can be. I?m glad you like the record. It?s a million times better than Deathbed imo, but also a very different beast, and you liked that one. If you have any questions let me know :)
    September 28 01:29 AM
  • wacknizzle That?s awesome! No rush, but I?m looking forward to it!
    September 26 04:10 PM
  • wacknizzle Would you maybe wanna do a review of the new Unfurl? I don?t know if anyone else has started one but I doubt it.
    September 26 03:12 PM
  • wacknizzle Also that?s awesome, Slaves BC and Plebeian Grandstand rule!
    September 24 05:25 PM
  • wacknizzle That?s good to hear. Thanks for checking it out and I?m glad you dig it! I would like to get a review on here
    September 24 03:14 PM
  • wacknizzle New Unfurl album...
    September 17 07:45 PM
  • Divaman Arch, if you have a second pick for the month, now would be the time to post it. We've only got three slots left.
    September 13 03:36 PM
  • Divaman Thank you. I have no idea what any of that meant, but thanks for fixing it.
    September 13 01:11 PM
  • Divaman Hey Arch, you seem to be pretty good with the spreadsheet. I added the column for Doof, and added his scores, but the spreadsheet doesn't seem to be reflecting them in the averages. Do you know how to fix this? Thanks.
    September 13 12:55 PM
  • kris. nniiiceee........ i just got to work... bout to work it up haha jk...
    August 28 01:30 PM
  • kris. ...wyd......
    August 27 11:02 PM
  • kris. hi.....
    August 27 02:18 PM
  • parksungjoon review warehouse memories ill instapos
    December 9 10:10 AM
  • mindleviticus remember that metal track I played in dubtrack? well i turned it into a two track EP -
    July 25 01:36 AM
  • L4titudes Aye good stuff thanks! That EP led me to this which I thought ruled as well
    February 25 06:44 AM
  • Sinternet Once again i completely forget to reply to someone's shouts lol. I applied to Southampton Solent, got an offer so pretty happy right now. Not feeling the third-year pressure or are you sweatin?
    February 16 07:50 AM
  • Sinternet ahh i thought you were dropping out? good to hear things are going well.i've been doing an intensive course in journalism because i had absolutely noting to do this year, it's alright but hard work and i have to retake like half myexams lol. applied to uni too so here's hoping i get in (although it's not a popular course so maybe even though i applied late ive got a good chance)
    February 3 07:00 PM
  • Sinternet sup dude long time no see how u doing
    February 3 02:14 PM
  • L4titudes You brave soul. Hey come into DT man we jammin!
    January 30 08:12 PM
  • L4titudes Been exploring the depths of ambient myself. A lot of dark ambient mostly. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR RATINGS THOUGH?!
    January 30 07:19 PM
  • L4titudes Huntemann**
    January 18 11:04 AM
  • L4titudes Aaron my dude check new Oliver Huntemenn
    January 18 11:03 AM
  • Jom Thanks for everything!
    January 13 03:25 AM
  • Sniff Ey. New Morrow!
    December 26 11:59 PM
  • Jom Would you be able to still help out with the EOY stuff, even if it's just one entry? I can take care of it for you once we publish it. Cheers, and best of luck with your IRL activities!
    December 9 01:56 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Yeah it's got some charm for sure, and despite the lack of bm instrumentation somehow still sounds Burzum-y.
    November 14 10:16 PM
  • mindleviticus it's out my dude :]
    November 12 10:42 PM
  • ScuroFantasma How are you only just now rating those Burzum albums
    November 12 11:27 AM
  • mindleviticus I was on a roll last night making this aha; maybe it was your response that gave me inspiration. I really appreciate all the love this project has gotten so far tbh, it's a blast making this stuff. Might have to ask for a review when it comes out; haven't gotten too much feedback from past releases lol so I always go off my intuition.
    October 27 02:49 PM
  • Chortles sorry, i haven't been on much for the past week or so and I didn't see! let me put something up
    October 26 07:02 AM
  • mindleviticus Could just make it an EP and release it because making it a full album might take a while longer
    October 25 11:49 PM
  • mindleviticus But here's another good piece of info, the album title is called "The Warm Embrace of the Bitter Cold" :]
    October 25 06:31 PM
  • mindleviticus I'm a massive perfectionist and will discard anything I can't see MYSELF listening to in the future lmao. That's why I can listen to My Specialty and still feel proud of it because I spent a long time on it. What I can tell you is that I'm experimenting with classical guitars and trance but it will mostly be a mix of ambient and IDM.
