
Reviews 168
Approval 91%

Soundoffs 231
News Articles 5
Band Edits + Tags 46
Album Edits 71

Album Ratings 1662
Objectivity 86%

Last Active 12-25-20 6:48 am
Joined 03-29-06

Review Comments 0

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Hawks How many women are tied up in your basement???
    December 24 07:32 AM
  • Activista anti-MTV Hey yo
    October 26 12:31 PM
  • helti This guy's def a chode
    July 11 07:18 PM
  • Hawks Sup chode??????
    May 22 08:14 AM
  • SpeachImpediment F
    October 13 05:23 PM
  • Fort23 I?m gonna best you up forreal
    November 12 02:53 AM
  • Fort23 Whatever happened to this herb
    July 26 11:08 PM
  • Tunaboy45 F
    December 28 03:07 PM
  • Slut hey
    December 18 06:03 AM
  • Lavair Hey SOAD is coming back
    March 21 07:40 PM
  • Hep Kat u black midget bitch
    December 7 02:35 AM
  • Essence rip
    February 15 09:54 PM
  • BMDrummer finally emeritus
    February 14 09:48 PM
  • Tunaboy45 We will never forget you
    February 12 10:44 PM
  • Fort23 Whore
    February 11 03:00 AM
  • Polyethylene you 5'd MPP and yet you 1.5'd Symbols how can you simultaneously have such wonderful and awful taste
    October 16 10:34 PM
  • Dancedrewdance I just read your scab dates review, best review I have read on this site by far!
    August 26 04:31 PM
  • danielito19 I'm officially petitioning you to change your rating of Bomb the Music Industry! - Vacation. you need to bump it up to 5 stars.
    August 14 10:10 PM
  • ValarMorghulis thats funny i just started watching heroes again today after all these years
    August 11 03:14 AM
  • EaglesBecomeVultures i concur with the below - you let me know when you're craving that spotted cow mezzfam
    June 27 01:42 AM
  • mryrtmrnfoxxxy dude you need more sb love
    June 5 02:17 AM
  • danielito19 you've been on this site twice as long as i have; was the userbase ever tolerable?
    May 5 07:22 PM
  • BMDrummer Is that a troll? lol
    April 10 01:45 AM
  • BMDrummer Why do you have Celtic Frost's Cold Lake 5'd? Most people hate that album, do you actually like it? Not being rude, just wondering.
    April 9 09:37 PM
  • PunchforPunch hey handsome
    March 26 05:41 PM
  • Relinquished in the past, present, and future. i c u. we all c u. but let's just leave it as it is, you prob won't even communicate with me or hype after this.
    March 25 11:14 PM
  • Relinquished i got not beef wit u hanson honestly u cool but just know that bein staff aint nothing to be condescending about
    March 25 11:01 PM
  • Relinquished why are you putting up a front?? I thought you "have stopped caring what the internet thinks". if what u say is true then let go of the staff tag. you're slackin hard and it shows on your reviews or lack thereof.
    March 25 09:01 PM
  • Relinquished keep spoutin whiteboi u can't talk with all your wasted years on your belt. at least your boyfriend chan moved on.
    March 25 08:52 PM
  • Veldin haha, I understand. I'm glad to hear it lives up to expectations. Bad Luck is one of my favorite LPs ever.
    March 16 09:25 PM
  • Veldin Can you send me the mp3 of Holy Vacants? I've preordered the vinyl and Cd, but I can't wait any longer! : )
    March 16 09:21 PM
  • silentstar hey, good discussion on anime. we don't seem to agree on a lot but you're cool
    March 6 12:20 AM
  • CaptainDooRight Hey there. I appreciated the info you shared with me anime. You seem to quite experienced and opinionated, which I really like! I've heard a lot of recommendations but I'd greatly value yours, if you don't mind.
    March 5 05:39 AM
  • Spare )::(
    February 26 02:31 AM
  • Spare john plz i need your approval
    February 25 06:47 AM
  • LambsBread dont know what your problem is tbh. i come in and say the past american family model worked better than the present and you freak out and call me all this s***. you are a bigot my man. If you actually wanna debate, thats fine, just stop assuming the worst out of me in the absence of you being able to form a coherent argument.
