The Artist in the Ambulance (Revisited)



by TerraIncognita USER (14 Reviews)
February 3rd, 2023 | 156 replies

Release Date: 02/01/2023 | Tracklist

Review Summary: I don't know what is more surprising, that they re-recorded this classic album or that it is actually really good.

The Artist in the Ambulance was the soundtrack to my youth. It was the background music to my drunken surf trips to Rosarito, Mexico. It was the music blaring from my Mitsubishi Eclipse whenever I drove up to Long Beach to see my girlfriend. In hindsight, it was one of two significant post hardcore releases to come out in 2003; but while War All the Time was probably more significant, The Artist in the Ambulance was more fun. It has the energy and accessibility of the Southern California melodic punk scene, riffs that blended the best parts of metal and hardcore, huge melodic leads, and most significantly, the capable vocals of Dustin Kensrue. Sure, on earlier albums his shouts were more visceral and on later releases his singing really developed, but it was on The Artist in the Ambulance where the two styles coexisted in perfect harmony. Sadly, this album turned out to be a transitional release, as they subsequently moved ever further into artsy alternative rock…

… and it’s that twenty years of neglect that makes it surprising to see Thrice come out of nowhere with a celebration of The Artist in the Ambulance. What’s more, they didn’t simply go the (lazy) remixed and remastered route like so many bands before them; they actually re-recorded the entire album. I’m not going to lie, the first thing I did when I heard about this release was see if the line-up had changed since the original release; it hasn’t. The same young guys that recorded the original classic are the same old guys playing on this version. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I was a little concerned about what I was going to hear. I mean, The Artist in the Ambulance was an aggressive, high energy, release played by guys in their twenties full of piss and vinegar. Could Dustin and crew, twenty years older, still play a style of music they haven’t touched in two decades, and could they do it with any conviction? It turns out they absolutely can.

Not only can they faithfully recreate the songs from The Artist in the Ambulance, but in a lot of ways they sound even better here. Thanks to a more organic sound and a mix that provides more separation and clarity, the riffs are fatter, the bass features prominently, and the drums hit harder. Despite a mostly faithful recreation, there are subtle musical changes throughout the songs but most of them are of the ‘blink and you miss them’ variety. At best they make the songs sound a little more fleshed out, and at worse they’re simply there but don’t detract from the quality. The most noticeable change comes from Dustin’s vocals. There’s no doubt Dustin’s voice has changed over the last twenty years. With age has come a more gravelly and throaty delivery than the higher, punkier, sound of the original. Additionally, Dustin’s shouts are not nearly the same as they were back in the day. I’d be lying if I said they haven’t lost some of their youthful power, but they’ve also gained a fuller, throaty, quality that is just as good (just different). He has also expanded a lot of the vocal melodies with the power of twenty years of additional songwriting experience and hindsight. Whether any of this bothers you will probably depend on just how attached (and devoted) you are to the original.

To say this re-recording was a surprise would be an understatement. Thrice hasn’t bothered with music like this since The Artist in the Ambulance, and after two decades, it seemed likely they were never going to. Instead, they have delivered a faithful recreation that improves on the sound of the original while also adding just enough new elements to flesh out the songs themselves. Yes, Dustin vocals have changed immensely since the original, and they might not be as raw and visceral anymore, but he delivers a great performance regardless. Given the choice, I’ll probably listen to this version from now on.

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February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.5

Seriously. I never saw anything about them doing this album until it was released. Such a cool surprise.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 2.0

Nice one!

This might be the most excited I've been for a Thrice release in a very long time

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.5

Obviously I prefer the original, but this is a very well-done take.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.0

the fact they re-recorded this classic album was more surprising to me

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 2.0

Oh man.... this is a huge downgrade from the original haha.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.6 | Sound Off

I think I was more surprised that it was so good. They have to know this is their classic album, so re-recording it isn't outside the realm of possibility. But there have been some other bands (older bands, but still) that couldn't pull off the re-recording. The Iced Earth re-recordings of the debut are garbage. The Flotsam and Jetsam re-recording of No Place For Disgrace is lacking in a lot of ways... so, when I read the news about this release earlier today, I didn't expect much.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.0

Lot of missteps, but overall it's a good addition. Some things that can't be helped is Dustin just being older and sounding older. A lot of this works better with the youthful sound to his voice.

The mix is great though

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 2.0

Willie: Really? As far as production value goes it sounds great, but it's missing so much of the energy and excitement of the original: like the guitar intro to Stare At The Sun, it sounds weak as shit on this. Dustin's voice sounds noticeably restrained too. Matured? sure, and in some parts it arguably works better, but I feel like the charm of the original is totally lost here.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.0

The change in phrasing on Silhouette still bugs the crap out of me

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.6 | Sound Off

I like being able to hear the individual performances better. I also like the chunkier sound. There are a few missteps, but they're so minor. Some screams that aren't as strong, some guitar leads that are maybe a step down in the actual sound, but the positives move this beyond the original, IMO.

It wasn't mentioned in the review, but Dustin's enunciation is better here, too. It's so much easier to hear what he's saying, which is cool when I've spent twenty years not knowing a lot of what was actually being sung.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 2.0

Emim: Yeah there are a few moments like that on here I noticed, or the emphasis on certain words seems changed. Kind of a bummer, this one. It's like you say though, he's just getting older, it is what it is.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 2.0

Interesting pov. I don't think the enunication is a problem with me. I seldom care more about what's being said than how it's being said, and some of the performances here feel neutered. I think the vocals do suit some tracks though, like the title track.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.6 | Sound Off

Yeah, he sounds grizzled and beaten down now, which suites some of the songs better. "Silhouette" comes to mind immediately.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.0

I think that works against him on songs like Melting Point of Wax

February 3rd 2023


Willie probably thinks Destroy Erase Improve needs to be re-recorded

February 3rd 2023


This was completely unnecessary, and not at all better than the original, but it is well done, and an interesting listen.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.6 | Sound Off

On the original, Dustin sounds hopeful and committed. On the new version he sounds like he's failed 100 times but he's not going to just quit.

--Willie probably thinks Destroy Erase Improve needs to be re-recorded --

Willie does, actually. I'd love to hear that with 8-strings and a fatter sound.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.5

I think revisiting old albums where nostalgia comes into play is always a risk, and doing so is probably never necessary because the original is already so revered (if it wasn't, why revisit it?). On the other hand, it always interesting to hear a band whose sound has changed so much inject that new sound into the old songs.

February 3rd 2023


Album Rating: 4.0

I feel like the charm of the original is totally lost here.

Somewhat, but it’s close enough. It’s all as solid as I remember it anyway

February 3rd 2023


I'll check this out this weekend. Not sure why it needed six guest vocalists on it though.

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