
Reviews 47
Approval 79%

Soundoffs 529
News Articles 8
Band Edits + Tags 6
Album Edits 21

Album Ratings 1389
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 12-13-16 4:55 am
Joined 06-07-09

Review Comments 5,098

shoutbox » all posts 
  • zaruyache pijn, like the bird.
    June 27 03:36 AM
  • Blaidd What?
    May 27 07:31 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki lol its neither here nor there to me but its pretty funny agreed
    April 20 05:05 AM
  • StonedManatee Hey, I am sorry. That was really immature of me. I would love to smoke a bowl with you if you wanted? I do love Electric Wizard. I was being a major ****ing ****.
    April 9 08:37 PM
  • Hawks Thanks buddy!!
    March 14 06:20 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki what am i at worst
    February 15 04:06 AM
  • Hawks I like Smok but man some of the s*** he says makes no sense lmao.
    February 14 03:59 PM
  • cor22222 I like pussies, yep
    February 11 09:06 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell glad to see i'm clearly not the first you've invited to use your shoutbox as a pissing trough
    December 1 05:43 AM
  • Vinnymcscoop Understood, my apologies
    November 30 10:22 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki why is your page glitched
    October 18 08:06 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki lmao potsy
    August 27 11:52 PM
  • trilo what did i do to upset you friend
    July 25 04:32 PM
  • PotsyTater I don?t even know who the **** you are but I?m very happy that I?ve had such a profoundly negative impact on your woefully eventless life that you?re still having mantrum?s about my music taste 10 years later
    July 8 05:47 PM
  • rockarollacola Why?
    June 26 03:14 AM
  • NietzschesMoustache A week later and my words still seep deep into your prepubescent soul
    December 20 05:29 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki wow a week later and his words still seep deep into your prepubescent soul
    December 19 03:08 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki u tell em moustache
    December 16 10:58 PM
  • NietzschesMoustache They're for my own records, not your entertainment
    December 13 04:02 PM
  • GreyShadow i was listening to empath just after and Borderlands especially gave me "s***, this is beach metal too" vibes Lighthouse Rock is good too but would hate for the people to mistake it for Light House Rock
    November 4 06:51 PM
  • NoXoR lol who hurt you
    October 28 12:22 AM
  • SmokeRocksJamBotch NPC recycling terms he heard 4 the first time 3 years ago LOL get a grip on reality you would call the police today if your ass got robbed?. WE ARE NOT THE SAME?.
    September 22 04:47 PM
  • SmokeRocksJamBotch U the type to put acab In Bio But you get pulled over for doin 10 over And it?s ?yes sir? ?ok thank you sir? Promise U U Ain?t I?m the position to call PPL bootlickers 4 not liking some s***ty buttcore alb PLSPLSPLS make that 1 word the last you type at Me
    September 18 04:17 PM
  • TheDangerman Says the little cu.nt that listens to my chemical romance and elton john
    September 11 12:02 PM
  • TheDangerman Emo bitch
    July 17 09:34 AM
  • GhandhiLion Titty
    May 14 12:41 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki who r u anyway
    February 20 12:55 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki pure entertainment :)
    February 20 12:47 PM
  • Slex It's not that serious lmao, hope u recover bud
    February 11 01:40 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki u a snitch
    October 23 05:05 AM
  • Bedex But I was wondering if for the other three songs the EP and LP versions are any different or if they're the same? Reason I'm asking is that A Song for Starlit Beaches is my least favourite of the lot so if the other three are the same, then the EP is a superior record to me. But if not then it's another story
    October 29 10:32 PM
  • Bedex Hey man, do you happen to know if the tracks on Yndi Halda's Enjoy Eternal Bliss EP are the same as on the LP, or are they different versions (whether in terms of composition or just prod)? Saw you rated it and was wondering
    October 29 03:58 PM
  • BrushedRed Can?t help I?ve never liked Swans, but if it?s any consolation, I?m actually liking more songs on leaving meaning than I have on any other Swans album
    October 26 06:30 AM
  • GhandhiLion Nice :]
    October 10 11:15 PM
  • GhandhiLion what
    October 6 09:27 PM
  • Tyler.
    June 12 08:58 PM
  • MetalSoliloquy Thanks. It's going to be an adventure, haha.