    February 15 11:44 PM
  • SadAndHolyGlow Sorry, I just saw your comment on my Caution Children review. I'm in the same boat. I ordered it on vinyl, cassette, and CD. Just cuz I'm crazy like that. I have that much faith in it.
    January 31 03:14 AM
  • Electric City enjoy! you're on the precipice of a major musical discovery. excited for you!!!!
    January 28 04:06 PM
  • Frippertronics yeah, i get that. I'll probably even it out to the point where half of my stuff is new music. I plan on applying for staff my senior year, so I have time to improve.
    January 24 06:32 PM
  • Frippertronics Will do. Thanks again. I was planning on reviewing the new Swans LP when it comes out, so that's one new album for now.
    January 24 06:25 PM
  • Frippertronics Any advice though, besides cutting back on commas?
    January 24 06:19 PM
  • Frippertronics Thanks; I'll check those out
    January 24 06:14 PM
  • Hep Kat i dont even know who that kid is. i get him confused with like 3-4 other nincompoops who joined around the same time as him constantly
    January 24 06:07 PM
  • Hep Kat HA do it you wont
    January 24 06:01 PM
  • Hep Kat okay man, jom said i gotta got on y'all about this, but we need some fresh punk blood on the staff bro. seriously. id ont mean any of this folk punk crap, i mean some raw ass s*** namsayin? i came to you second: adam thomas was first. we need your support brah
    January 24 05:52 PM
  • YakNips I'm sorry I snapped at you last night. That song has a very personal connection with me.
    January 24 05:00 PM
  • fromtheinside if you so choose to jam with us 'the reviewer formally known as hanson'
    January 22 03:09 AM
  • fromtheinside
    January 22 03:08 AM
  • Spare
    January 21 02:13 AM
  • Spare hansun did you ever get round to hearin my new cd
    January 20 01:32 PM
  • steveaoki wut do u mean john. i love you even if we've never met
    January 17 11:49 PM
  • dimsim3478 Not Deviant. but some other guy named Dev[random number]. The post was transphobic, so it was removed.
    January 14 04:45 PM
  • spookynewghostfriend uh oh =[
    January 14 03:03 PM
  • spookynewghostfriend cant wait for a 1.1 review
    January 14 10:51 AM
  • Hep Kat it's okay you weren't around when I wrote it. But yeah yo I can't get into it. I've never really liked against me very much, which sucks because my wife is a ****ing enormous fan of theirs. She's one of those plan it x types
    January 13 07:43 PM
  • MosesMalone 2?
    January 13 06:44 PM
  • Hep Kat you are the biggest against me fanboy ever. i ripped off your white crosses summary in my aquabats review and NOONE GOT THE REFERENCE
    January 13 06:28 PM
  • demigod! are you gonna review Crusades?
    November 12 08:11 AM
  • GiaNXGX make use of yr magic finger in the [are and see]
    October 31 02:35 PM
  • ShadowRemains good to see you dig crusades
    October 30 11:40 PM
  • Hep Kat tbh i only listened to that album once on spotify and i dont remember much of it because i was BARRED OUT but idk man it didnt rly GRAB and rip my scrotum off namsayin
    October 28 10:32 PM
  • EaglesBecomeVultures why am i helping you beat me?
    October 28 03:28 PM
  • EaglesBecomeVultures as an added bonus they play tonight and you can still put him in your line up
    October 28 03:28 PM
  • EaglesBecomeVultures pick up zach miller off the waiver wire
    October 28 03:25 PM
  • EaglesBecomeVultures jermichael finley is out for the year brother, bruised spinal cord
    October 28 02:45 PM
  • Realm aw nice name comment on ma list ok tyvm
    October 26 07:40 PM
  • EaglesBecomeVultures
    October 26 03:03 PM
  • wacknizzle Heck yeah dude. To Whisper In Tongues was my jam in high school. I Died 20 Times In 1986 m/ "Let's restart this ****ing war!"
