figurehead of \"built different\"

Reviews 56
Approval 94%

Soundoffs 79
Album Ratings 2419
Objectivity 85%

Last Active 06-23-23 6:00 pm
Joined 11-28-15

Review Comments 9,489

shoutbox » all posts 
  • AsleepInTheBack It?s like updog but tech
    May 8 06:25 AM
  • AsleepInTheBack Techdog listen yes when question mark
    April 27 10:18 PM
  • parksungjoon iktf
    March 17 02:30 PM
  • parksungjoon why emeritus
    March 16 01:56 AM
  • ReturnToRock Celine in 98 released the only song (one of the few pieces of media) that I still muster the word 'hate' for. I H A T E that song. 'Walk out of a room if I hear it playing' levels of hate.
    March 13 09:15 AM
  • ReturnToRock Just catching up on PGTY, and I want to say- I know it's six virtual years away still, but THAT SONG by Celine Dion better be your #1 Worst of 1998! You know the one.
    March 5 12:56 PM
  • MetalMarcJK Your ?Pop Goes The Year? lists are the best series of lists here on Sputnik, and are my favorites. Thanks for all you?ve done.
    December 31 03:03 AM
  • AsleepInTheBack pls rec in my latest / final list series thanks xxx
    November 26 01:18 PM
  • Valzentia i wish we had "music SUCKS" back
    August 14 04:12 AM
  • afterthenight Let?s gooo!!
    August 2 03:59 PM
  • afterthenight hope you do a review of se buenowould love to see that pop up on the aoty page haha
    August 1 12:26 AM
  • pizzamachine Kompys my friend my debut is out I think its your typa music
    July 21 04:52 AM
  • pizzamachine You rec?d me nu-metal once, great recs. Got any more obscure nu-metals??
    June 1 06:54 PM
  • veninblazer thanks for the rec kompys
    May 21 10:10 PM
  • xxm Great lists. Thank you for your service.
    May 21 04:03 PM
  • parksungjoon scroll down https://www.sputnikmusic.com/list.php?listid=200731
    May 1 05:49 PM
  • burneroftheSell Lamp the band vs. Lamp the haruka nakamura song (og version, no nujabes) this is a very important personality test
    March 12 01:08 AM
  • ArsMoriendi I see that you 3.5?d Godcaster?s first album. Any plans to check the new one?
    March 10 03:37 PM
  • garas I wish I could have a big Sabbath fan co-worker too! I agree that the '80s were full of great singers, but for me Dio was always worthy for the hype. His voice is so... powerful and so charismatic - I love "Children of the Sea" the most from that album because of that. But it's just personal preference :]
    March 7 12:06 PM
  • garas Oh, a rating on Heaven and Hell!! I love that record, and it was a huge grower for me - maybe that 3.5 of yours will see some bumps too.
    March 6 10:02 PM
  • dedex many thanks :] glad to be part of the gang m/
    February 6 08:04 AM
  • YoYoMancuso Big thanks : ) )
    February 5 06:14 AM
  • MarsKid Thank you so much! See ya thereeeeeee
    February 3 10:08 PM
  • Sowing Please shoutbox me with an email address to associate you with our new forum. I'll remove the shout from my profile once I've emailed you the link to access it. Thanks in advance!
    January 11 01:36 PM
  • PitchforkArms You da bomb! Thx dude
    December 26 01:33 AM
  • PitchforkArms Hey dude not sure if you guys are able to make any edits on the Top 50, but ai had one clarifier on the Somewhere South of Here entry. My last name is ?Wagel?, not ?Wegel? (:Thank you for the detailed (and flattering) writeup. We?re glad that someone with the acumen of yourself (and various other respectable folks around here) have taken a liking to it.Cheers!
    December 23 02:57 PM
  • Dewinged Dude I LOVE them. So sad they're not anymore. At least we have AA=. Also if u haven't checked that dig (it's a live album) do it cause it's STACKED.
    July 29 02:00 AM
  • conesmoke Luv your work mate
    July 25 01:47 PM
  • Rowan5215 don't know the name but i will listen to anything which sounds like Crowded House. cheers!
    July 17 07:10 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Considering how notoriously homophobic early hip hop was in general it?s quite the feat that they made a song in ?91 so homophobic that they were barred from including it on their record, Jfc
    July 10 06:42 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Lmao Bobert just brought up Georgie Porgie on the low end theory thread and I just realized pieces together what you were talking about when you asked me how offensive disliking tribe was compared to that. I had never heard about this song and thought you were talking about the nursery rhyme and was so confused ?
