
Reviews 216
Approval 96%

Soundoffs 154
News Articles 417
Band Edits + Tags 632
Album Edits 674

Album Ratings 177
Objectivity 50%

Last Active 12-04-22 11:46 pm
Joined 05-14-09

Review Comments 9,475

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  • Avagantamos btw what are your favorite hexalyne tracks? I really like the closing tracks on the first two LPs (though I think the one on the first LP might technically be a bonus track?)
    September 7 04:24 AM
  • Avagantamos oh awesome. I heard the last one was the second part of a trilogy so I was excited for the third installment, but didn't expect it so soon. I think I'll go back and revisit the old ones then check out the new one
    September 7 04:22 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki lol
    October 28 08:00 AM
  • cycosynner Meteora is a great record. Thank you for your comment on my From Ashes to New review!
    July 31 04:46 PM
  • frozencarl yoo that album was pretty sweet! thanks for the rec. at one point I was like "this REALLY sounds like in flames wow" then I checked what was playing and it was their cover of December Flower hahah
    July 31 01:27 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki what the **** is idm
    January 14 09:04 PM
  • Hyperion1001 oh hell yeah, thanks for the heads up!
    December 30 06:34 AM
  • Hyperion1001 wow autumn is coming is excellent. what a track.
    November 20 01:12 AM
  • Hyperion1001 you ever heard this bad boy? maybe the most underrated idm ever, pretty close to a 5 for me:
    November 16 01:11 AM
  • VlacDrac I see you like Moodymann. It's truly a shame people on this website barely even care about House Music.
    November 12 08:56 PM
  • Hyperion1001 i see you?ve already been talking to avagantamos but his list is probably the most comprehensive on the site. once im at my computer I can send you some of my favorites but this list is amazing:
    August 5 04:17 PM
  • MarsKid I think what surprised me the most was how heavy and oppressive it could be. I never thought of them as a band that could throw down, but some of the songs on GCD are hefty indeed.
    July 18 12:05 AM
  • MarsKid Spent a lot of time in deep reflection, lot of long drives in the rain. 5-ing The Great Cold Distance is slowly making more and more sense.
    July 17 11:38 PM
  • Avagantamos I'm digging the dubby minimalism on that Atom album. kinda reminds me of Actress and Ricardo Villalobos. also I discovered another new album last night which left me very impressed after one listen.
    July 17 09:26 PM
  • Avagantamos also got a big list of a bunch of IDM both old and newer from a few months back if you haven't checked that yet
    July 15 03:00 PM
  • Avagantamos it's not super recent, but I recently discovered a record label called "Occult Research" and bought their entire catalog for a discount on bandcamp on a whim a while ago. I'm working my way through listening to em all and will probably make a list on it. overall it's been a mixed bag, but there are some cool IDM releases that have a nice warm analog sound. I dig the ones by Vytear, and the one with the spiky ball cover by zv?d.
    July 15 02:59 PM
  • MarsKid Just some random dudes from Chile that are waaay ahead of the curve lol. Surprised Sput is so behind on discovering them.
    July 13 10:19 AM
  • MarsKid Seems like you love these dudes. I'm intrigued... they have something new this year and it's a top DM album of the year on RYM right now. Thought you'd like to know.
    July 13 01:32 AM
  • luci glad you dig it man! last year was a bit stronger, still searching for something on the level of skee mask
    June 11 09:05 PM
  • jimthefish try the new Self Insert EP i bet you'd like reviewing it, weird mix of hiphop rock and electronic. my fav off it:
    October 22 02:19 AM
  • parksungjoon
    April 9 10:31 PM
  • luci been on my wishlist for a while, thanks for the reminder! (only log on here every couple of months)
    March 4 09:39 PM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts cool, saved for imminent digestion
    January 25 12:28 AM
  • Rawmeeth38 A 2.5 for Failure?s Fantastic Planet??? What a crime.