    October 26 01:30 AM
  • theredbaron Hi dude, i liked your review for vaya from atdi, im kind obsessed with "proxima centauri", the main reason of i joined spuntink is to get some advice from you about similar bands that have the style of proxima centauri with that speed, no too punk, with that screamed chorus and and the riff time changing melodies... plss!!! can you give some bands?? =O))
    October 22 03:00 AM
  • EaglesBecomeVultures you jam friendzone?
    October 10 02:29 AM
  • luci sry I'm a dick at times. I'm no better than anyone who takes out their frustration online :x
    October 9 12:01 AM
  • fromtheinside THERE ARE NO OTHER EXCUSES
    October 2 05:22 AM
  • fromtheinside you never added me on fbok - that's my abbv of fbook - :( i can't think of a touche amore song to help in this sorrow, the only reason i knew you were online was cause i read your awesome recent trivium review. again, :(
    September 25 07:08 PM
  • CK If you like the hip-hop side of Listener the most, you should check out this album:'s basically depressing indie hip-hop ish stuff.
    September 18 12:40 PM
  • steveaoki hey bby wanna feature? 8==
    September 7 09:09 PM
  • Rev gr8 avatar hanson.
    September 7 05:02 AM
  • somnolence ( ;
    September 6 10:05 PM
    August 5 05:56 PM
  • Willie It just popped into my head and I was curious about what came of it.
    August 5 03:19 PM
  • intotheshit What ****er?
    August 5 08:02 AM
  • Willie Maybe I missed it, but did you get hooked up for the Captain, We're Sinking concert in June? Did you do an interview?
    August 4 04:05 PM
  • fromtheinside can i ask you a serious question?
    August 2 07:19 AM
  • MO your rating for the new gorguts album makes me happy
    July 30 12:40 AM
  • fromtheinside i srsly called that. i said, hanson is probably swimming the grand canyon of vag. take that however you want...
    July 24 07:04 AM
  • fromtheinside for once in your life, yeezus
    July 24 06:30 AM
  • fromtheinside come plug
    July 24 06:30 AM
  • Adabelle I like how you ignored the brutal death band and the band called Date Rape, staying classy...
    July 23 10:59 PM
  • Adabelle *i see that you're rating albums no one cares about ~cool~
    July 23 10:49 PM
  • for real doe you should check out necro dogg
    July 15 04:41 AM
  • dude reviews have been disappearing lately, headphones reviewed goatlord last night! and it gotd! i was drunk and ive never been so upset since like prob 2006
    July 15 04:40 AM
  • did you review necro dogg??
    July 15 04:33 AM
  • pribosse
    July 14 07:36 AM
  • omnipanzer Wabbit wouldn't know, I only blow dudes worth my time. Did you get a chance to check out that Glockenwise album?
    July 12 02:38 PM
  • Ire hey dummy didn't u review that Beyonce album 2 years ago
    July 10 12:42 AM
  • Jom Today, I learned that you know what subscribed threads are.
    June 28 07:19 PM
  • ChrisSkramz just an question i see that you dig an artist album how can i do it ? thanks :)
    June 24 01:49 AM
  • wabbit LOL
    June 16 03:37 PM
  • wabbit omnipanzer sucks hard
    June 14 08:22 PM
  • omnipanzer Something else for you to check out if you get a sec: The Glockenwise - Leeches
    June 14 04:00 PM
  • omnipanzer *few
    June 14 04:31 AM
  • omnipanzer It was announced on a fed small trade blogs and on their home page but that's about it. I only found out about it because it got posted on a blogspot I frequent.
    June 14 04:30 AM
  • omnipanzer Well I have the 43 track version I'm not sure what that is... :-/
    June 13 07:22 PM
  • omnipanzer Not sure if this is slated for a review or not but I thought I would bring it to your attention that this came out.
    June 13 07:20 PM
  • Aspenshadow :^)
    June 12 05:11 AM
  • Jash ILU2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
    June 11 02:05 AM
  • BaselineOOO I've been noticing ur stalking; I'm not the most lesbian of all time but I like hugging girls so come here u ;d
    June 5 07:59 AM
  • BaselineOOO who cares about me lel, this is all about u babe
    June 5 07:51 AM
  • BaselineOOO do you actually try to be this boring?
