Reviews 11 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 125 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 426 Album Edits 293
Album Ratings 3032 Objectivity 78%
Last Active 08-17-21 12:24 am Joined 10-27-13
Review Comments 9,330
 | Futures hell yeah dude. i think i'll start that after i finish sabbath. so many albums to jam not enough time in the goddamn day m/
 | Futures painkiller is the only one i've heard but it's amazing. death is one i've been meaning to for a while, should do that soon because it's shorter. don't have metallica rated except one because i haven't listened in a while but they were my gateway into metal, had everything up to death magnetic on repeat in high school haha. i'm actually seeing them next month, can't wait.
 | Futures oh yeah def excited for HnH. but yeah man it's been so much fun. seriously had no clue how expansive and different their discog was. instantly one of my favorite bands. definitely think i'll do priest or maiden next but after a break.
 | Futures oh yeah absolutely. should be really interesting, seems like the remix completely changes the album. very sad i only have 4 sabbath albums left!
 | Futures hahahaha think the ampersand breaks it. but yes absolutely will be jamming that hard. very curious how dio's voice aged over the years!
 | Futures message got cut off but assuming you mean heaven and hell the band right? def excited for that.
 | Futures damn man that's some serious stuff. sounds like a nightmare to deal with. really glad to hear that you're better dude.
 | Futures absolutely my man. will get to it soon and i'll let you know! btw hope you've been doing better since your last list man.
 | Sinternet reminder that build-an-album round 1 playlists are due asap!
 | Ecnalzen Jammin me some Whorls. Good stuff! Thanks for reccing it in my list
 | Jasdevi087 oh good s*** lmao, there's quite a few user albums on that list, glad to know that's another one. always ****in about sussin what the community is making!
 | Jasdevi087 through your list. then i just bandcamped them and decided i liked the description of that one
 | DePlazz
 | Storm In A Teacup Not yet. Maybe one day if i grouped people to play with me. I have a drummer friend and a bassist friend who both would if i asked.
 | Dewinged
 | Dewinged yeah dude, there's stuff on youtube, and the record is on spoti, apple, etc. there's a vynil edition coming out this month too (hopefully,if no more delays). I drop u a BC link:
 | Dewinged I see! So used to my local band shows in which we stuff 5 bands with 30 minutes sets that hearing a 90 minute set being short just shakes my universe. 3 hours is just mindblowing for me lol
 | DavidYowi I?m not an expert on doom metal, but I thought this was pretty solid. I?d say the vocals are not quite there yet (and mixed too low), and the more shred-y parts on Flower Girl are a bit too out-of-left-field in terms of areas to be improved. But overall there?s a glimmer of a really great melodic doom band here, my fav parts were the almost flanger texture in the middle of Black Mesa, the chorus to Flower Girl, and bass fills in Limerance, Part 1 of?
 | parksungjoon it sounds appropriately fat and evocative of electric wizard, which is what i hope you were going for! im guessing the mastering that needs to be done is mostly the vocals? i think "drowned out" vocals are an aesthetic that can certainly work for this kind of music but theyre maybe a little bit too much so on the first two tracks.
 | Hyperion1001 sure thing, I?ll give it a listen and report back. cheers!
 | Storm In A Teacup Sweet! I already listened to some of your music a bit ago! Getting on it again!
 | Gyromania Damn. I should have just took everything together earlier instead of being a pussy lol. I'm just such a lightweight with weed edibles that I figured I should go extra slow with mushrooms
 | Gyromania I took 0.6 3.5 hours ago but it just made me feel slightly stoned. I have 0.8 here I'm just about to down
 | Gyromania Cheers dude. I'll take the extra 0.8 I have now. I was just worried that 3.5 hrs later it might not have an effect on me
 | Gyromania Yo. So I took that 0.6g 3 hours and 10 mins ago. Prior to that I had a moderate sized meal, nothing crazy. Should I pop like 0.8 rn? Is it possible this is a delayed effect?
 | Faenrir Hehe, it's ok i don't mind. We obviously all have our bias and i wouldn't be here if it offended me that others don't think the same way i do ^^Load still blows though :D
 | xxm You?re welcome. I completely understand.
 | xxm I love your review of Korn?s debut album. I also enjoy your unpretentious taste and blunt opinions. I hope that you?re doing well right now with everything you seem to have been through. Take Care
 | Egarran Aww likewise. I will do my best to deserve it.
