
Reviews 21
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 62
Album Ratings 483
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 10-30-22 11:20 pm
Joined 06-28-18

Review Comments 494

shoutbox » all posts 
  • DadKungFu Sorry for the delay with the reply. Hate the effect money can have on things like this, really brings out the ugliness in people sometimes. Have not heard of Pettersson, will check very soon. Other than that, life is good, less sput related than I'd like but life gets in the way like that and it's all in mostly good ways.
    February 11 12:59 PM
  • DadKungFu Hey Kildare what's the good word
    February 2 09:41 PM
  • insomniac15 Especially In Search for Space, Hall of the Mountain Grill and Doremi Fasol Latido. Jimi Hendrix's Axis: Bold as Love is an influence on a lot of psych acts. Leaf Hound - Growers of Mushroom is another influential record for stoner/psych stuff. There is also the krautrock genre with is mainly German psychedelic/ambient/prog thingy if you want to explore. Neu! - self titled, Can - Ege Bamyasi, Amon Duul II - Phallus Dei, Popol Vuh - In Der Garten Pharaos or Hosianna Mantra, Ash Ra Tempel - s/t
    January 30 12:54 PM
  • insomniac15 Hi! Nice, I hope you're getting into multiple cool bands with this occasion. The stoner/psychedelic/doom scene really holds onto the classics so, yes, Dopethrone is up there with probably any fan and those "classic" records like Dopesmoker - Sleep, Dopethrone from EW. Regarding older psychedelic recs: 13th Floor Elevators - Easter Everywhere is great, Blue Cheer - Vincebus Eruptum (one of the first heavy/psychedelic records), Moby Grape - self titled LP, Hawkwind's LPs from '71 to '77 are great
    January 30 12:46 PM
  • insomniac15 Happy new year! Yes, it's easier and catchier to listen to music with vocals, but over time I found instrumental music to be just as interesting in different ways. Often when you listen to the lyrics/vocal melodies, you're not aware of all details in a song. Also, some layers are buried under the vocals in the mix.
    January 1 01:35 PM
  • Ladron93 Happy new year, kildare.
    January 1 12:49 PM
  • Willie What is the point of this list? If you're already certain of negative attention, why post it? There's a lot of information it seems you're withholding.
    January 1 02:35 AM
  • insomniac15 We've been branching out from stoner/psychedelic to post rock, plus some doom metal and prog rock influences. There are multiple bands in the stoner/psychedelic rock that play instrumental music or rarely have vocals and sound good without. Check Causa Sui - Euporie Tide, Rotor - 5, Monkey3 - 5th Sun or Karma to Burn - Almost Heathen, just some examples if you haven't heard them. If you wish to review the record, write what you feel, no problem. Thanks for thinking about it!
    December 31 07:58 AM
  • insomniac15 Romania has a limited audience of this kind of music. Still, we have a fair number of people who buy our music and come to our shows, which helps the band to be sustainable, that's great, no more money from our pockets. Regarding the singer, we've tried at the beginning to find someone, but nobody was into this kind of music. Then the number of people who told us our music does not need vocals grew and felt comfortable without them. Now I don't think I would want a vocalist tbh. It flows well.
    December 31 07:40 AM
  • insomniac15 Hi! Thanks for listening, happy you enjoyed it! It's been hard because we're not a proper touring band, that helps a lot IMO. Going out and playing 50-70 shows per year probably raises the chances to find a serious booking agency and a label to push your music more. We're playing around 10-15 gigs per year, as much as our holiday days and weekends allow lol. I believe it would also have helped to be from a country that has a bigger audience of stoner/psychedelic like Germany, France, UK.
    December 31 07:35 AM
  • Jmal00 Heart of a killer is an absolute masterpiece. Cool little concept album and the greatest singing ever recorded. Cannot recommend highly enough!
    December 7 06:24 PM
  • Jmal00 One of my five favorite albums ever
    December 7 02:48 PM
  • Ladron93 I'm alr here. I found some lovely albums this year.
    December 7 12:09 AM
  • Jmal00 In the hall?
    December 6 03:40 PM
  • Ladron93 Hi, kildare. I hope things are doing okay.
    November 12 01:13 AM
  • XyphDryne Cheers! Yeah, I think streaming service are fine for checking things out, but when I really like something, I buy it. I buy far less cds these days (or rather years) since they take so much space, but at least I try to get the music on bandcamp. Though I became very picky. It is just far, far too much music to listen to on a regular basis.
