
Reviews 141
Approval 91%

Soundoffs 243
News Articles 21
Band Edits + Tags 104
Album Edits 81

Album Ratings 3092
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 01-08-23 6:33 pm
Joined 06-25-10

Review Comments 59,915

shoutbox » all posts 
  • neekafat yes! im neekafat or Andrew Roman on there
    March 3 11:44 PM
  • bighubbabuddha trebor, i love you
    February 7 04:10 PM
  • Ryus the internet was a mistake
    February 6 03:51 PM
  • coneren spin more rhymes than a lazy susan
    January 28 02:29 AM
  • coneren sittin
    January 27 05:08 AM
  • coneren hello hope youre doing well
    January 27 04:30 AM
  • Hawks I'm sure I will buddy. Already really dig the 2 I've heard.
    November 2 11:27 PM
  • Hawks ****ing right bro! Gives me huge feelings of nostalgia for whatever reason lol.
    November 2 08:57 PM
  • Manatea Lol wtf i was literally in winnetka today and i thought of you
    June 3 06:22 AM
  • Manatea Dude i was born in the Kaiser there. Grew up in Encino/Woodland Hills. Right now I?m living kind of on the edge of East Hollywood, Silverlake and Los Feliz.
    May 18 07:02 AM
  • Manatea I feel that. when gas goes under $5 and I feel happy I know we?re in a horrible place. What part are you in
    May 16 06:19 AM
  • Manatea Another LA person! Finally?
    May 13 06:27 AM
  • Sowing Please shoutbox me with an email address to associate you with our new forum. I'll remove the shout from my profile once I've emailed you the link to access it. Thanks in advance!
    January 11 01:29 PM
  • VlacDrac Glad to know. Do you still worship the BasedGod?
    October 6 10:17 PM
  • VlacDrac Are you still alive?
    October 5 11:29 PM
  • VlacDrac Are you still alive?
    October 5 11:28 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell vote you *****
    September 11 06:51 PM
  • MarsKid No sane person should
    August 27 02:56 AM
  • MarsKid OK remember when I told you to listen to Pianos... don't... be free.
    August 26 11:08 PM
  • MarsKid The last Pianos single had the lyric of "All we are is flood damage in the dark" and I hope you appreciate it.
    July 14 02:05 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell woah woah it is perfect and i love it - thank you!!! gonna wait til i've got a few of these in the tank before posting, but it should be up soonish
    November 16 03:29 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell ok ok here it is, hmu when you're done or whatever :]]]
    November 15 02:59 AM
  • jimthefish Self Insert did this EP called Philias that does with crazy fusion of emo, electronic, experimental and rap. thought you'd like to review it, heres the first song
    October 19 07:57 AM
  • aok quit tryina blend in with the wrong crowd. aren't you like hidden from everyone's view still? be bolder young trebor be bolder
    August 13 03:39 PM
  • VlacDrac Taskforce TYBG
    August 9 06:53 AM
  • aok am curious dude. how many times did you listen to animal collective before you liked it? dance monkey's a phenomenal track. i'm just saying
    July 28 08:58 AM
  • xxm You are welcome.
    July 20 10:52 AM
  • xxm Your comments are truly wonderful.
    July 19 05:48 PM
  • oltnabrick
    April 11 03:26 AM
  • oltnabrick lmfao wtf ive never seen that. ty for that
    March 28 12:24 AM
  • WeepingBanana Desperate times and such... you too bud
    February 20 11:44 PM
  • unclereich rich evans is handsome w/ a symmetrical face
    November 10 11:14 AM
  • twlight wait, why cant I "pos" your ratings... i would really like too :}
    August 12 11:01 AM
  • Satellite [2]
    July 24 02:14 PM
  • Atari looking forward to your Lawrence Arms review
    July 22 04:36 PM
  • Snake. be my cheese wife? ?
