
Reviews 4
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 10
Album Ratings 975
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 10-21-17 7:42 am
Joined 11-01-10

Review Comments 6,618

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  • ToSmokMuzyki disgusting
    July 10 11:54 PM
  • sonictheplumber hell yeah. i saw solo acoustic buzzo like 10 years ago and it was killer
    February 21 09:43 PM
  • sonictheplumber seen em 8 times!
    February 1 11:04 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki what
    June 7 04:30 AM
  • DavidYowi I would love to be on a podcast about the topic. I think my perspective as a trans woman (well, trans woman adjacent) will add some extra insight to the conversation
    September 20 12:49 PM
  • evilford I used to guitar a little bit, haven't for years tho. I'd be glad to help if you need it, just know that I am musically retarded lol
    September 23 10:03 AM
  • Britch2tiger Appreciate your bump
    November 4 08:20 AM
  • DominionMM1 sup dude
    June 9 06:40 PM
  • tempest-- wait for some reason in my mind "jamming" = i'm not sure if that's what you meant though hahaha
    March 25 02:08 PM
  • tempest-- lol yea ford seems to be the only dude round to instigate it then some people will join. not like it used to be. holy fvck your pic tho. buzz did 9/11!
    March 25 02:07 PM
  • evilford dam dude haven't seen u around in forever, stick around!
    March 20 05:40 AM
  • BenThatsMyJamin Hey man I will check this Andy Kauffman geezer out, sounds like an interesting bloke. Cheers!
    May 8 09:19 PM
  • DominionMM1 hey dude where ya been at?
    April 27 03:46 PM
  • Rowan5215 yeah it was basically all The Real Thing, Angel Dust and California with a couple of other tunes thrown in haphazardly eh. freakin' good times though, some great mems
    April 20 11:48 AM
  • Rowan5215 cheers bruv! good to see you around, been a long time since the patton plug days eh
    April 20 07:10 AM
  • Sevengill haha dude I'm like impossible to offend anyway. I wear my Mastodork badge with pride. and that's awesome! congratulations. who's the lucky lady?
    April 20 05:33 AM
  • Sevengill pffft well there you go! Sput's biggest fangirl (or fanboy, if you want to play it like that) has to keep up a reputation. things are in transition. getting a job, moving out, big life decisions. releasing an album, recording an album, writing an album. you know.
    April 20 05:03 AM
  • Sevengill yoooo Jed you know this is Pedro70512 from back in the day yeah?
    April 20 04:32 AM
  • ScuroFantasma You should get around to it at some point man, I dig the sound you've got
    March 1 03:50 PM
  • Britch2tiger Sadly, I hear a lot of post-hardcore that sound similar. But for any high rated PH albums, I do notice they have some qualities that actually make them differ from the rest.
    February 26 07:24 AM
  • Britch2tiger I mean where a release date plays a role in music, I figure w/ as many decades that pass who create more unique sounding bands. There are a lot out there (statistically speaking), but I wind up hearing a lot of duplicates out there...
    February 26 07:23 AM
  • blatho blatho.
    February 26 06:50 AM
  • Britch2tiger I'm still indifferent to Karnivool even after listening to most of their work. Personally, I'd rank anything done by the Mars Volta being more impressive by comparison. The one really good thing for K is their singer and their mediocre use of sonic manipulation.
    February 7 05:24 AM
  • Britch2tiger Track order theory - Don't know if there's any evidence to back this phenomena, but at least w/ Laterals that's just my experience. Wonder if that could work for Karnivool's Asymmetry album.
    February 5 04:30 AM
  • Britch2tiger A difficult feat but I know that time has a lot to do w/ most music. One example was Noiseheads 1994 album - I get it, they can replicate an awesome sound but what's THEIR unique identity/contribution in the grunge spectrum?
    February 4 05:55 AM
  • Britch2tiger I try to make a connection that great albums are rated on a multitude of reasons, chronology included, and remove me personal bias from these albums as possible.