    July 20 01:00 PM
  • onionbubs So...Cedric Bixler-Zavala is deloused in you?
    September 29 03:19 PM
  • Storm In A Teacup how do I hear Polar Similar???
    August 27 08:45 AM
  • magicuba you mostly listed what I dig in black metal too, nice! I am definitely not an expert in the topic but you could try wolves in the throne room
    February 29 12:16 AM
  • Stereochrome1 No. I just felt it unnecessary. I gave the re-release of ...Is a Real Boy a great rating. So based on one rating I'm an asshole? Good judgement dude.
    February 8 08:15 PM
  • LotusFlower I'm sorry for upsetting u
    October 19 05:56 PM
  • tresm87 **** yea dude! It's gonna be life changing. I've seen them twice back in 2007 and it was absolutely exhilarating, but this is gonna be beyond amazing.
    September 6 01:57 PM
  • tresm87 hell yea dude already got my tickets
    September 5 05:22 PM
  • tresm87 Yea dude!! As unlikely as it is yes I will be elated beyond ****ing belief!!
    July 31 04:58 PM
  • oltnabrick 89 an hour! Seriously I don't know why more people haven't tried this, I work two shifts, 2 hours in the day and 2 in the evening?And i get surly a chek of $1260......0 whats awesome is Im working from home so I get more time with my kids.Here is what i did
    May 14 08:36 PM
  • tresm87 yea its good enough but once again not amazing like some of their past releases
    May 11 09:43 PM
  • tresm87 Right now it's looking like silverstein, and then abr will come out and destroy everything. Im not too pumped for haste the day and senses fail though form what I've heard, but we'll see.
    May 11 07:23 PM
  • tresm87 Don't get me wrong its still silverstein awesomeness, but it just doesn't have the strength that all of their other albums have. Late on 6th is definitely the highlight.
    May 11 04:26 PM
  • Piripichotes :-) I kinda enjoy some parts of holy vacants.... Swans I just don't care about... I'm gonna let you in on a lil secret.... I hate Deafheaven too! There's cool people here though.
    May 3 12:13 AM
  • SillyCaringRabbitPal R U Mine?
    April 29 10:51 AM
  • Spec refused are back and im stoked this site is literally dumb as fuuck
    April 28 05:52 AM
  • Flugmorph its a okay. we decided against boris anyway
    March 29 10:14 PM
  • Flugmorph please show me that boris album u voted for
    March 29 07:53 PM
  • Gyromania yeah the last track is easily the best, not feeling the album overall though. kind of tame and nondescript by their standards
    March 26 05:57 PM
  • TalonsOfFire [2]
    March 17 07:26 PM
  • FearThyEvil Your soundoff to new Modest Mouse is pretty much perfectly how I feel.
    March 12 02:25 AM
  • zakalwe Rave Tapes rules dude
    March 4 08:09 PM
  • jmh886 Yea man. Had to drive from Baltimore to Philly, but it was totally worth it. It sounded amazing with 3 guitars live. Probably a once in a lifetime experience.
    December 22 08:31 PM
  • eddie95 The amazing thing about FTY is that there's the whole Campfire Punkrock in it, apart from many other awesome songs, on STY I think it's worth checking out Springsteen's Thunder Road and NOFX' Linoleum acoustic covers. I've also heard Frank is releasing a new studio album in 2015... really looking forward to that!
    December 2 12:10 AM
  • eddie95 I've just read your Third Three Years soundoff, do you really think it's better than the first? It's good indeed, maybe better than the 2nd, but the first is waaaaay better imo :]
    November 26 04:40 PM
  • bach sheeit i was floor (right in front of jeff)
    August 5 08:40 PM
  • bach nigga i was at the merriweather nmh show. where were u in the crowd?
    August 5 12:14 AM
  • omgbecky I'm on the fence about UN because of all the other ragers that will be there. I'm not trying to get hit in the head or anywhere else.
    July 28 03:23 AM
  • dimsim3478 Agreed. I'm completely satisfied with it...might even bump it up to a 5 and review it!