    February 10 11:12 PM
  • Atari - a song about a Tiny Moving Parts concert. lyrics are so great
    November 1 12:11 AM
  • Atari hell yes. keeps getting better for me. "Charmian Carr" is too good
    September 23 02:09 PM
  • Atari you need to check the band Western Settings! several tracks definitely have an Alkaline Trio vibe to them. think you'd dig them
    September 22 04:32 PM
  • ian b would you be interested in doing a collab review for a Lil Peep project?
    July 11 06:00 AM
  • auberginedreams Hey dude if you have a chance I'd love to hear your thoughts on my emo EP. I think we have similar taste in emo so I'd really appreciate feedback from someone.
    July 7 02:30 PM
  • Hawks Thanks so much my dude. :]
    June 24 08:30 PM
  • Hawks Hey bro, just talked with Sowing about a possible promotion to contrib. You?ve been a homie on the site for years and I would love to start taking my reviewing seriously and I think I?ve earned the opportunity to be promoted. My reviews have gotten so much better over the years and I want to start being a more integral part of the site. Calm down on the s*** posting and really start taking it seriously. Any consideration from you guys would be very much appreciated. :]
    June 24 06:57 PM
  • ian b damn, you've got the inner emo in me quaking ?? also, sidenote, but what did you think of the Live Forever review?? i would genuinely appreciate your feedback more than you prob know lol
    June 21 06:56 PM
  • Slex Sounds good! Take yr time and just lemme know
    June 21 06:47 PM
  • Slex Hey dude, I?m doing a retrospective interview for the 10 yr anniversary of What It Takes To Move Forward with Keith soon and I know yr a huge fan, wanted to reach out and see if there?s anything you want me to ask him
    June 21 06:03 PM
  • ian b hey man, nice to see you didn't forget who i was lmfao, but anyways you should sosososo review that Overo project, it deserves more attention on here
    June 21 05:06 PM
  • hogan900 is your state faults rating hyperbole or do you really think its that good? i cannot express how excited i am for this
    June 21 01:41 AM
  • idiotican You are the least smart person on the planet
    June 16 08:06 PM
  • coneren because im hilarious
    May 25 06:58 AM
  • coneren hello rob i cant comment on fb until may 29th
    May 25 03:05 AM
  • climactic Yeah i didnt go either, already got tix for HANL though ;)
    May 3 12:52 AM
  • auberginedreams I?m pumped since Empire! is one of my all time favorite bands and a huge musical inspiration to me. Tbh I didn?t like their last album very much (musically it was good if little less ambitious but personally I though the lyrics were super awkward despite Keith otherwise being in my top 5 lyricists) but WiTtMF and both EPs and most of their splits and stuff were all classics. Definitely my favorite emo band. I?m interested to see what this new project sounds like, are you planning on reviewing?
    April 28 05:11 PM
  • auberginedreams Dude did you see that Keith Latinen has a new band?
    April 25 03:35 PM
  • Atari my man, this new Free Throw is very Tiny Moving Parts-esque. you might dig it!
    March 29 03:17 PM
  • climactic are you still in LA? wanna go to that pg 99 show?
    February 4 04:58 PM
  • Gameofmetal Imo you did god?s work with the amo review, I would?ve loved to slaughter than album myself but Im too sensitive to take the ragers if they were coming at me lol
    February 1 02:39 PM
  • onionbubs you ever check the new brendan kelly and the wandering birds album?
    December 17 03:44 AM
  • Log S. Is yer last name Ikrath
    October 2 04:01 PM
  • Realm Why hateing
    September 17 06:10 AM
  • guitarded_chuck
    September 11 06:41 PM
  • sexilexi excellent avatar
    August 27 03:12 PM
  • Snake. boi boi when are you gonna drop that fresh grandview review
    August 25 03:24 AM
  • luci nope
    August 25 12:20 AM
  • AlexKzillion Ayo I posted a list trying to start a fantasy league or two you should join.