    February 4 05:53 AM
  • Britch2tiger List is finished - had a late dinner to attend
    January 31 03:18 AM
  • pissbore no doubt bro
    September 1 02:36 AM
  • undertakerpt Your a good writer, hopefully you'll have the time to write some more, fake your own death or somthing xD
    August 31 04:36 PM
  • undertakerpt Ah I see, i enjoyed your "Southern trend kill" review, it made a lot of sense. Infact, the first few times I heard it it didn't make much sense to me and I gave it a 3/5, but after I read your view on it I listened to it again and again and I get it now. It's an incrediable record and deffo a 5 now. Only rivalled by cowboys from hell of course, but yeah thanks man for opening my eyes xD
    August 30 01:39 AM
  • undertakerpt Why thank you! What would you like to know?
    August 29 10:29 AM
  • evilford Yeah I joined some online dating sites. Met a few girls but things are going really well with this awesome chick that came to me first
    June 24 05:30 AM
  • evilford Cool I hear ya. Not much new w/ me just werkin my life away. Tryin to get a gf, been single for over a year now and honestly gettin pretty tired of it lol
    June 21 05:30 AM
  • evilford sup dude haven't seen you around for a while, nice prof pic prob already told u that tho
    June 15 03:07 AM
  • pissbore
    June 4 09:14 PM
  • ButteryBiscuitBass track up if you're interested dude
    April 12 10:13 AM
  • puntugruhm hey i edited the review lemme know what you think of it.
    April 11 10:27 PM
  • Archelirion Oh God - a friend and I, on the last day of secondary school, decided to watch some first series Thomas the Tank Engine and had a joint 'holy s***' at how coldly the whole 'Henry being bricked up in a tunnel' thing was played out. It was the final 'but I think he deserved it - don't you?' that seemed so brutal.
    April 10 12:09 AM
  • Archelirion Percy was always the best engine :D
    April 9 11:51 PM
  • DominionMM1 damn. out there on the prairie huh?
    April 6 05:30 PM
  • pissbore add me on fb bro
    April 4 09:13 PM
  • manosg welcome back dude! Hope everything's fine.
    March 25 07:09 AM
  • evilford no I don't but I bet it was some sick s***
    January 5 03:46 PM
  • evilford yeah dude! :] I was obsessed with castles for a long time, that was one of my faves
    December 31 10:15 PM
  • evilford nice prof pic
    December 28 02:33 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Nice dude!
    November 18 01:37 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Spinal Meningitis IS disturbing, but in a way it's one of my favorite Ween songs ever. Especially because it has an epic guitar solo.
    October 21 04:17 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Cool.
    October 21 04:10 AM
  • ArsMoriendi I've noticed that you've checked most of Ween's great albums, but not Chocolate and Cheese. You'd probably love it since you highly rated The Mollusk.
    October 21 03:52 AM
  • Dancedrewdance That was encouraging dude lol! But yeah it's all I think about all the time , probably the same for a lot of people on here!
    October 19 07:19 PM
  • Dancedrewdance Not nearly as talented as any of those guys mind you lol
    October 18 07:34 PM
  • Dancedrewdance My lows sound like btbam, highs sound like the contortionist, mids sound like Greeley estates and I sing in the same key as the bayside guy !!
    October 18 07:33 PM
  • Dancedrewdance That's no problem I know a guy that's pretty good at it, I plan on recording some vocal tracks as soon as I can get ahold of a decent mic, maybe I can seend them to you and see if we are on the same page and such ?
    October 18 07:30 PM
  • YakNips ohhhh lol ok that's even better
    October 18 05:23 PM
  • spookynewghostfriend when?
    October 18 12:03 AM
  • YakNips its the guy from at the drive in right??