    April 16 03:11 AM
  • dimsim3478 "Fifteen minutes after it leaked" mighty impressive bro
    April 16 02:46 AM
  • Kman418 Snowing **** Your Emotional Bulls***3.502.13.14 S M H
    February 14 04:24 AM
  • Inveigh hell yeah man m/
    January 3 07:01 PM
  • ThirtySixChambers you're like the only jam-band fan on sputnik lol
    December 19 11:19 PM
  • ThirtySixChambers yessir that's the one! come jam with us sometime dude,
    December 19 06:15 PM
  • ThirtySixChambers hey didnt you used to have the Disco Biscuits avatar?
    December 16 07:47 AM
  • PitchforkArms glad someone acknowledges kafka!
    December 11 07:43 PM
  • Mister Twister That's correct.
    December 7 04:59 AM
  • elephantREVOLUTION that's cool, i'm glad you like them. i think i have them rated kinda low because i don't really like how their recordings sound compared to their live show.
    November 1 03:36 PM
  • SadAndHolyGlow How was that Chariot show?
    October 29 04:53 PM
  • elephantREVOLUTION just curious, how did u hear of lakota de kai? they live like down the street from me
    October 28 05:28 PM
  • Crymsonblaze still waiting, ****nugget
    January 28 08:34 PM
  • Crymsonblaze nothing still, eh?
    September 8 06:48 PM
  • Crymsonblaze so you've got nothing to say then? good.
    August 24 12:22 AM
  • Crymsonblaze i'm waiting.
    August 9 03:31 PM
  • Crymsonblaze what?
    August 1 05:38 AM
  • esther Hey man I noticed you like some of the same bands I do. I wrote and recorded an EP and I was wondering if you could review, rate, or even just listen to it. Here's a link:
    June 28 11:31 PM
  • MalleusMaleficarum excuse me sir, do you think you could provide me with a link to that 2012 Beach House album? would be greatly appreciated...
    April 6 03:52 PM
  • Deviant. Check out II-MMX by Clubroot. If you need a link just ask
    January 13 05:20 AM
  • Spec hit da bong man
    November 18 10:41 PM
  • FearThyEvil Don't know where that came from all of the sudden lol. We'll have to see though I'm not going to judge without listening of course. I'm just a pretty big cloudkicker fan however, The Collective was incredible.
    November 12 06:24 AM
  • hatahs I will kill you ****!
    October 25 08:07 PM
  • GreyShadow i admit to my mistake. King Park is perfect
    October 3 02:08 AM
  • dimsim3478 There's a powerful aura in that room, man. A-****ing-mazing.
    September 27 03:10 AM
  • vanderb0b Yeah, I showed them to my friends who were also at the show, and they were really happy about them. It's nice to have something like to remember the show by.
    September 25 02:50 AM
  • vanderb0b Thank you so goddamn much! Those videos are ****ing awesome, this completely made my day.
    September 24 07:24 PM
  • vanderb0b Nope, I don't think that I see you there. As for Long Live The Queen, I actually really liked the arrangement, it sounded so different (at first, I didn't even recognize it!) Thanks for uploading the videos! I've been looking for footage of the show all morning! Also, the Queen cover really surprised me, he did a really great job with the vocals, considering how different it is from his music.
    September 24 06:09 PM
  • vanderb0b Ah s***, I was too busy yesterday to check Sputnik, so I just saw your shout now. Would have definitely met up with you had I known. But, damn, that was such a perfect show.
    September 24 04:53 PM
  • Blindsided Explains a lot. I don't smoke so I guess I don't have that relationship with any artist, nonetheless AJJ's first album is pretty neat.
    September 13 10:05 PM
  • Blindsided YOu know I thought it was good but I see it as just solid, like other like other Trophy Scars.
    September 13 12:13 AM
  • Blindsided Jerk, mine is like a month or so later.I'm having trouble getting into AJJ so far but Frank's new album is the #1 for the year for me so far.
    September 12 08:02 PM
  • Blindsided Are you going to (or already have) see Frank Turner and AJJ on tour?
    September 11 09:41 PM
  • bloc That album also suffers from the same problems as this one to me.
    August 25 08:03 PM
  • bloc Ha yeah, you were one of the several 4.5's ;)
    August 25 03:49 PM
  • bloc Bah, the music is average and the lyrics are stupid.
    August 25 04:04 AM
  • hey man you can find my new LP at my bandcamp site. thanks for taking an interest!
    August 18 11:31 PM
  • Nerf Yes! ^_^ NOW GIVE ME MORE
    August 11 11:07 AM
  • Nerf Also, considering that the album has a "4" rating, I think it's pretty obvious that it doesn't "blow." In the future, think about what you say. Unless you like sounding ignorant, of course. If so, by all means continue. It's amusing.
