
Reviews 8
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 30
Album Ratings 1866
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 12-18-22 9:18 pm
Joined 08-24-14

Review Comments 10,833

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Trifolium Oh gaaf! Als ik thuiskom uit Duitsland ga ik even kijken. Zeker leuk om weer eens samen te gaan!
    December 13 11:51 AM
  • Trifolium It happened again 'But me'
    September 20 09:57 AM
  • Trifolium Yes I will! With the bf even! It's in the Grote Zaal, right? Would be nice if we could meet up! We're fresh from Terschelling that day, so I'm not sure how late we'll arrive, but we have means of finding each other. Also also was that first shout very cryptic or was it cut off?
    September 20 08:25 AM
  • SlothcoreSam Yo Pang you need to put the new Wasted Space at the top of your list. Probably my AOTY so far, Sput user Madrigal outdid herself
    September 12 09:29 PM
  • Gyromania Check out Ides ? maybe better than From Scotland With Love imo, but very different overall mood
    July 31 01:17 PM
  • budgie dont count on me sorryz
    April 27 07:05 PM
  • Trifolium Oooooooooh that sounds promising! Will definitely check thanks Pan have a lovely weekend!
    April 5 01:48 PM
  • Trifolium Ah ok! Nou dan hoop ik dat er nog een maandje tickets over zijn, tegen het einde van maart weet ik meer over die Duitsland-reis.
    February 29 10:02 AM
  • Trifolium Ooooh dat is wel heel gaaf! Ik ben dan mogelijk in Duitsland, hopelijk wordt dat eind van de maand duidelijk voor mij. Wanneer is de voorverkoop?
    February 29 08:37 AM
  • JesperL oeps!! heb m zeker gehoord, soms vergeet ik dingen te raten denk haha
    February 27 09:50 AM
  • Trifolium Yeah it's really nice and diverse and catchy and her voice is lovely and the lyrics are cool as well!
    January 18 09:44 AM
  • Trifolium Come rate Froukje with me Pan! Her album is quite nice!
    January 18 09:36 AM
  • bighubbabuddha aww your pfp is cool
    January 10 02:37 PM
  • dedex aye cool!! am in a R
    January 3 10:25 AM
  • budgie pls chock uur discords
    December 25 09:10 PM
  • neekafat pitou was so nice thank you for the rec!!
    December 21 12:03 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD On my way sir
    December 19 10:56 AM
  • Trifolium Pannnyyyyy!!! No I have not! Will add to my queue, looks nice!
    December 13 12:44 PM
  • Manatea Hey got the email just wanted to let you know
    December 13 08:12 AM
  • bighubbabuddha i withdraw bud, have a great day :)
    December 6 09:18 AM
  • PitchforkArms Signed of for Secret Santa - I'm in the discord, feel free to hit me up there :)
    December 5 05:46 PM
  • Hawks AHHHHH **** my bad missed that LMAOOOO.
    December 2 06:26 PM
  • Hawks No prob buddy. This is gonna be fun!
    December 2 06:13 PM
  • Hawks When do you need everyone's contact info for the secret santa??? I can shoot you my email whenever just so you have it.
    December 2 04:30 PM
  • anat do a vote king, you might be 1st again, don?t let it happen!!
    August 23 09:43 AM
  • Trifolium HEHHEHEHEHEH!!!!! I was already wondering if people would even see it. He's such a cutie, isn't he? I'm always happy when I see him! A Jeroen Bosch painting of course!!!
    August 18 09:58 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell HI thank you so much for expressing interest in Sputmix 2023! There is one (one!) bureaucracy barrier for you to overcome - please hit up this form and send your info over asap, so I can get a database going and pin down what this thing is gonna look like. Love!
    July 22 06:30 PM
  • Trifolium Omggggggggg going there right now.
    July 1 03:22 PM
  • MiloRuggles I work better under pressure!