    August 3 06:04 PM
  • Atari my man, if u haven?t heard Spanish Love Songs I think you?d dig them. The Menzingers meets Captain We?re Sinking meets Hot Water Music. s*** rules
    July 4 01:19 PM
  • Britch2tiger You know who I could talk to about album updating? I'm on a personal project to the reggae catalogues on this site.
    June 25 06:23 AM
  • unclereich Hey big boy
    June 24 01:52 AM
  • theacademy actually kinda slammed with work atm... how soon would you need it
    May 10 02:28 AM
  • VengeanceCactus Hey Treb, just posted a review of an emo punk band you should check out!
    April 10 04:15 PM
  • theacademy new blessthefall is that good huh lol
    March 19 10:48 PM
  • Gnocchi If someone drops out I?ll add you in. Sorry dude
    March 14 01:02 AM
  • Gnocchi I?ve had a few contrib and staff guys dislike the idea of these lists not sure if you wanted in. I had a chances for people to apply for it.
    March 13 11:20 PM
  • Gnocchi
    March 11 02:59 AM
  • Frippertronics I patiently await the return of Kraft Punk
    February 12 06:10 AM
  • Arcade you reviewing the Black Panther soundtrack?
    February 10 02:01 AM
  • Arcade done, almost ready to publish in a day or 2
    February 8 11:05 PM
  • Frippertronics Sounds like a plan
    February 5 03:19 AM
  • Arcade i believe the phrase is, ?what a time to be alive?
    February 4 11:39 PM
  • Arcade i can?t believe Chigga?s album is actually good
    February 4 01:10 AM
  • Frippertronics I'm down for an interview, plus it'll be a lot easier since we've been fb friends for a couple of years now.
    February 2 02:19 AM
  • Conmaniac love you man thanks
    January 28 05:43 AM
  • Atari thanks for introducing me to tiny moving parts! they've become one of my favorite emo bands over the last year or so
    January 25 05:40 PM
  • Conmaniac why do you say that?
    January 25 03:42 AM
  • klap actually more slammed than i thought i'd be now, going to need to bow out for this round
    January 21 02:12 AM
  • Arcade i do not mind, in part because i was imagining it would end up becoming more conversational than qanda
    January 21 01:03 AM
  • thebabaganoosh look up the sewer goblet and play it
    January 21 12:28 AM
  • TalonsOfFire Either way, whatever's easiest to schedule for us. If it's up to us then I'd say interviewee cause I was the interviewer last time for Scuro but I'm fine with either.
    January 20 11:13 PM
  • Atari I'm addicted to the new tiny moving parts song (caution). so ****ing good
    December 20 04:30 PM
  • SandorClegane Seen the new half in the bag yet?
    December 19 11:59 PM
  • GeorgeWBush dad thighs are ****en awesome. always looking for some nice stupid bandcamp punk lol. thanks for the rec.
    December 12 07:00 PM
  • Dedes Thanks for The Brave Little Abacus rec. Seriously fell in love with that album, especially the vocals.
    December 5 09:35 PM
  • Frippertronics what's up ramadan steve?
    November 22 10:51 AM
  • ZombieToyDuck need your rec for round 4 buddy!
    November 17 05:23 PM
  • Futures dude i see that moirai rating. glad you enjoyed dude.
    October 17 10:54 PM
  • Sowing Not a problem, just wondering. If that's the case I may (like 50/50 chance) do a brief write up for it on Weds. We'll see.
    October 2 09:38 PM
  • Sowing 2.7 :-( are you still going to review the world is a beautiful place?
    September 29 12:51 PM
  • Dedes Dude New Counterparts****ed me up hard
    September 29 01:40 AM
  • Futures same haha. just nothing left in the scene left to give. it all feels the same now. emo needs another seismic shift. really dig your brave little abacus revs btw dude.
    September 27 07:04 AM
  • Futures i find myself agreeing with a lot of your emo opinions now lol.