    July 10 06:40 AM
  • someone ive sent you a friend request on discord, trying to add you to the server where we dicuss the deets
    May 31 04:41 PM
  • someone you more of a pod or do you also cast? if so, when?
    May 31 11:54 AM
  • DavidYowi https://pyrrhonband.bandcamp.com/album/what-passes-for-survival
    April 7 08:07 PM
  • DavidYowi Hey Kompys, how interested are you in listening to an anticapitalist death metal record?
    April 7 06:08 PM
  • dmathias52 We made it! Big grats to you as well, your Sturgill Simpson review was one of my favorites from last year
    March 11 10:21 PM
  • porcupinetheater Hey Kompy2k congrats on the staff, it is much deserved and can't wait to read your reviews knowing you're making that BANK on 'em now!!
    March 11 08:21 PM
  • normaloctagon Thank u kompy, and right back at ya for staff promote! Much excite
    March 11 03:25 PM
  • dedex woooooo super glad for you bro, congrats!
    March 11 01:51 PM
  • Sunnyvale We staffin' now, indeed! Congrats!
    March 11 12:11 PM
  • JesperL woo, congrats to u too!!
    March 11 07:58 AM
  • fogza Oh wow and congrats to you for the big step up!
    March 11 05:31 AM
  • fogza Thanks! Just finished my coffee before noticing the shiny new contrib label!
    March 11 05:26 AM
  • Gnocchi Make sure you give the new forum space a look too
    March 11 04:41 AM
  • Gnocchi Oh hello smexy staffer
    March 11 03:45 AM
  • Sunnyvale You're welcome to it, then! Just wanted to make sure I didn't have another one my plate while I still had time to write it. Thanks!
    January 7 08:16 PM
  • garas Hello! This is a reminder/notification for something [contributors only]. More info here: shorturl.at/hxC89
    January 6 06:34 PM
  • Sunnyvale Hey Kompys! Hope all well. Just wanted to reach out to ask that you check the Contrib forum, we've both got dibs on one album for the year-end list and wanted to confirm if you'll be taking it or should I. Thanks!
    January 6 06:23 PM
  • dmathias52 Ayo, check the contrib forums to call dibs for end-of-year list
    December 30 08:46 PM
  • dedex alright alright take your time am just too excited m/
    November 7 09:53 AM
  • dedex heyo sweety quick questsh when da season 3 of PGTY gonna drop???
    November 5 02:45 PM
  • Slex that dig is hot love that for u
    October 28 10:07 PM
  • jimthefish try Self Insert's new EP "philias", reviewing it would probably be fun bc its such a mashup of disparate styles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbIlkN-iFb0
    October 19 08:37 AM
  • GhandhiLion based shroomjak
    July 7 10:56 PM
  • ReturnToRock I'm up to 1966 at this point, and I find that while the early years of the charts were varied and kind of bonkers, where literally anything could go to #1, once the Beatles, the Beach Boys and the Stones come around, things get a whole lot more predictable (though also undeniably better.) Still a few dark horses in there, though... (I mean, the New Vaudeville Band and Staff Sgt Barry Sadler? WTF?)
    June 10 03:27 PM
  • ReturnToRock Hey man, I wonder if you're familiar with Stereogum's feature, The Number Ones. It reminds me a log of your lists.
    June 4 09:48 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Your ~Random album is Solid Space - Space Museum! You have until June 28th to submit a review, hit up the thread with any questions. Good luck! :]:]
    May 28 04:06 AM
  • DavidYowi The band I feel is especially masculine is Neurosis. That could largely be due to Dave Edwardsons vocals, but they are a very muscular band. Even when they're brooding, it still feels very rugged. They're what I think of when I imagine what vulnerable masculinity looks like
    April 18 11:16 PM
  • DavidYowi Tame Impala is an interesting choice! I can definitely sense that with Why Wontt They Talk to Me? and especially Cause Im A Man, though I do think there's a self deprecating quality to Kevin Parkers lyrics that makes it work
    April 18 11:10 PM
  • DavidYowi Your posts on The Great Southern Trendkill got me thinking: what?s a band that you think is especially masculine?