    June 15 08:33 PM
  • Koris I'll check and see what happened, because I definitely submitted it :]
    June 15 06:26 PM
  • BitterJalapenoJr Thanks Pan...votes now in - I would have forgotten otherwise!
    June 15 03:31 PM
  • budgie noishe if you are in the mood for that, i think the self titled, 2nd LP is the way to go. but i think the first LP is more popular. both good anyway
    June 5 08:32 AM
  • budgie maybe with that weird nostalgic vibe that some cinematic post rock can have. check the track rio grande
    June 5 08:29 AM
  • budgie have you ever jammed this will destroy you
    June 5 08:27 AM
  • dedex heyaaaaaa love you more Pan!!
    April 24 11:00 AM
  • Trifolium Oooh nice, many nice new things being released. Will check soon!
    March 28 12:28 PM
  • Trifolium Goooooood! I think you'd like them. I wasn't sure whether I already rec'd them to you or not. Happiness!
    March 24 06:31 PM
  • Trifolium PAN! Have you even Wevalled? They're from A'dam, one half of them even was behind Master Movies all those years ago!!!
    March 23 10:27 AM
  • dedex teehee thanks
    February 6 08:01 AM
  • egads yoooo took a while but i finally got around to that keleketla and damnnnnnnnnnn is it good. thanks a lot for the rec i've been jamming this thing all week
    February 4 09:03 AM
  • pollastrerostit This is a difficult one man. Very extensive discog and also very different moods so favorites swing depending on the day. I shall attempt to do it though!
    February 2 08:28 PM
  • Squiggly Oh shoot I wanted to copy your link to the Nick Cave ranking but I accidentallyd it :( Resend pretty pls? I would love to contribute!
    January 27 06:15 AM
  • porcupinetheater Bless you for the heads up omg
    January 23 10:31 PM
  • Manatea Okay I appreciate it. I?ll fess up on 1 Jan lol
    December 30 07:42 AM
  • egads looks dope, i'm on it. thanks! and hope you had a great xmas
    December 27 09:36 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup ?
    December 25 09:43 AM
  • brainmelter !!
    December 21 08:22 PM
  • Manatea Ok rec sent!
    December 21 07:31 AM
  • egads good looks, hit me!
    December 21 06:57 AM
  • Storm In A Teacup Okay I will!!!
    December 20 09:57 PM
  • egads hey brother my fault, totally forgot about the ss. you can just omit me i'm going to be pretty busy this upcoming week anyway and might forget. thanks for checking in and sorry to waste your time
    December 20 05:46 AM
  • YoYoMancuso hey man i saw, thank you for sending, i was out of town until about one hour ago!
    December 18 07:50 PM
  • brainmelter yo yea I accepted (;
    December 17 11:36 PM
  • dedex yeah my coffee wasn't good and listening to that bland stuff didn't help with the good mood
    October 18 09:32 AM
  • SlothcoreSam Yo Pangea, give us your nominations for a Supergroup here
    September 26 06:11 PM
  • RunOfTheMill sorry m8, two weeks later, I feel kinda abt that, but I'll be there next month!
    September 18 10:45 PM
  • Bedex This month is very busy for me i've rated like five albums so far, I'll try to join but it'll most likely have to be October :(
    September 13 02:57 PM
  • Shemson Ah crap, yep Devin got really carried away with that one!I?ll have a think on something a bit more sensible!
    September 8 01:14 PM
  • DavidYowi Ah what the hell, sure! I?ve got a great choice for this month
    September 6 07:18 PM
  • Shemson Hey Pangea! Definitely, I?ll have a look after walking the dog, hoping that Earth Song by Devin isn?t taken yet :D
    September 6 05:49 PM
  • Egarran I can't say no to you. Also I just realized most of my music is related to nature.
    September 6 05:28 PM
  • someone i kinda do, but i never actually get around to listening to the damn songs, so unless i find the time and really friggin commit this time, i'mma skip, i think
    September 6 02:56 PM
  • MarsKid Friendly reminder that the deadline is Friday!