    October 10 08:57 PM
  • DadKungFu It's mummified! It cums dust and cobwebs!
    October 4 11:11 PM
  • Butkuiss I wouldn?t feel right rating your squat when you?re not in peak condition. We?ll return to the question when you?ve recovered ?
    October 1 02:19 AM
  • KevinKC I'm not shocked by your 4.5 to Bill Leeb's album. It's such a good surprise.
    September 29 07:56 PM
  • DadKungFu Got a link to the chaconne? Feel like that's the last one you'd want to slow down but it also has the potential to bring out some new feelings
    September 28 01:37 PM
  • DadKungFu Hey man, just checking in
    September 25 10:33 PM
  • XyphDryne Ah okay. To be honest, I just found out about it just a couple of days ago and ordered the CD right away. So far, I like it very much. It sounds more like FLA than FLA did with the last 2 albums, I think :) Need some more spins though.
    September 11 03:28 PM
  • XyphDryne In case you missed it: Bill Leeb solo album:!
    September 10 05:14 PM
  • DrGonzo1937 i think the issue with the shoutbox feature is once you click on your profile, the notification on the main page goes away, so if you weren't paying attention there's no hope haha.
    September 7 06:38 AM
  • DrGonzo1937 sorry for the late reply on this mate, i've only just noticed your comment. glad it's grown on you some more. i think it's just as solid as their other albums, plus its lean run time makes it more appealing to go back to. it's a little bit annoying when people say people are giving it higher scores before it's now a posthumous release. in my eyes, whether he's dead or not, it's a solid 4 haha
    September 6 05:25 AM
  • DadKungFu Once that's attacked, it can become personal really quickly
    August 24 10:42 PM
  • DadKungFu 2 factors I think: the phenomenon of art and the nature of the music nerd. Art itself implies aesthetic judgement, discrimination between good and bad, and the qualities that make it up. The music nerd's elevated taste is an essential chunk of his personality. I feel like often (I don't want to be uncharitable or paint with too broad a brush) that "elevated" taste, that ability to discriminate is a large part of what the music nerd values about himself.
    August 24 10:37 PM
  • DadKungFu You make a good point with the staff/user relationship idk if it's elitism so much as staff tend to focus more on writing than commenting, but there definitely is a sense of coolness between many staff/users
    August 24 09:23 PM
  • DadKungFu You did not and zero problem at all but my morbid curiosity would like to satisfied for s***s and gigs. Got a link?
    August 24 08:14 PM
  • XyphDryne Haha, okay, I see now and understood what you meant. Didnīt get it completely without your explanation. I donīt mind getting messages on my board ;) I can them if you like. Just say the word. Anyway, I wish you a pleasant weekend!
    August 23 06:23 PM
  • Willie You're looking at the "Reviews" tab. The ratings tab is still there, too.
    August 21 11:45 PM
  • Willie Were they missing for a while?
    August 21 08:12 PM
  • Jmal00 You?re a beast man. Keep up the hard work and love
    August 21 03:36 AM
  • Jmal00 As for lamb of dog I personally am not a fan for a few reasons. I found it slow boring and essentially most of what was wrong with metal post 1990. Just an average band making average music for average people.
    August 20 10:31 PM
  • Jmal00
    August 20 10:30 PM
  • Jmal00 I actually have an excel spreadsheet for this very situation.
    August 20 10:29 PM
  • rockarollacola Al Jorgeson is basically the leftist version of Ted Nugent, but looks like a Star Wars alien instead of a cowboy. The man is a joke. That being said, he has been involved on some projects that I have enjoyed quite a bit. The debut Lard album is a banger.
    August 20 05:22 AM
  • Dedes I have no idea what you're even referencing lmao
    August 19 09:23 PM
  • rockarollacola I find it funny out of every Ministry album, THAT is the one he wants people to forget. He has made MUCH much worse.
    August 19 08:30 AM
  • rockarollacola Pantera did everything they could to make sure those albums disappeared, so it's pretty unlikely that they will ever get a re-release; at least not while any of the core band members are still alive.Also, thanks for checking out my lists. Glad somebody has found them at least somewhat useful.
    August 18 06:29 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki the earliest seasons of spongeboobs are certainly worth a gander
    August 18 03:15 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki he then wakes up in the hospital because he slipped on an ice cube as soon as he got in
    August 17 09:31 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki he beats up patrick without even touching him and they let him inside the salty spitoon
    August 17 08:52 PM
  • rockarollacola I also do not believe they coined the term. The term power metal actually started in the early 80's but was used to describe speed and thrash bands, not the power metal we know today. Not sure when power metal finally became associated with bands like Helloween and Manowar.