    January 21 12:32 PM
  • aok 206 reviews? good lord man, had no idea you were this active
    January 9 12:22 AM
  • luci happy holidays! that record is rave nostalgia done right. don't miss the eps he released alongside it under the phantasy alias
    December 27 03:44 AM
  • MarsKid Less overbearing than 2018 I think, personally. There's less competition in their own genre, whereas that year had Rolo Tomassi, Palm Reader, Black Peaks... just every core band under the sun haha. Hopefully they get a better share of the spotlight this go around.
    September 26 05:08 AM
  • MarsKid *winks*
    September 26 04:56 AM
  • evilford Sweet will check thx
    September 22 12:12 AM
  • Dylan620 Checked Beautiful Midnight, quality album. Not quite as in line with GGD and MBT as I expected (even after hearing "Hello Time Bomb" and "Load Me Up" in isolation) but I'm anticipating a grower, and I could well end up preferring it over Dizzy Up the Girl and Mad Season. "Born to Kill" is incredible. Thanks again for the rec!
    August 3 12:13 PM
  • OmairSh My message got cut off. The production sounds organic
    June 3 08:30 PM
  • OmairSh Its a trend isn't it, for some bands to reflect negatively on aspects of their older work. But from their perspective I can understand, they probably have access to better technology now and are comparing the two, but as a listener I think the production sounds organic
    June 3 06:20 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell you ever hear Symbol (Susumu Yokota)? checked it on a whim and oh boy, some great winners. he takes a classical foundation and makes it his own; lots of Grinning Cat vibes
    June 3 11:12 AM
  • OmairSh Yoo dude, checked Magic Pie and thought it was purely retro prog for the first minute or so until it burst into life haha. Fun stuff, really love the Hammond Organ use and flute. Good production as well, thanks for the rec! Here's a Pakistani Prog/Funk Rock band I just discovered, and has cheered me up haha. It has English lyrics :-). T/t is the perfect litmus test to see if you even dig it
    June 3 02:42 AM
  • Deadwing2112 Thank you for the compliment. Greatly appreciated!
    June 1 08:41 PM
  • OmairSh Thanks for the thorough breakdown and recs dude! With time I've started to prefer prog that's modern sounding and brings something fresh, rather than retro sounding (at least in terms of modern bands doing it), so Barock Project sounds really interesting, but I'll give em all a check thanks! I've jammed Phideaux's Doomsday and Snowtorch over the years, I've enjoyed Doonsday but for some reason it hasn't had staying power. I actually listened to it a few days again. The production is great though
    June 1 01:57 AM
  • OmairSh Heyy, I think I only recently heard about Magic Pie and apparently their debut being good. Haven't heard of the other two. What prog "sub genre" do they fall under? So much music out there man, not enough time haha. I tend to re-listen to old jams a lot as well
    May 31 08:27 PM
  • OmairSh Haha yeah I figured you probably did, I didn't see them rated so assumed you might not have spent much time with them. Guess I need to go more obscure then. You might have seen this already but its Pakistani prog/jazz rock fusion album thats refreshing. The first comment has links to some tracks as a primer to see if you even dig the sound
    May 26 03:31 AM
  • OmairSh Hola dude. Prog regs :-) (you might be familiar with a few already) | Pain of Salvation: TPE, Kingcrow: The Persistence, King Crimson: Red, Riverside: LFATTM, Leprous: Bilateral (this requires a few listens to digest). Let me know if you want more later :-). Hope ya enjoy dude!
    May 25 10:21 PM
  • MarsKid This might be right up your alley:
    May 19 12:39 PM
  • PortalofPerfection Hey, thanks for the rec, checking it out right now, pretty dang good so far! Reminds of a combo of Profane and Symbyosis. And thanks for pointing that out, no idea how Lunarsea continues to fly under the radar here. Top 5 active melodeath band. Love all their stuff. Just added the new album and slapped a quick soundoff on it.
    May 1 04:08 AM
  • Gnocchi Stuck in a sort of quarantine and going crazy mostly. Weird times
    April 28 05:21 AM
  • Gnocchi Still kicking along dude?
