
Reviews 4
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Soundoffs 19
Album Ratings 4156
Objectivity 78%

Last Active 09-22-21 5:43 pm
Joined 10-15-14

Review Comments 2,322

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  • JayEnder Nice RCD rating bro ;] the Static gang welcomes you with open arms
    February 11 09:35 PM
  • Drifter I havent heard of that? and yes that would be the appleseed cast album you rec'd me. ill check roots manuva
    February 6 09:37 PM
  • Drifter yes! i think you were the one that rec'd me appleseed cast a few years ago right? maybe that was someone else. im open to anything
    February 1 07:40 PM
  • Drifter khayree's just the producer and that's why i mention him. but he does have a solo album from 1997 that i haven't heard yet. could be amazing i just haven't gotten to it yet! any recs back for me?
    January 31 08:26 PM
  • Drifter i hope you enjoy if you check the others! i tried sending that message yesterday but shout boxes are weird these days and half the time will just refresh to a blank user page for me. i appreciate you listening to my spewing lmao i cant ever stop myself
    January 31 07:35 PM
  • Drifter yeah im sure if pac wasn't in prison when ray luv dropped he would've been on it. they've got a bunch of songs together from pac's early days as a rapper. they're also both on a song from young lay's album called Got 2 Survive!
    January 31 07:31 PM
  • Drifter glad you're digging it! Ray Luv was actually the first person Pac became friends with when he moved to the bay area because they went to the same high school together. i wish pac was on that album but unfortunately he is not.
    January 30 05:57 PM
  • cylinder Ah yes, you did, my bad for not getting back to you on that. I've heard one B. Dolan album but I don't think that song was on it. Will definitely give it a check today!
    January 27 04:42 PM
  • Drifter glad you love it so much! i recently bumped it to a 5. it's so outstanding. i would say you can go for another album done by the same producer. check out ray luv's album Forever Hustlin or Mac Mall's album Illegal Business. Also, if you can find it, i would check Young Lay's Black and Dangerous before any of those. but they are all done by the same producer as Dubee. a guy named Khayree who was so incredible
    January 26 11:36 PM
  • cylinder Yeah, the prod on Float is def an adjustment to make when you're used to his later stuff. Glad to hear you're comin around to it tho! Nice rating for cLOUDDEAD too ;)
    January 26 10:57 PM
  • cylinder You def gotta check the self-titled 2001 comp, that's their most well-known work and a stone-cold classic of abstract hip-hop. I've still never heard anything quite like it. Cloud rap before cloud rap was a thing, lol. And that's awesome to hear you're gettin more into Float! I love Big Bang sooooo much. His best hook imo. And one of my favorite lines of his too: "If I made an angel in the snow for every rotting victim, there'd be wings to float this mothership up out the goblin system!" lol
    January 24 05:40 PM
  • cylinder Sweeet, glad you dug it man. Btw, Doseone and Yoni Wolf are the two main members of cLOUDDEAD. Also, Doseone is featured on the Aes tracks Odessa (from the Appleseed EP) and Drawbridge (from Float)
    January 23 04:36 PM
  • cylinder Wait no, not Spitfire, it?s the one called ?Self Explanitory.? Yeah, top 5 rap track ever for me right there.
    January 23 02:08 AM
  • cylinder The reason I ask is because I stumbled across this really great article about Doseone and the early days of Anticon (he helped found the label). It's got some very interesting insights into those early days of abstract hip-hop. Just thought you might be interested:
    January 22 03:35 PM
  • cylinder Yes. Imo he's the second greatest rap lyricist after Aes. Check his album Hemispheres. 'Spitfire' in particular is one of my favorite rap tracks of all time. Are you familiar with the Anticon label at all? Yoni Wolf of Why?, Sole, cLOUDDEAD, Buck 65, Alias, any of those guys?
    January 22 03:33 PM
  • cylinder Yo Lassssssssie! You into Doseone at all?
    January 21 03:54 PM
  • JayEnder Dude Casually Dressed is one of my favorite albums of all time. That album is definitely worth a revisit ;] and yeah I'm really digging Fightstar tbh gonna give Devil's Back another full spin tonight I think.
    November 11 04:22 AM
  • JayEnder It's a damn fine album, Sink With the Snakes into Dive is quite the one two punch to end it. Still getting into the rest so don't you worry bro should be a 4 in no time lol. Think their debut is the best honestly, sounds like the perfect blend of Thrice and Funeral For a Friend
    November 10 05:58 PM
  • Wildcardbitchesss I mean ofc they?re the greatest band of all time
    September 22 06:24 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell HARD CORE!
    September 18 03:21 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell LET'S GO
    September 18 03:19 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell IT IS TIME
    September 18 03:11 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell IT IS TIME
    September 18 03:10 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell you know what to check next
    September 18 12:52 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Lassie it is time
    November 4 02:32 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Where r u
    February 5 07:18 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hmmm i'm not going to pretend that i'm the type of girl you call more than a friend ;[[[[[
    June 9 02:59 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell well UH how hypothetical does this scenario need to be *ahem* DON'T CALL ME
    June 9 01:19 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell DON'T CALL ME jam new zombie-chang
    June 9 12:49 PM
  • Pikazilla based appleseed cast five
    May 5 05:08 PM
  • neekafat hmmmmmm ok sounds good!
    April 28 07:31 PM