    August 17 05:55 AM
  • rockarollacola they did indeed start as a glam band. Their first two albums are pretty bad, even by those standards. "I Am the Night" would be their lone glam metal album I would say is worth listening to. Their fourth album "Power Metal" isn't glam (more trad/power metal), but is easily my favorite record of theirs; and I highly recommend it.
    August 17 05:49 AM
  • Butkuiss Sorry to hear big dog hope u recover soon!
    August 17 02:32 AM
  • Butkuiss How much can you squat? Your online rep depends on your answer
    August 16 01:20 PM
  • BallsToTheWall No prob,And those two runs I mentioned tacos around $30-$40 which is great.
    August 14 03:04 PM
  • pizzamachine Incoming
    August 13 11:58 PM
  • pizzamachine put it back I wanna see their reaction haha
    August 13 11:39 PM
  • pizzamachine Nah that?s pretty funny lol
    August 13 09:03 PM
  • pizzamachine Ty, your reviews are great yourself.
    August 13 08:37 PM
  • PsychicChris I have a soft spot for Give Me Your Soul but my rating might be a little lower these days. I?ll have to see about a King Diamond review or two when it gets to be around spooky season.
    August 7 07:48 PM
  • insomniac15 Sounds interesting, if you find it send it to me, I'm curious to hear, thanks!
    August 5 09:01 AM
  • insomniac15 Hey, thanks for the rec! One track in and it sounds cool :D
    August 4 07:58 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell you only live once - stick to one a day and i see no issue. nothing to stop you sitting on them for a while before posting either, you do you
    August 1 06:23 PM
  • bighubbabuddha I recommend using Wikipedia to understand economic definitions. When you know what different terms mean its easier to put things together. My advice is just be curious :)
    July 27 10:04 PM
  • bighubbabuddha The inflation rate is considered part of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics deals with the economy as a whole. The inflation rate is a macro indicator as it represents the overall increase in prices across the entire economy. If a news outlet showed the price increase of a single good over time, like sliced bread, that would be a micro concept.
    July 27 07:40 PM
  • bighubbabuddha No worries. I would say Macroeconomics is directly relevant to the media outlets you mentioned. Things like Economic growth rates, unemployment data and inflation are useful to the public and businesses. Microeconomics is more indirectly relevant to those media outlets. While you get individual stories on things like specific market competition for say supermarkets or mergers, information around microeconomics is very much situational.
    July 27 06:40 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Would you say macro what sorry?
    July 27 06:18 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Yeah, sure! I studied at a uni that taught heterodox economic theory and was maths-intensive. I'm better at macro than micro but happy to help
    July 27 05:54 PM
  • Jmal00 Big fan of the album and review!
    July 26 10:27 PM
  • PsychicChris Thanks for the shoutout! As much as I prefer The Force when it comes to Onslaught, In Search of Sanity is a pretty interesting one. Scratches a similar itch as the first couple Annihilator albums or Howe-era Metal Church.
    July 25 08:32 PM
  • SitarHero That's the interesting thing about SOAD. They're faaar from a "radio friendly band" yet got massive amounts of mainstream success without ever losing their street cred. We do pretty much all their "big hits". It's all kinds of weird that a band that weird would have such a huge fanbase, but I'm not complaining. :]
    July 20 03:48 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki m/ m/ m/
    July 11 07:28 PM
  • bighubbabuddha hey kildare. i bought you some bird seed if you get hungry, it's hard to find a meal on sputnik
    July 10 04:36 PM
  • SitarHero Thanks for the rec man. Checking Sloth and definitely hearing the SOAD influence. Funny thing is, I wasn't a huge SOAD fan until I started this band. I actually tend to prefer genre-hopping bands who are influenced by them like Destrage, Twelve Foot Ninja, and even Maximum the Hormone (more contemporaries than followers, but still) but my appreciation for the band has only grown as I've learned and performed their music.
    July 10 05:38 AM
  • ToSmokMuzyki no pestering if u'd had that pic id want it too :P
    July 7 10:56 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki u prob mean the top picture here
    July 7 09:08 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki o yea if u never clear out ur cache/del history the pic doesnt change
    July 7 09:08 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki android 18 from dbz ;)
    July 7 07:50 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell damn lol wild thread, appreciate the mention notification but
    July 4 08:32 PM
  • Willie I didn't know about either of those releases. I'll have to get on it.