 | Archelirion we used to use dubtrack but that has since gone under sadly, and as far as I'm aware there's no active rooms on at the moment, which is pretty ass
 | Jmal00
 | davezillaMP3 is the person you talking about one of the people who dropped out of the band right after the EP?
 | davezillaMP3 it is all good, i went through with hearing it anyways, thanks for your submission!
 | Snake. american pleasure club, all of their old ratings and reviews got moved there
 | romulanrancor gorguts?? more like deez nuts hahaha comedy time epic
 | Kaiwaz discooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooord
 | Kaiwaz
 | Kaiwaz you still have my discord? drop in man
 | Kaiwaz whats up dude? been a while eh?
 | DarkSideOfLucca Ahaha I'm doing Child's Play next, but I'll add Tremors to the list lol
 | BenThatsMyJamin Dude help the stupidity over on the AJFA remaster news article thread is giving me a migraine
 | Valzentia Four months later and I have successfully recovered from the BOTDF travesty
 | Kaiwaz Hey man, you've always seemed like a pretty cool dude on here, just wanted to see if you want to come join the discord server we're in. I think you'll like it. Let me know!
 | Aicaicem Thanks for responding! I actually did separate the paragraphs, I just copy\pasted from a text program, then didn't pay attention when Sputnik changed it. XDI will do my best to work on the other things, thank you. :)
 | Aicaicem Hey, thanks for commenting on my Kublai Khan review! That was only my third music review, so could you please tell me my grammar and formatting mistakes?
 | Doctuses Hey bro you should review Johnny Rebel's For Segregationists Only i'll support your endeavor
 | Snake. that new tesseract album is good if you want to be fast asleep the whole trip
 | Aiwaz I own all Alejandro Jodorowsky films. I have the boxed set. Holy Mountain, El Topo, Fando E Lis, Santa Sangre. Although, Santa Sangre didn't come with the Jodorowsky box set, I bought it separately and it is really goddamn good. I used to have an avatar here from that film. Aiwaz is pertaining to Aleister Crowley. Google it, I discovered all of this from the band Tool. Please mention in that thread that the person you thought I was, wasn't me. lol
 | Aiwaz You know who Aiwass/Aiwaz is right? It's not some random name I made up. I actually tried Aiwass on this site and it was taken. So I went with the other spelling. No dude, that's not me at all man. I can go on and on and on about the movie Gravity and how much of a piece of s*** it is. It is still to this day my worst movie of all time.
 | Aiwaz WHAT THE ****! LMFAO DUDE I AM LOSING MY s*** RIGHT NOW! HAHAHAHAH NAW MAN THAT IS NOT ME! I joined in 2005, here's mine bro. I hope you like my review on Gravity. It was one of my favorites.
 | Aiwaz lol no, want to see my IMDb reviews?
 | Aiwaz I haven't done a review on that site since 2008 and it surely wasn't this name. Thought you were one of the cool ones on here, maybe I was wrong.
 | Aiwaz What website do you know me from?
 | BlackMalachite Do you have a Facebook? Basically it depends on the vocal samples I'm gonna ask you to send me.
 | BlackMalachite You're interested in voicing a character on the Black Malachite album?
 | Kaiwaz It's goin, how's you doin
 | evilford it's aight how you been dude? haven't seen you around in a while...I've been sparse myself tho so that may not be right
 | Frippertronics yooooooooooooo please make the cult videos public man for the memes
 | Prancer just wanted to let you know round 3 is up if you're still interested
 | Prancer you still doing the worst rec contest?
 | Bloon Its got the same style haha
 | Bloon yo is your forum pic from the Gregory Horror Show?
 | SinkTrap I'm not supposed to be funny. I am right. You are trolling. This is embarrassing.
 | SinkTrap Regarding your recent change to the Mudvayne page -- stop vandalizing. Mudvayne is a progressive metal band, not a nu-metal band. They sound nothing like Mushroomhead, Slipknot or Korn.
 | BlackMalachite Yeah man, this site can honestly be infectious at times. I'm just glad that I'm taking the steps necessary to help with my mental health.
 | TVC15
 | evilford yup. I see flug just copy pasted that in a bunch of peoples' shoutboxes lol
 | AngryLittleAlchemist :/ Damn at this point everything I do on this site is wrong lol. Well at least nice ratings dude, agreed those 2 are their best.