    September 27 06:59 AM
  • Futures sup treb i wrote a 90s emo rev i think you would really dig. ex penfold guys idk if you've heard it. it's awesome though. i would appreciate your insight.
    September 25 08:09 PM
  • Bakugon You need to GET REAAAL
    September 19 07:50 PM
  • Bakugon You just got bakugon'd!
    September 19 07:48 PM
  • Bakugon You just got bakugon'd!
    September 19 07:48 PM
  • Bakugon ur reviews = poop
    September 19 07:47 PM
  • SteakByrnes I got a heavy Underoath vibe from that Emarosa EP
    September 18 02:54 PM
  • LeOmegaIllusion how's the mental hospital been treating you my dear pitchfork tool ?
    September 17 07:30 PM
  • Hawks Hmmm I'm gonna give it a go and see how it is.
    September 6 06:00 AM
  • Hawks How is Look Mexico? Was just going through some similar artists and their album This is Animal Music looks sweet.
    September 6 05:51 AM
  • Hawks You're the ****ing man.
    September 6 05:11 AM
  • Hawks Throw me some emo/screamo recs that I can find on Bandcamp bro, I'm binging hard.
    September 6 04:47 AM
  • Frippertronics you or arcade gonna review black ken or what? the sole thread i've been waiting for ages and it never came :(
    September 2 06:56 AM
  • cosmopazz thanks, tell her that she made a great choice by choosing you and this album
    September 2 03:21 AM
  • cosmopazz
    September 1 10:38 AM
  • SteakByrnes I know you're an H3H3 fan, did you see that Ethan and Hila won the lawsuit my guy
    August 24 02:36 AM
  • Satellite cool cool. i'll ask around and see how noon pacific on saturday works for ppl.
    August 22 07:56 PM
  • Satellite hey man is there a different time we could draft on sunday that would work for you? if not i'll see how saturday works for people.
    August 21 04:44 PM
  • theacademy 2.5 r u surs
    August 19 12:27 AM
  • Arcade are you going to be reviewing Black Ken, cos if not i will
    August 18 02:04 AM
  • Satellite right here man:
    August 8 12:12 AM
  • AngryLittleAlchemist oh, so now that i'm gone you thinkk it's okay to steal my thread pics?
    July 30 08:25 AM
  • Arcade i really like him, i admire his literary ambition and his incites. i don't tend to read him too much anymore because of the suicide and the specter of it over his work but i do admire his attempt to ground some sense of morality in his work rather than just reaching for postmodernity as a crutch.
    July 24 02:14 AM
  • Arcade it's a candid and beautiful quote, isn't it?
    July 23 01:03 AM
  • butcherboy thank you so much!
    July 9 12:15 AM
  • ashcrash9 Are you or any of the other staff/contribs who've rated it planning to write a review for the new Captain, We're Sinking? If not, I'm thinking about writing one, but my 4.0 rating would be dead noise if one of you guys tackles it, and I imagine those of us in that 3.5-4.2-ish range have similar thoughts on it that don't warrant several only slightly different reviews.
    June 21 08:54 PM
  • kascetcadettt here's a thread where you can discuss how fantastic it is to be a part of this moment: \\\ don't be scared to share the news with other guys in case i missed someone out and keep shining in the light of this beautiful rock n roll fireplate, god bless, hasanmedia represent
    April 19 08:51 AM
  • kascetcadettt sieg hi it's-a me smooth brotha from the umpteenth block taggin' em trainz comin' from your favorite station, word on the street is (artuma is gay) my new album came out recently and if that's the last thing i ever do let it be, leavin' the link in your hands my man: \\\ feel FREE to 1 it if u didn't like my agressive self promotion campaign, feel FREE to thank me if this album saved your life
    April 19 08:50 AM
  • Atari Nah I was just curious man, no rush at all. Been listening to nothing but smith street band all week long
    April 13 03:18 AM
  • Atari still reviewing new smith street?