    June 28 11:25 AM
  • DadKungFu There's definitely music before Debussy and music after, dude was at least as important as Wagner, but very much in his own way
    May 14 12:22 PM
  • bighubbabuddha damn, covid rly sucked/sucks, stay hydrated
    May 11 12:38 PM
  • Voivod I remember reading somewhere that Albini was a music journalist, before becoming a musician and recording engineer, so it makes sense.
    May 10 06:55 PM
  • Voivod Every musician should read that essay.
    May 10 05:42 PM
  • Voivod It was the least I could do; Indeed, great commemoration and I enjoyed reading Albini's essay about the problem with music, which was linked in the text.
    May 10 05:41 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Good dude, how does it feel to fly
    May 9 08:07 PM
  • bighubbabuddha sup pigeon
    May 8 08:28 AM
  • XyphDryne btw: As a Skinny Puppy fan, you already stumbled upon the new Cyberaktif album?
    April 29 03:07 PM
  • XyphDryne I only checked the new Pitchfork for a couple of minutes. But nothing they released after Daimonion struck me as interesting. Like their sound design, love Peters voice but the songwriting keeps sucking in my humble opinion. I will order the new Diary of Dreams and Funker Vogt. I have to admit, I like the new singer. He has the best range of all Funker singers. Sure, it is nothing new or bold, but I am intrigued enoguh to buy it. Also, they dropped this whole alien s***, haha. Thatīs a plus,too
    April 28 05:39 PM
  • DadKungFu Lol it did it to me too. Short story, I think Bach's the greatest composer of all time. Debussy's up there, but he's kind of hampered by not being all that prolific/having a relative handful of truly great pieces
    April 27 12:26 PM
  • DadKungFu Nah I'm pretty orthodox in my Bach
    April 23 10:58 PM
  • DadKungFu Well glad you're still lurking here and there, still hope to see you around more at some point
    April 4 08:51 AM
  • XyphDryne Hm, I had to think about it. There was no Apop song triggered (though I donīt know all their songs), but rather something from N. Fish themselves. And it is more about the dynamic of the song, not so much about the snyth sound ( though a bit). Maybe they wanted to copy their biggest hit? Who knows :)
    April 3 02:29 PM
  • XyphDryne Hey. Didnīt realize they have a new album out. Just in case you did not know: Neuroticfish is back. Hope you enjoy:
    February 21 10:25 PM
  • DadKungFu Hey man, I really appreciate the s/o but your signoff feels kind of final to me, your words notwithstanding. Hope everything's ok, feel free to check in anytime, really enjoyed the rev as always, even if I mildy disagree with your tie-in to interpretation of Bach recordings. Hope we keep seeing you around.
    February 12 12:43 PM
  • DadKungFu I'm touched! I'll read the review now
    February 12 11:40 AM
  • budgie do it however you want man, just lemme know when its up so i dont miss it!
    February 11 09:26 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell lmfao shred rateyourmusic all you like - definitely no need to pander or capitulate on that front
    February 11 07:15 PM
  • VlacDrac I mean, Reddit users get upset about anything, it's not your fault.
    February 5 11:09 PM
  • VlacDrac Thanks, I'll give it look.
    February 4 12:00 AM
  • DadKungFu I'll play around with it, I feel like I'm too set in my ways to do anything other than sputnikmusic though. I do like the idea of taking clips from classical works and focusing on each of them in turn, there could be a lot of room for insight and analysis by turning on that microscope. Liked your article as well!
    January 21 09:12 PM
  • pizzamachine The really silly truth is that discord had an and now I can?t find my friend requests lol. Just very very unfortunate timing that incriminates me lol. As far as your review (or not) I?d rather you only write it if you?re interested in writing it, cause than passion shows through. I read your comments on YouTube and it seems you?re kind of over it so whatever you want is fine with me.
    January 21 12:19 AM
  • pizzamachine I have zero reasons to ghost you lol, the fact I?m here should prove that
    January 20 11:00 PM
  • pizzamachine My Exhumed review was not made to satirize you in any way, that review was really just intended as an experiment to see if I could write in various styles that I don?t usually write in. It was not intended to be negative, if anything, it was inspired. XD I also either did not receive your friend request on Discord or did not notice it. At the best of times, discord is confusing to me. I?m not trying to ghost you at all, it?s just been a hectic time having construction done on my home.
