
Soundoffs 36
Album Ratings 0
Last Active 10-27-13 4:26 am
Joined 02-23-11

Review Comments 1,881

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  • ToSmokMuzyki retarded retard
    June 26 12:29 PM
  • sixdegrees retard
    February 22 12:34 PM
  • deathschool Huh?
    November 19 06:01 AM
  • DWittisarockstar This is my first log-in since September of 2009! Wow.
    September 26 03:05 PM
  • Sniff You jay-z?
    September 13 06:44 PM
  • stranger i am sputnik's reckoning
    August 18 01:08 AM
  • ConcubinaryCode Do you love me?
    July 3 06:10 AM
  • Sowing I was promoted last round (october ish). Who are you?
    June 29 06:42 PM
  • Ballz3D Dude. Where'd you get a job bro?
    June 29 04:37 AM
  • TylerOnFire who's that?
    June 28 08:23 PM
  • TylerOnFire what?
    June 28 08:12 PM
  • silentpotato SWAG SWAG SWAG
    June 28 07:17 PM
  • omnipanzer I agree, at your request I have up'ed it to what I would consider to be a more appropriate and accurate 2. I listened for as long as I could. Recording on a cell phone was a risky gamble that imo did not pay off.
    June 28 06:18 PM
  • omnipanzer To whom are you referring?
    June 28 06:12 PM
  • Ballz3D Lulwut?
    June 28 06:12 PM
  • omnipanzer Me? I'm Omni and yourself?
    June 28 06:03 PM
  • sixdegrees what kind of band has a 14 year-old as their publicist? Oh wait...
    June 27 09:58 PM
  • sixdegrees tits or gtfo
    June 27 09:55 PM
  • sixdegrees if you're really a girl, i'd consider that offer.
    June 27 09:53 PM
  • sixdegrees **** off and die, k
    June 27 09:44 PM
  • carouse I don't think I would like it. Everything about it sounds amateurish and gimmicky to the point of absurdity.
    June 27 09:33 PM
  • Recspecs What the **** do you want?
    June 27 09:14 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell ****ing Graveyard, lol
    June 27 08:58 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Haha, how long were you banned for? AsshatAlex is probs permabanned too. Am getting worried that if I don't hate you too much, then the mods/graveyard will think I'm part of the whole Rest thing and ban me for no reason
    June 27 08:20 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Awww, no more troll. Be honest; has Alex ever actually had an account on sputnik?
    June 27 08:10 PM
  • BaselineOOO I apologize, I haven't had much contact with reality in the past few years so I'm bad at socializing. We're okay?
    June 27 08:00 PM
  • BaselineOOO Actually, you're so hot I don't even care anymore, I need you to roll down your socks. :*
    June 27 07:21 PM
  • BaselineOOO hey you're hot too! but I prefer girls with decent music taste, ufff
    June 27 07:17 PM
  • silentpotato i dont have facebook so that wont work for me but yee i believe u it doesnt really matter regardless. get alex or whatever to come message me and ill figure something out for them.
    June 27 06:37 PM
  • silentpotato tell them to message me on here then but i wouldnt be able to do it till september cuz im in calgary for the summer and most of my equipment is in vic
    June 27 06:26 PM
  • silentpotato awe shucks i love me too! xoxo
    June 27 06:17 PM
  • InertiaCreeps You know you're crazy, oh, my heartYou're ****in' crazy, oh child!
    June 27 06:02 PM
  • CityofGhosts some butthurt ****. WHY
    June 26 08:26 AM
  • CityofGhosts some butthurt ****. WHY
    June 26 08:24 AM
  • Recspecs No you just need to **** off.
    June 23 11:04 PM
  • CityofGhosts rating Exotic Animal Petting Zoo's "Tree of Tongues" a 2.0? while The Irish Fronts-Universe is a 5? goddamn, how contradicting
    June 21 05:13 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell why you no post anymore? site feels really boring now that we've got over Rest
    June 18 11:20 AM
  • Spec r u banned?
