To me, Green Day in and of themselves are almost a cringe proposition in and of themselves

Reviews 9
Approval 66%

Soundoffs 70
Album Ratings 1585
Objectivity 82%

Last Active 01-09-23 6:25 pm
Joined 02-17-20

Review Comments 15,528

shoutbox » all posts 
  • budgie tickle tickle tickle
    July 18 03:09 AM
  • kildare Hey Colton, I didn't respond to your last comment because I could go on forever with that stuff and I thought I'd give you the last word. But I'm pretty obsessive about health/illness/diet chit-chat, so if you're into that kind of thing hit me anytime, and maybe bring some other users who are fluent in Health-Speak to a food-themed album thread and we'll hash it out more. I just wanted to pinch that one off
    July 12 03:04 AM
  • robertsona Hit me up..
    July 8 10:50 PM
  • robertsona Check the new moon kissed song
    June 28 01:43 PM
  • robertsona Hit me on discord when you can
    June 21 06:46 AM
  • Futures yeah same really. did a little trolling and s***posting here and they think that deserves us being relentlessly personally attacked including telling me to die of my cancer (notice nobody in that thread denies it). it ruined my love for music for a long while. not surprising at all this still goes on in their weirdo circlejerk. but really they want to drive you off here, don't let them. if you ever want to chat music, i'm here.
    June 18 05:57 PM
  • budgie you rule
    June 18 12:31 AM
  • Futures i've got no clue what you did (probably nothing) but this same group did this to me as well. take it easy man. hope you're well.
    June 17 09:32 PM
  • Ryus im only rly familiar with "all hail west texas", i liked a few songs from that one a lot when i was younger, the opening trio mostly. been a long time since i listened to anything else by him but i remember not liking the not-lo-fi stuff
    June 16 07:24 PM
  • Kompys2000 Yo just wanted to say sorry about how everything went down with the site hack last year. I was in a bad place mentally and definitely didn't handle things as well as I should have. Hope you're well
    May 7 08:02 PM
  • robertsona Hop in dickscord
    April 20 04:14 PM
  • rockarollacola hide
    March 22 01:19 AM
  • rockarollacola 2 year old (sorry, I'm autistic)
    March 21 12:42 AM
  • rockarollacola bro i heard what you said about a 2 old acoustic child, NOT COOL bro
    March 21 12:42 AM
  • zakalwe You would have loved em
    March 18 11:10 PM
  • Ryus its pretty good. def not my favorite work by them but there are some amazing individual songs
    March 6 08:20 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki while ur at it u need a pfp question marks look like mysterious masked men
    February 28 10:49 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki colton rate the new job for a cowboy
    February 25 08:46 PM
  • Butkuiss Can I put my balls in your court? Balls in your court? Can I (can i)? Can I? (can i)?
    February 11 06:06 AM
  • Butkuiss Coltonmusic when
    February 8 11:01 PM
  • Feather Yo thanks for the DryJacket rec. Really really dig their debut album.
    February 2 10:23 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Nice
    January 20 09:45 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Okay, just a warning, he sounds like he smokes cigarettes every day. But the music is pretty and indie
    January 18 01:55 AM
  • ArsMoriendi I wonder if you?d like Electroc-Shock Blues by Eels. The only roadblock I could imagine are the vocals
    January 17 07:30 PM
  • Squiggly To reiterate from the santa thread: Thanks for turning me into a frog!
    January 2 06:20 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki lolz think i'll get away with my new list?
    December 29 12:53 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki ur name profile section thing
    December 29 12:46 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki LMAO colton
    December 28 11:51 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell what stupid s*** has happened to you now and how am i in whatever way responsible for it
    December 25 01:29 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell lol calling it a personal vendetta that I yeeted you and hawks from the yeule thread is a cheap clutch even for you
    December 25 12:09 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki i del nothing i cant be bought to hide the trvth
    December 22 06:50 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki its all coming together now
    December 17 01:00 PM
  • Ryus i kind of dont like 454 that much as a vocalist but the beats are good
    December 16 03:54 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki colton more like bolt on deez nutz
    December 9 05:19 AM
  • bighubbabuddha Good user , have a choc chip cookie :)
    December 8 01:26 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell gonna need a better case than that to save those babytroll comments chief
    December 7 01:24 PM
  • Slex Yeah I've been meaning to check it, will get on it asap
    December 6 02:28 AM
  • Ryus bet ill check both of those
    December 4 03:00 PM
  • Pangea got it thanks!
