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Last Active 12-29-21 7:45 pm
Joined 01-07-12

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  • Ecnalzen I do love me some Open Flame. Jammin Mutants now and a little over halfway thru. I like it but shucks they might not ever hit that Bleeder vibe again, huh? Probs end up a 3 5 to 4 like War Moans
    August 1 07:45 PM
  • Ecnalzen I getcha. I havent had War Moans wear off me like that so mebbe there is still hope
    August 1 04:58 PM
  • Ecnalzen I see your rating, which makes me a little nervous, but what are your thoughts on the new Mutoid Man? Haven't checked yet but did enjoy the pre release stuff
    July 31 10:24 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell HI thank you so much for expressing interest in Sputmix 2023! There is one (one!) bureaucracy barrier for you to overcome - please hit up this form and send your info over asap, so I can get a database going and pin down what this thing is gonna look like. Love!
    July 22 06:31 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki xingxing
    July 4 12:56 AM
  • Ecnalzen Nice! I hope you digs. He has all his stuff on bandcamp for pay what you want. He's just a dude in Ohio who really likes writing music. If I remember right, plays bass and guitar, programs the drums, and records/mixes it himself on his solo stuff.
    April 17 10:09 PM
  • Ecnalzen Agreed, Vinny is super talented. Oh that's cool. Cloudkicker has been a favorite of mine since I heard Beacons and was probs one of my first 'obscure' finds on here back around when I first joined. He does very densely layered post metal/rock and I just love it.
    April 15 02:18 AM
  • Ecnalzen I'm diggin this new cloudkicker gospel drummer thing that's happening
    April 14 03:16 AM
  • Rawmeeth38 Loved the Massa Nera album. Def gonna check out Jeanne.
    January 4 09:30 PM
  • Rawmeeth38 I need more good skramz from this year? last time you rec?d me Naivete which is gonna end up being in my top 5. absolutely love that one. you got anything else?
    December 7 12:32 AM
  • TheSpirit The new Gonemage is so insanely good
    October 1 01:15 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell destroy this msg your country needs you
    June 17 09:27 AM
  • Ecnalzen Yeah, I don't think I have ever seen that happen on here before. I figured it was you since it was about Cave In, ha
    May 30 10:54 PM
  • Very nice!
    May 28 05:21 PM
  • Ecnalzen I like it. I was hoping for some more heavier aspects to be involved but I think they still delivered the goods.
    May 23 09:13 PM
  • Ecnalzen Given much time to new Cave In yet?
    May 21 12:22 PM
  • Ecnalzen Well, thanks for sharing! Always nice to have a starting point on artists with discogs this plentiful. I will report back with my findings if you will be interested in hearing them
    March 22 10:04 PM
  • Ecnalzen Ooo, good song. Well, if I try out some Chelsea I will most likely start at the beginning since I don't know her music at all, methinks. What would be my next Converge album if I have only heard Axe To Fall?
    March 22 01:18 AM
  • Ecnalzen That is quite the summary, lol. I am not very familiar with everyone involved besides Brodsky, so that could be why I am in to it since I am not really sure how high the potential is for all the creative input that's involved. The only Converge album I have spent a decent amount of time with is Axe to Fall, and I don't think I even knew who Chelsea Wolfe was before Bloodmoon.
    March 18 09:57 PM
  • Ecnalzen Hrmmm... I'm kinda in to that Bloodmoon album so far. You got my interest when you said Brodsky is on there. How come you dislike it so?
    March 18 02:49 AM
  • Ecnalzen I def could see how Thrice would have done you wrong with the last few. I think M/m was the last time I bought something of theirs release week and/or pre ordered. I'm actually listening to Horizons for the first time today; It's not too shabby, but I def haven't been missing out on anything. I think I like it better than Palms, but I haven't really hit any of that up in a while except for The Grey
    March 17 10:02 PM
  • Ecnalzen What happened? Who hurt you?
    March 17 09:28 PM
  • Ecnalzen Yeah, looks like they are going all out for this! Already got a pre order in on their bandcamp. May is gonna rule
    March 16 09:26 PM
  • Ecnalzen NewCaveIn Imsoexcited ohmygoodness
    March 15 10:23 PM
  • Dolving999 Yeah, production, mixing, the works, all me. A bit of a "loner" musically, so literally had to do it all myself lol! Glad you enjoyed it man - to receive such praise from a fellow solo musician really warms my heart!Rest assured I'll be listening to Untitled 2021 again soon, I was taken by surprise because I was only expecting a couple of rough demos... oh, and The Wolf and The Fox, I have great memories of that one!
    March 2 11:56 AM
  • Dolving999 "Bananas" and "nuts" definitely sound like high praise to me, so thankee for the kind words my brother! I had a hunch you might like track 3, it's the most mathy in that one for sure haha! I put those bands on the similar artists list at the time of my first EP, because those were my main influences. Not so sure about right now, but hey, good bands are good bands!
    March 2 11:49 AM
  • Dolving999 Thanks for listening! I did perform everything, but the horns for example were played on a keyboard since I don't actually own any horns lol! I can tell you this: if you want diversity, check this last one and also "Gravity Bursts". If heavy is more your thing, check "Momentaneous" and the first EP (which might be the one that pays homage to Warren of Ohms the best haha)
    March 1 11:13 PM
  • Dolving999 Ah, bummer about the artwork... maybe you could ask Jom (moderator) over at the forums? He usually can clear up that kind of stuff. Also ask him about Threatening Costume, I was able to rate it but it's not on your page yet...
    March 1 11:08 PM
  • Dolving999 BTW, I wanted to rate that one, but I noticed your first EP is already title "untitled", so... any ideas for adding it to the database? haha
    March 1 10:07 PM
  • Dolving999 Just finished listening to Untitled (the one from this year). I have to say, they DO NOT sound like demos at all! In fact, it's up there with The Wolf and The Fox! Man... I understand why you didn't want to "finish it", and I truly respect your motives. Just thought you should know that I think you found a way to bring something positive to light amidst all the bad stuff, and it really deserves to be listened... You really outdid yourself man, congrats again!
    March 1 10:06 PM
  • Dolving999 Also, since we're both "lonely bedroom musicians" as I like to call it, you might be interested in some of my stuff, done by yours truly:
    March 1 08:15 PM
  • Dolving999 How ya doin' Sammy? Just yesterday I thought about your music and went to check out if you any new stuff, and today I find out that you do have new stuff out! I'm only on my first listen, mind you, but man, it's amazing what you were able to conjure up in under one month! I love how raw your voice comes across, it fits the ambience perfectly... The Lighthouse Keeper into No Tomorrow had me completely floored, this is top notch stuff!
    March 1 08:11 PM
  • ISeeYou Hi Buddy
    November 27 06:59 PM

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