    January 20 10:58 PM
  • pizzamachine OR you could review my new album Pizza ex Machina. XD
    January 19 08:21 PM
  • pizzamachine Ok doke
    January 17 02:32 AM
  • pizzamachine Fair! I got some ADHD or something like that too, it stifles my energy a lot. 3.3 is okay. Please try not to beat me to death with your critiques if at all possible
    January 16 11:38 PM
  • pizzamachine Just tell me if u post a review! I look forward to seeing your 1 rating lol
    January 16 11:10 PM
  • pizzamachine Yup work sux
    January 7 06:09 PM
  • pizzamachine Wutevs I don?t wanna torture u with crunkcore if u don?t like it lol
    January 5 09:11 PM
  • Willie Thank you for the heads up. Actually, as far as Sputnik goes, I'm not 'Staff', but an actual Editor for the site (for whatever that is worth): I'm cool with whatever you want to post.
    January 4 09:47 PM
  • pizzamachine True dat
    January 4 09:22 PM
  • pizzamachine I have no idea.
    January 4 08:22 PM
  • pizzamachine Hmm how bout you tell me what you think I could do to make the next album more accessible
    January 4 07:45 PM
  • pizzamachine Can I haz a rating??
    January 4 05:14 PM
  • DadKungFu By all means hit it up! Wouldn't call Rogers Butt-Country, though he's on that more commercial side, if anything Brooks opened the door for it to be a thing so maybe he's the father of what we'd think of as butt country. I look forward to reading it!
    December 27 06:04 PM
  • DadKungFu Gonna be honest, I don't hate Watermelon Moonshine, if there's a possible way to do butt-country well, this is it. Quite nice and possibly going on me and the wife's road trip playlist
    December 12 06:42 PM
  • DadKungFu I've softened somewhat towards the pop-country industry since then, 98% of it is still trash but I'm less stridently against pop-country as a genre. I'll give Lainey a listen
    December 6 12:23 PM
  • cycosynner Thanks so much for your comment on my God Module review!! I was afraid it would fly under the radar, glad you stumbled across it.
    November 6 02:32 PM
  • XyphDryne Hm, you already took it back concerning The Animals. And yeah, not a comparism (to Rome) that comes to mind,haha. And I donīt see Rome as Goth whatsoever. Itīs neo folk and hence itīs own thing, but one could argue, it has similar roots as goth rock. And neo folk isnīt a stranger on goth festivals, to be fair.
    May 25 02:46 PM
  • XyphDryne Hey. Back from two weeks of vacation. So, to your comments. Cool you checked out Rome. I donīt see them touring with Diary of Dreams. It just doesnīt fit. The current album is not a very good way to start. It has some synth pop vibes which is a first for Rome. Also, the album is okay, but not great imho. I think, Masse Mensch Material and Flowers from Exile are the albums to dive into.
    May 25 02:42 PM
  • pizzamachine Haha I?m not offended. The song was meant to sound vaguely familiar. I actually meant it to sound like the opening of a Star Trek theme at the beginning, and then change it as I go. As far as the band you mentioned I never listen to them lol
    May 24 05:31 PM
  • XyphDryne I have no idea of your life, so cannot comment on that. Mine is nothing put of the ordinary. Anyway, reply when you feel like it :) Cheers.
    May 8 07:16 AM
  • XyphDryne I assume, they played BTK pretty often though at this time I diodnīt really visit discos anymore. But I remember, they played the s*** out of Hellraiser and Comatose Delusion. I really like Mindstrip but after that, he released the same album over and over somehow. And with all the copycat bands, I got bored pretty quickly of this sub genre. Do you have any Power-Noise tips? If Power Noise is sth. different than Hell Electro (all these stupid names :D). Take care, buddy.
    May 7 08:18 PM
  • XyphDryne If neo- folk is new territory for you, and you like it and checked out a playlist, you will have stumbled upon Rome. If not: Certainly my favourite band in this sector. Though this is rather a mainstream opinion.
    May 7 08:09 PM
  • XyphDryne No worries. I have no problem with violent themes in movies or music. Especially when itīs rather comical and over the top. And haha, no, it did not sadden me that you listened to the original. I myself have skeletons in my closet, though itīs rather 80s pop. Grew up with that s*** and I love it even it is rubbish. As long as it brightens the mood...