    December 3 08:41 AM
  • Pangea Hey thanks for the joining the secret santa! i don't think i have your discord anymore, could you send me it? (or something else)
    December 2 10:52 PM
  • Ryus ive heard it actually its pretty cool, i liked the collab with surf gang as well
    November 29 02:14 AM
  • pizzamachine Got em
    November 28 02:02 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Stay away from top 3. One of them already is being underrated enough as is, and I doubt you'd like the other 2
    November 27 02:02 AM
  • sixdegrees lol
    November 2 02:57 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki gone but never forgotten
    August 27 11:51 PM
  • nol Still planning on getting sf6?
    July 16 12:48 AM
  • SomeCallMeTim Die
    July 9 12:55 AM
  • DocSportello are you still gonna fix loveless?
    July 8 11:32 PM
  • Vinnymcscoop Ripbozo
    July 8 11:31 PM
  • sneakers #ripbozo
    July 8 11:27 PM
  • robertsona Check out hide without delay from the new 12 rods album?it?s kind of amazing. One of their best songs?the only such song on the new one, but that?s like a good compromise between realism and fantasy
    July 7 04:31 PM
  • nol Are you still in the sput discord
    July 6 09:07 PM
  • Ryus honestly pretty good
    June 30 02:46 AM
  • Butkuiss Colton music dot com when
    June 18 08:58 AM
  • Ryus my amusement is purely ironic but it is not bad on that level
    June 13 04:22 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Listen to Cherry Pee by Of Montreal
    June 10 05:35 AM
    May 27 03:48 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Phones on mobile will stupidly put a different apostrophe than home computers, so that?s a duplicate page. The real one for Melody?s is just fine. Someone thought we didn?t have one and made the page you linked me because they didn?t know. This artist named L?Rain just had a similar issue. Report that page to Sowing so that it can bed
    April 26 09:41 AM
  • savannahbomdia YOU STUPID
    April 16 11:43 PM
  • robertsona Slap the bag on that rah band ripper
    April 4 02:52 AM
  • robertsona The rah band - Sam the samba man (1983) truuuuuuust me
    April 3 06:46 PM
  • robertsona Get at me
    March 23 12:03 PM
  • robertsona Idk what it is rly. ?Gunshy? by just the lady, released under two weeks ago, is good too?maybe less to your taste?
    March 16 05:15 PM
  • robertsona I think you might be intrigued by the song ?salmon of positive energy? by Henry Solomon and Allie Kelly
    March 16 04:49 PM
  • xxm Absolutely. You?re welcome.
    March 4 02:48 AM
  • xxm I enjoy your commentary.
    March 2 09:38 AM
  • tectactoe if you think that cringe compilation is 'experimental', boy do i have some news for you
    February 1 06:42 PM
  • robertsona Pure adult dropped yesterday
    January 29 05:35 PM
  • nol I?m up there all the time
    January 26 07:02 PM
  • nol other than my dads dad who lives like 200 miles north (and west) of you
    January 26 06:56 PM
  • nol that?s nuts all my grandparents and aunts and uncles live ~4 hours from you, we woulda ended up there too but my mom had ambitionz
    January 26 06:54 PM
  • robertsona coltonnnnnnn
    January 26 05:18 PM
  • nol where in Canada do you live again? I just learned my whole extended family lives an hour and a half from the Ontario border and my mind is pretty blown
    January 25 07:53 PM
  • MarsKid tbh deck is stacked against it, lags at certain points while having some high highs, but popular discourse has marked it as sort of a black sheep defined only by its title track. I think it's weaker compared to the band's late career run but nothing offense 4sure.
    January 20 07:33 PM
  • nol have you heard this Sam Griffin cover. Made me respect him a lot more, the accuracy to the original song is ****in insane
    January 20 02:45 AM
  • MarsKid You can talk Beatles with me bb, although my knowledge is rusty as hell nowadays.
    January 19 08:02 PM
  • ArsMoriendi So like a lot of the Discord wants you back in there, and when I initially kicked you it was only supposed to be temporary (3 weeks max.) If you wanna come back, just ask and I'll link you it via discord PM
    January 19 01:24 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup All that and I'm gonna win a chess tournament today ? unless 2nd place catches up to me and gets like 15 wins.
    January 14 08:55 PM
  • robertsona We gotta talk about how annique says ?please don?t return my CAWLllll? on aqua gorilla but also it?s ok if you?ve soured to non Sputnik venues
    January 11 03:28 PM
  • robertsona Ok fr is there a place I can talk to you not here
    January 11 07:45 AM
  • robertsona left it on backtobacktobacks from her: "hehehe let's totally" "I'll try to keep up" "will let u know when next in NY should b some year at this point". re: interview 35mm photography. lets get it
    January 6 08:55 PM
  • robertsona I sent saya gray my review of 19 masters and she sent back ?omg ur vocabulary is delicious!?