    October 17 05:39 PM
  • Kubrick It's my least favorite Kubrick film that I've seen. That being said I'm definitely going to watch it again and see if it grows on me (been at least 4 years now). But yeah it's a very early film by him and it was done before he was given full creative control as a director. So the production company had a large say in how the movie was done (which is why it isn't as provocative as the novel). It's not a bad movie, but it doesn't have that same signature Kubrick style that he developed later on.
    October 17 04:41 PM
  • Dancedrewdance You produce or write or both ?
    October 17 02:46 PM
  • Dancedrewdance Wait are you actually serious :p?
    October 17 09:07 AM
  • Kubrick Haha yeah I haven't seen the 3.5 hour version but honestly having seen the original a few times now, I can't really imagine the movie benefiting much from a whole extra hour. It's already decently long and it definitely works at that length.. but yeah I can see how any longer than that and it would probably feel pretty bloated.
    October 16 09:41 PM
  • YakNips holy s*** your profile pic holy ****ingns*** so good
    October 16 08:59 PM
  • Dancedrewdance Do you make sick beats bro!?
    October 16 07:18 AM
  • spookynewghostfriend the funny who?
    October 16 06:13 AM
  • Kubrick Are you referring to the redux version that 3.5 hours long? I haven't seen that version, only the original which is 2.5 hours. And yeah FMJ is obviously a classic (haven't seen Platoon). But still I think Apocalypse Now offers something different that you don't really get from FMJ. It's a lot more experimental and has a much more dark/menacing/disturbing vibe. Not that FMJ is a walk in the park but.. yeah idk there's something about Apocalypse Now that is just very unsettling.
    October 16 02:43 AM
  • Kubrick And you don't like Apocalypse Now or the Godfather? The Conversation is another good one by Copolla.
    October 15 11:14 PM
  • Kubrick I haven't seen Noah (and I don't expect to like it much honestly), and I'm not in love with The Fountain either. Black Swan is a masterpiece though IMO. The last 30 minutes of that movie are sublime. But yeah Aronofsky definitely isn't batting 100 by any means.. I just really like Black Swan and RFAD. And no I'm not familiar with him - what has he done?
    October 15 11:11 PM
  • Dancedrewdance Banned
    October 15 09:17 AM
  • Kubrick Also Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Copolla.. but those are pretty obvious picks haha
    October 15 02:07 AM
  • Kubrick I've seen all 3 plus a few others, but not in at least 4-5 years. I definitely should rewatch a few. As far as my other favorite directors - Paul Thomas Anderson (There Will Be Blood, Magnolia), Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan, Requiem for a Dream), David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, any move written by Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Being John Malkovich), Coen Brothers, Hayao Miyazaki, to a lesser extent Lars Von Trier (his films are a little flawed, but interesting style)
    October 15 02:05 AM
  • Kubrick I do, but not on the same level as Kubrick. It's been awhile since I've seen anything by him though so my opinion is pretty outdated.. really should rewatch some of his stuff. But yeah based on past impressions I definitely like his stuff, but I wouldn't consider him one of my favorite directors
    October 14 10:12 PM
  • Kubrick haha yeah there's some truth to that
    October 13 01:37 PM
  • SharkTooth that moustache...
    October 13 01:42 AM
  • Kubrick i'd classify it as a horror film, but i understand what you mean. it's kubrick's interpretation of a horror film which is quite different than what you typically see in the genre. that's what makes it so good imo (but obviously i'm biased considering i love kubrick's style to begin with haha). it's really a shame that it's his only entry in the genre
    October 13 12:03 AM
  • Kubrick i love dr. strangelove and lolita too, i'm partial to his more recent stuff though idk. and it may sound odd but the shining is actually my favorite movie of all time even though i rank it under 2001 haha. i just feel that 2001 is kubrick's strongest movie overall in terms of scope/cinematography/themes/set design/music. it's just a tour de force and totally visionary. but yeah personal favorite is the shining too.. always been a horror fan and the shining is the best horror film ever made
    October 12 10:08 PM
  • Kubrick ah, nice. yeah i'm a huuuge Kubrick fanboy (which I'm sure is apparent haha), started watching his movies about 4-5 years ago in college and he instantly became my favorite director. i've spent about 90 hours watching/rewatching his movies (yes, i've kept track ^_^) - what are your favs? for me it's1. 2001 (seen it 8 times)2. Shining (seen it 7 times)3. Clockwork4. Barry Lyndon5. Full metal/Eyes Wide Shut
    October 12 04:37 PM
  • SharkTooth Yanni? I think I know that name but I can't tell from where...