    May 7 08:04 PM
  • XyphDryne The Giftkeks thing:Since he says "Dontītry" "Giftkeks"..I guess he doesnīt "Donīt Giftkeks", but "Donīt try Giftkeks" It is just implied and he letīs "try" out for stilistic reasons. But whatever, I have no idea what this song is about. And probably it means nothing since Wumpscut surely has some kind of humour.
    May 5 04:26 PM
  • XyphDryne Sry for late reply. The mash-up is pretty silly. And pretty entertaining. Itīs really well done and funny! Enjoyed it, thanks. Not a mash-oup really, but: How do you like this? Hope you are into neo folk:
    May 5 04:22 PM
  • DadKungFu Yo got you on my favorite writers list, hope we get to see more of your work
    May 4 03:23 PM
  • pizzamachine You too man
    April 15 09:33 PM
  • pizzamachine Thanks for getting back to me. Generally I keep out of trouble by staying away from topics that could possibly offend someone. People are easily offended. Also, just being chill is the way to go. You seem chill from this conversation alone so I think you?ll be fine if you chat with other Sputnik fellows.
    April 15 09:13 PM
  • XyphDryne Thanks for the wumpscut link. I might buy some older stuff, since itīs quite cheap. But what kind of title is this new ep? Giftkeks.. :/ Poison cookie. Well,okay. :)
    April 12 04:05 PM
  • XyphDryne topics. Fortunately, no real discussions follow and the remark dies down. You asked what I played: Well, basically everything. Also 1st person shooters, but thatīs not one of my favorite genres. I started playing during the 80s and still play today, but unlike you, not just the old stuff, but also contemporary games.
    April 12 04:04 PM
  • XyphDryne Well, Counterstrike used to be in the focus of those "experts" as well as shooters in general in which people are killed. Every now and then (when sth bad happened), some muppet again brings up the term "Killerspiele" (killer games) in search of easy answers for complex
    April 12 04:01 PM
  • XyphDryne Has nothing to do with murder, but blaming video games: This was the most hilarious and bonkers things in this regard. And this was in 2008, not 1994. Amazing stuff. Have a nice Sunday :)
    April 2 06:23 AM
  • XyphDryne Good point concerning the casino. I even remember it. US news are here almost as present as German news, so it didnīt pass me by. Well, sometimes we still have the occasional video game blame game going on, but these die down very fast. There are some idioits in talk shows who start this topic but it mostly does not generate enough buzz to go somewhere. Thankfully so.
    April 2 06:20 AM
  • XyphDryne Good point concerning the casino. I even remember it. US news are here almost as present as German news, so it didnīt pass me by. Well, sometimes we still have the occasional video game blame game going on, but these die down very fast. There are some idioits in talk shows who start this topic but it mostly does not generate enough buzz to go somewhere. Thankfully so.
    April 2 06:18 AM
  • XyphDryne And of course, it had to happen: Broadcasts about the Gothic scene and satanism and Wumpscut and what they lead people to do etc. Interviews with Wumpscut and connecting lyrics of his music as a prompt to murder people. We know this all to well with video games etc. I still remember of those braodcasts: A camera zoom showning a dancing crowd of a club I attended as well back then with words like: Might the next killer be in this crowd? or sth. like that.
    April 1 02:45 PM
  • XyphDryne On a side note: Wumpscut became very infamous and even the focus of some TV programs. In 2001, a Satanist couple killed some guy. They had a sticker of Wumpscut on their door as well as a Soko Friedhof sticker on their car. If you like, you may translate this text:
    April 1 02:41 PM
  • XyphDryne And you are right, I am not a huge fan. Still dig the 90s stuff to a certain degree. Back then I thought it was pretty edgy, but of course, you get older and it starts sounding silly and childish (the "evil" lyrics). But he made some descent songs with nice atmosphere. But I lost interest after Wreath of Bars. Got incredibly boring. And releasing one album a year did not make it better.
    April 1 02:39 PM
  • XyphDryne And you are right, I am not a huge fan. Still dig the 90s stuff to a certain degree. Back then I thought it was pretty edgy, but of course, you get older and it starts sounding silly and childish (the "evil" lyrics). But he made some descent songs with nice atmosphere. But I lost interest after Wreath of Bars. Got incredibly boring. And releasing one album a year did not make it better.
    April 1 02:38 PM
  • XyphDryne Haha, donīt worry and ask away. About Wumpscut: Wumpscut was rather played on the "gas mask floors". Especially stuff from wreath of barbs. And probably Totmacher but I donīt remeber that much of Wumpscut on the dancefloors. One exception (also gas mask floor): Soylent green was "the" club hit of Wumpscut. I have no idea if his later stuff was also played since this is the time I didnīt really go out anymore.
