Reviews 1 Approval 85%
Soundoffs 90 Album Ratings 1159 Objectivity 76%
Last Active 09-12-21 11:15 am Joined 01-31-15
Review Comments 10,618
| Parallels *forced jersey accent* monstehs!? real monstehs!?
| pizzamachine In the meantime you can check Millionaires and Brokencyde who were the pioneers of crunkcore
| pizzamachine Niiiice ty. YOLO started off as a novelty song, but I leaned into the cheese, and eureka!! haha. If you wanted to review the album I?d really appreciate it, or even follow me on SoundCloud. Every little bit helps lol. I?m in the process of making the next album but it?s been a slower go cause I?ve learned a lot more about production. It?s gonna be the same type of thing, just more nostalgic sounding?.
| Flugmorph pretty sure its a Taken reference together with a bunch of other stuff
| Flugmorph please enjoy this:
| MarsKid You should check new Omnerod, praise the spider m/
| MarsKid No lol, I bumped a Hirsch thread a bit back and you didn't appear so I thought you vanished on me.
| MarsKid My Hirsch brother, wherefore art thou?
| Flugmorph you a fellow german sapling who appreciates her great nightly streaming timeslot, perfect to chill and fall asleep to?!?!!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?
| JohnnyoftheWell Oh man hahaha, I must have rec'd that way back! Glad you enjoyed it lol, Advantage Lucy are a p special band and so good for summer days
| Trifolium Oooooh yyyeeeaaah that's super nice to hear! And that is one truly wonderful rating kalk! Makes me very happy. I agree wholeheartedly of course, madly talented and fantastic music, energetic and fun. All of their albums are like that too if you are looking for more. Goodnight!
| Sabrutin saw your 3DG Explosions sound-off and I wanted to tell you I once dreamed I was the bassist for ADTR, we were playing atop of a ziqqurat-like building in a jungle and I didn't know my bass parts, but kept thinking "who tf would hear the bass in this place anyway"
| sizeofanocean Klingt mega. Hast du irgendwas um außerhalb Sput zu connecten? Also so richtung Whatsapp, Discord etc
| sizeofanocean Moin Kalk! Am 16.05.22 ist ein Karnivool Konzert in Köln geplant, hast du schon von gehört bzw bist Du da? Würde ganz gerne hin
| Jethro42 Man I bloody love your entry. Sometimes abrasive, always melodic. Good songwriting and musicianship. Thanks for this discovery. Will probably buy it.
| Jethro42 Hi! Do you wish to vote the albums? We're already in the first round.
| Jethro42 Hey kalk, just inform you in case. The tourney just begun. Match 1 has occured.
| Jethro42 I gave you the link to answer your questions ;), it's in the thread.
| Jethro42 Hello dude. Would you like to participate to a prog tourney? If so, just say ''I'm in'' on this link;
| Egarran
| Egarran I'm just a Rilke fanboy and I got too carried away
| JohnnyoftheWell also, a couple of grammar fixes (delete this from your shoutbox and no-one will ever know haha): "The foundation for every track here *IS* programmed drums and [a] prominent bass" "Since I have reason TO believe" if you could stick a bandcamp link in the first comment that'd be fab, but otherwise that was cool!!! read super clearly and smoothly, no eng2ndlang disclaimer needed at all dude. awesome!!!
| JohnnyoftheWell found it - couple of quick fixes to protecc your approval rating: 1) probably axe everything up to "This is my first review!" - no need for it in the body, first comment is always a good place for that kinda disclaimer 2) some of your paras don't have spaces between them, and peeps get cranky about that because **** this site. otherwise YES!!!!
| JohnnyoftheWell WOOOOO awesome nice one!! ahead of the curve - cool s***. one sec, imma finish my beer and read
| JohnnyoftheWell Your ~Random album is Sonohara - Pleasantville! You have until June 28th to submit a review, hit up the thread with any questions. Good luck! :]:]
| someone need some spicy juicy tasty recs of 50-100 ratings. could you throw me an album or two?
| Shiranui Dir ein frohes neues Jahr, in dem hoffentlich weiterhin guter Prog erscheint!