  • neekafat oooooh ok will do! Yeah the Deer Leap side was incredible, should I check the whole album or just those songs??
    April 28 04:08 PM
  • Drifter i have not heard a single denzel curry album ever. kind of avoided him for one reason or another. i?ll peep that song tho
    April 18 06:20 PM
  • Drifter lmaoooo thats awesome. yeah art of war is fantastic. all of their Ruthless stuff is pretty great but AOW and Eternal are both 5s for me now. glad youre enjoying them : D
    March 12 07:06 PM
  • Drifter my favorite is the art of war. double album from 1997. its quite long but its sooo sick. infinite replay value for me and i feel like its the one album of theirs where everyone comes into their own
    March 3 08:11 PM
  • Drifter that album is sooo good bruh. my second favorite album of theirs. that cd STAYS in my car
    March 3 06:08 PM
  • Drifter best group everrrrr
    February 28 07:37 PM
  • Drifter jam bone thugs n harmony m/
    February 28 07:27 PM
  • veninblazer yeah i heard about something related to BAAO with them
    January 17 07:32 PM
  • veninblazer pretty sure something happened where they became part of Being as an Ocean?
    January 14 08:36 PM
  • veninblazer sorry i didnt get to this till now, i know that album and it's incredible.
    January 10 06:32 PM
  • Drifter Sorry I listened to that song a few days ago but then life happened and I never got back to you. I think I listened to Float about 4 years ago but never jammed again. Not a huge fan of 9-5ers Anthem but I'll bump it again and def need to listen to his classic releases/some more. Nice Dubee rating (:
    October 16 08:15 PM
  • Drifter Haha you'd be surprised the holes in my knowledge. Just recently started going through PE. And I know! Such a great song. "My Thang" is one of the best rap songs ever. The beats on the album are the real star. Khayree is such a legend. All the switch ups and live instrumentation are incredible
    October 4 05:57 PM
  • Drifter Nice Kolya rating (: Also I think you might dig Dubee - AKA Sugawolf. Super good bay area hip hop that doesn't get enough attention outside of g funk heads
    October 4 05:40 PM
  • espnil comin home in 8 days prepare ur anus
    September 30 05:02 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Liking the similar artists already. Will ch3ck
    September 24 08:07 PM
  • Drifter Throw in Hello Dearest Love and those are my highlights too! Good album. Definitely a fall album. It?s that time of the year to bump emo and pxhc babyyy
    September 24 06:37 PM
  • Drifter Jammin rn while doing yard work. Pretty good!
    September 24 06:02 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Noiceinmywiskey. Tks a lot.
    September 24 05:59 PM
  • Drifter I shall check that right now. I know their album Mare Vitalis but it didn't do much for me. Hopefully this one will : )
    September 24 05:44 PM
  • Drifter Ayyy. Hope you enjoy it. It's my fav or second fav emo album of all time. The back half is especially stellar
    September 24 05:26 PM
  • Drifter I feel the urge to shill what I shill to everyone with at least vaguely similar genres rated. Check out Kolya's self titled album. 30 minutes of the best emo everrrr
    September 24 05:18 PM
  • ONEPUNCHMAN I see this dude everywhere good taste
    September 7 06:09 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Hi vote in Royale plz immediately here are chocolates yay
    September 5 08:55 AM
  • Drifter Heyyy sorry I took so long to check the songs. Life kinda got in the way but I listened to them and I liked Rolling Thunder the best. They reminded me of The Big Dish a lot. I really enjoy this style of music so definitely not a crazy rec to give me lol.
    September 3 09:36 PM
  • Drifter I shall check those out tonight. I'll let you know what I think of em : )
    August 19 08:12 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Oh yessss last 3 songs on that are mega comf fuel ( For Lovers is even better) oxoxbox
    August 19 06:41 PM
  • ComeToDaddy Also want to shoutout Pneuma by Moving Mountains if you haven't heard it, I think you'd adore them (top 3 similar artists on here are Jimmy Eat World, Bunny's Caravan and The Appleseed Cast and I can see all of them at the top of your ratings)
    August 19 06:20 AM
  • Drifter I also love your John Martyn 5. That's not one of my favorite albums from him but still is great. Especially Small Hours wow. I saw what you said about it on your list of nostalgic songs I completely agree. I also had a bit of an obsession of him when I discovered him in early May of this year. Great memories of listening to him and playing skyrim for hours and hours.
    August 16 07:34 PM
  • Drifter Ayyy that's a great gift. Animals has been in my top 10 albums since... 2014? Such a fantastic album. The acoustic is good but I feel like it doesn't have much identity since Stu somehow sounds the EXACT SAME as he did 10 years prior lol.
    August 16 07:32 PM
  • Drifter Hello. I adore your taste. And you seem super chill. Let's become friends (:
    August 16 06:31 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Woah there, mr. MAN glad to hear it ! the last track says the word "kiss" about 50million times so uh meet you there brb *adjusts hair*
    August 16 05:55 PM
  • Sowing I have precious few "discoveries" during my tenure on this site, Low Roar is definitely one of them. Glad you're digging 0 so much.
    May 22 05:55 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell wow sorry I fell very deeply asleep. I almost like some songs, but am not a fan of her lazy-declarative-whatevr writing style and felt the prod was pretty characterless but i'd need another listen tbh
    May 14 11:09 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell oh! that sounds best!!
    May 14 05:45 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell i have not heard lady in red what is this treachery
    May 14 05:41 AM
  • Jom Thanks for your message -- you should be all set now. Cheers!
    December 16 02:32 PM

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