    August 11 06:47 AM
  • Nerf No, it really doesn't, but thanks for saving me the trouble of trying to categorize your meager mind. You fit right in the "Dumbasses who post inane bulls*** in my shoutbox" category.
    August 11 06:25 AM
  • TheSpirit I haven't heard it yet but I'll probably like it haha. Thanks, Shikari rules, I wish more ppl would check them out
    August 10 04:13 PM
  • ThirtySixChambers dude nice #12 plays im covered in jelly
    August 5 03:43 AM
  • drasticaction74 what! we got four! FOUR. it ran late and they cut short. goddamnit
    July 30 10:40 PM
  • drasticaction74 ****ing grate! that was honestly the best show I've been to in a very long time. It's cool to see the opening bands play comparably to a headliner like TS. My really good friends are in both Trophywife and Annakarina, and they always kill it. Saddest Landscape and B
    July 28 03:06 AM
  • wabbit Small Change and closing time is the best place to start with tom waits. Do not start with Rain Dogs, it's weird and will likely turn you off (go to that and Swordfishtrombone last, even though they are the best). He's my favourite singer/songwriter (well frank turner is moving up fast)
    July 28 12:05 AM
  • ohfoxxxycole yeah
    July 23 03:09 AM
  • trymedude how about you shut up?
    July 21 08:01 PM
  • Athom it's easily the best thing he's done not titled Love Ire
    May 12 10:51 PM
  • Athom you better have bought some damn good whiskey because it's a damn good album
    May 11 07:06 PM
  • laterenima man, i dunno... each time i listen to it, i can't help but think they're trying to be an over-produced, over-refined 'Close to the Edge', hence i really just can't get into the band altogether.ATD-I is great stuff though, i can't mess with that.
    April 16 09:08 PM
  • IleftyspankedU love the comment profile pic
    April 15 09:24 PM
  • lancebramsay You like Godspeed You! Black Emperor you should like this
    March 8 08:58 AM
  • tkxxx7 glassjaw soundoff ... lmao
    February 15 07:21 PM
  • gabethepiratesquid spick
    February 12 05:40 AM
  • gabethepiratesquid u nigger
    February 12 03:44 AM
  • RyanWilson Nah different one I guess
    November 26 09:50 AM
  • RyanWilson Yesss?
    November 25 07:48 PM
  • ZippaThaRippa why do you get so many freaking name changes
    November 21 05:41 PM
  • Athom there are two sides to the mountain goats. for his lo-fi stuff start with The Coroner's Gambit or All Hail West Texas and for his actual studio albums get the Sunset Tree and We Shall All Be Healed. overall though, The Sunset Tree is the best overall place to start.
    September 25 07:43 PM
  • Ire drink my taint juice you shoutbox rapist
    September 6 02:29 AM
  • Ire the world alive blows. i rated it a 2. that's what you get for lying to me.
    September 5 08:50 PM
  • Ire i don't like you
    September 5 02:46 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 nice recent CoC plays btw
    August 30 04:39 AM
  • NeutralThunder12 im really not as into Dream Theater any more as suggested by your comment dude
    August 30 04:38 AM
    August 25 11:21 PM
  • Gyromania I so approve of your taste in music. Your classic ratings are all fantastic
    August 25 07:17 AM
  • CrimsonChin Your Bring Me The Horizon Suicide Season Cut Up! is 10000x right, people on this site need to lighten up a bit and have some fun, and it was well written to boot. i would have posted in the review but you probably wouldn't have seen it.
    August 22 01:11 PM
  • fromtheinside
    August 14 04:03 AM
  • WoodLawn
    July 13 04:50 PM
  • WoodLawn I did some digging, and couldn't find any links to The Natalie Fight's stuff online. So, in the spirit of helping out another Trophy Scars fan, I'm uploading TNF's last (and best) record as we speak. I will send you the link when it is done.PS. Jerry Jones is on the record too, and boy is he bad-ass
    July 13 04:29 PM
  • cirq hahah love the profile pic..
