George Browne

Reviews 4
Approval 79%

Soundoffs 379
Album Ratings 2371
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 03-23-22 1:14 pm
Joined 04-02-19

Review Comments 276

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  • ToSmokMuzyki agreed
    December 24 06:03 PM
  • idiotican Nu metal IS prog metal
    June 15 10:53 PM
  • Snake. okay but are mudvayne a prog metal band or a nu metal band
    June 15 06:10 PM
  • ShitsofRain Yeah, Screwed for Life is a classic.
    June 15 09:00 AM
  • imthexxxy u know it bruh
    May 7 10:40 PM
  • dmathias52 Just put up my review for Unhalfbricking! I hope you enjoy it, thanks for the suggestion!
    April 27 05:19 PM

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