    April 28 03:37 AM
  • Waior I just think a lot of my reviews were self-serving and misuse the platform. I do not underestimate the value in the community, but wish it was more complementary and less of a feature to the site. Too many of my reviews were inappropriate and indicting because the community gave me the endorphins I wanted as a teenager. Shouldn't be about the writer. Sorry for the sputnik philosophy rant haha
    April 24 08:12 PM
  • Waior Yeah. It's interesting to see what you default to when--in my case, at least--all work and rat race is taken away. When you get used to not being busy, what do you CHOOSE to do with your own time? I still want to talk about music. I also want every comment and album review I wrote before this weekd hahaha. Glad to see you're still here.
    April 24 07:12 PM
  • Waior to be transparent it's probably the new excess of time. haven't had this much time to think or breathe in a decade!
    April 24 07:00 PM
  • MarsKid Thanks for the support. I didn't expect anything to happen this year though. Next time!
    April 23 05:02 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Awesomeawesome, thanks so much my dude!
    April 5 01:52 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell psst psst if you have a moment, some of this will make you happy (and if you happened to have a spare feature too...;])
    April 5 01:09 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Yeah, I guess in some ways you're up against a lot less uncertainty than some people - but with high stakes! take care man, give it a couple more months and you'll have a lifetime's worth of stories to tell...
    April 3 01:55 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Oh yikes dude, that must be intense as hell - hope you're doing ok out there!!
    April 3 12:55 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Oh man, Grinning Cat is so good - any chance of a off-the-cuff Observer rev? ;]
    April 2 02:46 PM
  • parksungjoon sweeee ty ty
    March 21 06:16 PM
  • parksungjoon credit goes to mah boi sinternet
    March 21 06:55 AM
  • Crysis whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
    March 20 11:06 PM
  • Crysis yo this hsb album rules what the hell
    March 20 11:02 PM
  • parksungjoon can i hit you with a little something something thats a bit more club oriented than ur usual hard jamz incorporated?
    March 20 05:02 PM
  • Avagantamos Be Sure not to overlook Proem's live material as you continue through his discography. The Digitalnimbus set up on youtube is one of his best.
    March 14 02:02 AM
  • parksungjoon bless brother, hope there's something for you as well on there! m/ m/ we keep ****in on, who knwos what lists and whta reviews are gonna come in the future ;]
    March 10 02:19 PM
  • parksungjoon Worth a feature mayhaps? No pressure. :]
    March 10 12:36 PM
  • Crysis All you my dude
    March 7 08:57 PM
  • luci dig it, eclectic and labyrinthine. the satan in the suburbs mix is especially great. gotta listen on shuffle as intended on second spin
    March 1 01:30 PM
  • parksungjoon Nooooo :[ hate when that happens. Gonna bump it hard and link it to ppl if you ever resubmit
    February 22 09:56 PM
  • parksungjoon OMG thank you!! Hope you check some of the electronic stuff thats more towards the bottom
    February 22 09:51 PM
  • parksungjoon
    February 22 09:46 PM
  • parksungjoon no i love you
    February 11 05:55 PM
  • parksungjoon no joke, ppl getting into classic electronic and appreciatin' really warms my cold, shriveled satan-blowing heart
    February 8 10:31 PM
  • parksungjoon how about i have your child
    February 8 10:12 PM
  • parksungjoon hwo about you have my child
    February 8 10:06 PM
  • Trifolium Your avi rules, that album is perfect.
    February 3 07:00 PM
  • parksungjoon hope you find something worth your while!
    February 3 02:54 PM
  • parksungjoon dude absolutely. shameless self promotion did you ever check my 2016 list? lot of electronic love there. im also making a part 2 and there'll be even more!
    February 3 02:41 PM
  • parksungjoon emancipator, secede and now trentemoller? damn looks like ive found a new fav staff user
    February 3 09:05 AM
  • luci just checked vol. 1, really good. don't usually dig detroit techno but love how kinetic this is
    January 16 08:51 AM
  • luci looks great, will check soon!
    January 15 08:01 PM
  • Atari that's fair! I actually agree that the flow is a little jarring at times but overall I really dig the atmosphere throughout
    January 14 09:11 PM
  • Atari what's with that James Holden rating my man? I know I'm an electronic noobie but I was pretty blown away by it!