    April 12 04:16 PM
  • AsleepInTheBack Cheers for pointing out that bansheebeat EP Treb, loving it. check 'In Love With A Ghost - Healing', nice little EP if you're looking for something similar, though less complex and more ambient/relaxing
    March 28 08:27 AM
  • Arcade yo sup man. i might review it but i've also got pharmakon to review so idk if i want to bother with 2 in a week. i'm also busy af so i might not review either album ¯\_(?)_/¯
    March 26 09:58 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup darnit I suck at these guessing games
    March 26 05:55 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup is there something you'd like to tell us?
    March 26 02:11 AM
  • Atari dude you'd prolly dig Creeper. sounds like menzingers meets alkaline trio/oldschool AFI
    March 24 04:32 PM
  • Atari Damn down to a 2.7 :/
    March 22 05:50 AM
  • Slex Done, can you rec me some other sad cathartic s*** pls
    March 18 06:19 PM
  • Slex Which Brave Bird album should I check first
    March 18 06:14 PM
  • Atari yeah it sucks they didn't have a stream/leak for it sooner. but you really don't have to rush it too much man, I've reviewed new releases a couple weeks after they came out as staff and they still feature it
    March 17 05:38 PM
  • Atari stoked for that sorority noise review my man
    March 17 03:58 PM
  • Atari you might dig Del Paxton if you haven't heard them
    March 14 06:13 PM
  • Storm In A Teacup tbh I play guitar and don't even know what sweeping is lol
    March 13 06:01 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup trebor don't lie!
    March 13 04:05 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup why do your 5s seem like they'd be really depressing?
    March 12 08:44 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup does it still upset you not being able to play Between the Buried and Me songs?
    March 12 08:41 AM
  • Conmaniac thanks a ton Treb and thanks for helping me apply
    February 27 06:41 PM
  • ATallColdGlassOfBud Doesn't have to be an alcoholic beverage! We don't judge here :] Just the boys taking a load off
    February 27 04:36 PM
  • ATallColdGlassOfBud Hey treb! You're welcome to join the boys and I later and crack open a couple cold ones :]
    February 26 11:47 PM
  • neekafat Congrats duder!
    February 21 02:01 AM
  • ExplosiveOranges congrats on making staff, bruv.
    February 20 05:39 PM
  • Sniff Here's the deal tho. I'm going to call you Based God from now on. Deal with it.
    February 20 04:00 PM
  • Aids I did I left a bunch of comments then edited them all because **** it
    February 19 11:34 PM
  • Atari hey dude I think you might dig this super whatevr band, seems like your kinda thing :]
    February 19 11:29 PM
  • coneren god damn jerk
    February 19 10:25 PM
  • coneren you fuuckin cheated
    February 19 08:56 PM
  • coneren fuuckin rights first one to get a boner wins
    February 19 08:16 PM
  • coneren gr8 lets party in the bouncy castle
    February 19 07:18 PM
  • onionbubs hell yes! been on a massive alkaline trio kick lately. that's definitely my favorite record of theirs
    February 19 06:52 PM
  • coneren hello are you ok
    February 19 07:00 AM
  • talktothehead Nice promotion trebor! Well deserved man :)
    February 19 05:20 AM
  • Spec So you can ban people now right? If you ever ban me pls post something humorous about it in the banned users thread. God I miss it.
    February 19 01:05 AM
  • Frippertronics Ramadan Steve surely was behind this miracle
    February 18 09:01 PM
  • Conmaniac also damn dude just noticed youre staff now!! congrats man
    February 18 08:55 PM
  • Conmaniac found it. what reviews of mine do you think I should feature? I was thinking my Old Gray review for sure but not confident on the other two
    February 18 08:45 PM
  • Conmaniac where are the applications??
    February 18 08:25 PM
  • hogan900 Congratz on the promotion!
