Reviews 14 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 73 News Articles 30 Band Edits + Tags 51 Album Edits 103
Album Ratings 1564 Objectivity 62%
Last Active 12-21-19 5:03 am Joined 05-24-11
Review Comments 14,555
 | Hawks Wait a second Wack play in Unfurl??? Lmao just saw some comments. U guys rip bro. Great work!
 | MarsKid Nice man! I can put up an article for that. Should have a review up and good to go by Sunday at the latest.
 | MarsKid I'll pass it along to the powers that be, no worries!
 | MarsKid Hey man! I remember listening to your work before and enjoyed it. I'd definitely be interested in hearing whatever you've got in the future. You can feel free to reach out to me on Discord (Kombucha Mitch#7490) or via email (
 | hesperus hey, glad to hear y'all are still together and making new music! i actually stopped reviewing a couple years ago after getting burnt out on it, so unfortunately i don't think i'll have the energy to give the new album a proper review. but i'll be sure to check it out and spread the word informally if i like what i hear!
 | unclereich Gotten to see both live actually! That?s so funny youre from pitt. Do you know user MotokoKusanagi aka 36chamber? Hes from your area too. Im from the west coast ive just seen a lot of underground metal live. My other fav album this year is from a local band called fearing. Their debut album ?shadow? is sweet. Check out black magick ss as well
 | JokineAugustus Idk if I'll ever create a band. No one I know has similar music taste.
 | JokineAugustus Yeah cool I'll give it a shot soon. I guess you'll probably try to tour a lot when you finally can?
 | MarsKid Good to hear from you, and I've got it bookmarked. Will definitely be jamming my man.
 | MarsKid Still with us? Always need more Harlots fans around.
 | unclereich good shix! ill definitely download it man :) glad to see you're alive and well
 | FearThyEvil I had no idea you were still around lol. I'll definitely give it a listen as the last stuff you guys did was pretty tight.
 | Archelirion Ey mang I did a thingSorry it took so long, I really did need a few days just to sort my head out but it's all done and dusted and sorted. Hope you like it :]
 | Sniff classic sput mix-up
 | Sniff new album of yours is good
 | clavier I'm not sure actually - haven't been in contact with them in a bit, but I can see what to do
 | Archelirion I'll ask for your patience cos it probably won't be done this weekend now. If it IS then great, but I've got a lot of s*** going on right now which is sapping most of my will. Hoping for a resolution soon though.
 | Archelirion Funnily enough I have been compiling my thoughts on it already, to an extent. Probably won't have it actually written until some time over the weekend but I am cobbling something together :]
 | clavier found out about the new Unfurl album courtesy of Archelirion, and i'm really liking it ? Lazarus Reflex is a hell of a track
 | Archelirion Duuuuuuuuude this s*** is hot. It's like if Slaves BC and earlier Plebeian Grandstand had a shag behind a skip and this was its unholy offspring.Like I've been craving some new stuff like this for a while and, I'm not blowing smoke up your arse, this is very much scratching that itch
 | Artuma no thanks, it's streaming on spotify so that's enough for me. keep it up though!
 | Artuma hey dude so this new album of yours is pretty ****ing ace
 | ScuroFantasma Oh sweet, I remember this project, will jamalam when I get a chance (:
 | Mort. hey man sorry didnt respond to this sooner, been busy moving house and settling in. will deffo give it a listen soon and will write a review if anything comes to me : )
 | tacos n stuff id be down to review it if i wasnt bad at reviewing lmfao, i can wait till friday when it drops tho. The tracks you posted were def solid af so im sure itll be dope
 | Artuma cool, will be sure to check it out m/ iirc i really dug some of the stuff you guys made in the past but it's been a while
 | Pon didn't dig it, alas
 | Pon I'ma listen to it anyways. Wasn't too impressed with their last album but things change
 | kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
 | kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
 | elliootsmeuth FINALLY got around to jamming Deathbed, and I love it. If it was recorded in an actual studio, it'd be an EASY 4. Can't wait for the next release. The way you described it in the thread sounds sick, especially with studio production.
 | tacos n stuff jammed deathbed finally and loved it, already waiting for new stuff. Keep at it dude!
 | Mort. na you did man ive just been slacking on new music hard and still havnt got round to it shieet thanks for the reminder ill defo check it tomorrow
 | Artuma hey, sorry that it took me so long to get back at you. that was really sweet, definitely up to my alley, thanks!