    January 14 03:32 PM
  • Atari That Gidge album is lovely. Cheers!
    January 9 04:17 PM
  • luci heard body riddle back in the day but not s/t. will check sometime
    January 4 07:34 PM
  • luci another release I highly recommend is geotic's abysma. meditative microhouse by the baths guy
    January 3 10:49 PM
  • luci you should check wanderwelle's lost in a sea of trees. a luci/chortles rec, one of our fav dub techno lps
    January 2 10:57 PM
  • KjSwantko Niceeeeee. Just had to bump that s*** to 4.5 after another listen too. Just too good. Thanks again for a dope rec that I SOMEHOW didn't know about haha.
    December 15 02:40 AM
  • KjSwantko Good rec on Sanctitude! Can't believe I didn't know about it. I think overall I like Katatonia more electric, but that was a great listen. "Evidence" is super nostalgic for me too, so especially when I heard that come on I was like dopeeeeee. Anyway, cheers man m/
    December 15 12:46 AM
  • Slex thanks bud, having a tough go of it
    December 14 03:11 PM
  • Slex Yeah its me, I had to make a new account lol
    December 7 10:15 PM
  • NorwichScene Yes, straight after the show we met at merch. He was cool
    November 23 08:22 PM
  • NorwichScene Yes, good spot! It was a few years ago
    November 23 08:16 PM
  • Slex That does admittedly factor into it, yeah. My health is also just in very very bad shape, in and out of hospital, so just can?t really dedicate the time/focus to it that I would want to
    November 9 08:49 PM
  • Slex Yeah, I am still gonna rate here and comment from time to time but unfortunately think I?m done writing here
    November 9 08:43 PM
  • Sowing Well I'm none too pleased to hear that. I hope things do a 180 for you.
    November 1 10:07 AM
  • Sowing Don't worry. I'm over it and have moved on. More importantly, how are you doing these days?
    November 1 01:44 AM
  • Slex Glad to see someone agrees about Cult of Luna, zzzzz
    October 20 01:38 AM
  • dmathias52 Finally checked Caracara and yup, right up my alley. Some of the best emo I?ve heard in a long time, even if I?m not sure that?s the best genre for it
    October 17 08:23 PM
  • Gyromania Happy to see you're getting into mwY. Catch For Us and Untitled are on the same level as Brother, Sister.
    October 17 01:38 PM
  • Crysis It's growing on me for sure. Some moments are kinda cringe (most of the clean vocals and specifically the chorus for Bells They Toll makes me lol) but overall its very good. Pale Morning Star is omg
    August 19 10:16 AM
  • Gnocchi Same here, between a life at work and a life at home - just trying to make it all work together without drinking myself into an early grave.
    August 11 11:58 PM
  • Gnocchi Hey old timer, what's kicking?
    August 11 11:44 PM
  • Crysis First impressions are.... it's ok. Glad this doesn't come out for 2 months so I can digest it.
    August 10 07:53 PM
  • Crysis Thanks for the heads up! Giving it a spin now. Please be good.
    August 10 05:06 PM
  • Crysis omg
    August 10 12:46 PM
  • Slex Check my new Chance review, easily the most negative thing I?ve ever written lol
    July 27 07:56 PM
  • Slex Thank you very much! I?m actually workin on a 2.5 review, I do need to diversify my portfolio just a smidge lol
    June 11 12:55 PM
  • Romulus from time to time! i often fail to look for any new music nowadays and just play the hits ad nauseam, but have started stopping by here lately to try to freshen things up. hope all is well with you!
    June 11 02:14 AM
  • cvlts lol the one and only sup ponton?
    May 13 04:17 PM
  • neekafat I'm sure I will, it has all the musical making but for some reason Offerings and Hunger and Thirst just hit me more emotionally. "CPR / Claws Pt. 2" just kills me. And Offerings has already grown on me a lot!