| Titan Psychotic Waltz - The God Shaped Void.......directly in your wheelhouse, potentially album of the year for me along with Fates
| Davil667 Echt eine sehr coole Reaktion von Dir, weiß ich wirklich zu schätzen kalk. Have a pos ;]
| Davil667 Hey kalk, ich mag Dich als User wirklich gern, wir teilen auch etliche musikalische Interessen, aber es ist wirklich extrem schade, dass Du die vollständige Onkelz-Discographie mit 1 bewertet hast. Selbst wenn man eine Band überhaupt nicht leiden kann, finde ich das sehr unfair :-/ Bei den wenigen Bewertungen der Alben allgemein hast Du den Schnitt damit oft um bis zu 0.5 gedrückt ...
| Trifolium Thanks! That's the exact info she could use in her quest. Appreciated! Sput is so nice for this, you've got contacts from all over the world this way. Including neighbours!
| Trifolium Hi kalk! I've got a question for you. A friend of mine is looking for a cheap place to buy Club-Mate fizzy drinks in Germany. Do you know supermarkets for instance that have a high chance of selling them, preferably close to NL? Would be appreciated!
| OmairSh Since you're enjoying Light and Shade ;-)
| Relinquished it did get the vinyl treatment recently so maybe it will get added to it soon.
| MarsKid Damn, that couldn't be further off. Eskapist was their best yet and a near 5. Opening trio is among their best run of songs and "Lysios" is probably their crowning achievement. It was the best progression of their sound to that point and showed how far they could push themselves. There's so little of that creative drive in here; it's a very streamlined sound where songs rarely progress anywhere, any 'zaniness' feels tacked on, and there's a lack of the variety that made them stand out.
| MarsKid I am unfortunately getting next to nothing out of this. They've essentially purged out the elements that made them special, and in the context of Eskapist, this just sounds so incredibly dry...
| MarsKid Well I plan on reviewing it, so I'll be giving it several shots. I'll let you know how I feel!
| MarsKid Thought it was solid at best, came across as a bit of a retread for me. But yeah, definitely their best so far. Not enough to win me back though.
| MarsKid Sure did. How you feeling about it?
| MarsKid Yeah, I checked their first single again too and I really don't like it much at all anymore. Turns out it was a warning sign: They're toning themselves down and streamlining their sound. Really hope those are the low points of the album.
| MarsKid New Hirsch single is... unfortunately concerning.
| MarsKid I found them through the Hirsch Effekt. Two different German bands, but they play some awesome alt/prog rock with a hefty kick to their sound.
| MarsKid Oh yeah, they haven't let me down yet, so I don't think they'll do so here. You ever jam The Intersphere?
| MarsKid It's weird, and I'm worried it's a sign of more to come. Very different bands, but Rammstein declined once they started having more and more English I feel...
| MarsKid Yeeeaaaaahhh it's a strange one. That main riff is heavy though.
| MarsKid Thoughts on Hirsh Effekt's newest single? Heard it a while ago, think it grew on me.
| Titan kalk dude that's my favorite progressive metal song in recent times......nice and loud with a good set of cans makes it even better
| sizeofanocean Hey, tut mir leid aber schaffe heute wohl doch nicht. Hatte vergessen noch ein Ticket zu kaufen und ich muss heute leider einige Dinge hinter mich bringen, die ich laenger schon vor mich hin geschoben habe :( Ich behalte definitiv weitere Konzerte im Auge, zu denen man gehen koennte. Irgendwann schaffen wir es
| sizeofanocean Jo, das letzte Album ist eher Prog als Post Metal, daher dürfte es denke ich bei dir recht schnell klicken
| sizeofanocean Coole Sache. Magst du eig. auch The Ocean? Hab bisher nur das erste Album gehoert und obwohl ich Post Metal Fan bin fand ich das so naja. Die Schnippsel die ich vom Pelagial Album gehört habe, haben mir wesentlich besser gefallen
| sizeofanocean Hey, hast du dich schon entschieden bzgl. Leprous am 05.11? Ich werde auf jeden fall hingehen, waere cool mal einen Sputniker irl zu sehen
| sizeofanocean Ja genau. Leprous war auch in meiner Aufzählung, nur scheisst Sput wieder rein. Soweit ich weiß bist du schon halbwegs ein Leprous stan oder?
| sizeofanocean Hmm blöd, mein Post wurde nach Deafheaven total abgeschnitten. Jedenfalls noch Black Peaks, Thrice
| sizeofanocean Jo, kann ich verstehen. Ich hab selber sehr viel um die Ohren, aber das ist mein einziger Lichtblick nächste Woche, sonst sitze ich nur daran, mein Studium bis September zu beenden.Konzerte die noch plane sind (fast alles in Köln glaube ich):Helmet - 13.09Deafheaven
| sizeofanocean Moin, am 14.08 wäre ja nun das The Contortionist Konzert in Club Volta (Koeln Muehlheim). Tickets sind noch da, hast du Bock mitzukommen?