    June 5 07:11 AM
  • Spare unmastered version up here but will be up at once it's got album art and s***!
    June 3 03:36 AM
    June 3 02:42 AM
  • Spare so in the next couple weeks my housemate is gonna release the best ****in album you ever heard js
    June 3 02:41 AM
  • Atari i think this is kind of similar to captain, we're sinking if you want to check it out
    May 30 03:52 PM
  • oltnabrick have you heard 'Exclusive Audio Footage' from Clipse?
    May 29 11:24 PM
  • keyokeyo Still waiting on that Trinidad Jame$ review
    May 25 03:54 AM
  • Lakes. i'm a fanboy what can i say
    May 24 11:00 PM
  • Lakes. what's wrong with it
    May 24 10:54 PM
  • BaselineOOO u never bored me actually! frau iluvatar
    May 16 05:23 PM
  • BaselineOOO coolest member
    May 16 02:36 PM
  • fromtheinside wow way to be wrong about the new ntnl. you're right, you're late. i forgive u tho. maybe
    May 16 07:05 AM
  • Atari Fair enough lol
    May 15 07:25 PM
  • Atari Apart from my summary do u have any criticisms of the review itself? Trying to improve my writing
    May 15 07:18 PM
  • Samshine thats what you get when your on a site full of virgin males
    May 12 08:53 AM
  • xxm We don't see eye to eye on everything but your still one of the funniest guys on here so have a good night.
    May 9 02:59 AM
  • Mewcopa0 it's been a while hehe, do you know if you can still do that Bulwark review? if not that's ok, i might be able to find some one else to do it.
    April 19 03:24 AM
  • Adabelle A little birdy tols me your fave band when you wre 16 was panic at the disco, qt. lets have banies
    April 18 09:02 PM
  • wabbit can i be a mod plz?
    April 18 05:44 PM
  • silentpotato actually ive been looking for something to fill in between game of thrones, waiting for the last season of misfits, and waiting on the new marvel and dc blocks and thought that show looked dec so i will!
    April 17 11:09 AM
    April 17 09:55 AM
  • silentpotato not pleb just super honest which is cool. never got huge into yndi halda. also not as big into godspeed as most people seem to be, that being said, i cried at every climax when i saw them live haha. im sure you know my fav song
    April 17 09:52 AM
  • silentpotato well yeah i mean subjectively of course so the emotional answer is what i was looking for. sad ass choice man ouch my soul haha.
    April 17 09:43 AM
  • silentpotato if u haad to chose what would u say your favorite song of all time ever is
    April 17 09:17 AM
  • silentpotato awe yeah i feel you man i know those. songs with that sort of connection are just unparalleled no matter wat
    April 17 09:17 AM
  • silentpotato that song is probs in my top 10 all time forevs
    April 17 08:50 AM
  • silentpotato i mean that song is ok its all catchy and stuff but when it cums to deerhunter for me if it isnt he would have laughed then its not he would have laughed and im pissed.
    April 17 08:50 AM
  • silentpotato haha its a cover of a solange song if u know who that is. anyway yeah blood oranage is awesome. im basically just spamming you with his s*** now so feel free to ignore but i just found this song and never knew it existed before and it just kind of blew my mind; its very ****ing strange and then it sneaks up and punches u in the nuts when u dont know wtf. but yeah ill be back on the chat at the end of the month when schoo is over
    April 17 08:14 AM
  • silentpotato ye but its got a tad of a rnb vibe like as far as pretty much anything i listen to goes. and yeah definitely loves will be fallen into. this 1 thick enuff 4 u? cuz dat bass b thick as some chunky black booty if u ask me. and haha i usualyl go on fb chat but just lately ive been busy and just havent been turnin it on so i dont have to deal with certain people trying to talk to me 24/7
    April 17 08:01 AM
  • silentpotato 1:55 into that blood orange song is just like wow i have acquired all the vaginas
    April 17 07:49 AM
  • silentpotato ****ing break. R AND B NOTE im more into this;
    April 17 07:46 AM
  • silentpotato pretty much gonna get laid no matter what when u bust that s*** out. also on a more poppy and kind of r
    April 17 07:45 AM
  • silentpotato hey thats cool man i feel u, this is what i get down 2 tho;
    April 17 07:44 AM
  • silentpotato good point i still like that last song but was just not expecting it. and hahahahah word well it was fun i like listening to s*** music sometimes and i mean yeah i gave new jt a 3.5/5 there are songs that tickle my gooch but definitely not as keen on it as a lot of peeps. also i like the weeknd n stuff so i dunno i like some s*** i guess
    April 17 07:33 AM
  • silentpotato i mean 100% it a lot to ask for im maybe like 49% gay could probably be tilted in the right direction with a little push if u know what i mean ;]. and yeah that was definitely a highlight of the album. the last song was hella ****ing weird vibe change kind of weird mario s*** goin on lol. and this r kelly song is a thing eh?