    May 11 08:11 AM
  • Slex I was FreddieDelaney31 on this account for a few years. I also had various Alxroxsox accounts back in the day
    May 11 01:45 AM
  • neekafat Np dude! It's a really good record, probably their weakest tho
    May 9 02:24 AM
  • neekafat Sandwich has a copy of Typhoon's ST if you're still looking for it
    May 8 08:51 PM
  • Crysis i plan on reviewing whatever Insomnium are cooking up now in the studio
    April 21 08:32 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Oh no, thanks so much for it dude - really appreciate helpful crit from good writers (and totally agreed with your point on rereading tbh)! Thanks for the kind words :]
    April 21 12:46 AM
  • Crysis yeah im good, life has happened so i don't post here much at all anymore unfortunately. hope all is well with you too!
    April 15 11:22 PM
  • Atari Don?t want to ruin the element of surprise ;)
    April 7 01:20 AM
  • Atari Most likely, glad u dig it! I?m actually trying to do a collab review with another user. Hopefully something will be posted no later than tomorrow
    April 7 01:06 AM
  • Sowing No problem, here!: ? (it's called a full-width question mark should you want to google it -- I find it easiest to simply copy-paste it in place of where I'd normally put question marks)
    April 2 01:09 PM
  • Sowing Welcome back!
    March 31 10:45 PM
  • Sowing Oh absolutely. A great "problem" to have. And negative reviews deserve exposure just as much as positive ones, the site needs balance.
    March 31 06:03 PM
  • Sowing Of course! If it gets bumped off the page too fast remind me and I'll toss it back up there later in the week. Just so happened that everyone and their mom dropped a review on the same day.
    March 31 05:53 PM
  • Sowing Also if you think you want to be "back" for real you can inquire in the forums about becoming staff again. No pressure, of course, but just saying the door is always open.
    March 28 10:18 AM
  • Sowing Ah come on you've always been a great writer, don't pressure yourself. If you're anything like me, the harder I 'try' the worse my reviews sound haha.
    March 28 10:15 AM
  • Sowing great choice for the milestone! it's been great having you back in the fold, hope you're enjoying your sputnik re-invigoration!
    March 27 05:04 PM
  • Gyromania man, how cool are the skellige isles eh? i traveled to all of them. really love that they all had their own flavour. each one had a different look to it and some side stuff and a central unique quest. the hym one was my favourite. how are you enjoying the dlc? i think hearts of stone and blood and wine are even better than the core game
    March 19 05:08 PM
  • Sowing also, do you have a special album lined up for review #200?
    March 18 12:11 AM
  • Sowing I have a Linkin Park album 5'd too so I couldn't really talk s*** about that. Even Snow Patrol I like more than I tend to let on...A Hundred Million Suns is where it's at though (their follow-up to Eyes Open). I never thought that band could make an epic song until I heard The Lighting Strike.
    March 18 12:02 AM
  • neekafat Haha same here dude, thanks!
    March 2 01:58 AM
  • Gyromania haha that's a good interpretation, however, i think skyrim's world is super boring. far more invested in the witcher's level design. let me know what you think of the two dlc packs. honestly, i would go as far as to say the 2 dlcs are the best i've ever played in any game. amazing new stories and characters and a whole new country to explore
    February 25 02:31 AM
  • Gyromania where are you at in the third game? and yeah geralt is one of the best protagonists ever imo. his voice and appearance are iconic. the dialog is so far ahead of any other rpg i've played tbh. also, i'll check out the books. i had meant to for a while, just saw a doc recently on the author that rly soured my opinion of him.
    February 25 02:20 AM
  • Gyromania i want to get into the books but i'm somewhat held back by knowing what a douche the writer is irl lol.
    February 25 02:01 AM
  • neekafat Oh understood! I always saw it as people who were staff but stopped using the site, that's interesting (:
    February 24 07:58 PM
  • neekafat Says you're emeritus so I'm assuming you're not frequent on sput anymore!
    February 24 03:05 AM
  • neekafat You sticking around on sput for a while now?