    April 1 02:36 PM
  • pizzamachine Lol true. Im a depressed kind of guy so I am used it sadly.
    March 29 02:17 AM
  • pizzamachine How are you doing? It?s good to hear from you
    March 27 09:45 PM
  • pizzamachine Hey man. :] I?ve been depressed for a bit, work was tough and the whole March Madness thing got me more depressed lol.
    March 27 09:44 PM
  • XyphDryne "In Germany", I forgot to add. In bigger discos, you usually had a smaller floor with the "true" stuff and a bigger one with rather modern goth stuff (where you could find the gas mask guys). One of the biggest hits for years and which was played again and again was SITD. Have no idea if you know them. I always found them hilarious due to their abysmal German accent and singing. Maybe it was part of their success? I donīt know. Insuferrable.
    March 20 08:03 PM
  • XyphDryne If you wanna get a good overview about the Got music in one of the "purest" Goth discos, check this sampler since it shows you what was played there back then. This was rather an elitist club. There was no "kiddie goth" like hell electro, but rather batcave, goth rock, industrial etc As you will see there are several samplers from the Zwischenfall (was the name of the disco):
    March 20 07:59 PM
  • XyphDryne Oh, and in the case of Subskan, we are indeed talking about IDM=Intelligent dance music. Subskan has nothing to do with the Goth electro stuff.
    March 20 07:57 PM
  • XyphDryne Oh, and in the case of Subskan, we are indeed talking about IDM=Intelligent dance music. Subskan has nothing to do with the Goth electro stuff.
    March 20 07:53 PM
  • XyphDryne I donīt know if Lords of Acid was played. At least I donīt remember hearing anything that sounded like this (eurodance stuff). So, rather no.Gotta admit, I didnīt really know the band. But it really reminds me of the dark side of the 90s. And by dark, I donīt mean good,haha.
    March 20 07:49 PM
  • XyphDryne Great you like it. Well, for me there is a bit of IDM in it, but also break core. Pure IDM (to me) relies less on heavy beats and is more intricate. But whatever, letīs just go with electronica. And hey, if you wanna play around with synths, you donīt need 1000 $. You can start with Cubase Elements or Reaper, get a decent synth for 100 - 200 and a (rather) neutral pair of headphones. There is just one life. Go for it if you are interested.
    March 20 07:45 PM
  • XyphDryne Do you have any recs in the more experimental electronic worlds of IDM etc.? Just in case you listen to this kind of music anyway. Well then, take care, buddy!
    March 14 05:09 PM
  • XyphDryne Mind checking out this song? Got stuck on it. Good pair of headphones is highly recommend: Nothing Gothic about it, but very electronic ;)Oh, and I gave the new Diary of Dreams couple of spins. And nah, it is not great. Not too bad, but I really miss the wave in it like on Psychoma and 1 of 18 angels. Like this:
    March 14 05:03 PM
  • XyphDryne And it is a shame about Puppy, but it does not surprise me. As of now, they only announced concerts in North America. I guess, it will stay that way. And I understand since it hella expensive to come to Europe.
    March 14 05:00 PM
  • XyphDryne Yeah, itīs a fine line. I understand every musician that goes the commercial route once they realize that they can really cash in big time on what they started to build. Even though it pisses me off if that happens, of course, haha. Checked BlakLight, didnīt know them. Itīs aight, but nothing remarkable, I guess.
    March 14 04:57 PM
  • XyphDryne The gas mask stuff: Well, I found that quite cool back then. So who am I to judge. But in combination with strange neon custumes and this: Well, that is..cringy. But I donīt know if this is still a thing, haha. But overall, the scene here is still alive, at least if you take Mera Luna, WGT etc. as an indicator
    March 10 07:40 PM
  • XyphDryne I guess, there is no big market for experimnetal music like Skinny Puppy, VAC etc. Saw VAC couple of years ago live here, but of course, there were maybe 200 hundred people. Not too bad and after the concert, there was still disco. Without that, I donīt know how many would come. KMFDM and FLA had several hundreds, but is it worthwhile to enter a plane? I donīt know. Nevertheless, there are some highlights to look out for like Fix8:Sed8 or 2nd face. But yeah, you really have to dig.
