
Reviews 36
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 105
Objectivity 65%

Last Active 03-21-18 7:58 pm
Joined 03-03-14

Review Comments 377

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  • Kaiwaz
    November 3 02:41 PM
  • Gnocchi Nice scary Av man would love to see you write some more
    April 6 02:30 PM
  • Jots Got any new reviews in the works?
    November 14 02:14 AM
  • Jots lol, nah you're alright man. it's cool to see users willing to challenge the opinions of staff writers. I'm pretty indifferent to kendrick lamar so I don't really have a stance on that particular argument, but your argument was solid. I guess we'll see how it turns out in the following comments, haha
    November 1 06:29 PM
  • Jots your argument on that Logic review is pretty solid man, well done. not sure where I stand on the issue, but it's cool to see someone applying some thought to the matter aside from the usual ironic s***posting
    November 1 05:59 PM
  • Jots ... Just a strange way to flow into his conclusion. I mean, he if he YouTubed the original song, how hard would it be for him to just make a simple comparison? Or, just leave that part out? The main point I wanted to make is that it never hurts to be confident in your review. I don't see how that "doesn't add anything". Seems like a good philosophy in my books.
    October 6 05:43 PM
  • Jots I get what you're saying, and definitely agree about the 'first person' thing. It doesn't really add anything when you simply say "don't do it"However, it only seems logical to me that a reviewer should be somewhat confident in their review. The guys review started like this, but that bit about saying "i don't know if this does the original song justice" bit seemed completely unnecessary. He could have easily left that part out and focused on the song he was trying to describe. It was ...
    October 6 05:40 PM
  • Jots Idk I got the vibe that you don't like people giving feedback on here. You said it annoyed you so idk, was just curious what your general thought were, that's all :/
    October 5 09:47 PM
  • Jots Hey man would you like to follow up on the Thou / the Body thing? It sounds like you have something to say.. feel free
    October 3 01:23 AM
  • Judio! Cool! Here's the link Be sure to give your feedback! We're actually working on a second album right now that we'll be releasing sometime in the near future, so stay tuned for that too.
    August 2 02:42 AM
  • Judio! :) Dude thanks so much, that really means a lot to me! Also if you're interested, another Sputnik user and I have an industrial/post-rock band together and we released an LP back in April. I'd love to know what you think if you get a chance to get it out, I think you'd dig it!
    August 2 02:38 AM
  • Judio! A Slow Descent is my solo project.
    August 2 01:57 AM
  • Judio! Ok cool. I noticed that you bought my newest album on Bandcamp a few days ago so that's why I asked. I really appreciate your purchase dude, thank you so much! Also that's awesome that you support Trvth and The Night Watch, CaptainDooRight is a bro and The Night Watch is just a seriously kickass band.
    August 1 09:46 PM
  • Judio! Yo, really liked your Skinny Fists review, spoke a lot of truth. Also, and sorry if this sounds weird, but is profile pic on Sputnik the same as it is on Bandcamp/Facebook?
    August 1 04:09 AM
  • ScuroFantasma Welcome to the site man. You're already a fantastic reviewer, I've read 3 of them so far and all were great. Keep it up!
    June 29 08:02 AM
  • SadAndHolyGlow You look new around here! Welcome! :D
    March 6 05:46 PM

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