    August 11 01:43 PM
  • MarsKid Friendly reminder: deadline for this round ends soon!
    July 30 12:58 PM
  • garas Heyo dude! I saw the list, but I couldn't think of any stuff what could work for the theme :| But whenever something pops in, I'll let you know.
    July 9 04:33 AM
  • Trifolium Oh man I know! Life keeps being super busy, I'll have to think about a good one other than Portishead - Threads, from Third. Perhaps it just needs to be there anyway... One second.
    July 8 11:05 AM
  • Divaman Thanks, but no thanks. Probably won't participate in April.
    March 31 02:31 PM
  • parksungjoon
    March 12 01:47 AM
  • Trifolium Do you mean the Stara one? I did notice that one, yeah, seems interesting! Will give it a go.
    March 1 01:22 PM
  • Pikazilla kate bush nice
    February 20 08:09 PM
  • dedex yeeee boi, first one was already cool so I'm excited to see what's next m/
    February 2 11:49 AM
  • dedex heyo maat, have you ever heard of Zwangere Guy? A Dutch-speaking Brussels rapper, with a dope vibe: Have a good day xoxo
    January 7 08:28 AM
  • Trifolium Haha, good! Destroy our lovely home from last month! I enjoyed it by the way, it was a nice place. Thanks!
    January 3 04:00 PM
  • Trifolium Yes I have!! It's saved in the vault, will drop it in Discord soon!
    January 3 03:54 PM
  • Divaman Thanks Pangea. I appreciate your kind words. Yeah, I'll definitely be taking a break from SOTD. If somebody wants to make a list to take over for my History of the SOTD So Far list (something along the lines of History of SOTD continued), that would be fine.
    December 1 01:19 PM
  • dedex hey broer have you ever given Brutus a listen? Belgian heavy guitar music which is very m/, think you'd dig
    November 12 02:53 PM
  • dedex Reading ain't mandatory, but vibing to this cool record is!
    September 13 11:40 AM
  • dedex jam Turnstile bro m/
    September 13 11:24 AM
  • Trifolium Oooh yeah! Nice! Checking it today, and I've heard some of her stuff, which I think I liked? Will read the review too!
    May 18 07:36 AM
  • normaloctagon nice nossiens 4 wow i rec'd something and they rated it higher than me! incredible : D
    April 26 04:56 PM
  • SIMBOLIC Nice avatar
    April 22 10:56 AM
  • Trifolium So true! Sounds superb. I went for a super long walk and it totally reenergized and relaxed me. Enjoy!
    March 30 02:00 PM
  • Trifolium Absolutely, welcome, caring, genuinely interested in each other. Well, for the most part! And yeah, lockdown amplifies all the s***ty stuff. Where in a normal situation you'd have a lot more options to distract you from less nice moments, you now really don't have as many things you can fall back to or rely on. It just makes everything a little harder (or much harder in some cases). But it'll pass eventually. And the sun is shining! Yippeeee!
    March 30 10:23 AM
  • Trifolium Ah yeah, gotcha. This can happen sometimes. And this eeeeeeeeeeuwige lockdown doesn't help either. Had some big dips in energy and happiness a couple of weeks ago. And no worries about the checking in, we've got each others' back, I truly feel that way about the whole Casual Convo gang! More hearts here.
    March 30 09:59 AM
  • Trifolium Is there something we can do? At least here are some posi vibes for you, I hope Sputnik is able to show them in your Shoutbox ~~~~~~~~~~
    March 30 07:15 AM
  • garas Ah, this message just really made my day! The Underground Resistance is just so great, I love it so much. Glad to hear you also like it! I feel so proud/happy/whatever!!
    March 29 08:05 PM
  • Trifolium That would be lovely yes. I got quite used to it in the end.