    October 25 04:42 PM
  • mindleviticus I have 2 songs so far that clock over 10 minutes combined that I think are good for the album but I should have more time in the next week to crank more out. I won't be releasing any early songs though and I have some free time these next few days so hopefully I should be done soon! Don't worry, it didn't fall on its face, it's coming, I've been trying to make it the best it can be ;]
    October 25 04:38 PM
  • Sniff Damn that Amenra rating tho
    October 23 06:25 PM
  • Orb the fact you jam glitch hop and the likes makes me happy
    October 8 10:01 PM
  • tacos n stuff got round 14 finished
    September 23 09:19 PM
  • Jasdevi087 it is and it's sweet af
    September 13 10:51 AM
  • Jasdevi087 wait ****... when did I overtake you in ratings?
    September 13 02:23 AM
  • Frippertronics legit contribs choice album boio where you at, fellow aaron?
    September 11 06:13 AM
  • cosmopazz
    September 1 10:33 AM
  • Orb man I swear you rate everything I listen to before I do. Your like a perpetual one step ahead of the curve. Good tastes hombre!
    August 23 02:50 AM
  • Flugmorph Your arguments on how they are a bad band are ridiculous. Some people on here including you shouldn't even have opinions especially when you guys act like assholes about it. Ironically BSC are doing excellent on tour and are gaining mad respect and recognition from famous vocalists like Corey Taylor. Get reckt bitch.
    August 22 11:35 AM
  • mindleviticus new album soon (like hopefully in september) ;] - should hopefully blow your noggin right off. I'll probably make a list about it soon to get hype but I'm not good at promoting my own stuff
    August 18 06:58 PM
  • Dedes Hey there nerd put your rec in for part 3 of my contest. It's hip hop/rap.
    August 15 03:14 AM
  • L4titudes I have not. Interesting name haha. I shall listen now. Also, correction on that rec. Ablum is Heimat*
    August 6 04:25 PM
  • L4titudes AARON I gots a rec for you! T.Raumschmiere - Heim orat It drags a little in the middle but things pick back up. I'm feeling a strong 4 on this thing. TRAN-SITION
    August 6 06:01 AM
  • Theophilos but thank you for the listen and the rating. we're going to have vinyl through Fallen Empire quite soon, if you're into that.
    July 28 06:49 PM
  • Theophilos we were browsing through snare samples one day, and one colombian slam. so like obviously that's the one we had to go with
    July 28 06:48 PM
  • Theophilos Based on your Havukruunu review, you may be into this:
    July 23 03:11 PM
  • tacos n stuff yo join my rec contest fam
    July 14 01:37 AM
  • butcherboy thanks very much, dude!
    July 10 11:48 PM
  • SitruK6 I'm not sure tbh haha, wanna talk this over on skype chat?
    July 6 12:26 PM
  • SitruK6 Hey dude, u wanan maybe do an album recommendations game between us?
    July 6 11:04 AM
  • L4titudes Hope you enjoy this as much as I did
    July 2 02:14 AM
  • Sinternet aaron-kun where you beennnnnn
    June 25 08:08 AM
  • L4titudes Check this out really late one evening
    June 21 06:41 AM
  • L4titudes New Luigi Tozzi was great. What I expected but great. His productions are so blissful.
    June 21 02:17 AM
  • Pon yo dawg i heard you like rating things 4.0/5
    June 19 08:11 PM
  • L4titudes I'm on it pal
    June 16 07:27 AM
  • Sniff You should check the white birch too. Right up your alley me think
    June 11 07:55 PM
  • TVC15 Would you like my Google drive link for my vinyl rip of The Black Parade? They're MP3s tho
    June 11 04:35 PM
  • ScuroFantasma Sounds like a great way to find some really obscure stuff, that place is absolutely filled with bands. I don't think I've ever not found a band I was looking for in their database. Might be an idea from now on, lately I've been choosing bands more for their nationality than anything else anyway and they've got a cool feature for filtering that.
    June 6 07:04 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Can't say I've ever used Metallum like that before, what a rabbit hole.