    April 18 07:21 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Check GET DUSTED! by Robovine, from 2019
    April 17 01:24 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell oh holy s*** sorry did you send it to me?!!! if i flaked sorry that 's totally my bad will upload asap this evening have to run rn sorry work stuff but will check after hope this makes sense i am a shi.t human
    April 15 04:15 AM
  • DavidYowi The album is great! Love the drumming and Baisley is coming into his own vocally. Green drags in the middle, but I definitely prefer hard rock Baroness to metal Baroness, and this is the first big step in that direction
    April 8 05:57 PM
  • DavidYowi Oh wait my shoutbox message got cut off lol. Yellow
    April 8 05:52 PM
  • DavidYowi Listened to Baroness - Yellow
    April 7 12:12 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell That works one sec imma get out of bed and check discord lol
    March 29 04:02 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Yesss link me!!
    March 29 12:37 AM
  • ArsMoriendi https://discord.gg/Fm3RyD2e
    March 25 01:10 AM
  • ArsMoriendi Komp, do you have discord? If sooo I got an invite for you
    March 25 12:47 AM
  • Orb Here's one bruv https://overview.bandcamp.com/album/gonzo-transmission-ep-2
    March 12 12:23 PM
  • rellik009 congratulations Komp!
    March 11 12:39 PM
  • Orb They talk about it while we live it (while we live it)
    March 2 12:19 PM
  • SitarHero I know you will! :] Keep spreading that Moon Tooth love!
    March 2 11:44 AM
  • normaloctagon congrats on contrib, you!!
    March 2 06:58 AM
  • Dewinged Congrats Komp!
    March 2 06:25 AM
  • tyman128 thanks my man! and congrats to you too, looking forward to working alongside y'all
    March 2 06:02 AM
  • porcupinetheater Yo Komp, congrats!! Couldn?t have been more deserved, and stoked to 3.5 things with you but, like, with Prestige
    March 2 05:48 AM
  • evilford Congrats on contrib!
    March 2 05:39 AM
  • LeddSledd nice going on contrib dude, well earned!
    March 2 12:59 AM
  • SitarHero Congratulations on that new contrib badge bud! :]
    March 1 06:26 PM
  • neekafat Ok I can live with this!!
    February 28 05:09 PM
  • neekafat you take those LP ratings back
    February 28 02:57 AM
  • xxm You have awesome taste and a wonderful sense of humor.
    February 20 01:32 PM
  • LeddSledd awesome, shall czech. thanks broski
    February 8 05:26 AM
  • LeddSledd well darn it, i'd like some ambient recs then :] certainly want to give the genre a try
    February 8 05:08 AM
  • ArsMoriendi I'd say it's essential Ween, even if you're not into Boredoms.
    December 31 06:46 AM
  • ArsMoriendi You've heard Ween's collab album with Boredoms right? Z-Rock Hawaii?
    December 30 07:56 PM
  • YoYoMancuso hey man thank you so much for the bandcamp support! means a lot, very generous of you
    December 19 03:49 AM
  • ReturnToRock Also, it's by the same guy who discovered Genesis (and 10cc, and the Bay City Rollers) and produced their first album, 'From Genesis to Revelation'. Two years later, he wrote and produced this. Are you crying yet?
    December 11 10:28 AM
  • ReturnToRock Yeah, I mean - I know ska and mod were huge in Britain at the time, but...it was 1971. The Beatles had only been split for a year. The Who were at their peak. The Rolling Stones were getting there. And people let THIS chart? I'm not even mentioning hard rock and metal because those were still niche, but yeah...the best decade ever for British music had just ended, and THAT song go to number 3 on the singles chart. NUMBER 3!!! A NOVELTY SONG!!! HOW?!?!*Deep breath* OK, rant over.
    December 11 10:25 AM
  • ReturnToRock Can't wait for you to get to 1971 and listen to this song I just discovered, Johnny Reggae by The Piglets. It's...certainly a song that was recorded and commercially released by humans (or were they?)
    December 10 10:23 PM
  • Minushuman24 No worries about "late", you said something to me, and that just means a whole lot to me man, thank you. I am trying, even if it feels like I'm failing sometimes.
    December 4 05:11 AM
  • letsgofishing Just want to leave a note that your popgoestheyear series is about my favorite thing anyone has ever done on this site. Thank you for such an insightful journey so far.