    October 12 01:18 AM
  • SharkTooth Very Well, also: lol that Michael Bolton 5
    October 11 09:17 PM
  • manosg Definitely. I've checked his albums up until 1983 and the man can do no wrong. I seriously doubt if I'll find one bad album once I'm finished with his discog. I remember you recommending me Poetic Champions Compose and I'm really looking forward to checking it.
    October 11 06:57 PM
  • Kubrick first time?
    October 11 02:22 PM
  • Kubrick Hi! ^_^
    October 5 02:17 PM
  • pedro70512 I understand totally. I'm finishing my thesis so time is tight here too. I've got three songs, so you can do as many of them as you want, whatever you'd like to do and can find time for.
    September 22 04:05 AM
  • pedro70512 hoping to have everything recorded by the beginning of November so I can mix it and release it in December.
    September 22 03:59 AM
  • pedro70512 I'm using audacity, literally the most basic thing ever. feel free to record it and send it as a separate mp3. as long as it doesn't have too much extra noise it will work. these are the guitar tracks.
    September 22 03:32 AM
  • pedro70512 Jed bro, would you be interested in laying down some bass tracks for my album?
    September 19 08:12 PM
  • manosg oh definitely man. JJ Cale has this laid back approach with regards to his guitar playing and singing which is very cool. Also enjoy his music while driving.
    September 13 06:42 AM
  • manosg hell yeah! Saw a documentary once about his career and when he became famous he was asked to appear on TV and perform a couple of songs. The dude denied because as he said he became famous, what more to do? Underrated bluesman.
    September 13 05:40 AM
  • DominionMM1 savin for school eh? what's the end game?
    September 7 05:00 AM
  • DominionMM1 yo word up jed. where ya been at man?
    September 7 04:54 AM
  • beefshoes Thanks man. I've never listened to the Melvins either, so I guess I am completely new to that genre of music. I'll give both a jam once I get back this evening.
    August 15 03:10 PM
  • OmairSh What is this euro pseudometal? -_-
    August 15 06:21 AM
  • OmairSh Haven't listened to it. Don't know when I will with all the other s*** I have to check out
    August 15 06:13 AM
  • OmairSh Well after Electric Wizard this will seem too sparkly :P. Ah well I love it.
    August 15 06:09 AM
  • OmairSh Your laughing will cease in a minute
    August 15 06:05 AM
  • OmairSh Stop everything and listen to this (and jizz to the chorus)
    August 15 05:57 AM
  • Judio! Sweet! Bm is probably my favorite genre of metal, and even though I'm not as well-versed in it as most I'd be happy to give you some recs in yo need any!
    August 14 01:11 AM
  • Judio! have you never listened to Burzum before? Dude you've been missing out!
    August 14 12:19 AM
  • Judio! Awesome! You'll be the first to know :)
    August 13 11:59 PM
  • Judio! Thanks man, glad you liked the review, it was partially written in hopes of a Patton Plug revival. Maybe some day...
    August 13 06:18 AM
  • BMDrummer awesome profile pic
    August 6 04:02 AM
  • OmairSh Tell me about it 82 million for that biting piece of s***. 82! EIGHTY TWO!! But he's banned till the end of October so at least I can see the team perform untarnished until then. Ohh nice. I love Pep and Bayern is cool but I hate the fact that they buy BVB players when they get intimidated by them. Goetze, now Lew, I'm surprised they haven't made offers for Hummels yet (half the world has already).