    January 6 03:07 PM
  • Ryus lox gang
    January 4 08:07 PM
  • robertsona Hit me on discord or sumwhere
    December 31 07:04 PM
  • robertsona Hit me on discord or sumwhere
    December 31 07:03 PM
  • robertsona yeah, you probably heard "lucy," bizarrely enough my most played song ever, from 2017's great Florida Room. this has its caveats, but aqua gorilla is SOTY maybe?
    December 29 06:49 PM
  • robertsona Also miss ya
    December 29 02:20 AM
  • robertsona Check out this year?s Goodfight
    December 29 12:10 AM
  • fogza I did indeed
    December 15 07:27 PM
  • Drifter finals!! what about you how are your evening walks going
    December 10 09:32 PM
  • robertsona Oh u prob mean per song or even chunks of songs (?) that would make more sense
    December 9 09:49 PM
  • robertsona brevity? Hmm it?s like 50 minutes long that?s not average
    December 9 09:48 PM
  • robertsona also listen 2 saya gray
    December 9 09:40 PM
  • robertsona Talk 2 me baby
    December 9 09:39 PM
  • Storm In A Teacup None of that is even comparable to me or my character. 3/10
    December 9 07:42 AM
  • Drifter hiii
    December 9 05:54 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup What am I gonna do to cause the downfall it sounds fun
    December 5 12:38 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup storm ina teacup will 100% by the dwon fall of this site and the entir world - you, do you remember? Lol
    December 2 05:46 AM
  • Gyromania Are you sure?
    October 19 08:23 PM
  • Gyromania hmu on fb and i'll rec some good music
    October 18 05:28 AM
  • Snake. homie just listen to letlive lmao that's who they're ripping off
    October 6 05:35 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell what are you saying now
    October 5 10:51 PM
  • dedex my man
    October 4 08:26 PM
  • Gyromania i know things got heated in that thread, but it's just a discussion at the end of the day and I'm sry for calling you dumb. i want to know that you're okay after all's said and done. gonna leave you with this just in case: or just talk to me any time you need to get something off your chest
    September 30 04:12 AM
  • tectactoe It's the second best track on HUNKY DORY behind QUeen Bitch
    September 28 08:08 PM
  • tectactoe welcome to the Bowie stan club, here is your complementary lapel pin
    September 28 12:30 AM
  • Sowing I think so, although it was probably long ago. I remember Dark Arc being the album I enjoyed of theirs the most.
    August 21 12:25 AM
  • robertsona First three, two sitting ducks, the one with time in the title
    July 25 08:47 PM
  • robertsona He?s often described as extremely religious or god-fearing, particularly through his lyrics (ive never looked these lyrics up, barely know what he?s saying). One wonders if the jubilance takes on a different quality when motivated that way. The utterly ****ed metaphor I?m thinking of is that of an enslaved person forced to grin and do a jig by his or her owner. And yet it doesn?t feel THAT externally motivated?just a lil freakier, a lil more unremittingly intense, than jubilance normally is
    July 24 06:07 PM
  • robertsona Awesome. Super divisive album and you?ll see why?but it doesn?t deserve to be forgotten
    July 19 12:30 AM
  • robertsona Danielson!
    July 19 12:22 AM
  • robertsona Listen to Ships (2006); if you end up regretting it I?ll Venmo you 69 cents
    July 18 10:47 PM
  • theBoneyKing I know I know I know, keep bullying me and maybe I will.
    July 16 01:01 PM
  • Gyromania You're basically a Skyrim NPC
    July 16 04:48 AM
  • Gyromania It'll be okay Colton, I promise
    July 16 02:22 AM
  • tectactoe i'll be honest, viagra boys don't seem like they'd be up your alley at all (or at least MY perception of your alley), let alone a 5. kudos, i suppose. but year for some reason i can barely stand them. they remind me of IDLES in that sense. don't feel authentic? idk i have a tough time describing it.
    July 13 05:03 PM
  • GhandhiLion ah. I think I liked their previous two albums more
    July 11 12:55 AM
  • GhandhiLion huh
    July 11 12:53 AM
  • Ryus if you want frosty sadboi bladee (and my favorite of his albums) then check eversince. if you want more upbeat trap bladee, then check icedancer. if u want to go somewhat chronologically then i can rec you some of his early singles and then you can listen to his debut gluee.