    February 24 02:26 AM
  • neekafat I get that I suppose, but I always thought YFW was widley considered their worst
    February 23 07:05 PM
  • neekafat fair fair
    February 23 08:30 AM
  • neekafat how can you have daisy at a 2 but scifi at a 5
    February 23 08:25 AM
  • Slex Certainly a bit baffled yeah, different strokes for different folks I guess
    February 23 06:47 AM
  • Knott- hi (:
    February 15 08:22 PM
  • Frippertronics It happens, somehow
    December 23 01:22 AM
  • Frippertronics Nah, he's an oldie from 2004, via forums. A bit off, to be generous, but who knows. This site attracts the most questionable of people.
    December 23 01:10 AM
  • Frippertronics interesting exchange in the hecker thread, that's how you know sput still attracts the crazies
    December 23 12:55 AM
  • luci the new fitzimmons ain't bad, one of his stronger late career works
    September 23 11:39 PM
  • plane The 1 is hyperbole but mostly it makes my skin crawl. Just sounds like complete, chilled artifice, if somehow Sufjan acoustic music could be exploitative
    July 20 01:56 PM
  • hogan900 bless your soul for that pompeii review or i would have never checked it out, seriously an overlooked wonder of an album.
    July 19 07:58 PM
  • Deathconscious Oh well
    July 18 04:06 PM
  • mallen- That?s me haha, it has been a while. Hope all is well with you too. With the term loosely applied it would be indie music, but with the flexibility to include any music you might be interested in writing about. And no worries on time commitment, contributing once and a while is great as well.
    June 5 01:38 PM
  • mallen- Hey dude, guessing you haven't had the time for writing lately, but let me know if you're interested in getting back into it. I'm starting a new blog.
    June 5 12:42 AM
  • ramon. hey man, thank you! really appreciate the words. especially coming from someone who's been around. awesome to see you are back at it (at least from what I can tell)!
    May 1 05:32 AM
  • Sowing It's times like this I wish I were an "editor"...sorry, you gotta ask Jom
    April 23 01:26 AM
  • Jom Thanks for giving me a shout. It looks like you changed your e-mail so you were stuck in account limbo. Your status should be restored on the forums. Shout me again if you encounter any issues. Cheers!
    April 15 12:00 AM
  • DoofusWainwright Ah yeah, 85%, you have work to do
    March 26 09:15 AM
  • DoofusWainwright 96% isn't shabby, I was there not so long ago. Keep following your dream, rate a load of stuff 1-1.5 and join me on perfect objectivity.
    March 20 06:59 PM
  • Crysis It was time. Didnt review nearly as much as I should have been, so off to emeritus for me. Not leaving the site, though.
    February 12 06:24 PM
  • Snake. why u emeritus again
    February 12 04:32 AM
  • TheBrutalMaster Hey man, if you have time, you could write a review for my band's latest album!
    December 21 01:39 PM
  • JonEthan Hmmph interesting rating on the MT album. What makes you dislike about it so much, besides the obvious similarities to Queen? (Which have always been there)
    October 16 02:12 AM
  • Cygnatti is there a stream out for that young new mt record that will probably highly suck hrad?
    October 15 06:42 PM
  • Arcade if you could peep my latest review it would b very much appreciated
    September 11 01:09 PM
  • DaveyBoy Glad you liked that Too Close To Touch LP. It may yet get another vote come year end.
    July 3 02:33 PM
  • fromtheinside i'm not sure how to take you anymore...
    April 5 03:45 AM
  • Tunaboy45 You should totally review In Times and put everyone in their place with a 4.9
    March 22 06:07 PM
  • wtferrothorn Do you mean the drink sound in U? If so, why would one moment determine an entire album's score?
    March 19 12:54 AM
  • wtferrothorn Woah man, a 2 on new Kendrick? What do you not like about it?
    March 18 07:47 PM
  • Jots dunno if there's a stream yet but i'm sure you're resourceful. will probably review at any rate I s'pose
    February 27 11:40 PM
  • Jots ay man, this new Joanne Robertson album is one of my fav folk releases in a while. you might diggitydig
    February 27 11:31 PM
  • ExplosiveOranges "I endorse this review props citrus bomb" Ponton, you glorious bastard, you.
    February 27 03:31 AM
  • Homogenic Can I write you email? It's about reviews. Very important.