    December 4 04:00 AM
  • Lord(e)Po)))ts Hey man, i know we are in a pandemic and money is tight for everyone but I put together a gofundme for minushuman. I dont know if you saw his list but he suffered a pretty brutal loss this weekend and I thought maybe we could all chip in a few bucks and help him out with groceries or rent or whatever this month while he works through this tough time. If you can donate a few bucks and share this with some other users to help spread the word that would be awesome: https://gf.me/u/y743c5
    November 10 06:12 AM
  • rellik009 ayyy Kompys thanks! it's been a while :D
    October 14 06:47 AM
  • DrGonzo1937 I know you're quite into HEALTH man; I got to interview the bassist last week, so check it out if you're interestedhttps://www.sputnikmusic.com/blog/2020/04/11/health-interview/
    April 11 11:07 AM
  • rellik009 you're welcome man!
    March 20 07:35 AM
  • rellik009 I believe you'll like this: https://genewildestband.bandcamp.com/album/spectral-terrestrial
    March 19 04:06 PM
  • rellik009 hey man I'm back again with another rec. This time it's this album: https://telepathtelepath.bandcamp.com/album/--35
    March 18 07:28 PM
  • rellik009 nice that you liked dat Dante record!
    March 6 02:25 PM
  • rellik009 yo Kompys, since you like dds.vmw and vaporwave in general, I'd like to rec you this amazing boyo: https://bedlamtapes.bandcamp.com/album/celebrating-digital-artifacts
    March 5 10:47 AM
  • Trump2020 Troll or not
    March 1 07:02 AM
  • Trump2020 Very cool
    March 1 07:02 AM
  • pjquinones747 hey man thanks for shouting out my band(a continent named coma)! we're actually about to do a music video for 'discourse' :) happy new year!
    January 2 09:52 PM
  • neekafat Just got to work ughhhh
    May 21 05:14 PM
  • neekafat sup Kompys
    May 21 12:47 AM
  • SitarHero Big ups for that Exemption rec bud! Digging it hard. Definitely rougher around the edges than Moon Tooth in terms of songwriting and hooks, but I really like that '90s psychedelic power-pop direction they were taking it with the vocals.
    March 6 10:05 PM
  • neekafat Hot Snakes up is done hoss, what a banger
    February 9 08:02 AM
  • IntriguingSergei Greetings!
    December 18 05:22 PM
  • neekafat Write up is done!
    December 13 07:02 AM
  • neekafat I liked the not annoying and punk parts a lot lol it's between a 3.0-3.5 for me rn!
    December 13 12:12 AM
  • neekafat Not sure how I like this Something and the Whatevers album but "Everything Is Boring" is great
    December 11 10:22 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD They are nothin like calc infinity
    November 10 08:26 PM
  • Kaiwaz join. https://discord.gg/ky9bsFU
    October 14 08:52 AM
  • neekafat This Negro Galactus album is so sweet
    October 10 07:28 PM
  • neekafat Sleep Machine is a solid 3.5
    March 6 04:18 PM
  • neekafat Did a first listen on it, didn't disappoint!
    January 20 10:03 PM
  • neekafat Oh really? I'll have to look into it! (:
    January 19 01:53 PM
  • cheapcrayon putting out my album list tomorrow but yeah Iron Chics newest is my fav album of the year. saw them in NYC earlier this month. One of my fav bands
    December 30 05:35 AM
  • neekafat The final Kompys rec is up (;
    December 8 02:25 AM
  • neekafat Put my Death's Dynamic Shroud write up on the cram list!
    November 25 07:15 PM
  • neekafat Love the nickname lol, finished jamming Sleep Machine btw!
    November 18 08:25 PM
  • Drifter Sweet Bon Iver rating bro (:
    November 5 05:43 AM
  • cosmopazz http://poleyounger.bandcamp.com/album/polo-youngings-has-died-in-a-car-crash
    September 1 10:51 AM
  • gaza were good s*** hey, check out all their stuff when you get a chance. They probably offer more anti-religious commentary than political but they're both cognate really. I'm not sure how prevalent religion and Mormonism is in SLC but it certainly pissed these guys off lol
    November 11 10:04 AM
  • miketunneyiscool123 I actually wrote that post on Futures shoutbox because the dude's a ****ing dick (no regrets). Good luck not getting sucked into his wankery.
    September 16 01:37 AM

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