    July 16 02:42 AM
  • Futures Yeah I saw he was releasing an album haha. Prob sucks but he's a legend so it's ok.
    July 16 01:12 AM
  • OmairSh Palacio brought that hideous "pony-tail" to distract players, but it didn't work. Yeah Di Maria's work rate was incredible, but his deliveries should have been a lot better. Higuain seems to be inspired by Torres, and Aguero doesn't seem to have recovered from that injusry while playing for Man City. Dude Barca bought Suarez. Makes me want to puke. Which other team do you support?
    July 15 10:28 PM
  • OmairSh On paper Argentina was a good team, but they decided not to show up during the WC. Still made the final though. Yeah Di Maria's absence was a big loss, even though he didn't really do much all WC. Odd considering the season he's just had. Dude I'm a Barca fan (Atletico's my second team), where did you get Aston Villa from? :P
    July 15 06:36 AM
  • OmairSh Well I hate Holland for kicking Spain out so Vlaar can suck it! Overall I think it was good. The most deserving team won, but I was upset for Messi. What about you?
    July 15 06:28 AM
  • OmairSh Looks like a pretty explosive afro to me ;)
    July 15 06:24 AM
  • OmairSh What does your profile picture insinuate?
    July 15 01:35 AM
  • Arcade Nah lol it takes the fun out if I did that
    July 10 06:14 AM
  • Arcade The problem I'm having is it's just about the furthest thing away from what I'd ever listen to. It nears quite a lot of similarities to The Housemartins in places which is nice, but the religious overtones and the length are really trying. I want to be fair but I also don't want to pretend I like it for the sake of having a positive review :/
    July 9 02:43 PM
  • Arcade I really dislike that Van Morrison album
    July 9 09:01 AM
  • Jasdevi087 It's ok dude, you do Mekong Delta, I think I've got this.
    July 9 04:53 AM
  • mandan Interesting analysis dude.
    June 4 02:52 AM
  • mandan Why do you think AiC has such a strong fanbase on this site?
    June 3 02:24 AM
  • mandan Nice to see you like the Stones. Not many 'round here seem to like 'em. To a degree, I find it a bit tragic that the Beatles eclipsed the Stones as much as they did.
    June 2 01:51 AM
  • ZombicidalMan pretty much shat my pants the first time I listened to it
    June 1 05:18 AM
  • ZombicidalMan Amplifier Worship definitely brings the most sludge. For non-Boris recs, maybe try out Thorr's Hammer? Weird and underrated doom
    June 1 05:13 AM
  • ZombicidalMan Since you like Melvins I'd go for Amplifier Worship first. It has a lot of Melvins style riffage and vocals on it, but then it also adds like fast hardcore riffage and weird post-rock noodling. It is tough to get into though, so if you don't like it, try Heavy Rocks
    June 1 05:06 AM
  • ZombicidalMan Any genres you were thinking of? Hopefully I can help you out with some sweet jams
    June 1 05:00 AM
  • ZombicidalMan I felt my sputnik repertoire could use some extra oomph
    June 1 04:54 AM
  • mandan Anyways I'm jammin' Queen atm. Might give that second listen to Mirror Ball soon.
    May 31 03:02 AM
  • mandan Thanks bro. See, that's what I like about you, I feel that we can share each other's bulls*** with confidence.
    May 31 02:52 AM
  • mandan Although, at the end of the day, I'm as entitled to my opinion as others are to theirs. So there's no reason why I should feel embarrassed or ashamed of what I think. I'm just doing a bit of catharsis man.
    May 30 06:10 AM
  • mandan Bro it kinda wears me down sometimes how banal discussions can get on this site. Like the flak bands like Priest and Queensryche get for being "inconsistent" when they simply passed their prime after the 70's and early 90's respectively. It kinda irks me as well when people say "oh, Victim of Changes is easily their best song". Don't get me wrong, it rules hard, but I kinda wish there was more plurality of opinions on the matter. Just getting it off my chest man.