    June 6 12:53 AM
  • Sniff God damn. Ad block is the only thing saving me now. Soon the sweet sweet days of free Spotify will be gone
    June 2 07:20 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Hey man, that track rules hard, nice find. I'm definitley going to follow up on those guys, awesome stuff. I've been pretty alright dude, how about you?
    May 31 11:53 PM
  • Pon henlo catgirl
    May 31 08:14 PM
  • Pon helllo you STINKY catgirl
    May 31 08:14 PM
  • Pon go eat a mouse ugly
    May 31 08:13 PM
  • Azertherion Well my anime/manga culture is pretty much inexistant, no wonder I coudn't recognize it ! Thanks for the answer thought :D
    May 29 08:03 PM
  • Azertherion You have the cutest avatar of all Sputnik, where does it comes from ?
    May 29 07:29 PM
  • SitruK6 Also I'll work on my damn English
    May 19 08:38 PM
  • SitruK6 Was fun jamming dude :)I'm sure as we'll go on our chemistry for writing will get better
    May 19 08:37 PM
  • SitruK6 hey dude, you wanna jam today or tomorrow?
    May 19 04:03 PM
  • Sniff Damn it Cranial goes hard af. And also very Year of no Light
    May 16 08:23 AM
  • ramon. absolutely. i dont know if this is factual but i'm almost 100% certain the arcade fight scene 15 minutes into the first episode is based off of the hypest street fighter set in existence so this show already gets 10 points from me (i love this show btw) yea it is fact lmao
    May 15 07:31 PM
  • ramon. acchi kocchi holy s***
    May 15 07:06 PM
  • SitruK6 Sorry for the late response, didn't have time to check sput till now. Anyways are you free today to jam?
    May 11 07:52 AM
  • SitruK6 highly recommend you do that ASAP.btw isn't today your last day of exams and whatnot?
    May 10 03:44 PM
  • SitruK6 DUDE you have to check out the new The Ruins Of Beverast album, it's crazy good imo
    May 10 03:16 PM
  • Toad i feel that. whitearmor is an amazing producer and his work is the main draw for me. hopefully he'll drop something instrumental one of these days
    May 10 02:03 PM
  • Toad if you are looking at the bladee stuff at all i'd recommend checking that track first. or this one
    May 10 01:52 PM
  • RogueNine Cranial is bashing my face in. I love how you can hear parts of Omega Massif.
    May 6 09:53 PM
  • Sniff Alters latest really is a step up from the previous one. I'm glad you made me aware it exists
    May 6 01:00 PM
    May 5 09:51 PM
    May 5 08:19 PM
  • Sniff I like how i just skip words when I write. That's my response!
    May 2 11:57 AM
  • Sniff I had a feeling it was coming when theyd the layout. Since today? It worked just fine yesterday at least
    May 2 11:06 AM
  • ramon. both hands were above the desk mate, i am a man of integrity
    May 1 02:31 PM
  • ramon. made a comment on your post about checking fusq out earlier today due to your moe shop rec. youtube just recommended me this a minute ago so i clicked out of curiosity
    May 1 07:26 AM
  • Aberf I love you bby
    May 1 02:55 AM
  • hesperus hey thanks for the Swordfish rec! somehow i didn't see it until now. the three tracks out so far are pretty good! a little by-the-numbers, but there are enough unique quirks to make me interested to check out the whole album
    April 26 01:18 PM
  • DrGonzo1937 My band's just released a new single if you want to check it out dude? Let us know what you think if you do.
    April 26 10:39 AM
  • kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
    April 19 10:26 AM
  • kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
    April 19 10:26 AM
  • 50iL Immortal is the hardest 5 ever hands down
    April 18 06:16 AM
    April 17 08:44 PM
  • trebor17 review a non-metal album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
    April 11 11:49 PM
  • ZippaThaRippa I was just about to rec you Turia's need album but you're one of the 3 other people to have already heard it. WELL THEN
    April 5 03:55 AM
  • Sniff Also **** this site's inability to handle special characters
    April 3 11:56 AM
  • Sniff Spole?nost ps? is close to a 4. Great rec
    April 3 11:55 AM
  • Flugmorph lol what
    April 1 07:58 AM
  • Flugmorph
    March 31 08:24 PM
  • Sinternet ok yeah that kelly lee owens album is rad af cheers for the headsup
    March 29 08:04 PM
  • neekafat How have you written 71 reviews but no negatives bruh
    March 28 10:11 PM
  • Sinternet I'll give it a check man, I know one of her tracks (I think it was Elliptic off her EP) but it's real good so imma jam some point tomorrow
    March 26 06:09 PM
  • Spacesh1p Well to be fair I've checked them all now I think and I would say that it's my top for now.