 | AngryLittleAlchemist Dude oh my god you're 5ing of Ride the Lightning and especially your quote for And Justice For All is perfect. High five man!
 | Flugmorph 10k comments biiiiiiiiiiitch. gimme dem internet points GIMME GIMME GIMME
 | romulanrancor b0ss _d75d64d53253d50856027bbd2c02e7f3.jpg
 | xxm I love your Korn review.
 | yeah am now
 | CaliggyJack Thanks for participating in that thread. It turned to s*** fast but I learned a few things from it. Anyways Id it but just wanted to thank you, took a lot of guts to admit that stuff.
 | oisincoleman64 Yeah, no problem, just tell me what to change it to when you know
 | TheMagicalBlender I'd love to review it eventually. I'm in the middle of writing a review for Reign in Blood atm but I haven't got around to finishing it because of family and holidays and stuff. I'll probably finish it by this weekend or next. But yeah man, I'd love to review it once it comes out. What kind of band is it, and what's the band called?
 | romulanrancor Sweet, Is it gonna be on the interwebs at some point?
 | romulanrancor what's this man?
 | Snake. name the tornado in my photo and i'll stop bullying for a month
 | Astral Abortis Weregoat is better but neither are that good to begin with
 | TheMagicalBlender Wow, Sputnik is in the presence of a true legend, I think I might have to logout because I can't take his overwhelming presence. I'm not worthy to be on the same site as the Great Sowders.
 | romulanrancor dude come jam sometime, been too long
 | TheMagicalBlender Haha, that's great. Sonoma, what would you say is your favorite album? You seem to have a pretty good taste.
 | Spacesh1p Thanks man, what makes you say that?You're pretty astounding too.
 | TheMagicalBlender Lol, what no, I was just pointing out how your sound-off said it would be a 5/5 if not for those two songs, but you gave it a 5/5 anyway, haha.
 | TheMagicalBlender "This album is one of my personal favorites. If it weren't for the artsy filler tracks like "Reflection" and "Disposition" then this would be a solid 5/5." Rating: 5/5
 | romulanrancor Iron Maiden: Wasted Years, Infinite Dreams, The Number Of The Beast, ProwlerBlack Metal: Darkthrone - In The Shadow Of The Horns, Burzum - War, Gorgoroth - Sorg, Ulver - Hymn 1: Of Wolf and Fear. There you go bro.
 | DoctorDoom Hey, man. Saw your depression list. Reach out if you ever need someone to converse with!
 | Lord(e)Po)))ts k ill leave u and ur buttbud alone dude but u should get ur buddy off the internet for one and not making lists like that for 2 and ftr i dont think ive ever even had a conversation with you before so im not sure why u have such a chip on your shoulder at me whats the beef big chief
 | Lord(e)Po)))ts ask me again nicely instead of being a **** and i probably would oblige tbh
 | Sevengill aight cool, just shoot me an email if you'd like.
 | Sevengill Hey Sonoma, you still interested in doing some vox?
 | FlyheadMetal oqre thanks you for reviewing my album!September 27 06:52 PM ? Remove
 | TheMagicalBlender Kk, thanks. Everyone in my area where I live only listens to hip-hop though, (not just friends, neighbors too), and when I get serious about music and ask them what kind of instruments can they play they tell me they can either rap fast or they can make rap beats on their computer. :I
 | TheMagicalBlender Hell yeah man, agreed. Can you give me tips on starting a metal band? Like I'm serious I'm not trying to be stupid.
 | romulanrancor Glad to see you checked out "Dead As Dreams" man, great great album m/
 | romulanrancor Oh no problem bro, Glad to hear you've moved into college. How is it? I'm moving into uni on the 5th :D
 | Gameofmetal lol sounds fun, im still short a roommate, kinda hoping it stays that way tbh
 | Sabrutin Check the review for Didier Squiban - Molene, mine's pretty easy to spot I'd say.
 | Sabrutin I have a real friend on this site too haha, though he's not really a forum guy.
 | Judio! Ah ok. That sucks that Gavin's mom put you in this situation, hopefully it'll blow over soon cuz I'm definitely anxious to see the rest of documentary.
 | Judio! Damn dude, I'm bummed that you made the Join the Cult videos private. What's your bandmate's mom trying to sue you for?
 | BMDrummer since you like sput user music
 | romulanrancor Dude, That's sick. I need to see them one of these days. If you're about come and jam with me and Anthemic. We have some Slayer going right now m/