    May 30 06:07 AM
  • mandan As of now I'm jammin' some Deep Purple man.
    May 29 04:19 AM
  • mandan Been catchin' up on some rawk dude, but will give Mirror Ball another listen soon to rate.
    May 29 04:15 AM
  • mandan Yeah, I thought you'd dig 'em.
    May 28 02:39 PM
  • mandan Honestly dude you're like my bro on the site. Let me know once you've checked Blue Cheer.
    May 28 07:15 AM
  • mandan And yeah, Mirror Ball's sweet. Still need to jam again to rate, but it's looking like a 4-4.5.
    May 28 04:07 AM
  • DominionMM1 building for the future bruh. still took a little time to get over that loss though.
    May 28 03:44 AM
  • mandan I really dig Maiden's first 2 with DiAnno tho. There's something on those I don't quite get on the 5 that follow. But that's just me.
    May 28 03:35 AM
  • mandan **** yeah man, \m/ hard. I care mostly for Priest's first 4 in full personally, but I take quality over quantity hard man. From the rest I could make a compilation of my faves and jam that.
    May 28 03:33 AM
  • mandan On another note, I'm finishing my first listen of Mirror Ball, great stuff.
    May 27 06:32 AM
  • mandan I get the impression that you're another one of the few (along with Nero, RotM and myself), who likes Priest more than Maiden.
    May 27 05:24 AM
  • DominionMM1 ey yo bro good to see ya man
    May 27 05:11 AM
  • mandan I should get to it soon enough.
    May 24 06:02 AM
  • mandan Your turn dude.
    May 24 05:38 AM
  • mandan Well given your taste, I suggest you check out Blue Cheer - Vincebus Eruptum. It's interesting for the influence it had on bands like Black Sabbath.
    May 24 05:02 AM
  • mandan Could you be a bit more specific dude? I didn't really understand.
    May 24 04:23 AM
  • mandan Yeah, it makes no sense.
    May 24 04:15 AM
  • mandan Agreed. In some ways, I'd say it's JP's most interesting album. You get to take a look at their roots. How they progressed so quickly from there to SWoD is truly amazing.
    May 24 04:12 AM
  • mandan Sweet to see Rocka Rolla at a 4 man, I honestly think that album's criminally overlooked in the Priest catalog.
    May 19 05:06 AM
  • mandan I find it peculiar that I'm one of the few PJ fans who has Nirvana as his least fave. Most SG fans tend to have AiC as their 2nd fave and vice-versa; while PJ and Nirvana fans seem to like either SG or AiC the least. I always kinda presumed that PJ fans would generally tend to love SG and vice-versa, but time has proven me wrong there.
    May 18 11:23 PM
  • mandan Alrighty. Well anyways (I still need to check your recs for The Tragically Hip and Neil Young, hopefully I'll get to that soon) how familiar are you with proto-metal bands such as Blue Cheer and Vanilla Fudge? Given your taste, I believe you should be interested.
    April 28 05:44 AM
  • mandan Did you get banned dude?
    April 26 06:30 AM
  • mandan Also dude, ever since I began to listen to albums more than once, my opinions have become much more hipster-ish.
    April 25 05:44 PM
  • mandan The fact that I consider Portnoy and Petrucci to be overrated musicians doesn't help. How familiar are you with Fates Warning?
    April 25 06:55 AM
  • mandan Nice to see a fellow DT critic. Yeah man, too much musical masturbation and too little substance. There are other prog metal bands I'd rather jam.
    April 25 03:44 AM
  • mandan I personally think Queensryche smokes DT (the early stuff at least), but DT seems to be more popular on the site.
    April 24 08:05 AM
  • mandan I saw your Dream Theater ratings and felt rather pleased tbh. I'm not a huge fan of 'em. IandW and Awake are decent albums imo, but for some time I've considered them to be overrated.