    March 23 12:03 AM
  • Spacesh1p Might be my favorite of the comps so far honestly.
    March 23 12:02 AM
  • Spacesh1p Alright the Rendon comp is just stupid good.
    March 22 09:54 PM
  • Hurricanslash Homodance and the Hawaii Toast one.^^
    March 19 04:43 PM
  • Hurricanslash Holy s*** you actually did. :D You even added him to the database? That's craaaazy! I didn't think you would love his music this much! Can you recommend me some Jams from Mega? I only ever listened to the singles.^^
    March 19 04:26 PM
  • Spacesh1p I feel your love for Thou now fully, pretty much the best band ever. Always liked them but they've really clicked with me the past couple weeks.
    March 17 11:55 AM
  • ramon. I haven't! Will check, Karma is as far back as I have ventured. Thanks for the rec!
    March 15 04:04 PM
  • ramon. the riffs are too good. a 30 minute AT record would have serious year-end-list potential for me.
    March 15 03:53 PM
  • ramon. it is saddening how much anal trump entertains me. i'm torn between wishing the discography had a 3.8 average or a 1.3. nice to see you threw the new one some positive vibes.
    March 15 03:23 PM
  • Sniff casting you safely back towards the shoreline.
    March 13 05:46 PM
  • ramon. lmao yea her melodic choices and general timbre are rather unorthodox by japanese standards. i'm generally a sucker for artists who stick in the talking voice to falsetto ranges. most of the japanese stuff i listen to is glitch, trap, or future bass so this was a refreshing change for me. thanks dude!
    March 12 04:41 PM
  • Pon hi :3
    March 12 10:07 AM
  • Koris It's fine :] I'm just plugging away with the reviews until ghost promotions or the next promotion cycle. That perseverance is what got me to staff in the first place :]
    March 9 04:28 AM
  • magicuba that convulsing album starts ****ing great
    March 6 02:06 PM
  • Frippertronics how could this be? both aarons have checked dust. truly sputnik has the deepest lore
    March 1 09:41 AM
  • Frippertronics you have been assigned your albummmmmmmmm
    March 1 05:37 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges busy, man. i've barely even had time to really look at the site lately tbh. i honestly haven't been keeping up with new releases. any recs?
    March 1 01:45 AM
  • mindleviticus congrats bro!
    March 1 12:49 AM
  • Sinternet listening now, that tribal techno tag was too inticing.
    February 28 07:31 PM
  • Flugmorph haha looking forward to that
    February 28 07:54 AM
  • Frippertronics taken care of!
    February 28 07:51 AM
  • Frippertronics just link me your account so fb will let me add you and i'll take care of the rest. the double aaron contrib combo - fulfilled at last, two years postponed
    February 28 07:45 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges congrats on making contrib, brother. looking forward to working with you in the future.
    February 28 03:06 AM
  • Rowan5215 grats my man, the contrib team will be a little crunchier with you on board
    February 28 02:32 AM
  • Koris congrats, btw!
    February 28 02:04 AM
  • Orb Ayy thanks, congrats on getting contrib btw. Im hoping to get contrib too, by next year. at least thats the goal. i got school for a couple months here so the reviews will slow a bit for the time being but ill be cranking them out again soon enough.
    February 28 01:10 AM
  • Orb Your ungfel review is whats crackin m8. hard pos on that one if i could
    February 28 01:03 AM
  • Dewinged Late grats on that promotion dude!
    February 28 01:01 AM
  • TheSpirit Congrats!
    February 28 12:47 AM
  • Koris It's fine dude. I had some problems a few years ago (2014 to be exact) when I was a staff member and it makes sense that they'd be wary to rehire me. But I already talked to Sowing and Atari and they basically just told me to keep plugging away because I've been making it clear to the staffers that I'm changing my ways. So onward I go :]
    February 27 11:45 PM
  • Aberf Congrats AAARON!!
    February 27 10:42 PM
  • Flugmorph ayyyyyyyy congrats to your new powers my fellow dub/weeb bruff :3
    February 27 07:12 PM
  • adr Congrats on the promotion dude, well deserved:]
    February 27 05:05 PM

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