    June 26 06:19 PM
  • ssmagaiver lol
    June 24 11:49 PM
  • heyadam hey man I just wanted to let you know I was planning on writing a 3 review for Adelphia by A Skylit Drive and I saw you already beat me to it, but that I'm gonna go ahead and write it anyways lol. Sorry if it annoys you but I had my mind set on doing one
    June 19 03:37 AM
  • sspedding cheers playa, will get on it.
    May 30 08:41 PM
  • Gaythiest Hahahha. I'm glad you like The Best of the Worst and Atheist.Loovin' Boy Will Drown
    May 28 10:02 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 lol omfg. You have Enter Shikari and Bring me the horizon on your top 10 list. omfg.
    May 28 08:45 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 that album blows
    May 28 08:44 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 dude, shut the **** up. We all know that you are a moron. Give up.
    May 28 06:49 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 haha omfg The Number Twelve Looks Like Poo is horrendous.
    May 28 05:09 PM
  • NeutralThunder12 lol dude, you are an absolute idiot. Im sorry. Especially most of your ratings.
    May 28 05:08 PM
  • BallsToTheWall
    May 28 02:09 AM
  • sspedding Personally its looking like a 4, critically it'd probably be more like a 3-3.5 due to its lack of diversity. On a personal level, I absolutely love it. They took what was great out of hardcore, mainly the aggression and fused it with nice melodic metal leads. For now its my most listened to. What you think?
    May 27 10:40 PM
  • MichaelJordan I just thought the way you were giving BigHans s*** about his taste in order to show that his judgments of CTTS and others were worthless was wrongheaded, because if you tried to do the same with my ratings it would not have worked. Sorry to just leap into attacking you, haha. I'm hyper-aggressive.
    May 27 08:54 PM
  • MichaelJordan Ok bro. Wait what used to be your name on here? Werner sucks balls, but so does Speziale. I've actually seen CTTS live, though that may seem hard to believe.
    May 27 08:51 PM
  • SeaAnemone 'Comatorium.' is a much sexier name
    May 27 08:42 PM
  • MichaelJordan CTTS 1/5: Saetia 0.5/5:
    May 27 08:36 PM
  • MilkLizard305 hey thanx for the b.s link dude real funny
    May 24 05:46 AM
  • MilkLizard305 hey can you send me the link to deep blue? much appreciated!
    May 24 01:57 AM
  • sspedding easy brosef. Any chance of that deep blue link when you've got a minute
    May 24 01:54 AM
  • Spec Can you link me to deep blue? That'd be awesome!
    May 24 01:43 AM
  • syco722 hey bro, can you send me the link to Deep Blue?
    May 24 01:38 AM
  • Treska youre a ****ing cockzor
    May 21 06:10 AM
  • ThePalestMexican What's good man?
    May 5 04:15 PM
  • DoctorNurse havent heard that one. To be honest I dont think anything by them other than Scenes From a Memory is actually worth listening to, I just think that album is perfect for what it is.
    April 27 08:59 AM
  • Carnifex No problem mang.
    April 26 02:09 AM
  • DoctorNurse Minus a couple tracks of gay, scenes from a memory can't be faulted in my book. Traced in air is the same bland riff for 35 minutes. Literally nothing interesting happens in that album, without a doubt the most overrated thing on this site. Seeing Cynic live was equally as dull.
    April 24 10:14 PM
  • Carnifex
    April 24 03:42 PM
  • SeaAnemone sorry, I attached the files but when I pushed send it said the file was too big... here's a link to a rar file though...
    April 24 02:28 AM
  • SeaAnemone somethin was messed up about your last post I think but yeah, what's your email?
    April 22 11:34 PM
  • SeaAnemone a. you're from Baltimore, I'm in Baltimore!b. umm, this is gonna sound dumb, but how do you email musics hahaha?
    April 22 10:34 PM
  • shortone323 That sounds awful haha. Well mine was completely made up except for the playing loud music part. But yeah Feed the Sharks is good, or should I say excellent because that's what I rated their album.
    April 14 05:05 AM
  • shortone323 Yeah I think they're pretty good, although I don't really like their newest record too much. But you can find all that on the thread haha. And I'm surprised that the ridiculous scenario of mine didn't elicit a response from you.
    April 14 04:56 AM
  • shortone323 Haha bet that was some great laundry time. It's better when you have your iPod really, really loud and people are around and also doing laundry. They're like "The ****?" then they kick over laundry detergent and that s*** spills over the floor. But my clothes were already in the dryer so its cool. And I'll check out that review now.