| MarsKid They've definitely developed a core sound that is distinctly 'theirs' over the years, but it seems to me every album they release manages to be different. I'm hoping this will be no different!
| MarsKid I see you're a big Hirsch Effekt fan. Excited for a potential release this year?
| JokineAugustus Hail Horror Hail is pretty sweet as well. Their music usually takes several listens till you kind of "get it".
| Kaiwaz
| sizeofanocean Hast du dir mal Black Peaks angehört? Die dueften dir gefallen, sind so ziemlich die beste "neue" Post Harcore Band da draußen mit zwei alben, beide 3.9ner auf Sput. Die spielen am 16.10 in Köln, bin mit nem Kollegen dort, wär cool wenn du auch mitkommst(Ach ja und Deafheaven am 07.10 und The Contortionist am 14.08 sind auch vllt nicht uninteressant fuer dich)
| sizeofanocean Außerdem hab ich diese Woche Tool und Envy gesehen... drei Konzerte würden schon hart ins geld gehen
| sizeofanocean Ich weiß leider nicht ob ichs schaffe... Hab kein VVK Ticket und ich muss einige nervige Dinge unbedingt vorher erledigt kriegen :/
| Titan put on your best headphones, turn up the volume, and give it 10 minutes of your time:
| Titan dude, please listen to the two Arch/Matheos records and get familiar with the Fates Warning discography. Right in your wheelhouse my friend...
| DDDeftoneDDD Ahhaahha that game is so cool! Comon man I have so much worse there. Kidding! You prob know it better but I m from 83 I felt I had to five that one.
| J() Alexander Just some dude making nightcore, or something like that.
| J() Alexander Damn, you've already listened to a good amount of Plastic Neesound, lol.
| J() Alexander Nice. Hope you found them funny at least, that's the reason why I like to search for that kind of stuff.
| J() Alexander Are you going through some of my 1.0s or something? Lol.
| MarsKid Embrace chaos!
| ZombieToyDuck this is a killer opener, think I'm gunna dig this bud!
| ZombieToyDuck You from the US? If not that's probably why bud. Regardless this works, thanks!
| ZombieToyDuck hmm their album Idylle from 2018 is but I don't see that album
| MarsKid Friendly reminder that tomorrow night is the album submission deadline.
| MarsKid Heya, make sure to get your album submitted for the comp! The deadline's set for Wednesday.
| MarsKid The game is on!
| ArsMoriendi Next round starts tomorrow night and I'm eliminating anyone who doesn't have a rec in by then.
| Kaiwaz
| Kaiwaz wanna come hang out in this discord?
| DDDeftoneDDD yeah it really is...actually part of the lyrics on Return to the Earth is taken from a song from a band they used to listen together ( "Wasn't technically perfectCould it have been any better?"
| DDDeftoneDDD btw...I really know what your AVT dog is about and its amazing how much different things sputusers have in common. I hope this site never ends.
| DDDeftoneDDD "I'd say it's about drugs" It is...the whole album is
| DDDeftoneDDD I often cry here (I'm not a crying person)...I'd bring you back to Earth...retuuurn to the eeaaarth..and if you come doown....retuuuurn to the earth
| sizeofanocean So i've seen you have given Clairvoyant a 4. You're still not up for seeing them in Cologne on 28.06? It's only 18 Euros
| sizeofanocean Well, give them a listen and tell me how you feel about them later on
| sizeofanocean I just assumed that based on your taste you would already listen to them. Too bad
| sizeofanocean Hey Kalk, how's it hanging? Since i know that you live in Bonn i wanted to ask you if you were up for seeing Thrice (12.06) or The Contortionist (28.06) in Cologne. Would be really rad to hang out with you there
| DDDeftoneDDD ahah dude. Was expecting you answer on my page lol yeah its good for sure, and if you dig these guys and the rest of their discog you will get vibes from them all arround in later bands. They introduced me to a lot of genres in metal. Ill be forever thankfull X)
| kalkwiese It was great, man! It's still too early for me to rate CtS, but I will probably never listen to Mastodon in my car again. xD It just didn't work. I get quite some Opeth vibes from this, that's a good thing.
| DDDeftoneDDD Hey man. How was the full headphones experience with Crack the Skye? Got my CS shirt on and remembered to ask you.