Reviews 3 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 5 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 4 Album Edits 3
Album Ratings 159 Objectivity 87%
Last Active 10-21-13 7:37 pm Joined 05-09-10
Review Comments 427
| TomAkaVeto Falling In Reverse leaked. I saw that you posted that you wanted it if it leaked before the release date.
| greggmccurry your reviews are the s***. write more man.
and i live and breath TWA and i was pretty close to making my username "illpromiseyouthat" im glad someone did.
| PinkBlackberry the only song I can ever rec from thrice : Stare at the's delicious
| PinkBlackberry my favorite on the newest CD are : Those who slay together, stay together. and Caves, on Bone Palace Ballet : Bulls make money, .... and on their first CD : Baby, you wouldn't last a minute on the creek.start there, they're all pretty damn good songs. :)
| Foxhound Hey, new Circa Survive cd is pretty good.. And 'the Number 12 looks like you' is an awesome band. Now you rec me bro.
| Foxhound u were curiously messing with me how ****ing dare you!
| Foxhound i only saw you ask me to add my thoughts on "paper airplanes" and "bleed black" tonight. i might edit that review for ya but not sure when, lots of work going on.
| Foxhound hey, just curious about your username. any story behind it?
| dropout im too lazei just stopped at the "being passive towards things i like" stage
| dropout "But whatever I like what I like." Are you one hundred percent sure about that? i go to sleep loathing the things i enjoy so its kind of a new concept to me.
| dropout YOUR 16???? CUZ IM 16!!!!!HELL YAW!
| Desolator hey thanks, I just heard about that too, problem is that myspace music never seems to load on my computer. The word alive is an amazing band, are you going to review their new album when you get it?
| theacademy yup its a classic. welcome to the site.