    March 10 07:37 PM
  • XyphDryne Hey. Sorry, didnīt log in for some time. Well, what can I say: I have not been to Gothic parties since, I guess, 15 years. So I am not really in the heart of it. But even then, there were mostly mainstream bands that were played on the big floors like Combichrist, this whole hell electro stuff and this pseudo medieval s*** like Subway to Sally. Normally, there was an 80s floor with bat cave, "real" goth music and they played Skinny Puppy from time to time. But mostly Assimilate.
    March 10 07:34 PM
  • XyphDryne of this stuff in discos back then that I cannot have that anymore. Also I think of kiddies with funny hoses and fluorescing lights and gas masks and all that s***. Cannot take this music seriously anymore.
    February 27 04:09 PM
  • XyphDryne Hey! I ordered the new album, it will arrive tomorrow. So cannot comment yet. The previous album was not strong, but "Grau im Licht" I really, really dug. I didnīt lose interest in Diary of Dreams or In Strict Confidence. Alright, maybe a bit in In Strict Confidenc, but only because the song writing was lacking in my humble opinion. Suice Commando is a different beast cause a) all his albums sound exactly the same and b) there were so many copycats which all sound alike and I heard so much..
    February 27 04:06 PM
  • XyphDryne Hehe, okay. Your wish is my command ;)
    February 15 03:27 PM
  • XyphDryne Well, Nachtmahr just plays with looks, there is no indicator that they are problematic. Quite the contrary. Only extreme leftifts/antifa people get triggered here. Mr. Korn is a different story. And hey, dont worry about the review. It is your opinion, so there is no wrong. And you always explain why you get to your conclusion. What more can you ask for? I look forward to your reviews. And I won?īt be a smart ass this time in the comment section :)
    February 14 03:50 PM
  • XyphDryne Especially these spoken word parts are not really thrilling for me personally.Anyway, this was fun and I discovered new bands. Let me ask you back. How do you like1. Numb 2. A Split Second 3. RotersandBTW, new Diary of dreams albums comes out on 24.02. Called Melancholin
    February 13 08:33 PM
  • XyphDryne Did not know them either. Well, they have their own thing going, which is always a plus. I know it is not really my thing, but it has its charme.3. Heilung: If you like the music, donīt feel bad just because you assume than one idiot might like them as well. (!?) There is also no reason to think that. There is nothing about this band that suggests problematic political tendencies. I personally like Heilung in small doses. I guess, it would be cool to watch live. On CD, it might get boring.
    February 13 08:27 PM
  • XyphDryne Hey ho! Alright.1. Acylum: Didnīt know before, just checked briefly. Problem is, I grew tired of this kind of music a decade ago. They all sound like Suicide Commando knock offs. Which is okay, but this is music I listened to way back then and it bores me these days. Still like aggressive, heavy beats, but I dislike these funfair synths they use. So, I rather listen to stuff like ESA or Moctan when I feel the need.2. Oberer Totpunk: Jesus, where do you find these obscure bands, haha.
    February 13 08:24 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell oh damn goodness, sorry if i came across as prescriptive! i feel that you *could* go without that section content-wise, but the way that it's written is charming and inviting and very much in keeping with the tone you sustain in the rest of the piece, so definitely not a loss to keep it! love the mushy kale!
    January 15 03:29 AM
  • JesperL hey! long reviews definitely aren't an inconvenience to anyone; the main downside is that some people might be less inclined to read something that looks like it'll take a bit of time to get through. the only thing that rly matters is that your writing is good (duh lol), but based on your psyclon nine review i just read you should be perfectly fine :]
    January 6 05:23 PM
  • XyphDryne Hey there. Just saw that the whole Frozen Plasma disco is NYP on bandcamp: https://frozenplasma.bandcamp.comCheers.
    November 29 08:26 PM
  • pizzamachine I like dark humour if it doesn?t go TOO far, but that?s a fine line lol. The whole cancel culture thing idc, i don?t want to get into that. If people wanna cancel stuff and they have the right to, then whatever. If something racist is being cancelled I don?t have a problem with that, I hate racism. It depends what?s being cancelled and why. Personally I don?t want to pretend that the past never happened, you know what I mean? We can learn important lessons from the past.
    November 25 05:48 PM
  • pizzamachine Haha cheers man, I do what I can to keep things lively around here. Sput can be so snobby and depressing some times. I?ll definitely check that article out, can?t wait tbh. ;)
    November 25 05:30 PM
  • Willie Here it is:
    September 5 07:23 PM

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