    March 13 06:32 PM
  • Trifolium Yeah I know! Something weird happened. At least I don't think it should be a yearly thing, since Pots has his still.
    March 13 06:27 PM
  • Trifolium I downloaded it, if you want you can powermove-delete the record breaking thread right now!
    March 1 12:09 PM
  • Sowing outstanding; thanks for the rec I love it
    February 6 03:16 AM
  • someone need some spicy juicy tasty recs of 50-100 ratings. could you throw me an album or two?
    February 6 01:05 AM
  • NorthernSkylark Hey Pangea, well it certainly sounds like my sort of thing. Will check!
    February 5 06:17 PM
  • BlushfulHippocrene Ooo, I'll give it a listen tomorrow and let you know what I think, thanks for looking out. :]
    February 5 02:19 PM
  • Trifolium Yeah man! Glad you like her so much too! I think she's one of my fave singers ever. She's got this totally unique style and it's so powerful and drenched in emotion. And diverse. That moment is incredible, especially when you compare it with the softness of Roads or the sensuality of Glory Box. L O V E!
    September 29 12:34 PM
  • Trifolium Niiiice! Super happy about that. Such a lovely and intense album isn't it? How'd you like Beth's extreme vibes on Sour Times?
    September 29 12:29 PM
  • JesperL thanks so much! will try and be a good ams represent haha
    September 25 03:41 PM
  • dedex Oi thanks bro! Your support helped me a lot!
    September 25 02:09 PM
  • garas Yes! I'm glad to hear that!
    August 14 12:39 PM
  • budgie 8)))
    August 13 06:49 PM
  • Bedex if you like the looney tunes in general it should be right up your alley :]
    August 8 06:19 PM
  • Bedex it's quite fun! I have good memories of it
    August 8 06:16 PM
  • Bedex I am duck dodgers to be precise
    August 8 06:13 PM
  • Bedex are u an anomalocaris
    August 8 05:05 PM
  • garas Hey! Here, it's some more prehistoric stuff for you, a great dino synth split:
    August 6 10:25 AM
  • Asdfp277 don't have a rec -- there's plenty of songs about the cities i've lived in, but i barely listen to music in spanish so don't have anything xD
    July 12 03:26 AM
  • Tundra done
    July 11 10:14 PM
  • Tundra it appears you have not listened to The Ocean (or you have?)? they got an album about Pangea, Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic
    July 10 07:34 PM
  • Dewinged Oh dude, sorry I'm late! Let me think, I have a good number of friends in bands, so I'll plug smth in the list (if there's still time!)
    July 7 01:50 AM
  • Aberf dropped some rec, appreciate the shoutbox.
    July 5 08:36 PM
  • budgie i dont think there are any songs about carlsbad
    July 5 01:16 PM
  • anat I don't have anything to contribute I'm afraid, the local scene isn't my bag at all lol
    July 5 01:02 PM
  • Egarran I'm working on getting to know the local music scene. I'll try today or tomorrow.
    July 5 12:47 PM
  • Trifolium Erg raar, ik denk niet dat ik het heel fijn vind eigenlijk haha! Maar nu is alles wel lekker geheim, behalve voor Scheumke... En de dexbros... En Icebloom... Ok, toch niet zo geheim. English sounds better here!
    June 1 03:38 PM
  • Trifolium Yeah it's a weird little record for sure. Those Watersnoodramp parts were very interesting I think, glad you liked it! Strange to do this in English but now the Sput spies are able to follow what we say. Haha!
    June 1 12:09 PM
  • ArsMoriendi A random pick is better than no pick!:P
    May 30 06:29 PM
  • ArsMoriendi Don't forget your umbrella rec!
    May 30 03:13 PM
  • Scheumke Malazan*. If you are new to the genre or have only read the big ones, go read The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. Best books I've ever read and way easier to get into.
