Reviews 41 Approval 59%
Soundoffs 1 Album Ratings 451 Objectivity 87%
Last Active 01-05-23 6:47 pm Joined 01-09-22
Review Comments 1,913
 | Mort. oh yeah i remember that whole debacle. again, not the sort of thing id ever take particularly seriously and infer things from.
 | Mort. furthermore, to relentlessly hound you and tell you to kill yourself over internet rumours etc is so ridiculous and childish. nevermind the fact you did your time and the effect of drugs on your judgement was noted etc. i just find the whole thing a clear excuse to hate (people accused of sex offences are one of the few groups its still acceptable to wish horrific things on with social impunity and often encouragement)
 | Mort. no worries. ive seen the article before and have always been baffled as to why people jumped to the 'pedo' accusation. the article doesnt give specific date based ages (eg you could have just turned 17) you were legally a child, regardless the girl may not have been pre pubescent (shocking that this is now considered creepy to point out but thats internet discourse) and the british media loves calling somebody a paedophile when they can and they didnt in your case.
 | vult Cringe user alert
 | JohnnyoftheWell ""I have experience with legal systems"" l o l do you need to make this so easy
 | Titan I have no idea buddy
 | Minortimbo12 00000\_/ go up into the sky in a hot air balloon and let your cares slip away
 | Gyromania haha nah not egotistical in the slightest - more like the total opposite haha. but nah ur good man
 | KILL i dont wear a hat mate
 | JohnnyoftheWell honey you can have all the legal right to be on this site you like, but imma need to see an amnesty signed by liz truss if you think that entitles you to spamming without being called up on it. gonna have to refer you to the countless other users who exercise their l-l-legal right to be here without covering the entire frontpage in asinine s***e. getchu a definition of obnoxious plz and tnx
 | Gnocchi not just a little. but 100 fking percent. They don't matter, it doesn't exist. only words exist. don't engage.
 | Gnocchi I get the upvote/downvote system can be demoralizing, especially if things get skewed to a poor approval rating. Humans need to feel socially validated in just about every facet of their lives (outliers etc of course) - but for the last couple weeks I've seen nothing but complaints about the negs (ghost/false or not). It's like handing a bunch of four year olds a big red button and telling them not to push it. They're going to - trust me. From now on you have to physically ignore the vote...
 | Gnocchi Here's something more specific: ""Higher Coward" takes its audience on a journey through..." Higher Coward doesn't take anyone anywhere. Change the language and pretty up your thought process. Example: 'Immolation use "Higher Coward" as a vessel, taking the listener on a journey..."Use the song like a car or a boat, as in "journey" even a stroll, walk or ride is fine. Expression is fine, but you can really step the basics up if you think about it a little.
 | Gnocchi over your accounts and this is stuff we figure out nice and early. You've said the 'what' now tell your readers 'how'.
 | Gnocchi ""Higher Coward" stands out as a perfect example of how to establish expectations with an opening track. Beginning with a crackling sound and a spoken question, it fades to silence, before exploding into life with a riff absolutely typical of Immolation."Apart from a light play-by-play this actually tells your reader nothing. How does any of that perfect the established expectations of an opening track? I'm not trying to be a dick. But you've probably amassed a few hundred.....
 | Gnocchi Without piling on too much of what has already come from Johnny's broad strokes, most of my criticism comes from your lack off definition or example. Bold statements without back up. The second half of the first paragraph is a glaring example. What people? Fans, critics, bar talk? Did some guy at the urinal tell you we live on the moon and it's now fact?
 | TheSpirit Check the Immo review comments for edits
 | KnickFurey I'm good mate, weekend and tunes! Can't complain. Looking forward to your next Immo review.
 | KnickFurey Hey there, no I am not an alt lol. I have no problems with you friend. I haven't had much interaction with Deathconscious but he seems a bit uptight at times? A lot of users take themselves too seriously on here, lol.
 | Willie You definitely have a chance to have a review featured, and possibly even end up Contrib during one the promotion cycles. Keep in mind that the amount of reviews featured versus the amount of reviews written is small, and the amount of promotions versus the amount of reviewers is even smaller. You have to be patient. It took a couple years before I was Contributor and few more for Staff.
 | Minortimbo12 "Creepy AF" or just one of the staples of OCD and ADHD, both of which I am diagnosed with?"Sorry about your OCD. but ADHA is a fake disease, everyone has it, they just execute it differently.
 | Drifter you got it. no more will be said
 | JohnnyoftheWell leave my baby mort and his advanced powers of reasoning alone or lines are gonna appear
 | Mort. And the whole "says more about you than me " argument is just ridiculous and reeks of insecurity. Just post about music and quit the whining about negs and bringing attention to who you are repeatedly. Listen to Joms advice
 | Mort. In my nearly 20000 comments I don't think I've ever posted about a musician being cute repeatedly, or even once as far as I can remember. And you're right, on Facebook id assume they know them and have a personal relationship with them where it's acceptable to express that . This is an entirely different scenario. And as far as who you are, I really couldn't care less about what you did in the past . Im more concerned with how you're acting here and now
 | Flugmorph sorry to hear that you are of the bri'ish. my condolences.
 | combustion07 Resurrection Absurd needs that write up sir! Use your Freaky Machine powers to bring it into existence!
 | Flugmorph reminder to review Resurrection Absurd
 | DadKungFu Hey, really enjoyed Ever Flowing Stream, thanks for the rec
 | Storm In A Teacup We have not talked unless talking about the same music subject on a review.
 | Storm In A Teacup I can?t remember who that was but I remember the avatar. I was not active here in 2008 through 2013 except a few times and didn?t talk to anyone except on discord video.