    July 10 02:02 AM
  • KnickFurey Holy s*** that comment is awful...
    July 5 01:50 AM
  • budgie i think those are great names. maybe you dont appreciate art?
    July 3 08:03 PM
  • budgie what was the first answer i was on sleeping pills
    July 3 07:38 PM
  • budgie napoleon and wellington
    July 3 07:30 PM
  • Slex Album blows chunks lol
    July 2 03:33 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell sure my review is Despite the forgettable songs off that album, the band definitely had a couple highlights and great details into their instruments, coming from this mellow sounding to an bitter of a upbeat rock sound from majority of the album
    June 29 07:20 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Spoon Lucifer on the SofaSpoon's tenth studio album, Lucifer On The Sofa, is perspectively a very good album of 2022. Despite the forgettable songs off that album, the band definitely had a couple highlights and great details into their instruments, coming from this mellow sounding to an bitter of a upbeat rock sound from majority of the album. There's not much to say about this album other than the great instrumental detail onto the project. In conclusion, I'd give the album a 3 out of 5. It's
    June 29 01:13 AM
  • Rowan5215 absolutely but they're far too long to fit in the shoutbox limit. you will have to sit in wonder until an occasion arises for me to share them
    June 26 07:37 AM
  • Gyromania You can be saved from the fiery pits of hell if you repent
    June 25 09:22 AM
  • budgie fenriz and princess butthole
    June 22 02:41 AM
  • Sowing Go listen to Lizzy McAlpine's new album right now young man
    June 14 10:48 PM
  • Sunnyvale That Emma Worley album is sweet, probably gonna review it. Thanks for the heads up!
    June 13 09:02 PM
  • theBoneyKing Pls report
    June 11 11:40 AM
  • Sunnyvale Thanks Colton! Looks up my alley, will definitely check it out.
    June 10 09:41 PM
  • Sowing 2nd song had me floored but then it leveled off slightly; I got about halfway through while out to lunch. She has a wonderful voice and I enjoy the way the songs are put together (very placid and lush). I'll undoubtedly be giving it a few full spins before forming an opinion so I appreciate the heads up!
    June 10 04:16 PM
  • theBoneyKing Since you seem to be diggin Neil Young rn you should check MJ Lenderman since hes Young-influenced and the best alt-coutnry this year. ;-P
    June 8 09:24 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell phone
    June 6 09:52 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell DONT CALL ME
    June 6 09:37 PM
  • Divaman You're welcome.
    June 5 03:29 PM
  • Divaman You're trying to throw some positive into the universe this month, so let's see if I can throw something back to you. Have you listened to the new Calexico LP? They don't do harmonies as well as Lord Huron, but you might still like the vibe.
    June 5 12:59 AM
  • dedex nice Let It Be rating mane - talking 'bout Replacements ofc
    May 25 01:27 PM
  • Sowing Cringe album, cringe rating.
    May 25 01:14 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell OH haha, so it was a mix of wanting more of a bleak bleak Americana experience and curiosity after seeing it so heavily referenced on the Killers thread last yr. Know the old hits from my mum, but will peep Born to Run sometime. loving his dark husky bleaktones over those barebones bedroom recordings for now tho
    May 17 07:36 PM
  • Cygnatti ?
    May 16 02:08 PM
  • Cygnatti What
    May 15 09:15 PM
  • tectactoe is this all because i didn?t like the gay cowboy record?
    May 11 02:09 AM
  • DoctorSpaghetti0 Honor your name more and raise more Colts (regarding Melody's Echo Chamber)
    May 9 10:41 PM
  • ArsMoriendi lol why'd you leave
    April 23 05:53 PM
  • z00sh I respectfully disagree
    April 10 12:46 AM
  • tectactoe Just fucc me up fam:
    April 9 02:27 PM
  • tectactoe i said what i said
    April 9 12:30 AM
  • Ryus you have no power over me. i will listen to it rn as im studying and i will 2 it and theres nothing you can do to stop me
    April 8 11:44 PM
  • tectactoe cringe orville record
    April 8 07:40 PM
  • Pikazilla don't have an acc, I listen to my digital purchases/own ripped cds on foobar
    April 8 05:09 AM
  • Gyromania T-Pain song is the best here. it?s interesting melodically and has good energy. most of the rest of this sounds like rap albums I?ve already heard hundreds of times. when rap is really good it?s amazing but it?s crazy how you can feed people the same rap album 1000 times and they will say it goes hard and comment three fire emojis every time
    April 1 08:11 AM
  • Demon of the Fall seems like a very vanilla, inoffensive, bland indie rock album to me
    February 24 03:37 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki go **** yourself
    February 10 05:44 AM
  • Pikazilla Soz, I meant Feels. Strawberry Jam onwards is where they lost me.