    April 14 04:43 AM
  • shortone323 Yeah definitely. What are you thinking of reviewing? And have you listened to Feed Her to the Sharks yet? They're pretty ****en legit.
    April 14 04:08 AM
  • shortone323 Not any time soon. It's almost the end of my spring semester and I have a research paper, a programming assignment that I have no clue where to start and finals are coming up. I'm done May 9th and I'd like to get back to reviewing, but even when I don't have school I'm not sure if I'll have the interest that I need to write reviews that don't suck haha.
    April 13 09:25 PM
  • sspedding you've upset someone haha
    April 10 07:09 AM
  • IronyIsALivingScene Why so butthurt?
    April 9 05:41 PM
  • DeleriumTrigger You should check out my Icp review home skillet.
    March 14 10:21 AM
  • IamBetterThanYou You claim not to know the location of your own mind. Come brother, I shall show thee.
    February 26 07:05 PM
  • Parallels we cool now? obviously theres gonna be s*** we both dont like, and albums that we glorify that other people will never understand, at least from our Point of View.
    February 11 06:07 AM
  • Comatorium. lol someone thinks im killer 9?
    February 9 06:41 AM
  • Wow you're lame, killer9. Having conversations with yourself using your alt accounts. Dude. Get laid.
    February 8 01:50 PM
  • Comatorium. definitely my favorite shirt along with this one ://
    January 27 06:44 PM
  • PirateSquid I love that shirt so much. I would have it if I got money. Scratch that. If I had extra money, I'd buy a Chalk Talk shirt
    January 27 06:38 PM
  • PirateSquid lol, you're not alone, I annoy the piss out of everyone. I have nothing against you, I just find it silly. And thankees, the homophobia on this site is kinda hilarious.
    January 26 09:29 PM
  • TheEnforcer Deviant cries to the mods about everything, I asked him why.
    January 21 07:33 AM
  • ThePalestMexican ://
    January 19 05:10 AM
  • PirateSquid I don't recall ever even giving anybody a neg.Way to make s*** assumptions, duderino.
    January 15 11:59 PM
  • AdamKritz hey i was wondering if you could tell me where you got Alesana's The Emptiness from. Thanks
    January 15 04:56 AM
  • PirateSquid Lol. Shut da fugg up, dawg.
    January 13 09:16 PM
  • hydeyomoney cool story BRO
    December 31 08:28 PM
  • hydeyomoney sorry i'm tired of your immense retardation so... I mean its like yeah we get it you don't like Sex Pistols, you don't need to make the same three points for PAGES and PAGES and then when someone disagrees with you or makes a comment on the review you mis-use the term Troll. All I'm saying is take a break from sputnik, please...
    December 19 05:30 PM
  • monkeygonetoheaven hai thurrr
    December 11 08:59 PM
  • Progmaster85 a few things. One, GREAT SCALE THE SUMMIT REVIEW. That album would definitely be in my top 10 of the year. Also, with regards to dream theater, I just love them, their musicianship, their ability to beyond "writing songs" and writing artistic sound pieces. But I do see why many people don't like them. Lol i liked how you said: "Especially 5." SikTh is outstanding...
    December 10 06:59 PM
  • Treska yall gonna die
    December 7 04:46 AM
  • BigTuna Sexy Irepress rating
    December 7 03:56 AM
  • fisherfreak and Dance Gavin Dance eat old soggy nutsack
    December 5 03:03 AM
  • fisherfreak Manchester Orchestra is a **** band lololololol
    December 5 03:02 AM
  • br00talsamitch why the hell am I gay?
    December 4 04:42 PM
  • fisherfreak Yeah Aiden is awesome I saw them before they got famous in Seatle and I don't know why they get so much hate, I like them and that's all that matters.
    December 4 12:44 AM
  • Comatorium. inorite?
    December 3 08:53 PM
  • fisherfreak i know where your mind is up your bitchass!!!
    December 3 07:04 AM
  • fisherfreak dont write to me again
    December 2 09:27 PM
  • Progmaster85 good Great Misdirect review, but you spelled Dream Theater wrong and Dream Theater doesn't suck.
    November 15 08:59 PM
  • Mordecai. as you should be
    November 3 11:45 PM
  • shutup you knwo it suckx
    October 27 03:19 PM

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