    February 18 07:54 PM
  • Gyromania congrats on your promotion rob! well earned
    February 18 04:31 PM
  • dimsim3478 Congrats! glad your greatness has been rewarded
    February 18 02:03 PM
  • manosg Congrats Treb!
    February 18 09:20 AM
  • KevinKC Congratulations Trebor.
    February 18 08:05 AM
  • Frippertronics trebor17 has made it, or "started from the bottom now we here"
    February 18 01:49 AM
  • Arcade ayy what up my man
    February 17 11:38 PM
  • Pon Congrats and welcome aboard bro
    February 17 11:07 PM
  • Satellite congrats on the staffage bro!!!
    February 17 10:21 PM
  • FullOfSounds Dude congrats on staff!
    February 17 09:50 PM
  • Atari congrats man, well deserved been a long time coming! not surprised to see you dibbing the new smith street/sorority noise haha, I thought about dibbing one of those and had a feeling you might be interested
    February 17 09:12 PM
  • DoofusWainwright Congrats :D
    February 17 08:18 PM
  • MercuryToHell I know this must pale in comparison to everything going on with you lately, and I've never actually spoken to you I think, but I'm so ****ing stoked for you. Well done!
    February 17 08:07 PM
  • Koris Congrats on staff!
    February 17 08:04 PM
  • TheEnigma Hey man, I'm glad things are looking up for you. Thanks for sharing your story.
    February 16 08:47 PM
  • theacademy hey dude, du u have a sputnik friendly email?
    February 16 05:26 PM
  • bach yeah i just gotta make the call. i'm just used to dealing with things on my own so it's hard
    February 9 04:21 AM
  • bach same here man. i've never been diagnosed but i've been suicidal as of late. i keep letting things build up
    February 9 04:07 AM
  • bach hows everything on your end?? hope everything is great. i dont come on here very often but you're one of the good ones
    February 9 03:56 AM
  • bach i love you man
    February 9 03:37 AM
  • vmcoia91 just decided to post some reviews haha. i typically look around everyone once in a while but almost never post.
    February 8 03:29 AM
  • talktothehead the toys in the basement lmao
    February 7 06:34 AM
  • talktothehead my favorite part was when mich was in the basement with the girl during the star wars review lmao
    February 7 06:23 AM
  • talktothehead i binges them when i found them over the summer cause life sucks and i had nothing to do. im ala btw
    February 7 06:12 AM
  • talktothehead nice thread pic bud lmao
    February 7 06:09 AM
  • Atari That Menzingers review is one of your best man, always cool when u find an album u can connect with so much
    February 5 03:33 AM
  • Satellite well said man. stay strong. i'm of the belief that going through life w/ a self-deprecating attitude like the one you clearly have is super healthy and cathartic.
    February 4 08:06 AM
  • Satellite it also makes me feel guilty for being (admittedly mildly) depressed despite never having actually dealt with true hardship.
    February 4 06:11 AM
  • Satellite ugh man i'm sorry to hear that. i hate saying this because it feels like i'm tempting fate, but in 30 yrs i've never had anyone super close to me die. the odd uncle or grandparent or long lost friend here or there, but nobody directly involved in my actual life. i live in constant fear of the moment that changes and whether it's going to completely ruin me.
    February 4 06:09 AM
  • Satellite i mean i wouldn't. you meant it when you posted it and you were bummed when reminded of it. the rules are different here than irl imo.
    February 4 05:57 AM
  • Atari sweet man, nice to see you so motivated again with the writing!
    February 1 09:17 PM
  • Atari you gonna be reviewing that new menzingers?
    February 1 06:43 PM
  • sixdegrees hmm...Jessica Beppler perhaps (although I really don't like her tattoos)
    January 25 07:24 AM
  • sixdegrees thank you for making me aware of her existence
    January 25 06:33 AM
  • trackbytrackreviews Ah nice
    January 15 10:37 PM
  • coneren sittin buddy how are you
    January 15 05:39 AM

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