    May 27 07:26 PM
  • ZombieParty I eat brains so you're safe
    May 23 01:50 PM
  • auberginedreams thanks!
    May 23 01:00 AM
  • PurpleDino Deck.
    May 20 03:02 PM
  • Eclecticist Fine I will still write it.
    May 20 03:32 AM
  • Eclecticist Yea about that... I just looked over all of the negative ratings and idk if I want to write a review for it because they may just troll neg my review and bring down my approval rating
    May 20 03:10 AM
  • IAMERROR Is there a bad part to this? Did you over-hype them or something? It sounds like you were doing an outstanding job.
    May 20 02:02 AM
  • IAMERROR That Peet guy knows his stuff. :pWhat happened with the band, if you don't mind me asking? It sound to me like that could hinder a friendship.
    May 20 01:24 AM
  • IAMERROR Any nice digs as of late? Archaeology is a hobby of mine.
    May 20 01:13 AM
  • IAMERROR Stumbled across Stumbleine and I've been stuffing myself with these wonderful tunes all day. How do you do?
    May 20 12:44 AM
  • Scoot oh okay my bad but im not reading that whole thread
    May 20 12:05 AM
  • Scoot wait you're a chick
    May 19 11:50 PM
  • Scoot who the **** are you
    May 19 11:43 PM
  • jdennis31 yuh, people come and go
    May 19 10:32 PM
  • jdennis31 not sure. i think he only comes around once in a while? or he has a bunch of alts and i'm just not sure what other ones are his
    May 19 10:29 PM
  • jdennis31 lol nvm. didn't see you already answered the question.
    May 19 10:27 PM
  • jdennis31 nada thang. do you like hell or high water or just come now sleep from as cities burn?
    May 19 10:26 PM
  • jdennis31 ay, mate
    May 19 10:24 PM
  • Wolfhorde You mean type of person, it's just one. He just has a lot of monikers. And for once, I concur.
    May 19 02:33 PM
  • Wolfhorde ThunderNeutral aka NeutralThunder aka Progmaster aka dude who brags about feetlicking.
    May 19 07:26 AM
  • Eclecticist Nah I am good thanks, I just asked for yours cuz I prefer fb chat.
    May 19 03:59 AM
  • Eclecticist dox? what does that even mean? haha
    May 19 03:52 AM
  • Eclecticist lol well good job! and maybe! No promises. Do you have a facebook?
    May 19 03:46 AM
  • Eclecticist lol slandering it? what did you actually say? HAHAHA true well you will just have to wait and see!
    May 19 03:29 AM
  • Eclecticist Why were you kicked out? and I am more than certain that it is better than s***ty Life but no promises because I don't want to spoil my final rating for it lol
    May 19 02:37 AM
  • Eclecticist You are going to hate me but I became sidetracked by the new Carach Angren album and placed it over your review :/
    May 19 02:26 AM
  • Wolfhorde So you got Progthunder the feetlicker to hate you. Good job.
    May 18 11:55 PM
  • ChuckyTruant It doesn't matter who they were made for. Everyone can see them. Also, I'm pretty established here so not really a 'newfag', sorry.
    May 18 11:17 PM
  • ChuckyTruant Well, unfortunately for you, the general sputnik user doesn't care about that.
    May 18 11:11 PM
  • ChuckyTruant yeah no prob. I'm doing a good job of letting everyone know how bad your lists are :)
    May 18 11:08 PM
  • ThunderNeutral21 i hate you
    May 18 11:00 PM
  • Eclecticist I am still mulling over it but yea it should be up by next week
    May 17 03:41 PM
  • iglu I've been on sputnik for a while so I know what to expect, thats why I don't post that much.