    April 24 04:31 AM
  • mandan Yeah, I'm a huge fan.
    April 23 02:25 AM
  • mandan I even think I prefer a couple post-PL albums over the LaTorre album. You def won't hear many saying that. But you don't always have the most conventional opinions either, that's prob one of the reasons we get along so well.
    April 23 01:27 AM
  • mandan Their magnum opus as well. IMO all the stuff from the debut EP to Empire is essential. PL is pretty good too. I'm one of the few QR fanboys who doesn't hate all their post-PL stuff (hipster opinion, I know). Mindcrime II and especially DtC suck dick though.
    April 23 01:24 AM
  • mandan Dude, I see Mindcrime is the only QR album you have rated. Is it the only one you like by the band?
    April 21 05:21 AM
  • Frippertronics well i'm off, i'd suggest going over it again, maybe add that missing verse and whatsoever (i'm guessing the track is "Absentee"?)
    April 16 02:34 AM
  • Frippertronics well it shouldn't be incomplete, just send it to me asap tomorrow.
    April 16 02:31 AM
  • Frippertronics do what you see is fit
    April 16 02:22 AM
  • Frippertronics ahaha time to play the waiting game
    April 16 02:13 AM
  • Frippertronics no worries, you're like in the mid 20s, so you're almost two hours in
    April 16 02:02 AM
  • Frippertronics yeah bruv my email is Duuuuude i may just release this s*** tomorrow
    April 16 01:05 AM
  • Frippertronics yeah I guess I am! If you can get something, that'd be marvelous, if not I can get someone to do some vox (w/ your blessing of course!) or release it as an instrumental) good luck m80!
    April 14 04:31 AM
  • Frippertronics alright now that we got that out of the way, can I at least get something done by the 15th so I can release the final tracklisting, considering you're the only one left to record
    April 13 11:16 PM
  • Frippertronics no prob
    April 12 01:45 AM
  • Frippertronics alright bruv one more day to deadline
    April 11 10:54 PM
  • mandan Alrighty. I like all 3 of those bands, Nirvana's the one that I dig the least of the Big 4.But yeah, our views on grunge are pretty similar.
    April 5 03:54 AM
  • mandan AiC's s/t drags a bit more than it should imo.
    April 5 03:29 AM
  • Frippertronics same as before my man, the 12th.
    April 3 07:32 PM
  • Frippertronics that's great, can't wait to hear it
    April 3 07:26 PM
  • Frippertronics hey hey mayne, anys on the vox for that track?
    April 3 07:15 PM
  • mandan Nope. Also, I didn't get to see the last bit of your previous post, only could read up to "reflection rather than".
    April 3 06:21 AM
  • mandan Did you live to see the rise of grunge and alt/rock back in the early 90's?
    April 3 05:30 AM
  • mandan They also get a boost because McCready is one of my guitar inspirations, although a fair case can be made for Cantrell being better. I'm not really a fan of Thayil's leads but no one in the Big 4 riffed like him.
    April 3 05:08 AM
  • mandan Agreed hard man. I also think that the fact that they weren't as "heavy" as the other 3, particularly AiC and SG, has a lot to do with it. But they were such an emotional band, that's why I love 'em so much. I like SG and AiC almost as much, but they just don't take me on that emotional trip PJ does.
    April 3 05:04 AM
  • mandan Why do you think PJ is so unpopular on this site?
    April 3 03:53 AM
  • mandan The Hunter isn't aging well with me either, way too many cheesy songs. Band has kinda lost their testicles after Blood Mountain imo.
    April 1 06:32 PM
  • osmark86 not gonna respond to your rap diss playa? ^^
    April 1 02:18 PM
  • mandan The Czar is a pretty good song though, but imo it's not even close to Hearts Alive.
    April 1 06:12 AM
  • mandan Dude, I think CtS might not age well with me. Tbh, the bands sounds gay/unmanly on it, and arguably even gayer on The Hunter. I prefer the sludgy manliness of Mastodon's first 3 so far.