 | elliootsmeuth i already have it opened in another tab. gonna listen soon. sounds right up my alley. i'll let you know what i think
 | Space Jester No prob! It's been one of my faves for a loooong time, makes me said that the band is so unrecognized.
 | Space Jester Hey Sir Wack, you commented on my Kashee Opeiah review awhile back saying you wanted to hear the album but I didn't have a source to listen from at the time. If you're still interested in jamming it I've uploaded the whole thing to my dropbox along with the album cover and pics with the lyrics from the booklet.
 | Archelirion No worries, I'm glad you liked it dude. I'll have a look out for those next time around, see if I can spot where you're coming from!
 | Archelirion - done. Falling in love with this s***.
 | YakNips i love it, in general the songwriting and dynamics really blew me away. definitely something i'm going to revisit, my fave part is how you work in some really beautiful melodies while still retaining that heaviness
 | Archelirion Deathbed absolutely destroys dude. Gonna be listening to this a lot over the coming weeks, vicious sounding stuff.
 | YakNips fuuuuuck yeah dude got that s*** downloaded and ready to jam soon
 | FearThyEvil I guarantee there's still a few I'm missing. I'll look into your lists and such.
 | FearThyEvil Yeah, I absolutely loved it! I'm always looking for underrated metalcore like that.
 | FearThyEvil I just listened to .crrust for the first time and holy hell it ruled
 | Archelirion Dude, that Slaves BC album is amazing. More people need to know about it.
 | Mort. famalam
 | YakNips ayyyy yeah i've been meaning to check that band out forever, i'll jam in the next few days for sure
 | FearThyEvil I mean of course give it a go and see how you feel about it but it wouldn't surprise me if you agree. I don't believe it's even the same singer anymore.
 | FearThyEvil You hear The Syters debut album? They s*** away all of their potential so badly.
 | Dinosaur First track on Luwte rips, third is pretty nice as well. i want to like the album more.
 | Mort. oooh i like. very solid, if a bit by numbers. a band to watch out for in the future tho definetely
 | Mort. short little mathcore album i thought you might appreciate
 | magicuba hey dude, I noticed we have some musical taste in common. I was just wondering for how many years have you been digging albums? Almost 1500 ratings surely is a lot
 | Mort. dude you have to check this band, im sure youd like them.
 | R6Rider Is Thou playing in Pittsburgh? I made the drive from Ohio to catch that Celeste/PM show. Was well worth it.
 | R6Rider Were you at the Primitive Man/Celeste show in Pittsburgh?
 | Mort. You were right betrayer rules. Is their first album worth checking? I cant find a download for it
 | Mort. Yeah your review has got me wanting to check it so ill def give it a listen this week
 | Mort. Holy s*** dude im finally getting round to harlots. This is the second death would be a 5 if it wasnt for the awful production
 | Mort. that was pretty sick man, what instrument do you play?
 | Mort. Got your profile back nice. Btw sika redem rules, finally got round to checking them today
 | Artuma swee, i'll check it tomorrow
 | YakNips happy bday bro!! hope its a good one
 | Chin do you watch jhoffins..? your username reminded me
 | Spec Went to a meeting to gauge the damage today. Says it will be around eighteen months until my sleep patterns return and I'll feel normal again. Hearing that was pretty devastating.
 | climactic thx bro will report back. gaia's album from this year rules
 | climactic wooooah **** yes u da best dude, any favorites out of all of those?
 | climactic wack attack give me some more bands like kowloon/black sheep wall/LSM need moar of that looooow end
 | Lethean ur right dude idk why i didnt dig it the first listen but it's pretty sweet gotta adjust my rating
 | thacoconut94 I'm defo a old school BM fan and don't really know any sludge, I will check it out all the same, can't hurt! Thanks!
 | thacoconut94 Yo, would you recommend redwood hill to a strong BM fan?
 | YakNips aight brah no worries, definitely keep workin on your own jams
 | YakNips lol that sounds nice af too. i was just wondering cause i thought it would be cool if you could play violin on one of my songs
 | YakNips are you still working on viola? or violin? i forget which
 | Mort. dude drowningman ****ing rules, how do they have so little votes? should be up there with other old metalcore bands
 | YakNips definitely dude! i think you're referring to my comment in the laked god and yak thread, which was just a joke. i would never put myself/my music on a pedestal. i always try to create better art and music that i can be more proud of and i'm very grateful that people enjoy it. i would never take that for granted.