    April 23 09:11 PM
  • Scheumke Hey buddy, if you enjoy epic fantasy then give Malaxan a go for sure. I have to warn you though, they are not for everybody. They're confusing as all hell to get into, because the author dumps you into a world and doesnt explain s***. You have to piece it out for yourself but boy is it rewarding if you pit the energy into it.
    April 23 09:09 PM
  • parksungjoon hope you find something up your alley there! :] nice garbage rating btw, great release that one!
    February 23 12:50 PM
  • parksungjoon
    February 22 09:41 PM
  • neekafat I'm hoping to review it but we shall see!
    May 15 02:17 PM
  • neekafat Yessss it's so good! Definitely an improvement from them (:
    May 15 02:13 PM
  • neekafat Yo the new Polynation is out!
    May 15 02:01 AM
  • neekafat Yeah it was cool of them to check it out :)
    June 26 09:21 PM
  • neekafat
    June 26 09:06 PM
  • neekafat Yeah!
    June 26 09:05 PM
  • neekafat Did I ever mention that I sent my review to the band? lol
    June 21 12:12 AM
  • Azertherion Bronthoscoropios were my personal favourites. Red, huge, mobile scorpios with lungs ? Count me in ! Arthropods in general were quite badass, either from Cambrian or Devonian times. I quite expected them to win the "evolution race" (which is quite stupid in the end given that we are vertebraes). Those series were indeed extremely well done, even thought I don't have much memories from Walking With Dinosaurs. My archeologist grandmother used to let us watching it on the TV while she was busy.
    April 3 08:46 PM
  • Azertherion Haha for sure, those documentaries are great ! I was like 14 when I saw this one, at the time it looked extremely cool (those Cambrian, Silurian and Devonian creatures looked really badass). I should watch it once again, it was one of my favourite documentaries at the time ^^
    April 3 07:50 PM
  • Azertherion Hey man, isn't your profile picture an "Anomalocaris" from Walking With Monsters ? I've seen that documentary quite a while ago !
    April 3 07:42 PM
  • neekafat
    March 23 05:31 PM
  • neekafat For sure man, I'll let you know when the review is up too!
    March 22 06:16 PM
  • neekafat That was really solid bro
    March 14 09:46 PM
  • neekafat Yeah you're the first I'll let know!
    March 2 05:57 AM
  • neekafat I got your Polynation rec, based off the first track sounds like it won't be a negative review!
    March 1 06:22 AM
  • FullOfSounds Bro Clarence put up a new track review on his Instagram
    February 18 08:41 PM
  • wtferrothorn That new avatar pic
    January 3 07:48 PM
  • DoofusWainwright 'Rook' is my favourite Shearwater but some crazy people prefer 'The Golden Archipelago' - take your pick from those two
    February 2 05:10 PM
  • Jom Sorry that it was a pain in the ass for you; I'm happy it's all sorted.
    January 27 09:01 PM
  • Jom Also: what browser are you using? I gave it a whirl on Chrome and both the artist and albums auto-populate once you type in three characters. If that's not the case for you, then perhaps it might be something goofy with your Ajax or browser. Keep me posted!
    January 27 03:59 AM
  • Jom The list feature seems to be wonky lately. What type of list are you making (Album, Artist, etc.)? I tried making a test list on one and it went through okay, but when I tried another it gave me a similar message. Rest assured, it's likely no fault of your own, but I'm not sure if I can help further. Perhaps start the list and edit it as you go along?
    January 27 03:58 AM
  • owen buurman moool
    January 7 06:58 PM
  • wtferrothorn you've got the finest of digs, my man. Clarence Clarity is GOAT
    November 23 05:16 PM
  • Brostep Pretty sure I did! Sorry, haven't been as on top of that as I'd have liked to be
    June 29 12:22 PM
  • Gameofmetal Yeah sure, I'll take a look.
    May 23 01:15 PM
  • Nagrarok I haven't, not really been keeping up with them lately.
    November 21 09:16 PM

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