    February 26 02:37 PM
  • RadicalEd Thx again for bringing "Caves" to our attention. Great find.
    February 25 09:18 AM
  • Pon Likewise with your cutie cobra baby
    February 22 01:09 AM
  • Sowing Love the inclusion in your review intro. Sad thing is, you were spot on.
    February 21 06:46 PM
  • klap the safe word is WHIskey
    February 21 04:11 PM
  • DaveyBoy That LP by This Wild Life has really won me over. Great call Jared.
    February 12 01:08 PM
  • Crysis absolutely not, none of this had to do with you in any way, shape or form
    February 10 09:34 PM
  • Wizard Stay drunk my friend. As you can see, not much has happened around here and I continue to hold down the metal fortress.
    February 10 12:59 AM
  • Wizard When did you hop back on board mister?
    February 9 01:08 AM
  • Sowing Good to have you back brotha. I think the last time you were on staff I was still a contributor.
    February 7 07:54 AM
  • Gyromania lol! nice one :P it's good to see you back on staff though - you resigned from your position way too fast
    February 7 12:54 AM
  • Gyromania STAFF!
    February 5 06:15 PM
  • Romulus strangely falling in love with the first twilight singers record. like, blackberry belle-level love. hope you're doing well!
    October 16 12:20 AM
  • leviegalapon thanks for checking out my review, I'm glad to hear your opinion on it. I see what you mean on the summary part, i'll try to make better ones in the future
    July 11 06:01 PM
  • luci have you heard the new hotelier record? think you might dig it
    March 9 03:49 AM
  • fromtheinside Damn. And I liked that new fray single. Or was that a One Republic song?
    February 19 03:32 PM
  • fromtheinside omg, can we talk about that new chevy song. is pete screaming again? is there cowbell? IS THERE BASS AND RIFFS? stop my cumming
    February 4 10:23 AM
  • DaveyBoy Im so old school. Find torrents easier tbh, although not everything always available. And ta for the reco. I had seen it being talked around quite often.
    January 25 02:42 AM
  • DaveyBoy Canterbury LP is not too hard to find mate. There are actually a couple of different torrents floating around.
    January 25 02:25 AM
  • BigHans Reviewed There Will Be Fireworks so hard
    January 15 08:56 PM
  • unclereich idk who you are but im feeling that friendzone soundoff hard right now man sorry that a female burned you too
    January 12 06:02 PM
  • Romulus i was juuuuust about to do my 2013 list but i'm putting it on hold for this!
    January 8 04:24 PM
  • Romulus have you listened to main attrakionz? friendzone produces a lot for them and they're quite fantastic. and perhaps one of clams casino's solo releases if you're looking for another 'cloud rap' producer? much different feel though
    October 31 01:11 AM
  • AggravatedYeti you and me both friend. I can only hope you're well.
    October 21 03:22 AM
  • AggravatedYeti I miss you.
    July 19 04:33 AM
  • Gyromania ha, clever! anywho, how have you been man? what are you digging from 2013?
    June 21 10:34 PM
  • Gyromania man, new boards of canada is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    June 21 09:06 PM
  • Romulus kozelek taking on that kind of music sounds more than promising. i will listen and report back accordingly
    May 11 05:20 AM
  • Romulus mmmm looks promising. on a scale from among the leaves to ghosts, where do you put it?
    May 10 08:05 PM
  • robin i'm glad you're still following my reviews baby :)
    May 10 02:08 PM
  • Observer one day i will return, maybe lol
    April 30 01:09 PM
  • fromtheinside its meteoras birthday come celebrate with me
    March 25 09:52 PM
  • Metalstyles I'll remember that haha. Thanks Jared.
    March 19 07:53 AM
  • robin love you jared
    March 16 01:12 AM
  • Romulus you are the man, as always. no hope for a comeback?
    February 24 10:46 PM
  • CaptainDooRight dang with all these neck breaking jokes I'm gonna need a hero too
    February 22 06:40 PM
  • CaptainDooRight i see you've been training in 100x gravity as of late
    February 21 05:14 PM

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