    April 17 07:27 AM
  • silentpotato omg the stand up bass and vox and everything about Year of My Solistice gets me lit
    April 17 07:11 AM
  • silentpotato so instead of asking her to do sexual things to me i said 'hi'
    April 17 07:10 AM
  • silentpotato i dunno dude she gypsy's pretty hard we were at da club wit the trap muziks playing and she was all like GYPSY HANDS and i was like yeah do that to my body plz
    April 17 07:10 AM
  • silentpotato cool man im gonna ask her to marry me in india in a text message right now will probably ask if she is down wth anal first and maybe tell her im looking for a stay at home mom with no interests who can abandon her dreams so that i can have a fresh sandwhich waiting at home for me after work every night. and i dunno man sounds a little foreward maybe u should just smile at her some more and try moving your hand from her hand to her bum real quick if shes into it then ask her out
    April 17 07:08 AM
  • silentpotato should i ask her to marry me and eat a goats heart together in the desert high on ayehuasca
    April 17 06:55 AM
  • silentpotato agreed so i met this girl she has dreads and she likes cats and she dances like a floaty gypsy goddess and i think im in like with her what do i do
    April 17 06:54 AM
  • silentpotato resend me that link man it didnt work
    April 17 06:50 AM
  • silentpotato jk i hrd a song or like 20 seconds of it or sumthin
    April 17 06:49 AM
  • silentpotato do it show me stuff all the time i will surprise you probably even like wil wagner if i had even hear him
    April 17 06:49 AM
  • silentpotato i left you a little present in the similar artists category
    April 17 06:46 AM
  • silentpotato ah damn u know me too well i just finished filing it safely away under the 'other' category. also its not about showing sputnik good 'other' music, its about satiating my endless thirst for egotistical validation by lesser beings
    April 17 06:45 AM
  • silentpotato ur comment got cut off. dude tse tse and invitation are so good. this brings gypsy swag hard and tse tse has some oriental swag goin on this is SO ****ING ARTSY. but ye holy **** yeah buddy. aand i rate everything because i am the greatest user of all time and my reach is boundless
    April 17 06:44 AM
  • silentpotato gonna add this to the database, take credit for discovering it by entering some irrelevant similar artist, 4 it, dig it, and plug it onto my next list
    April 17 06:37 AM
  • silentpotato this is artsy as **** bro i didnt know you were alternative
    April 17 06:34 AM
  • silentpotato do u even listen to bathory?
    April 17 06:30 AM
  • silentpotato dude are you fizzlin me right now r kelly srs
    April 17 06:30 AM
  • silentpotato i take it you arent FEELING IT IN THE AIR TONIGHT?
    April 17 06:25 AM
  • silentpotato could you say maybe that you've been waiting for this moment all your life?...... *starswipez*
    April 17 06:14 AM
  • silentpotato werd will let u know what i think shortly
    April 17 05:53 AM
  • silentpotato found it on bandcamp listening now
    April 17 05:52 AM
  • silentpotato 3 mice? never heard of them..