    April 1 06:10 AM
  • Rowan5215 That's what I love about that song, it can be interpreted so many ways. Fantastic lyrics.
    March 29 05:14 AM
  • Rowan5215 I did a FNM list check it
    March 29 03:36 AM
  • mandan Listening to Human, I detected a precise approach to songwriting that reminded me of MF. Also, the riffing style must've been influenced by them as well. Chuck definitely was the Riff Perfector.
    March 23 05:59 AM
  • mandan Do you think Mercyful Fate influenced Death?
    March 23 05:51 AM
  • Iamthe Nightstars Thanks man. Did things change a lot when you stopped?
    March 20 04:19 AM
  • mandan BTW, check BSSM or Mother's Milk, they're a bit more accessible than the Pre-Frusciante Era stuff.
    March 18 06:17 PM
  • mandan Something similar happened with Porcupine Tree, although not in the same exact manner. I used to think all their albums minus their first were fairly solid, but after listening to them more, only their stuff up to Stupid Dream has come up as solid in songwriting terms in my eyes. So stuff can grow off and grow on the more you listen to it.
    March 18 03:33 AM
  • mandan I just did a so-so soundoff, but I'll do a better one after I've heard it again. Early Peppers is a bit hard to get into on first listen, but it helps when you realize the flaws on later records (at least, I guess that was somewhat my case). In fact, part of what got me to appreciate 70's Priest more was realizing the flaws in their post-SC records. That eventually led me to conclude that 70's Priest is indeed better, and a similar logic kinda works with the Peppers I guess.
    March 18 03:30 AM
  • mandan Which is sad because imo TUMPP is a lot better than either CFC or BtW. Also, I think I'm liking FS more than those as well. But not many have hopped on the 80's Peppers bandwagon. Don't get me wrong: BSSM is very solid, but I wouldn't say it's best Peppers.
    March 17 11:15 PM
  • Rowan5215 new review check it
    March 17 11:46 AM
  • mandan I see we agree on Californication, that album's mad overrated on this site. The first half is solid, but it gets hit and miss after that imo.
    March 17 03:35 AM
  • mandan Dude, as crazy as it sounds, I think I'm liking BM a bit more than Remission. Don't get me wrong, both rape ass hard, but I somewhat feel BM has a better opener-closer combo, something that I take into account a lot when comparing albums.
    March 16 08:41 PM
  • mandan It's become cool to hate PJ lately. You and I have something in common, we love the least popular bands out of the Thrash and Grunge Big 4 on this site.
    March 15 02:53 AM
  • BigHans pretty much summed up my review there
    March 14 07:29 PM
  • BigHans The Sword rips so hard. Dude I reviewed that Paw album hard.
    March 14 07:07 PM
  • mandan Loved Bullhead, will jam again later to rate. After that, I'll prob check Houdini.
    March 14 05:55 AM
  • mandan Interesting, I'll do as you say. Have you checked TAD - Inhaler bro? I know you'll love it hard.
    March 14 03:53 AM
  • mandan Bro, I've been thinking of checking out some Melvins. What's the best place to start with them? I had issues the first time I heard 'em, but maybe now I'm ready to give 'em another go.
    March 14 03:21 AM
  • Judio! I have no doubt your review will be amazing dude. Just remember not to be too critical of your work, you have to have at least one sentence in those three paragraphs worth keeping.
    March 13 10:20 PM
  • Judio! Hows your Faith No More review coming along?
    March 13 09:25 PM
  • BigHans dude do you remeber this jam
    March 13 02:01 AM
  • mandan Dude, you need to check TAD - Inhaler ASAP. Awesome album, jamming it atm and it rules face.
    March 13 01:55 AM
  • OmairSh You need to jam Leprous - Bilateral. It requires a few listens
    March 12 11:35 PM
  • OmairSh Oye
    March 12 04:35 AM

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