    May 16 02:53 AM
  • paxman Jk I'm a gentleman. I'd take you out to dinner first, maybe a movie. We can talk about all the fun we had on the rest thread ;)
    May 16 12:44 AM
  • paxman I hate you, but you're hot let's have crazy sex
    May 16 12:06 AM
  • ControlDarts you're cute ;)
    May 15 02:21 AM
  • Eclecticist yep! send the link my way
    May 13 03:24 AM
  • Eclecticist Idt that I will rate it less than a 2.5 as long as it's not like s***ty Life by Coprophagia haha
    May 11 12:05 AM
  • Eclecticist I think that I should wait until everyone trolls the **** out of your album and then I will write one of my super descriptive/super serious reviews and help you make a comeback. It's hard to troll my reviews, my words are like polytetrafluoroethylene!
    May 10 11:02 PM
  • Eclecticist why are certain users hating on you? lol what did you do?
    May 10 10:33 PM
  • tarkus you do realize its not about you right
    May 10 09:57 PM
  • andcas the first rule of sputnik plans is you do not talk about sputnik plans.
    May 10 08:45 PM
  • Knott- Head to the forums. In other news, grow thicker skin when faced with people who try to get a rise out of you. You can't win by arguing.
    May 10 04:13 AM
  • Equium my reasons are my own. please stop fagging up my shoutbox thx.
    May 10 03:52 AM
  • CaptainDooRight hey bro check my recent list, i just released my solo ep which is an acoustic progressive folk project
    May 10 03:32 AM
  • pizzamachine Sounds like a job for the mods! Address your issue here:
    May 10 03:06 AM
  • pizzamachine No problem! I was hoping that it would give your band more attention, and I think it kinda did judging by the intense reactions. Yeah I'll definitely want to review your next album.
    May 10 01:41 AM
  • kris. well i mean if it didnt suck i wouldnt hate it simple as that i mean i could only make it through one song and thats a testament cuz i can sit thruogh anything so yea im a hater im sorry
    May 10 12:08 AM
  • Trebor. Lots of terrible bands have made it though
    May 9 11:50 PM
  • Trebor. Dude my band sucks too but I don't go around acting likes it's art or that people should like it. People don't like your band, deal with it
    May 9 11:37 PM
  • ThunderNeutral21 you are horrible
    May 9 11:02 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dude hell yeah your fuking man bro, the lp's gonna have acoustic psych prog guitar in it, awesome rating man!! fuk yeah
    May 9 06:54 PM
  • ThunderNeutral21 upset
    May 9 03:05 PM
  • SpiritCrusher2 lol really? who thinks that? I think they are trolling you hard, and you are just feeding them. just stop caring about what everyone says here about your band and stop replying to trolls and you'll be fine
    May 8 07:20 PM
  • ThunderNeutral21 avant garde m/
    May 8 02:17 PM
  • aqualungcancer **** you never what?
    May 8 06:05 AM
  • PuddlesPuddles Mhm, fairly new:: if you'd like to check it out. What's the name of yours?
    May 8 03:07 AM
  • CrimsonFloyd Hey man! Rest is awesome, yet another band that makes me proud of my home land! It is a shame that your getting such low ratings.
    May 8 01:21 AM
  • foxxxy i wasnt being completely sarcastic im saying its a legitimate possibility who knows
    May 8 12:42 AM
  • BlueW also could you give me your band's facebook URL
    May 7 04:30 AM
  • BlueW o yea cheers brah, I'll give a like back eh? Sure upload to the tube if you want, just link back to the bandcamp is all.
    May 7 04:30 AM
  • DeafMetal that's cool. which bands would u perhaps be inclined to compare yourselves to?
    May 4 05:35 PM
  • DeafMetal what kind of music do u play
    May 3 07:59 PM
  • DeafMetal are u in a band
    May 3 07:42 PM
  • Rev no idea what you two are talking about
    May 3 01:28 AM
  • Hawks Finally got around to listening to your album. I'm pretty sure I'd dig it a lot more if it wasn't recorded on a cell phone, or whatever it was recorded on. I don't mind bad production, but this I feel like you could've benefited if it was just a little better. Still, I enjoyed the music itself.
    April 30 03:51 PM
  • DeafMetal that kind of music is 2 heavy for me i don't like it
    April 29 06:22 PM
  • lolcatzwolfay What's your band called?