    April 17 05:52 AM
  • Jash I wasn't expecting wubs when I went into it, it's just kind of boring. Aside from Take A Fall For Me (because RZA kills it and says quid which most people won't even understand) and Voyeur (so dancy and those sliding synth chords are AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) everything sounds the same
    April 15 04:09 AM
  • oltnabrick wow yes i do. dont get me started
    April 12 11:11 PM
  • oltnabrick its a 4 now! ahahah
    April 12 06:21 PM
  • Spare my savings r like 20 bucks
    April 12 04:32 AM
  • Spare lmao
    April 12 04:29 AM
  • Spare ah man glad yall like it tho
    April 12 04:22 AM
  • Spare should be in the download b
    April 12 02:03 AM
  • Spare john u wanna listen to my record i made it's here
    April 11 02:18 PM
  • silentpotato TEEHEEHEE!!
    April 11 05:32 AM
  • Emim Well we can talk about turtles. Turtles are cool.
    April 10 05:07 PM
  • idkpokeit Thanks for the feature :]
    April 10 02:28 PM
  • wabbit kk
    April 10 02:12 AM
  • wabbit you're the best
    April 10 01:42 AM
  • demigod! yea idk where else to look rly but i found a ton of great entry level s*** that i wasn't aware ofit's better for 90's metalcore shiz, been a ****in gold mine for me
    April 10 01:30 AM
  • demigod! i was just scrolling through the emo charts and the name caught my eye. Been finding a ton of pretty sweet old 90s emo/screamo/metalcore that wayalso stumbled upon your RYM account through the Julia page, lol
    April 10 01:25 AM
  • demigod! ****in right man im loving that album so much, gotta love RYM haha
    April 10 01:22 AM
  • anarchistfish why cant we be friends
    April 7 08:24 PM
  • ITsHxCTOASTER I can appreciate your rating and soundoff for Tyler Brown it is acceptable
    April 7 08:18 AM
  • Aids these are quite good calculations, quite good indeed
    April 5 07:21 AM
  • ReturnOfTheDnor da fuq. change your avatar. I slaved over that ms paint picture
    April 4 01:39 AM
  • XGX it's ****ing amazing isn't it, m/
    April 4 01:23 AM
  • XGX Siekiera - Nowa Aleksandrka. ilu JOhn
    April 1 11:46 PM
  • ChuckyTruant 4lyfe
    April 1 04:24 PM
  • Aids yeah but weren't you against its hype or something? like you thought it was good but only gave it a 3 or something? idk, I was under the impression that you had gone all "hanson" over Sit Resist. I guess not, props.
    March 29 05:42 AM
  • Aids so glad you like Wheel, and I think I agree that it's better than Sit Resist (which was already like top 10 ever for me). I have an unhealthy obsession with this album, I just keep hitting repeat again and again and again. Ughhhhhhhhhhhh semen-stained review DEFINITELY pending.
    March 28 10:36 PM
  • fromtheinside bb HT misses you and your thugmatic swag. could lay new pipe down in and all around the room sometime soon.
    March 28 05:18 AM
  • slipnslide RIP ILUVPLUG.DJ 2013-2013
    March 28 05:18 AM
  • klap that is a borderline lie good sir unless you played against sobhi which i mean you're both staff i dk what to do
    March 28 01:29 AM
  • klap hey i thought being staff meant something but i guess all it really meant was i get a free KNIFE IN THE BACK
    March 27 11:42 PM
  • GiaNXGX trvth, i don't believe in dogmas i read a lot of divergent views (be it philosophical, religious, scientifical) and make my own set of paradigms tbh lol
    March 26 10:37 PM
  • atrink When's that lydia review coming? lol
    March 26 02:22 AM
  • GiaNXGX John, do you believe there's a god watching us, keeping time balanced?
    March 26 02:10 AM
  • oltnabrick haha guess i never payed attention lol
    March 23 08:11 PM
  • oltnabrick clipse prof pic. nice
    March 23 10:26 AM
  • plane have you heard iron lung yet? album proper is solid as ****, but merged with noise companion takes it to another level
    March 22 05:21 PM
  • EaglesBecomeVultures dude look at this alt sniper made it's incredible
    March 21 08:34 PM
  • Underflow Alright, thanks man. Also, do you know how to get links to function for the source? The [url][/url] bbc code doesn't seem to work.
    March 19 06:11 PM

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