    February 9 07:14 PM
  • Pikazilla which one? I don't like anything they did after sung tongs
    February 9 06:06 PM
  • Ryus why tho anco rules and time skiffs is no exception
    February 5 05:56 PM
  • Atari yo check Drug Church! vocalist is reminding me of The Hold Steady at times I think...
    February 3 10:33 PM
  • YoYoMancuso i just saw your comment, this first song is a bop
    January 7 06:16 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup I just noticed you rated my album, thanks for listening to it. Hope you a good Christmas, corkon.
    December 27 03:15 AM
  • Atari hope I?m right! Haha
    December 12 08:23 PM
  • Atari I think you might dig the new Fleeting Joys album
    December 9 05:46 PM
  • tectactoe First impressions. Gotta see if it grows. Chapter 1
    December 8 06:02 PM
  • BlumpyBlumpkin101 **** retard
    November 26 07:42 AM
  • dedex ass shaking is just way too prominent in music appreciation to not give the practice a deserved s/o
    November 22 07:03 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup Because it is warm and entering a cold atmosphere, basic science. Just like pissing outside in the winter or cold temps
    November 5 02:23 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup But i piss in the corner of my inlaws backyard in the mid 50s and steam rose from where i was pissing in the fence corner
    November 5 01:24 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup Oh my. As to your commment on potsys alt i would say cum could be steamy if it was outside in the winter
    November 5 01:23 AM
  • ColtonCummer69 and then gonna take a smelly steamy cum on your dads face
    November 4 09:44 PM
  • ColtonCummer69 gonna take a smelly steamy dump in your bathroom as a power move
    November 4 09:44 PM
  • neekafat appreciate ur honesty
    October 28 08:14 PM
  • neekafat How often have you been checking that soundoff page lad?
    October 28 06:21 PM
  • dedex brb gonna change that
    October 27 07:25 AM
  • Koris It was a pasta from the Conrad Tao soundoff page. Just tweaked a few things and threw it on there ;]
    October 27 05:29 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell i am at work and cannot click that link hmmmm i guess i doubly can't have it. but i did have the most ****in delicious plate of cheapish yakisoba on saturday and nothing can compete for like the next week
    October 25 03:16 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hmmm not rly :[ there is also no good bread
    October 22 03:30 AM
  • Gyromania just a troll rating
    October 21 01:46 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup Doesn?t thugger have a new album all the time lol
    October 20 08:00 PM
  • Storm In A Teacup You have to rate my album even if it were a 1
    October 20 07:19 PM
  • Slex Lmao what is yr fave by him? Mine is Thugger Girls
    October 20 05:40 PM
  • Slex If it weren't for the standard party songs breaking the flow, it'd be his best release for me
    October 20 07:27 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup HivCorkon, Free to download
    October 16 12:41 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Strangers from the Universe is their most beloved
    October 13 08:14 PM
  • Ryus try adding alt = "" for some reason it works then
    October 9 08:47 PM
  • Ryus even after you hit save?
    October 9 08:30 PM
  • Ryus i said "shoutbox" but meant "favorite bands" anyway thats enough spam from me and i expect a highly entertaining gif there promptly
    October 9 08:30 PM
  • Ryus
    October 9 08:27 PM
  • Ryus ok well this garbage shoutbox wont let me post the necessary characters but just surround this link by an img tag for example
    October 9 08:26 PM
  • Ryus oh haha you just have to literally put your http directly into your shoutbox so just type this in there for example
    October 9 08:25 PM
  • Ryus what feature would that be? btw i have very little experience with web development lmao
    October 9 08:19 PM
  • Aberf I expect your thoughts on my recs btw or I will take a potato chip and eat it!
    October 3 10:43 PM
  • Aberf there.
    October 2 06:39 PM
  • Aberf I'll make a list for you then.
    October 2 06:16 PM
  • Aberf what kind of shoegaze do you like though?
    October 2 05:31 PM
  • Ryus definitely the former
    September 28 02:09 PM
  • FabiusPictor204's the site I got it from, Storm thought it was serious, but that's bc he's a simpleton and actually probably closer to being retarded
    September 27 03:55 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup Detailed fantasies of sexually forcing himself on women of all ages and relations
    September 26 03:35 AM
  • tectactoe Don?t you dare bring logic into this!
    September 24 09:36 AM

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