    April 29 06:06 PM
  • insomniac15 But then again, it's your decision and you guys are on your musical trip. Do what you guys feel, there will always be people who will like and some who won't.
    April 28 01:23 PM
  • insomniac15 Sorry man, but recording everything on a phone isn't helping. It's cool on a first listen and everything, but then it just becomes harder to listen to it and enjoy it. I believe it needs to be properly recorded in a studio or at least an 8-track or something like that, and then mixed. Maybe a 1 it's harsh.
    April 28 01:21 PM
  • Recspecs Nahh that would just waste my time.
    April 28 03:17 AM
  • Recspecs If you want to put that upon yourself than go for it.
    April 28 03:12 AM
  • Recspecs Well they aren't mine I don't give that big of a s*** about you guys.
    April 28 03:07 AM
  • Recspecs Hahaha what spam accounts? I don't have that much free time.
    April 28 02:56 AM
  • lolcatzwolfay Yeah what's up?
    April 28 02:44 AM
  • macadoolahicky Have heard, never listened ^.^ are they any good?
    April 28 01:43 AM
  • LifeAsAChipmunk I just figured I know nothing about the genre and therefore I'm not sure what to rate things like it. I was also planning on relistening to it. I'm also trying hard to lower my overall scores in general, but I'm kinda failing still.
    April 28 12:38 AM
  • macadoolahicky But from what you say, I'll definitely be checking the new stuff
    April 28 12:38 AM
  • macadoolahicky Dude, trust me. You just need to get that production up a few notches. From what I am able to make out of the music, it's definitely worth it, but unfortunately I can't make much out. That's why I don't like my metal with lo-fi. That's more something I think is for indie music. But hey, at least my change didn't alter the rating average :)
    April 28 12:32 AM
  • Eclecticist That's good man, maybe you won't need me then lol
    April 27 05:30 PM
  • aok 23 lists ( 13), 24 reviews ( 3), 3500 posts .. your time would probably be better spent in a studio, writing to other websites rather than "rallying them up, we got our ratings back up" on sputnik. (example: david guetta's latest album has 50 ratings with a 1.8 average on sputnik, but he still has 32 million facebook fans). keep using pizza's review as momentum though -- that is worth something
    April 27 05:57 AM
  • Eclecticist Sooo busy man wow so much random s*** going on!
    April 27 04:53 AM
  • aok if you don't mind my asking, how long you been using sputnik and in what capacity?
    April 27 04:51 AM
  • Trebor. I will change how people view music
    April 27 04:44 AM
  • TaylerAdamAllan Your band rocks. Just cheer up and stay above the haters man. Peace.
    April 27 03:48 AM
  • Trebor. I didn't say that it was that other guy
    April 27 02:47 AM
  • Recspecs Good question! A better question is, why do ****s who suck at an already sucky genre decide to parade onto a website full of elitist hipster ****s and try to promote their s***ty garage band?
    April 27 02:00 AM
  • Recspecs I'd be happy to! What do you want to know about music?
    April 27 01:56 AM
  • macadoolahicky Hey bro, just out of curiosity, what part do you take in the band? What instrument do you play, or are you the vocalist?
    April 26 03:17 PM
  • Happy2review I'm down for a review if ya still want one
    April 26 04:14 AM
  • Hawks **** dude I forgot to listen to it lol. Make sure you remind me again on Thursday and I'll definitely give it a listen. I'm not gonna have any time tomorrow or Wednesday.
    April 24 02:14 AM
  • macadoolahicky Unfortunately, Portal is about as lo-fi as I can go with metal. The music itself sounded great though. Probably between a 3-3.5 from me.
    April 23 06:39 PM
  • conradtao meaning "everything but country and rap" is a joke! I'm too ignorant to know if "lo-fi grindcore/powerviolence" is a real 'genre' but it sounds pretty good.
    April 21 02:12 PM
  • macadoolahicky Nah dude, I'll give it a fair listen. Tomorrow, of course, when I am awake and s*** like that ^.^
    April 21 07:06 AM
  • Maniac! Ive not gotten to it yet.