 | Lethean have u heard the new homewrecker
 | fromtheinside no. you're wrong. i'm sorry :). air inside my lungs or a cigarette is edgy for christian band, yes, but one that it needs to lay down. think of how simple that line is then think how deep it could. thanks for saying this wasn't an argument, btw!
 | climactic why in the **** have i never heard love sex machine until right now?
 | spookynewghostfriend hey i found this while i was searching for that koi no yokan album by The Deathtones and anyways it reminded me of you haha
 | renegadestrings sorry for the dick comment on your list. when you mentioned that you had a cut-off version of El Cielo, everything made a lot more sense. I hope you've had the opportunity to listen to the album including the full closing track in all its glory
 | fromtheinside i disagree with everything you disagreed with. Sword In Mouth is the best thing they've ever done bro. Lyrically - especially.
 | InFiction It's a really enjoyable watch if you're a fan of the band, but you could probably download it just as easily if you're low on cash. I'd definitely recommend it though. :)
 | Static wackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwackattackattackwack
 | Tyler. yeah it really is. check anthology too if you really ike that cause it's just as good
 | Tyler. damn that sounds really awesome actually. i'll be sure to check it
 | Tyler. met me know what you think. band is signed to dischord if im not mistaken actually
 | Tyler. i see you really like minus the bear. check out faraquet - the view from this tower i think you'll enjoy it
 | YakNips it's ruling so hard, i'm pumped for that one though. is Sekret Redem just like a bonus track?
 | YakNips bro it'S SOO GOOd Mr. Hunk is amazinggggg
 | YakNips and i'm gonna jam the full album in a minute
 | YakNips yeah brah you just post in the "For the Meds" thread with a link to the list and ask for it to be featured, i just did it there and they almost always feature it if you ask nicely :]
 | YakNips no prob brah, thanks a bunch, all i needed was the 8th track actually and it's complete now :]
 | Mort. dude down i go is brilliant. you should check out "this is disastercore", im writing a review for it at the moment
 | Lethean sorry dude didnt dig it too much
 | Tyler. that was way more awesome than it should be allowed to be goddamn
 | Kman418 can't listen rn cos mobile but ill check it when i get home
 | Artuma alrighty man will check
 | oresttt Dude you're the best. Thanks for that Marasme rec, rules so hard.
 | Gestapo u got good taste so ill let u off with a warning this time
 | Gestapo u tryin to steal my thunder bub with the exact same link
 | Brabiz I can do a lot of different styles, but i'm best at this ridiculously detailed ink stuff.
 | YakNips sweet yo, def send me once it's done. u still working on viola or violin?? i forget which one
 | YakNips sounds sweet af dude, would love to hear a non-midi version
 | Slut i see you like the slower, sludgier songs. i really liked it, but the vocalist kinda sounded like a slightly worse version of jon, not to say he's bad or anything. i'm definitely excited for an lp now
 | Slut sweet thanks dude. i've been itching to hear it in full for a while. i loved NAIHS
 | Mort. dude it looks like johnny truant might be coming back. theyve changed their cover picture twice in the last few days to pictures of what looks like them rehearsing(after not being active on it for ages) . not concrete evidence, i know, but still could be a reformation
 | FearThyEvil If you like Hot Damn! you'll definitely like this. Kurt's production helps a lot too.
 | FearThyEvil Posted a review for "From Parts Unknown" if you want to check it out. Haven't reviewed in like 4yrs. I had 2 reviews up but asked them to bed.
 | Torontonian its been your turn for a while . If you wanna do it some other day thats cool though
 | Torontonian just started game if you're still interested
 | fromtheinside dude jams with rosa and i?
 | YakNips dude Catch For Us The Foxes is bringing the feels so hard, its so good
 | Relinquished nothing new but they're cool, I remember liking the math rock moments
 | fromtheinside that architect album is basically crucial to my life atm. FUUCK
 | YakNips Lol that does sound pretty sweet, I'll check that one out, thanks!
 | YakNips Man that Marasme album ****ing rules
 | Mort. dude that ****ing crust band rules.
 | YakNips Aw wack :D I'm glad you think that, you're one of my best friends on here as well. That means a lot. You should give me your number
 | JokineAugustus Aww damn. Cool. I've already heard some of those/downloaded, but will check the others.
 | JokineAugustus where can I find a download for Knut's Challenger, and can you rec me a bunch of good 90's core albums?
 | demigod! best of luck man, mind over anus
 | demigod! dude, u should come plug im so alone in here ;(
 | Pennywise_M Your last EP, Post Tenebras Spero Lucem, best 5 bucks i've ever spent. Congratulations on such a solid band, you guys have what it takes and more to go places. What do you do in the band btw??
 | ChuckyTruant Oh yeah?! sweet man. If you are within a few hours I'll definitely come man. I'd love to meet you and see your band man.
 | ChuckyTruant Pensacola, Florida haha. Might be awhile before you get down here xD
 | ChuckyTruant you know my taste too well, Dale :P I dig the **** out of this, thanks for sharing man! Your band rules!
 | FearThyEvil I listened to that ep of yours. I gave some constructive criticism in the thread but I gotta say, you guys sound very promising. It's an excellent ep and truthfully you guys, along with The Syters, have been the only worthwhile metalcore releases this year so far.
 | Pennywise_M Your band needs to be heard. I listened to a couple of tracks from your new EP, you guys are amazing holy s***. Will listen to all of your stuff and buy your last EP tonight
 | climactic yo mang, jamming your ep now and gonna write about it tonight or tomorrow (i know i said that before but i mean it this time lol). digging it a whole lot, definitely a 3.5-4. btw what do you play?
 | Relinquished see for yourself:
 | climactic new vegas is your band right? ill give it a writeup tonight or tomorrow
 | FearThyEvil Nescience and the closer off The Division Ahead are really good. I'm hoping their next album is as good.
 | Relinquished i see heathen 'bored' you, but give it time cuz that's true droning sludge without the core appeal that the younger bands added
 | Kman418 do u just not like emo or something cause they're kind of the best emo band that ever existed
 | Kman418 the brave little abacus are life wtf
 | DrMaximus Damn, that's crazy. They locked you up for just writing a letter?
 | CaptainDooRight I know you said a while ago I should get a drummer. Well I did the drums for this new song for an upcoming album. Everyone seemed to enjoy it but could you critic or give feedback if you think I'm good enough to do my own. I've been practicing a lot. Check one of my recent lists for the link. Song called 'The Watcher'
 | FearThyEvil Funny thing is they only have followers last time I checked. I would love to see a full-length them from them this year. Could be really damn good if it's anything like the e.p.
 | FearThyEvil No problem, man. I randomly found them on a download site and listened to the ep and loved it. Added to them to the database too. I hope doing so will give them some recognition here.
 | FearThyEvil Let me know what you think of The Syters ep when you get a chance to hear it.
 | FearThyEvil Btw, I really recommend you check out a band called The Syters. I added them to the database about a week ago.
 | FearThyEvil I think so, I mean it does have a lot of post-rock elements and it's chaotic moments too. Harlots (which you put) and Amia Venera Landscape would probably be the best two similar bands. Maybe even Devil Sold His Soul.
 | FearThyEvil I've listened to that album awhile ago. I absolutely love it but I will admit I heard it from you. I'll peep the review though and pos it.
 | FearThyEvil That dude is the guy I was talking about. Anytime you want to plug just use this I'm on now and again but demi and fromtheinside are in there much more.
 | FearThyEvil Randomly came across your page after seeing the comments on Fozzie's profile (what a prick). Anyway, I noticed you liked new Cryptopsy. Couldn't get into it myself. Btw, do you use at all? Me, fromtheinside, demigod, and climactic get on quite often.
 | YakNips Man, I've never played a show. I bet its fun.
 | YakNips Awesome man. Hope you guys get an EP or LP out soon
 | YakNips The Abyss Looks Back :) I started up a label incase you didn't know, and I want to release your music :D
 | YakNips Hey man, how is TALB coming
 | CK Oh goodness dude, idk why I didn't show you this right away. Check this album out, released just 2013:
 | fromtheinside stay alive come jam some burst and other related heavy s***
 | fromtheinside don't forget to plug every once and while or we'll get worried about you ;D
 | FearThyEvil Hey man, posted my best of 2013 list yesterday. Take a look if you're interested
 | Relinquished oh yeah and happy new years to you too, man. yo check this out if you haven't, this is the s*** that my dad and my uncle raised me on knowing.
 | Relinquished as for sludge, I know you have a metalcore background and I too like more core in sludge. but I know that Corrupted is the heaviest one out of them all. take your time immersing yourself in their music, it's not gonna be straightforward.
 | Relinquished the thing is with me is that I have a zero tolerance mentality with people, including the users here. I would chincheck my bros on here if I catch them saying stupid or ****ry s***, no harm done they just have to realize it. like jacq is cool but he def does some gay stuff with pleb who needs to know this isn't facebook.