    April 21 05:51 AM
  • conradtao
    April 21 03:34 AM
  • Hawks Haven't had time yet dude. Probably gonna be a few days before I can sit down and give it my full attention. I'll make sure to let you know what I think.
    April 20 03:39 AM
  • macadoolahicky Sure, why not. If it's lo-fi, I typically like it to be indie stuff rather than metal, but grind isn't usually top-notch production quality to begin with. Why asking?
    April 20 12:59 AM
  • BallsToTheWall I will say though it'sas catchy as herpes. A lot of foot tapping moments and sick mosh parts.
    April 20 12:01 AM
  • BallsToTheWall Too poppy for my tastes tbh.
    April 19 11:30 PM
  • macadoolahicky Depends.
    April 19 07:47 PM
  • FrozenVain *smirk*
    April 19 07:25 PM
  • BallsToTheWall lo-fi being a problem.....with dawg. Ill jam it now though
    April 19 03:03 AM
  • Hawks Oh so this is your band. Cool, I'll check it out tomorrow dude.
    April 18 01:31 AM
  • Hawks Sure. What is it?
    April 17 11:07 PM
  • SteelErectedb4you8er Cool man, good for you. Good luck getting s*** out there and more exposure. We are working on the same thing right now.
    April 17 10:05 PM
  • WasNotWhyNot I'll keep the flag going or something. I kind of hate the tone of dissapointment in voice. despite how silly the premise is, you seriously made something revolutionary. I'm not saying **** the public and keep going though. there's no money in this. if this s*** was properly recorded you probably wouldn't be having any problems, because I heard real licks and songwriting and stuff like that. ah, whatever you'll do, you got your s*** together so it'll be fine.
    April 17 08:21 PM
  • SteelErectedb4you8er what is the name of your band? I will check it out.
    April 17 07:56 PM
  • WasNotWhyNot tomorrow. I ****ing love the record though, it's inspired me to pick up my bass again. I don't know or care if you guys plan on using actual equipment to record later, but you wouldn't mind of me and some of my buds sort of copy you? the cell phone quality goes perfect with the chaotic hardcore, I mean, if you already got a sheep like me than you might have a movement on your hand.
    April 17 06:02 PM
  • SteelErectedb4you8er Yeah, I am a guitarist/vocalist in a doom rock/metal band from Austin, TX. Feel free to check our s*** out at Yourself?
    April 16 08:13 PM
  • WasNotWhyNot I'm alive and I'll definitely write a review for you guys.
    April 16 06:13 PM
  • SgtPepper I uploaded the review, i hope you like it.
    April 15 11:34 PM
  • My1mmortal Sure thing :P
    April 15 09:40 PM
  • My1mmortal Thanks for the shout. It's really interesting haha, sounds good, I think the mobile recording actually makes it stand out a little. I'd like to hear more in the future.
    April 15 08:30 PM
  • LG Yes... I've also mastered the art of pooping like a chicken
    April 15 05:42 PM
  • LG I like to ride elephants
    April 15 03:06 PM
  • Maniac! I like that kind of thing.
    April 15 07:05 AM
  • Maniac! Haha. Not really.
    April 15 02:37 AM
  • SgtPepper Oh, I enjoyed it. I'm not going to lie, the production is bad but the music is good. Its a positive review.
    April 15 01:04 AM
  • SgtPepper medium, like 3 or so paragraph. I'm almost done, but I have to wait for tomorrow to upload it due to the "1 review per day"r rule of the website.
    April 15 12:43 AM
  • Eclecticist lol not at all, I am not the jealous type
    April 15 12:43 AM
  • Eclecticist It's really good if you like bands like Converge, Courtships, The Armed, and Spitfire
    April 14 11:26 PM
  • SgtPepper Hey man, I'm almost done with the review for your band and i'll upload it sunday, but can you tell me a little bit your lyrics. What are the topics you guys mostly talk about?
    April 14 09:58 AM
  • Eclecticist I am pretty sure the mods can fix that if you post in thier Sticky: For the Mods forum thread
    April 14 02:24 AM
  • Eclecticist Well I was going to review 10:10 P.M. by Undermathic but I decided to scrap it and focus on my finals. I am taking a short break from reviews until April 23rd. If I don't focus on my finals there is the potential for me to fail a class lol soo....
    April 13 08:48 PM
  • CaptainDooRight i don't get the point of the question but whatever you have to tell me I'm interested. but I guess I'll play along. good music is a personal thing as personalities vary, so with that said music that touches my soul to me is good music, doesn't matter what it is. it's that connection we all look for in life
    April 11 05:00 AM
  • carouse Definitely! What do you have in mind?
    April 10 06:19 PM
  • MarkTheDead I'll check you guys out Bro. :D
    April 9 04:51 PM
  • Eclecticist I am glad you like it bro :)
    April 9 05:11 AM
  • Eclecticist Palm Beach?
    April 9 04:06 AM
  • AngelofDeath I'll certainly give it a listen. Link?
    April 9 03:16 AM
  • Eclecticist Yea it should be interesting and lol I kind of agree with that phrase
    April 8 06:17 PM
  • Eclecticist I was going to post today but I am going to wait until tomorrow when easter is done and the site gets more traffic. The other review is 1/3rd done and I have your album sitting in a file folder on the first page of my harddrive ready to go for when I am finished.
    April 8 05:28 PM
  • Eclecticist Yessir the whole album is intrumental!
    April 8 03:57 PM
  • Eclecticist Hey man did you have a chance to listen to Palm Beach by Weathertunes?
    April 8 06:19 AM
  • Systemunfolded Indeed.
    April 7 09:23 PM
  • Systemunfolded I have now lol. and I just rated it. Hope you make more soon :)
    April 7 09:09 PM
  • Systemunfolded purtty good :)
    April 7 04:33 AM
  • Eclecticist Yea I am pretty sure that I am going to write a review for your album, metal related music is the easiest for me to talk about.
    April 5 11:25 PM
  • Eclecticist Well I usually favour poor production because of my background with black metal so we shall see. LOL I doubt that you guys are as bad as Coprophagia, I like that my review popularized using them as a reference to some of the more disgusting bands that have surfaced on sputnik, like Torso****.
    April 5 11:16 PM
  • Gyromania I'll give it a listen in a few days and let you know what I think =]
    April 3 04:28 AM
  • Eclecticist I will check it out and get back to you soon.
    April 2 05:06 PM
  • pizzamachine Were you one of the dudes in the interview?
    March 31 08:00 PM
  • pizzamachine Interesting, you guys are influenced by a lot of bands.
    March 31 05:55 PM
  • pizzamachine Just make a list man, that's what most people do here.
    March 30 03:43 PM
  • pizzamachine Review is up.
    March 21 03:09 AM
  • pizzamachine I can do objective. I'm feeling a strong 4 on this one.
    March 17 06:11 PM
  • pizzamachine I'm always interested man, what do you want reviewed?
    March 17 03:02 PM
  • Deviant. Well like I said, I'll check it out but I can't promise anything (not because of the genre or anything, just that I have a pretty tight schedule at the mo and I've already got my hands in a few other reviews already)
    March 16 11:58 PM
  • Deviant. I'm not going to make any promises because I'm pretty swamped at the moment, but I could take a look at it. Just out of curiosity but why did you come to be?
    March 16 11:50 PM
  • Deviant. Of?
    March 16 11:47 PM
  • Deviant. Mainly electronic stuff, but I still do hip hop as well (and have done metal in the past)
    March 16 11:42 PM
  • X3ni92 For the album? Ask someone to write a review, someone well known. I'd suggest Pizza or Xeno, though I'm not sure how much they'd like it, release the album for free and make a news article or make a music video and make a news article. Other than that all you really can do is get it around. I hope those help you in one way or another. Best of luck!!
    March 16 12:46 AM
  • X3ni92 Its not to bad. It'd probably like it better if I didn't only like Pop now.
    March 14 05:06 AM
  • Kellerdeck :D
    March 4 06:20 PM

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